Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1962, p. 11

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tsicpheaa sauna spasm PAM HARLESI III salt 53 Dated Brown Realty Farm Equipment I7 EURNN AVE PA cam MiNESNG MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE to unusable amtoo tlrstn separate com also bin or eet cut Both seed conditIess Will laii or trade tor livestock Dr piss iA mos sssv nansuscuo Cent for sale motor iron in nod condition Also to lnlarnl niadar vser drtvsaflisie aflng nusro on soon AUTOMOTIVE Moron cans FOR sate sen VIAU FOR RAMBLER Viau Motors Limited 17 GDWAD Street IA 66458 222 BLAKE sr PA 61321 BRAND NEW 1962 Volkswagens ONLY ii 76 Excluding licence Gust AT PIERCE MOTORS uses no on 107 Downlo Months to Pay gtIBID SIX CYLINDER Pontiac Elrs to Chief power atcorInl boner Iirlkcs automatic drive six new tires Apply as king BI or tele phone Hr sens isii rprntouau two door in see green beep tread white wall tires all covers As new condition Dd lIh 105i down Telephone FA ID DELUXE door Ford Dow tread white waittlres window washarl New plint in beaIltlllll st color liba with iofi down clcphono PA Milli NEED ChalkSan Seaboard Ftn lncc Your Leadng Neighbor s07 II JO monthly Iii Dualo gtrmt EL Darrin Telephone III VAUXIIALL dpiilxo Wlitbli siivor grey and white with so trusting red leather interior Ths car Is in as now condition No down and take over small balance Telephone IA iiIDBII 195 CADILLAC Sedan eIllliLiIC windows PS Pit automatiotranl mission WIniIllllnId washer foot operated radio Royal Master tires 2250 Telephone PA lit31W sass LINCOLN four door hardtop musi sacrifice iuliy powcr equip ped Tokoovar payments of tilt per mantis Telephone PA sous after it prn MUST SACRIFICEI 1591 VOIklwl on two door low mtieobc do uitc excellent condition Take over low monthly payments Tele phone FA solar and rials for Pat 1951 ISA MOTORCYCLE new mil tor and other new parts Good rlihning condition slit Telephone Ore 258 between and pan Mill PONTIAC two door Vli cus ta radio two tone pgllit Deep IIliliI ilrcl lVIiidlIiIeI washers and backup lights sit down and see pr month Telephone PA areas Rh 1957 DODGE hardtop Regent mod New motor deep iroed white ii tires automatic transmission covers Geige and brown in or Can be bought for ass down and ass per month Choice of two weapon on sioss casswroho our ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOUMONEY ON YOUR PRESENT CAR 178 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 TRUCKS TRAILERS MW sass cucv laou Penal Truck in good running ccndlLton Telephone PA 59951 for further information IAIISIIfORGE Tflgik Vs nil fly or puttpg ra slits after pm loss FARGO mum tor sale ton compit overhauling with new paint good tires and body Call at is hippie Avenue er BB otter pli MOBILE HOMES Iti DILIRITE TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps Alb equipped propane gas burner and listtins electrical hookupfor lighting and math ances wntor hooklip Good worth robe and cupboard space Electric brakes Perfect condition Two one black and white PA noose PERSONALS if nil WANTED to and from Top nto woukdnyl starting August alsphond FA arose BEAUTY SIIOP Celdwaves Sets etc by certified hairdresser in our own home or hospital sen teas7 Bernice PA Wild or PA An Examiner Want Ad FHONE is it Barrie Public lit up ii Pa mu Ne appointment npeeuary umvJgtJm 9tosrsrouuo 10 Ms mnlngt Blue thar walisiycentslnlns appraiser Italy flitas pmml pa Papers most important Tata ens FANS For Walnl Ad Service Dial PA 42414 it HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE ans vou Nov sausrtso wait your root is there not enough income to meet your needs Many indies dohur work alter their husbands get home while hLIWIfI alter the family Better than average income