Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1962, p. 3

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lT TAKES TltE youngsters to really approcl rmuile ltf seems While Branttords htemorlal Concert hand went Tthrough its paces an an lnvi tation visit to St Vincent Park than neutron spa Ior HeatWearyltesidents llundreds at people at all igea crowded Johnson Street Bcnch yesterday to lock roliet tram the citys no degree tem pcraturcs Tots tram in months up made mudnlcs in the land while children three and tour not yet able to swim rcrted their heads on the sand with the rest at their bodies submerged in the shallow water Older children swam aplnth and each other with water and tralickcd around the beocbi Alert lileguards supplied by the ttartle RecreationCommit tea watched tor children going beyond their depths The litcgunrds began their work last Tuesday and will pan tinue at Johnson St Beach throughout the summersovnn days week tram pm toil rm There is one on the lower one patrolling the bench and tone on tloat during bathing hours i7 awarothayhnrd ldayhe it was Just the interior oi the loud sponker that laminated them hot whacaru they were hav ing tun Anyway AT ntonr Sundaythe kids decldedlittlo Joanne Halpb ieit the the litesunrds She was on duty ycstarday with Brenda Johnson and Anna Dongle htnrya sister Chlldrontare taught to swim at the bench ltlu Dongle said more than too are registered tor swimming classes the sold there was tnlso alarm Friday that spurred everyone intanction little girl said shehad last came over and said sweetly ltcro youlooking tor mal But that Is the only incident we boy had so tar tttlss Dea gic said her sister Miss Dongle old they immediately called till 90 lica andthen called everyone in the water to term ahuman chain to drag the water She said Alter tow mln utas ot this excitement the little girl they were looking tor Mary Dongle is invcharge ot iny ans CANADIAN runes Hanover Ont Senator Wilt item it Brunt so deputy gov ernmont lender in the par chamber and close trlen not Prime Minister chtenhnker of injuries suttered lit car nell dent Winnipeg Senator William Wall 50 ttrst Canadian ot Ukrainian descent to be ap pointed to the upper house alterseveral weeks in hospital with an undisclosed illness Lao In lortuc One liab ert llcrnard 62 Union Nan ttonnle member at the Quebec eglslatura from tilts to toss and dose to rose in an airplane rns Thrco youthstrom the St Johhs Training Camp on Gol tatt island near 0rlllin on Lake Slmcoe escaped nbout mld nlght last night made all with an illtootboat sndwere still at large at press timotaday The ladsall 14 years eld were missed shortlyraiter mid night it wasteund that an to toot varnished cedar boat with an to horsepower outboard mo torwns also missing Orlllin police altld all three youths were dressed in blue shirts and running shorts with white and blue running shoes conductor could assistance So with baton wsliaf lace ot stickin bet right and and big smile tor the phootgrapher she moved in to best time on handy chair Examiner Phatost preparedness FATAL SEIZURE soytnrotd Toronto man collapsed in Little Lake yew terdny evening nnddied be tore medical attentton could be brought tor him He was Nicholas ltacoskl oi 17 Draper Street Tor anto Barrio OPP detachment said Mr itocoskl was in water up to his waist when he collapsed and was brought to share by cam panlon William Lagtm at an King Street Toronto Poileosnid there was no water in the dead mans lungs and heart attack suspected Coronet Dr Far rlngton nttcndc the scene Mr llocoaki was not miss ricd It was an attornaon at music thatpsrk tar Barrio resid ents yesterday as the Brnttord illemortal Concert Band made its tlrst aplpaarnnce Inthls city at the Invtatton at the Barrie Concert Band Association in musical program that ranged the world tram Hawaii to Europe trom the Far East to Latin America the band worked under the baton at musical dlrcctor Horace Board temporary lllattarm was set tor the musicians at St Wucent Park and residents Int beaches swung swings on slides and seesawsd app in city park playgrounds At Queens Park that childre trolielred while their lather sweetest throught the tighth soltboll sorts of the season agsme that ran to it Innings Swimming and paddling paol people trons W10 parts ottoman ass as eaten Wo ot the remand Senedlaa tcrs tarwlesult Fa were