Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1962, p. 1

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For not Ads phone eased The telepboaem ptnober to all for the business or Mitchel Dept is PAW noaaavaa one ice understorros re ed across rthem Quebec during that bringll welcome raln Ich may al ow flrcil tare to on up meter forest as they ve been trying uruuccesefully check for more then weak Weather reports tndloaled at an average halfalnch of had fallen In the southern bitihlland northern St Mau Vaileyragiona by midnight more was expected Rein was also expected dur the night north of Lao St where three large fires are burning Georges Bemier director of vices in the forestry depart enl said thetrprobebiy halir vinch had wet the huge ache River and Blueberry ver fires midnight NS DIG AREA Tranche ltlvsr fire ught 600 men and eight remit as laid waste on area 75 square miles and was urning during the weekend ver 150squaremlle area it is the largest hottest and mokicst lira intho St Maurice alley since last Like most of others raging In Quebec It as fed on slashthe debris left for an area has been logged The rain came to the Ab tibl glon as the Blueberry River ro on Eddy Paper Com any losses near the headof Gatlneau ltlver roared cross fire breaks completely or Company limits It covered alvsaunre mllesby unday night on had jumped Candlan International Pe er ompany limits ruse sndbslsem lo ligated done the nudism WOOD This fir burned 0000 cords of fiulpwoodvalued at 010000 and re lighters spent much of their enerayproteetlng other stacks piled through the area North ofLae St Jean two fires on the St Lawrence Paper Corporation limits were beng fought by 500 to 000 men while amber onLes Chaniieraahgs non limited property involved about 200 menend light air craft The Chanliers ngnon lira burned 1000000 board feet of spruce logs bound for sawmills on Lec St Jean while the St Lawrence Company lost an es timsted 5000 cords of spnlce pulpwood logs No other serious fires were burning in the Abltlbi region sunday gt At lllalartle lb mileswest of Val dDr bruahend scrub fire covered 0000 square yards and fanned by admileaohour vlvlnd menaced the major me SAVES VILLAGE rdnesqunremlle fire at Laccayamant wuetill bums lng Hardlyraised sand fire hreeks probably saved the vil lage olCayamant so miles north of Ottawa from destruc tion Thursdfi Barnier dindlcationsgtwere all these areas had during thenight rain will certa help he said But we cant expect itto extinguish the fires completely We will have to mop themup and it will be big taskvfor many days Japan Suffering From Heavy Rains TOKYO JANWeekend land southcrn Japan took toll of so killed 14 missing and so in iurcd Weathermen wanted of new destruction as typhoon can approached Rescue workers In Tara ortharn Kyushu recovered 30 adiea aathcy dug into then ads of tons of earth that bur about 50 homes when rains loosened the side of moun tain An eyewitness who flew over the town reported only the roofs of the railway station and primary school can be seen emerging from theearth Flood damage was heavy in Isahaya City whose entire pop ulation of 15000 was ordered evacuated Saturday when flash floodaswept through the down town district b1057 isahaya suffered 315 flood deaths In the coastal city of haya about 40000 citizens mn rooncd by flood waters were being Ilown supplies from the by defence forces BRIDGES G0 other Kyushu damage listed by police included 02 bridges washed away railway traCks blocked by water or landslides Conservatives Ga of ricepaddles immdated at as places and 30000 acres The rains let up this morning but Weather 0lflclall wanted that typhoon Joan approaching Japan maybring further de struction Tuesday or Wednes ay Troops were sent to the worst hit regionssNagaeaki and Sage prefectures be as coast guard ships as floods mede overland travel impraollcable They helped dig out theburled rescue the survivors and brought them food nndciothing The weekend floods followed week of hard rain in which 52 persons had died The entire population of Isa haya 65000 persons was ordered evacuated Sunday as waist high water from the nearby Honmel Tliver gushed through its main street The coastal city of Kashima with population of 100020 miles north at Isahayawas reported Marooned by flood waters in avlllage near the town of Tara few miles south of Kashlma mountainside rolled down over length oi 300 feet and buried 80 to 50 homes Late in theafternoon rescuers had recovered 22 bodies and said the death toll might reach 50 n0 Political Popularilytlll Last