at toyoilsor short time arrange your work to suit yourself Write her Barrie Examiner for personal interview We will give you all the details how you can make extra money PEOPLEJVANTED to train as itssl ntsta salesman Chance to make between 08000 and 000 early No experience necessary Vsila Hell it Harrie Examiner FEMALE HELP SEWERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY Work at home doing simple sewing We supply materials and pay shipping both ways Make upto $1140 an hour Piece work AppiytDepl D27 Box 7010 Adelaide Post Office To ronto i0ntario WOMAN required for sales clerk work ply Mr Hathaway Unitcd Cigar Sores Ltd all Duniep St Ilsrria MATURE WOMAN required by high school teachers or Septem ber One infant Light household duties East endoloeaiionp Excell ont holidays Apply 171 Cedringtoll after pm EXPERIENCED clerktypist for part time work in modern busincsl or fire To work mornings per week ale to 1100 itsply giving personal data and details of experience to box lit The Iiarrle Examiner SALES HELP AGENTS SALESMAN 0R SALESWOMAN Full Or Parttime Some selling experience necess ary excellent opportunities for aggressive person Write stat ingquailiieations toBox Bar rie Examiner EMPLOYMENT wnurcn BXIERIENCED Gardener AVIII able for post time work after pm Phone Ore lit MALE HELP MASTER ELECTRICIAN Able to take iull responsibility of electrical department Gea crai experience in all residen tial and heavy construction work Also experience in esti mating required Goad oppor tunity forlrightvpcrsen Ali in quiries cealidentiul or Box status EXAMINER MAN WANTED to work on raink ranch Lockhart Thornton Highway 27 Mean MANAGEIII requiretil sor modern lclfrscrve tend market Good llainry hospitalization plus good working cone tlons Writs box Barrie Ekamincr cwomm Appearing Men tor national company to do contact work terlecoi civic organization throughout Slmcoe Countyyand surrounding counties Ase no ban riar sales experience helpful hut not necessary We train you Your only investment Is serviceable car aasK MoColeman at Ameri can Hetai Barrie between 7D pmMonday Tuesday and Wed nesday evenings No phone calls please writt applications stain ge stotusand reference will be recs ouausxcanons Miaimum Grade loEducnti oneness APPLICATIONS I5 Bsyfield ATTNMR on Township tenderiorm and ETER READER IIIIIiiies Commission deda shower is livsn In honor et Miss Anaheim istseon to be married to last Jobrntoe Cohesion Sheila Bell ol lclrey Don Joncsaod Mrs Reid spent Sunday with Queots Kli iyisogh School presented ion Jobnstenwlth lamps at party held in his honor Monday Mr Johnston will be teaching in Miacts Poise school next year Mrs JCewen Streud and Mrs Nell Jones Toronto vialt ed kiiirs Viioxter during the wee BEETON My MRS WRIGHT Mr and Mrs Earl bailey durtn Foimcrston visited Mi and Mrs Emerson McAdam Sun and Mrs Braw ley and Mr and Mrs Earl Service MeuaiForest visited friends in town last week Mr and Mrs it onto visited Mrs McKeivey weekend Mr and Mrs JcbnSunnerton andfamily Erie are visiting relotchs inrtown Miss Violet King returned home Sunday from is three wcek visitwith Mr and Mrs George McCogue at their cot tage at Nontyr Beech Friday from SteVensen Memor ini Hospital Ailisten Billie Hannah is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Ailiston He had snemergency cryonde operation Sunday nght Mr and Mrs Cecil Terrier Mrs Churchilland Mr and Mrs Alvin Pearson Thornton spent Sunday at the farmers form at Sundrldgez Mr and Mrs Morgan Lemche and daughters loft Friday for air nclvhome inLiens Head Mr Lemcketwna on tbestalt oi Becton public school for the past two years and has accept ed position on the staff of Lions Head high schooL Mr and Mrs Edgar Ritchie entertained number of guests at their home Saturday even ing ln