that duliortbecottm EPLETTS had Appliances gt 5112 BARBIE cAInsRs UsedFurnltura rate Badman Suite and ctrutarodd and other articles 15 ESSA been none an error it IMO Plopana ran table toot nenasllinned mprayed Tsiephena rru an duty Ishe Ilkaqu rip an PA norm ui old and on Can be ma ImaIsImL rr means to lo automatic waebrr an artop Carrier Large baby at la olarnan lova Three Camp Cola attra Camp Tabla other liaaeotu llama APW at Apartment rollre or renal II lelllnlm reasonably Tell nurse two on are tire lb sphona lA eIoas at Queen street alter WT BLOCKS hill ln Telephone PA Md or all or Queen street Barrie alter OIMTDR lb hicclary Blenirlra Stove mer Irina dosrp automa tinsel Shiitsaw Paint spray rn rem teal Ail in condition Telephone rerular wlda temple iena Alnaoa een wm no or hum moan Gar tor aale Tele flatmates WANTED RN WANTED to rent Telephone Pll arm av YA DIWALI Bicyoia Want be in lood rendition hone Hansen and ash tor hlinnikiu or applyl cunts AWN BURNT 7911 dress Lï¬llh Taylor Pelt Elan Remit arantead Wunderrul tor lowers lardens We deliver Speclll tee to unshareisiephena Le ass BOATS MOTORS FIBREGLAIB runabout so llp otor and trailer or air Tele one PA Milli FOOT KAYAK tor alle orwlll ds tor CInMlnilï¬ï¬‚d oondltlpla ply Bowen Street PEHMOIO Camel il It ad in it 1V mlnruaa lIIntnr ï¬buliaa Carton Pram it it separately Apply IAIan lded plywewbull leaatlon V50 wlth aenaratnt lley Itnve iltketr author and mpiete equipment Well lrept Mil Telephone PA Adult atic ain Motor seldom used hunters opportunity Phone seen ENE Boat Ind man with lrailar tor tum weeks rauceeannes 15 hr Johnson to gel Boat Ltd FA IrMll FARMERS MARKET Highest prices paid or dead or ppled cattle and horses ICKS DEAD STOCK Rail Form Ontario Lieenha 72062 Nina MontagueProp bod they are unearth pan LIvasrocK WANTED FEEDSEED GRAIN router CHICKS FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case Nan Holland David Brown haatty Farm Equipment 170 BURTON AVE FALEM lna eeuipreeut 1eie tmida marlra Jï¬uoï¬ouflim Vlau Motors Limited 17 Gowan Sheet PA 88 mm tar Iansuo lith 1962 Volkswagensf ONLY menr lion hind or beat otter Apply lose hhnlnuit privately owned OBBANIZIND Barrie MilllBlllll $1767 Ebrciudinp 11m out hr PIERCE MOTORS atnssa no or was 10 Dawn36 Montiolo Pa leu PONTIAC station Waron loud hanle lirhl rrean clean Ioalde not leIe phone Ted PA sous me ID chlamillltlomiaa dtra to Cblat pnner ateartnl power Ema 1htihtmdl or pbbnafl sous ll DOIWI tyllnder two door Iliebullt molar new eluleb peed llll VOLKIWAGKN or all condition radio and many as Apply Henryr Fina Service mm way on PhonoqA dull DOBGI tor aale lair candle Henrys Fina aarvies lilahway so Telephone re seals la X357 PLYMOUTH two door in In an Deep tread whita wail tires alip Coven As new ennditlon Dd down teilphona PA ll Deluxe our door Ford heap tread white wall tires window waahara New paint in beautiful rust color ml with itd dorm Telephone PA 033 roodconditlon sea nalo Used as momr All 4106 areninra May be Jean at us Vauxball deluxe war sliver my and thIa with or tins red leather interior Th ear camuao Std Awlntiowe PETE auto hlutvn Windshield loprated radlo Royal who Telephone PA lat 1esa LINCOLN tour door hardtop neuet ncrlilre itlliy power eeulï¬ ped Tlll over payment ot per mnnt Telephon alter 1d pun hlUST lACRlFlCBl ll Volb xen two doer lowmil luxe Txcellent eohdlilo ovsrlow monthly payme phunavPA seem anan ll PONTIAC Wt door V30 tom radio two tuna paint Deep tread tlroe windahield washers ind hathuplirhta $517 down and all oath Telephone PA 1951 DDDGI hardwp Ru mod el New motor deep treadwhite wail tires llatplaaatla transmission allpvnovora Belle and brownin oi Can be bourht tor down andtlo her month Choice ot two Telephone PA 57055 1551 VALIANTl cylinder stand AM door blue matchltll blue interior in excellent condition White tydlls chrome dim and yamzone tirrulnw milere win and can he tlnanoed tor lowrnnnthy payments May be Leela at at John titreat or phone rA oozes arlr tor n1 rauhxs Tanners 55 CH IMN Panel Truck ln running condition Telephone 1951 DODGE stahe Truck tar late Roy sy Shanty pm 54 FARGO fmlicmtoraaie ton complete overhauling with