LONDON CF Parlia mentary observers here are speculating whether Britains Conservative party is finally headlng Vior the sunllt uplands of political popularity The Tories have been reeling under Dlellel of byelection de fects fora year or more These were largely caused by discon tent over the paypause policy made necessary government ministerssald by the chronic balanceofpsyments crisis Now the moralaoiConservm five members at Parliament is reported to have been bolstered by speech madeiaet week by Party Chairman lalnirMacleod to the soot Commltloeaninflu entlal group of Tory backbonch Qil Macleodwas optimistic and conildent We shall soon be is getting out of the trough be Is reported to have said REFEES T0 SPEECH His most tantalizing refor once was to spefich made at ImtonJloo two eke ago by Prime Minister Macmillan promising fairer incomes pol cy and new program of con sumer protection Macleodveald ihovprlmeminis til the cat out of This statementls hair in by some as Im lying government will soon votecatching moves or young married group in th areas of housing andveducation TlseSunday Times says in an editorial lhat Macmillans Lu tonlioo speech ican how be seen as the starting point of new government campaign to take theinitlative politically to develop new policies and to demonstrate the vigor bills ad ministration The newspaper says the late of the government depends on its ability to stimulate rapid rateof technological advance lowgrowth economy would notgsustainthe revival Tory euphoria it PRICES MOEEIBTABLE As first step toward elec tiom victory the Conservatives canpoint been improved so aomlc taltuallon Prices are more stable lhn they were aj ydapagu and there is every hope good recordln ex requlra severalle laws and lawyerWino RUSSIANS oaks suoan itealrlght for youadults to grin but its long weyup to that little stream of water it is If youre little girl like anyisey Im Christine Vo lick come from Elm valeand Im onlyiwo yea old My mums pretty inter ested in that aoitbailgame Premier Yeas 1sef Ben lihedde made pehre overttsreeffoday to his rebel iitous dilitllyAh ed BenBelIa portershave lem section Oran an no controimost Western Algeria Benilliedde sentl tars to the Moroccancapltal oi Rabatto seelt reconciliation With the dissident deputy pro mler who has been demanding ill tools that drinkil much smore lnvltlngpndlt looks astliough thatgame ls going on forrever Gosh li theyd iustbulld these fountains llitie lover It would give wa wee folks bit more of chance trough Examiner Photo snunnnnm some rain CARL MOLLINS Canadian Press Staff Writer Travellers to Canadas VarietyVacatiblggrxsdfli as the traveled describetmarlo one counter stunning variety of retail storehoursas they move around the province Canadihn Press survey of desert Ontario communities shows that the visitor would them in order to know whether he could buy razor blades or gasoline eggs or anoutboard motor in the next town in most placcehe can count on finding ialmost all stores open between 05am and pm Some shopelln some places close about noonif not all day on Mondays or Wednesdays and othersare open later Thurs daysor Fridays or both The to Day Act shuts up aimost all retail outlets Sundays Dru stores mustclosa at 615 pmth Stratford 15 min utes earlier in Kitchener but can remain open as hours If they wish in St Catharinca and Toronto Most stores in Sault Ste Marie cloaeall day Monday small merchants alarmed by vacationers exceptdn thesumm Cobourg shops that downeither all day or half day Wednes days Grocerystofee In Ottawa can stay opcnvuntll pm but otherwise the shopper Invthe nations npitnls can buy tilltle after any day btthe week MAJOR CONIROVMIES Storeclosing fitlemesi1 1hava be me 11 con hoverst manner whither ties with the revolution In retailing marked by the shop ping centre and the discount department store Shopping centres and discount houses often constructed on the outskirts of town where prop erty is plentiful dependto large extent on mobile shoppers who pack the weeks buying late one excursion alter the man in the familygcts home from work the competition passd by new shopping habltsreaist trends to evening hours which addto one little retailers workweekjwhlle giving an advantage to big competitors The of chants generally oppo closing day looser ties withFrance and links to theCommunlst world Ben llelle after conferring with President Nasser In Cairo lettSunday night for ltabat wher was awaited by Den Kheddas envoysIn formation Minister Mohammad Yazld and Mlnlaterrol State Rabah Dita Ahoutl600 heavily named at