honor of Mr and Mrs Ccciifl Reynolds This was the accession of Mr and Mrs Rey nolds 25th wedding anniversary Guests were present lrom Bee ton Toronto Picton Guciph and Forest Hill Village Miss Joan Cnnaeil Cookstewn spent tow days of week with and wood Nichol Members at the Guild of St Pauls Anglican Church were guests at Mrs Earl Hammeii at the Hammaii cottage Nan tyr Beach Monday evening June 25 for their regular meet ing buffett supper was serv ed at 630 followed by the meeting and social hour Mr and Mrs Butt and Connie spent Thursday aiier naon iii Netvmarka Mrs Galb th Mrs Hr Longhurst nadLyle are heli daying at their cottage on Lake SImCOe Mr and Mrs Donald Watson and daughter Toronto spent the weekendat the home at the formerstother Fred Wat son Mrs Hooper is visiting her can tow and daughter Mr and MrsECuppsge Cold water Mrs arieion visited IIiEDdS irksNettewa and Due iroon Tu day Mr and Mrs Eeh Kesrns t2 rsptosns 1TOWNSHIP 01 DEC TENDER FOR TRUCK Tenders will he received by the Clerk until 12 oclock noon Friday July 20th19o2fifer the supply of six toa truckteur wheel drive Equipped with dump hex Viype snow plow and snow wing Tsndors to be according to EchIIIDaIIorLS which are available from Reed Superintendent or Township office Lewost orany tender essariiy accepted ROSS CUlttttEfv gt Read Superintendent BIUDHOPE Clerk RR No Ore Station not use experience education marital ivcd to July 1s loss on ah unit years $1 Barrie KINSELLA Mill Richmond fondly Schomberg spent Sum rcws and family visited relat Psrk AllisionWedncsduytafter on Thursday mothers are eagag children Fort Eric Toronto Misss and tau building the ballpark 113 Int and datuhtecttsy no om victMnedayier Call itt ti daughter Mrs with relatives ontevaod MMMILDKI Alma spent the wee Selby Dobbs Mr and Mrs Van Viclt isited reiativcsin Tom San Willis and Mrs Willis and family spent the Wagend with relatives in ior on Mrs Cole and Mr and Mrs Wright visitcd Mr and Mrs Rathcry Allistoo Sunday Mr and Mrs Icfircya and day evening with Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong Mr and Mrs SWiidesb visited relatives in itiridieid the weekend Mr and Mrer irsland Severn bridge and Mr and Mrs Brown Oriiiiat were guests at Mrs Mggias Wednesday Mr and Mrs Gordon And ivcs invGrsnd Volley ea Sun doy Mr and Mrs treioad Severn Bridge and Mr and Mrs it brown Orillla were guests at Mrs Wiggins Wednesday Mrs Swindloy sp past week with roiativ and rienris inTorente Carolyn Butt is spcedlnge erg Mr and Mrs Jee lrhin of Hamilton visitedMraad Mrs Kenrns Sundoy Mr aaers Geraidi Todd and sonspcnt the past week with Rev lira Cetbcart Mr and and Mrs Thompson Ear sic Anumber from town attended the funeral of LornaAtlloId at Cookstewaen Wednesday cmmca medic Trinity United Church held the annual picnic in Rivsrdaio noon July and also paid visit tothe Museum in AIllston Park Mr and Mrs Robert Suther land and sons spent Tuesday in Toronto Judy Mciiinslcr uncle and aunt Mrs and Mrs it MacKinoon Threats for two weeks Rev Taylor Tottcnham was in town calling on tricods Mrs Sopcr and Miss Georgina Barton in Aliiston Wednesday Paul Urbanski is pattentln Stevenson Memorial liespitui Allistoa Mr and Mrs PaulZCobum her and tomiiy spent Sunday with rs Coburns mother Mrs ancreft Alconaeiicnch Mei Palmer oi Tera to is visiting relativas in to Maurreusm vrsrr Mr unTMrs Earl Hammett and Jack visited relatives and friends at Tobcrmory had in the Manitoulin island district Mr and Mrs and Mrs Thursday with relatives at Spr ingwater Park My MRS rooms MARLEY Monday July wos liadies day at the ball park The daughters challenged the mothers to asevenvinnlng game at softball Batteries were for Eileen Keancy and Mary ONeill and for the gt daughtersi3arhara AnnMurphy H51 and SbeiisfSebreakJi other mni