packed and swimsuits an squatted or lay on the grass to listen to the music According to Mr Heard the band was quite happy over the turn out its better than we get in Brnnltord he added LIKE TO RETURN rite said he thought the band would like to return next year it they were invited his Beardwouid not be with them however ihlsyoar is his inrawoll season with the band otter an association not also years its is moving to St Catharines to take up school postthero in addition to being musical director at the city band and hlsworh withBranttord Schools lltr Beard is musical director Beach on the north shore Lake Simeon gt The St Johns Training een it tre lsa reform school located in the Toronto area butgm Vcd to the thaw during the mar 111 two escnpcestromlene tangiall Donald Prlngle 17 and Robert LcBoeui 17 were picked up by Penetnng town po liseduring the weekend Town Police Chlel Arbour said thoyouths were arrested in the homoot friends where they had apparently gone for no Police said when last spotted they were heading tor Sandy Scroll Marking Harden Tour Presented To Barrie Examiner Colonel Garry Lee ODE MC Ci has given framed scroll to The Barrio xamincr which has been pinc ed in the lobby of the news oper oltlee Colonel Lee right sires presentation to Vslls publisher When Colonel Lee at Barrie ow Division Court registrar or the county was commander Camp Bordon early in World or Two is special press visit as arranged by the Canadian apartment at National Dctcnce olanul Lee conducted the nuts on tour at the camp The members at the press anode and the United States ut their signatures on an at loial letterheadwhlch was in cribed For the kind cnopcra ion at the Navy Arirty and Air Force many thanks tram members at the Canada United States Press Tour Sept ember lDto This was presented to Colonel Lee and he decided it should have place tar all to see There are many distinguished names on the scroll including Senator Rupert Davies Grattan OLenry Norman Smith Vernon Knowles Hunsan Boldwin of The New York Times itlch nrd de Itochement Winston Phelps Charles Moss Herbert Lash ot CNR Hal OFlabcrty Kenneth Wilson Philip Fisher Southam Press Gregory Clark ot Toronto StarChnrlest flamingoHarry Gray CralckN Napier Moore at Mncleans Magazine and many more who have been towers in the tield at Journalism it The youths broke out qt tall Thursday niternoon alter bolng remanded in Penetnng Court on charges at robberywlth violence and thelt at cash Leliaoul is to appear on July is charged withtheft ot cash and breaktngjoll while Prlngle is to appear on July in charged with robbery with violence and the jail break The escape woemade by tore ing weld iolnttn their steelV lined cell while police officers weresttlll the Need Army for Demolition ems continue on on An nrmy demolition expert was called in to dispose ot touc ounecs ot nitroglyccrlne expla slve found at the scene at an attempted breaktn at adticounr store in thl Ottawa hurb ot the Brantlord Symphony 0r ehcstra ill Hohsan chairman ot Barrinsisnnd said the Brant lard group was the tirat ot series to appear in Barrie this summer onlnvltstlon He said was not on exchange tarles hut atherbands tram neighbor ing communities hadrbeen invit cd upsowacan tindaat haw thingsnrc developing else where Next week the Mealord Cit izena Band will pertorm here This was just one outdoor act ivity in the city over the week endMosteltlzens took the op portunity to relax in bright sun shine as temperatures soared beyond the no degree mark ltwns great weekend tor the children who took over Barrietrlaycees lllttend Course six members at the Barrie Jayecos attended an otticcrs leadership training course held yesterday in Aurora The course to instruct newly eleeted otticers in their duties and the proper way at handling tlte altalrsnf their club was held Jointly between Juycce dis tricts and 11 Barric is member at the latter Attending tram the local club were presidentmlll Brattbwslto past president Charles Wedge secretary Dave Chalmers dir actor Ken Fraser and vteeprc sidents Nnrrnan McIntyre and Sid Taylor Assistingwlth the day long course were all mcmbersot the Ontario Jayceo executive Just recently retumedtrom the na tional convention tn Calgary Present were Ontario president Val Swain of Kingston vice presldents Ernest Cheehorls Paul Jago and LeoPoglels it was learned at the meet ing thatAurora