gerlantroopsilncked across the longta with eelsend ea received over Saskatchewans medical ad ters as theyhailed i13ers séhehero of Al ge as an warn helprlpasvg Hundreds ofEuropeans from Oran dined up Sunday in feverish effort to get plane seatstor Trance French Intorrnanle said about see EuropeansWere missing in the =¢lil and were believed held lnpolicestatlons as sun pected terrorists of the defunct Secret Foreign Minister Sand Deh iab said in radio broadcast Sunday night differences among Algerian leaders are no furisis only amlsundcrstand lie eald Yszid and Bltat could be expected to readran under standing with Den Bella alien Bellalanded in Geneva Sunday from Irogtaitera five day stay Nasser He was to go to Rabat today Nasser has beenxattemptlng to act Aprll changed the Music Act elauies referring to more clo lng hours ovcrthe prot of several board at trad arouse The new law gives councils final contra hours without helngre refer to the merchants nvoived Previously 75 per cent of particular category oimer fiWtiWP limitBl cilto ish unildrmcios hours DIEPUT ARIEES KirklandLake in TeckTown ship has been split by dissenslon recently Inna dispute involving merchants and the township council Couheil passed bylaw In June requiring most down town retailers to close allday Wednesdays Five storesfour chain unitsxand alocal mer chantdefied the bylaw and weresummoased by the town ship IIowever council met July decided it should withdraw altogether from trying to regu late these closing hours and repealed all bylaws designed to regulate business houra RussianradéTo Cuba HAVANA A17 Olivegreen Russian trucks move down the broad sunsoaked streets of He vana along with 1900 American cars Russian movies share double iFdllsShrt features with aging Hollywood productions The Russian influence is evi debt In Havana Baseball Isatlll Cubas favor lte sport but chess ls winning converts Sandaisshod visitors from its hind the Iran Curtain are com monpiace Eoothlacks ave learned that Czechs aremore generous thanMuscovltes lezla years since Russia Cuba madea layearoredit agreement promising the Cas tro regirne $100000000 in mn chicory and equipment five year trade and payments pact waesigned at thesametlrne ln llavana by PremléFCastro and Anastas Mlkoyan Soviet deputy premlerig Mikoyan promised Russia would take 1000000 tons of Cu ban sugar year for five years at world market prices Until then the United States which no longer purchases from Cuba was buying around 5000000 tons ayearand paying premium RussianCuban trade this year is set at 750 million pesos the peso officially is equivalent to as us butxi irifrce dranges Is much less The government says the Rum slans will take 20000000 tons of sugarrthis year at an undlsj closed price ports in 1960 when gastroywas actual worth wheat masses Museums bringing his cam paigniagamst dictator Fulgencxo Batista only 20 per cent of Cubas exports went behind the Iron Curtain This figurehse risen to morethaaleonper cent Approximately same propor tion of the is is total imports ailso hails from Communist na one he Mark counties will dollttie to 1in llevlate rationing especially if thadellverles are stretched out over the next 12 months Take beans forexample te on European diplomat said Cuba used to eat 55000 tons of beans each year iw thirds were lmported The Run aians are promising 0500 tons thats about onesixth of the na tione total need cannula Leg Nowylilore Swollen LONDON ReutersiSir wn ston Churchills laured leg whlch developed ammat of the vein Saturday hasbelt come more swollahbut there is no general concernover his In healthlt was anno ced today An afternoon me gal bull said his leg lsrather swollen but that 11 Morethan 000 peasanl youths returned from Russia this spring aiter oneyear stay at different agricultural technolog ical centres Another 1500 young Cubans are studying universities ln bonus shipments staples yineludln some lilplo dill orient in the sunat Wasaga en the Political issues hen electionsInclude determination tth which the ninedayold Algerian republic shouldhonor speaco agreement with Fran scams or erarnent and the I111 care ploarduringithefweelrohd andgi prote Vruliy here Wednesday The government has not com mentcd th proposed rally but earlier remler Woodrow Lloyd askedraeldents to ma calm and avoid demon strations spokesman for the doctors said they wanted citi sens support but did not seek violence The premier back from twoday lri to Eastern Canada said Salu ay he isconccrned about the outright challean to Ihe procedures ol copstitu onal government In the