Grade Tie mothers and daughters playing were MacDonald twins Eev Qlaput and Collette Mary Min nmgs andlDoreen and Carol Sylvia Kelly and Pat sy Marietta Fair and Joanne Final score was 2i15 tor the daughtersu Lee and PatMarley ieit Men day fer on where they junior the rangers fer the summer Mr and EndMnhoiI Vandchiidrsn Toronto yisited Frank Marley over the and Mr and Mrs Corcoran and Brian Scarboro Md and Mrs Bernard Croddoc and Mr and Toronto Bobnert Schrenk Ceoksvtile were amongheiiday visitors Mr and Mrs Murray VLong Toronto are visiting her mother Mrs Coytte Another landmarkris dis gearing iiteeid CNR station euro is being taken wound moved away by LeoIONetll Roy Thcrriaa Pcttetenghas purchased let on Main street Mrs Kevin Murphy Mr and Mrs Her Northeast menu alitb fight Ammo oi Meet was held at thomsskhemo bit indies tiiiei week with relativesin Schom Albert Hiicy returned heme Cilth and rs EntitiILetts spsat the weekend with 1M arptuiations is vital her MFlatt0rongevllie visited friends it Waiter epithet Wigglnsi spent Ni heather OCettnor midt Grade it toGrad ssra housemate visit Cenmhasthns to all the an escheeipupiiswhe it last at in 14s lbs Mry present Topics discussed were organ and variety meats Three dishes vcai stew bruisediivm erond barbecued bologna reii were reparcdendurved Lad ies took this course spon sored by Therein Wemcnsla sutntc presented the leaders Mrs Dixon and Mn lteith Beatty nodiba beaten Mrs Thomas with suitable gittl Mrs IO Carr and Mrs George Holt ottendedthc one day consultation on youth groups and christian education in the congregation in St Johns Un titcd Church Alliston lsat Fri nyfl Mrnnd MrsGcerge Holt attended the Heft reunion in Springwotcr Midhurkt last Saturday AN INVITATION Aii former members at thore ion Womens institute take not ieei Your company is requested in the orange Hail Thornton Thursday July iii when Thornton branch etthe Womens Institute will celebrate is 60th anniversary Speaker will be Mrs James ILEZGILY FWI0presidont whose sub iect wii be The Adelaide make special effortiobe pre sent at this historic event where old andnew friends will meet My MURIEL JAMIESON ongrotuiotions to Miss Eleanor icnnctt who success her first year oi Toronto Coa aiso to all succesl ul colic late and students WI In ShOOI June 241 teachers and oily completed at University pupils from rd Kilin Harris and Midhurst Park visited Barrieionne an Lokevicw Dairy then III lb Park for lunch During the afternoon they visited Thelisr rle Examiner Office and the De Viibiss factory Recent visitors with ilirs ennoyvincludcd Mrs son Hamilton Mr Mn his Mrs Re Clark rand Valley and libII and Mrs McFadden Barrie Mr and MrsWiiilom Fict chcr Ottawa fewdnys wfthMr and Mrs Fletcher and visiting other friends in the neighborhood Sympathy ef the community is extended to Mrs iith Cunn Inshomln the husband an death at Doreen Jamieson visitedre cently in ivy with Nancy Davis No public school pupils along with their parents anioy ed their annual icnic at Bark June mm U3 ABNItliti iNNiSFIL re Grade Schmidt Joe TomporowskIIII Grade to Sander Tomperowski Grade to Grade Geodetic Them Doreen IatnIEsan usan porowski Tom mi to all Laurie Biackstock Diane ME row Wayne New Mary Sch Kenneth Temporowski Reush Patsy TomporowskiImI Grade to if George 0Coa nor Ellen Reush David Sender ea Tempcrowski iunct Weat Steve Basin Pat flew OConnor Linda 5° Mn Reush Marg MarytLoftus fir jSCImlidti Waiier Temper owsin Gradei to JeAnne Ar etch Corv Boulus Septembgr Vickie OConnor MaiyanoSaader eorge Hewson hahsristo By ovum Aeneas Geodetic Nicoiiaa Lo Soda Dougie Roush NEWrasron Mr aadMrs one boys of Sebright areme to the manse on Friday Mr De iin student minister grad ates from Emmanuel College in 1963 and willsuppiythe pulpits theni number Mansfield