the winner of numerousawards including that for tbelmt the outstanding unit or populationsize at theOnt arlo convantlon they had taken similarhonors at Calgary on norosoCnunda haste Barrie Local Unitedrltu herCork Linoleum and lissttc Workers at America has con damned Saskatchewans doctors tor what it calls their lnhum anact taking strike sctlonb withdrawing their services olaslngthelr oitleesl ln resolution passed at its regular meeting the union com pllmented the government at Saskatchewan tor provincial health plan Coplcs oi the re solution were sent to the Pb alelnna and Surgeons College Saskatoon and to Premier Lloyd at Sarkatchnwan to presenting reasons tor can domains the doctors Jock Ken Rubber Workers Boost 0t15 Cents Locnl gt530 united Rubber Workers at men is me ing with the management at Manstleld Rubber Canada Ltd tor amendments to the existing contract The local is also seek ing 15 cent per hour wage increase Jock Kcnwcll president otvits local said this morning that the maturity at tire tools in Ontario have complete negotia tionsand already have signed contracts Atra union meeting Mr Ken well said the memberahlpwus given lull report onnegotlo tlansvto date including meet ing held by ConclliotionOtttcer Ives irom the Department ot Labor No agreement has been reached Normans Buy Spratt Hardwtsre Sprattls Hardware which open ed recently in Barrie Shopping landaio Hardware EdNorman proprietor of landoleflardware came to Bar rle from Toronto with his late tnther Attred Norman an 1943 They purchased Allsndaic Hard ware ln rots llnllour The local ho requested the Departmentat Labor not to setup conclltotto board that the union wouldIrotn posltlon to take strikcnctlon lf became necessary TRosscr president at htanstlcld it uh confirmed that standard negotiations are underway to settle contract dit terenses He sold the contract ianegotlatcd on yeartoycnr basis ending about July each year The contract concerns about 170 employees who are associated with production and engine th Plaza is anexpnnston at Al Robert Norman Ed Normans son is manager olAllnudnle Altardware tn the Barrie Shop ping Plaza an addition to the existing stares Allsndale An pllances Allsndale Hardware and Allnndale Appliances See and Hand Storey ENpmnnflrecently purchased rain Hardware at the Bar rteShopplng Plaza The sign store is Spratts Hard ware but no will becltangcd shortly to Allandale Hardware Mr Norman said annum call in and Clapperton St Learn about celv theother benetlts you will re tla the alternoan Many tihe visitors were Gennsngspeaklntl ttornan Catlh ollcs trorn southern Ontpslo 8t Marlo lltatii the in was tounded by Father urns Laiemant in loss as priests naturals to eAntnr mason Tire early hlst is recorded tnJesult lotions wrlttenon paper wit lived it the lt priests nvttlagolvtturon wet plane as sort rot ntlsslonary ttm Tuesday sunny std allttla warmer in day Winds north west 15 taztitaday ltghttonigld and Tuesday Forecast temperstur Jaw tonight nglstucsdn Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Winsham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pctcrharough Trenton Klilaioe htuskolsa North Bay 59 Sudhucy 60 Earlien asrononro smear BARRlE comatose counsesmen GENERAL OFFICE nun oust EMPLOYMENT the men tton at harshly under studyInflow andot home Their hole on the beginning at the resentShrtne at the Cartadl llartyrsat Ste tiariaxsk thou cutaneous crowdedround the pair alter tor that tlrst mss at Old Stsubtatto in at st sea years one Most lieu Nell McNeil chbishop at Toronto celebrs also the More and the anions Paulist preacher Father John barks gave the sermon Shaw vfho harming the story ot the Shrine in booklet entltl Saints Lived tiers says Father Fitionr he gets to dreamgdrearns Here was the grave at the saints and the placa in which titttihad lived There was th beautiful bills eisihislwasth placet ttbe the ost no tlma Archbishop Nell McNéll fro turned elehratn Pontttical ZStat thenutdoot Way otthe Cross Father Kdnnvy utithef Shrine said he expected about 300000 people would vlstt thc Shrine this summer More than not schools on per cent of them public school roups will vlslt Sthool children re en three talks when thayrvisltth ShrinérTh tirst one lasting Church tiles and at the ionic andrthe at oneisttste many inittlgh Mass at amines Photo

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