doctors stand Dr ii Daigleish president oltha Saskatchewan College of Physiciansand Surgeons said in Saskatoon Sunday discusslousv between the college and govern ment cannot resume until the euspcnded Most of the ractlslng physio usédto work uh slnce it came into force About200doctors are provl gencye rvlce at s5 desig natedh It convertan booms At different this In the province plana wentt ahead for Rakouskas from Tori to got rude awakening or earth yesterdayhe was run overby car Wasaga Provincial Police said Mr ltakahskas ssyearold va cationer from 205 iiumerside Toronto was sleepIn front of parked vehicle when the ownergot in and drove for ward IIe stopped within four fact however and police said they did not feel the sunbather had been seriously injured lie was taken to Collingwood Hospital where an Xray was taken Mr Rakauskas was not detained Tlsedriver of the vehicle was lPercy Eric Fowler 17 of Allis on Polico said no chargesl1ad been laid iv IHERESDNE Mistress Impressed by Maid0h wont be our much help Iacihg 111011 DUESSELDORF Wests Ger many Reuters Chancellor Konrad Adenauere Christian Democrats today faced the prospects of coalition with the Free Democrats In North Rhine Westphalia Germanys richest and most populous stat The Christian Democrats in ready partners of the Democratain national tion drgsppedthelrmajo chivalcadea to Regina where the mass rallyls planned fri front of the legislative buildings At Aaainibola so miles south of Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce ProsldontMalWala drum said business invihc com munity will close all day Wed nesday insupport of the caval ca Themotor cavaicadea are be ing organized by Keep Our Doctors Cemrnltteos formed tluoughnut province to dock delay in the acts implementa on Since the not went into effect committees have sought sue pension of It inhepes that doc tors who have said they will leave the province rather than work under the act will remain in Weyburn K01 Commit tee formed Sunda sent te gram to the ac ng secretaryf generalsof the United Nations Thant urging hlm to use his good otllces to urge lilo Snakr nabuiltzupfanamass ernment resign imrb diatey In Saskatoon the Retoh Men chants Association endorsed committee plans for lhavcaval code and will ask members to close up Wednesday to allow proprietors and employecp to asses Aspokesman for the college Dr Neville Smith of Regina said at press cordercnce that If theprescnt situation contlnf use for several months the ef feet on the provinces genes health would be disastrous In Reginas Westminster United Church hamA Sea told his congregation if the flammntory Ibutlons by the press and variousvoluntary committees were stopped cllmateand situationwo be betterediahnosl overnight liesaid the courtsoLI not on arousedlha1f iormcdpuhilc opinion are places in which thaoontroveray can be settled to the advent of everyone The medical care sh referred toolnzsermona prayers In other churches court heart ulcd Tuesdayi residents will oak an lniunc tion which would in effect aunt and eratlon them until sv dltycanbalested in Se tcmher Leave to seekthe ln unctlonwas grants Friday in Queens Bench Court All earlier court action was launched with statement of claim filed sitSaskatoon in which two doctors sought darn agcs and declaration that the act isheyond thespowenof provinciallegislalure In his Saturday press con forenoepPremier Lloyd said of the doctors stand if one can envisage this spreading to other groups we would havcn state of anarchy He said he considers the sticking point between the two sides to he the collegaero iusal to accept arlan that in eludes all provinc ai residents asbensficlariaa and is under the administration of public body lluslrlas Doctors want More Gavernmenljlil0ney VIENNA AP Austrias 13700 doctors launched 24 hour strike today demanding higher feealrom the govern mcntrun compulsoryhealth lné trlan doctors heeded th call except thoseon emergency duty The strike denounced byt Austrian Trade ratl started prolestrdemonatration before therheadquartars of the Austrian Medicnis Association which orderedthe walkout The conflict over the sickness compensation fund Involved only Vienna doctors but the rest of the nations physician joined the strike lna show of support The contract between Vienn doctors andthe fund expired about three months ago Do tors demanded higher fees der new contract butofiiclals of the fund refused Under the old contract th average monthly income of medical practitioner was eatl ah $1 00 schillings

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