community held the an the Mansfield charge annual field dayandsbnseball pm 3v oadiesa Homestead Please are spending Frankie song Repeat Grade described by crippling blow to Vibe Great nlct United Church charge in the unspent an sttemoen Then deyrcaiiing on Mansfield minister on thatMsnstlcld friends Harlin been retired some few years Ganaisgton He becn Visitt ingrcativu atHsaevcrend Erie nor to going to reside at star senior citizens It 8tCattiltlnel LEAVE FOR NEWVIIOIIE Rev it CMaeisggart and Meelaggarthittho mama bcrofortbair new homaat Corbctioaoo Tuesday Tito eon mtietions of Everett and Rose meet oisep number at Mass field Fresh erian tricods mat witbiiisostcld congregation at the church on Monday evening to say farewell and extend best wishes they were presented with an address and woilct and Mrs Madioggort con age by theCal at which she was capable coder Similar recognition has ecu given by the legion at oretl orange men of the Everett Stanton and Mansfield ledges as well as IJOBAat Mansfield lWomu ens institute and United Church Women at the three churches Rev Charles iewosiey Pres byterinanlinister at Allistoa and Mansfield Mrs Towasicy andchildren left bylnlt for ire iand early Sundaymorning They expected to get off on We nesday buttho aircraft was delayed and they had to wait around at Molten until Sunday They will be gone two months Theyhave been away it years and have been leekingiorward to seeing their friends again in the old country xaocx iiy MRS MeCORRISTON itcn Grny former resident of this community was the special pr er at Trinity Anglican Church Sunday mom lag test where he gave an in spiring message on his work among the children at ivy Land Pennsylvania Mrs Gray Esther and Pam were also onthis trip north Esther attended Emmanuel Bop tist Church to see some of her old friends Wchad iovclyvisit with the Groyspltcr churclr1hey iaokJvery well and assured us that they are veryhappy in their job The annual picnic was ileld on Friday with bountiful sup per to start the proceedings ball game between the young and tnIEI was the high light at the evening The ladies of the Community Club had booth with lots of pop and ice cream for the children Congratulations to oil the school children In the common city who passed their exams either in public or high school We hope they my all have safe and happy summer Mrs Wes Haggis improving nicely sinceleaving the Royal Victoria Hospital and speedy recovery to wished forMra Tod Manon who underwent surgery this week BIND BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Joseph Wain who celebrated his 92nd birthday on Sunday July When the sunshine committee called on him on Saturday evening they found him relax ing alter days work in his garden where there is pro fusion of bloom just how wssmueron taern no emmending against tederaipay meat ef=a su sidy to American shippers on the Great Lakes the commerce department engaged in silly curio crazy pattern Representa Aivin OKonski Hep Wis sold today They retuse to aid anaiiing American shipping industry but at the earne time give money to foreign nation Cen ads toytaire the shipping away from us be said inva state Si QKonskt as raaflent on Saturdaytune de Kempenleit on no by the and really Ambricaa moaeyha osmiumsnsmcnqucimosnmmvow Wham on to review 5°uiNOié Closing MOSCOW on Denny Goodmans sisweek inuieur of the Soviet Union ended on sour note at Lento Sports Pub si ace Sunday night when strike by members of tha Goodman bend delayed the performance for zovminutcs spokesman seidtha musii cians refused to go on stagetan til they receive dtinaipay cheques There was no immediate ex iriianetlea of the delayin pay sthebnad During much ofthe tour band members had shown signs of being disgruntled They com pieincd that Goodman had picked old tunes thatdid not represent in Alncrlcan jazz Goodman contended such music would tell on its face in the Soviet Union Despite the dissenalon the band and Goodman were called back for 29 ndnutca of cheeses Earlier Goodman had ex pressed satisfaction with the suits of the loan roraennysaqnd He sisesoiri= that he thought soviet Pre mi Khrushchev was very attractive and sear bie man Goodman had or gued with Hhrushchsv about the merits at less at Fourth of July party at the US Em bile WILL BEND ALBUM He said he intended tosend Khrushchev who sailed jazz bad music at the reception an album at recordings made during his SIXme tour of the Soviet Union Geodmen said hs thought Khrushchtvs visit to his bands that performance here was fine gesture and of great signif lcanceAs you know it put the stamp of approval onion and that wasa step for the Run Goodman said his eutstsad lag impression on his Soviet tour was the eotisusiasrn at all the tans for Jazz how much they new about it and bowl Ictager they are to learn about iiibahion telephoto inunendingrump GP from ResurgADI MOSCOWAn Albanian dele gation causeda stirin Westem quarters here today by taming up for the opening of Com munistsponsoredpcacc cou grass But the dciegaiions leader Dmitri Shotertei told reporters the presence of the group indi cstcd no change in the cold re istions between Albania an Russia fourreiotions are known be said Shutcriaisaid he didnot know whether the Albaniandelegation would have contacts with Soviet officials outside the world con gress for general disarmament and peace gt Albania has been involvedin dispute over ideology with the Soviet Union fer the last two years and th to countries hnverno diplomatic relations member of the Albanian delegationwas saidln apre iiminary announcement to have been elected to the presidium oi the sixdo congress organized onununiat backed World Council ot Peace Premier Khrushchev was to appear before several thousand apparently doatcare bop pens The reaii tragedy is at the competition operational early dc preciation subsidies offered Ca nadian and toreign Vessels is said The motto of our nations leadcre is millions for subsidies tar foreign andCaaadisa ship pers but not one pehny for American Lakes ship pe WIIS ands press thisw ire pas coolest forvcritlc of thyIiBG Friday nigh to public alfa broadcast delegates for let countries in cluding Canada to dispoi much of the leg generated by opponents of disarmament in the words of Pravda advance notice secs THEME The Communist party news paper set the theme for con grcssattacils on American 1111 pctiniism and pretensions oi solidarity between Cominunist China and LIIB50VIEI Union Sundays Prevdn carried statement of Mao Tong chief ot the Communist Chine dele gation to the congress hailing Khrushchevs July pledge of Sevict support for the Chinese Communists ii an attack from Formosa developed Talk of split between the two countries he said was in vented by wchestcln press We wereoveriayed to read that at this crucial mementtor us the headoi the Soviet gov ernment came out in support at the Chinese peopleTung said it is well known to what iengtha the reactionary press in the West has gone to Invent ai icged differences between China and the Soviet Union ppers ce o+ept OKonshl said the United States recently negotiated statesman loan to Canada so that Canada can payanore sub sidies to her shippers American shipowners creche ing forcedtega to Canada tor lshipbuilding tdy We deny subsidies toltAmer lean Great Lakes shippershut give moneyvto Canadalso she canvsubairhze bcrawh and our ships counts were made by sons Boothby tiara bevevbc underatood toreter to andwere to gross reliectlonj upon me hers ot the editoriaistalt qt

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