nnwmplvllltflah mu um will cut and Marla Am MOBILE HOMES 116 buymml 1mggzlfnarun reps eqth minus aaa burner and lillpallnl risetrtral hookup lor iiahti and appli anm water haoirvup Good ward robe and cupboard roars Electrls brair ratrut condl Tw tona bi lid white PERSONALS MD WANT It and rum Ion onto Wlbldlylyltlllllll Aururt Telephone PA 81010 tsrealad write hox club All player Welcome Thou il Hie vL BEAUTY SHOP Coldwaver Skill also Binder th tn road nonunion Will sell or trade tor llveatonk or plu PA asses etc by eertldld halrdrursr II your own hspas or hospital as vice Eemt shearerAna if Hirbway II ter tires aood PAM torturther intnrmauon my own home Monday in Frtd were $100 weeklyan up um ltion Write John Rodin 0a West Madison St Ohioaio ill MAN when Wilma bian tor nmntabla haw lella buelnua tesd alert Write nonlethalThei oiltlol Md lttebellautootmt nearerIm ro Maaaw required gm 1am aportlna roodi depart Inant ln canto anon apps in rifli loan hlapboaavi or write hem henta lineal MEAX MAï¬Aall mat In In re aervs Good ll ltllla Barrie Laminar moher Inplartrrrf lden or national company narrin Miten onday Tunedy and Wad NEIL phone eatlr mlI Mme radiate has YOU nor SATISFIED Wliii YOliitJOB is there notenougbrincome to meet your needs Many ladies do our work atter their husbands pet homewhlie he looks aitertha family Better than averege lmhllheFilo layolis or abortwtimel arrange your work to suit yourseli Write tiox Barrie Examiner ior personal interview We willi ive you alitiIedetnlls how you my SALES itE Walloon SALESWOMAN Full 0r Parttime Some selling experience necaaa excellent opportunities for aggressive person Writa stat lng nuailtlentiona to Box Eur rie Examiner you willbnlid up ownerviii 0d ued thousand doilen sell daliy uea products known tor their quality and low print in urine tva dlrtrletr commission in tereetlnp epaciale and prenalunaar today trialplan JITO Dept am SL Hubert 5L ldontruL TEACHERS WANTED TOWNSHIROF lNNiSFiL scnom AREA NO Applications are invited for teacher Grades and St Pauls School iocatedho 11 highway about miles south oi Barrie MhIlmumtsMo with annual increment Cumulative sick leave plan in efiertApp1y stat ing age quallilcatlons experi ence namevoillast inspector and it available for interview LOUGHEED Secretary easurer PAINSWICKrONT EMPLOYMENT wmreo orwoalspum ratamo ratio mnnrarecao Gardener avail able tor Part time work atiar proPhone Ora 12 yA DAILY CAKE given to children in IV In eail Telephone PA Valera MALE assume north wanna to train as Real Eatate aaiaamen Chanel to Malta between ddeand $7000 nail 50 FEW yearly No an enema nelm Wltln Fox 99 FE Eumln out om mo hill Poet t0 19an taaebera utlea heat at holidays Oodrtn arttens Ll AIDtiuk lettereart time uoaarranamrn rise In need mornin it to 1100 mm It per near fennel mm data and details at upe um tit boar 191m la 12 vTENDERS VESPRA TOWNSHIP Sealed tenders will bermlved byvthe undersigned clerk up to 11 ocioeknoongsflurdv July 14 mt toiosd Ill and spread mlmataiy mo it rnnmval mo yda watered and packed illave to beaupplied by Torm CertiiledIeheque iol 10 oi tender pri gt Lowest or any jessarlLv accepted For iIIr iniormetloecon THEBOARD 0F PARK MANAGEMM 30 400 Barrie Oniaado TENDER The Board at Park Mathew ts otterhm for ml the some alon loathe sale at lightreiruh menia from the booth in Queens ParkBarrle Tenders willbe received thetalderaimdop eidayuiuivn Lo estormy tender limitations PM Nattonal Leanm AB Davis LA no es mm Clemente Pittaliddbs 9636 Aiou SF et 330 Williams Chi summer RAW MIL 112mm 311 Runs runs ihnpeiee 75 our Belted It Davis 88 llita Davis 12 Doubles moles flianeyw ltotlltorl Stolen ans2 Willa 4e eliciting Purkey Cincin natllat Strikeout gale194 Jimenez KC Runnels Boa itolilns Minn Siebem KC stare amid Robinson out no as noan ltuna Green Minnesota 61 maneth wuur Ina Angelou Elia Rollins 101 DoubledJ Robinson Triples Foxhnd Robinson Chicago and Clil0ll City7 Home Rana Wazner Stolen bases Wood De troll and Howler Kansas titty phenol Foytaplt Detroit e1 an Strikeout Parcual Minna Iota ll leptew ant um household dwindled he 11 MN 1981 Robinson wrong 222 id far ï¬cflp and orchestra ex ma vol mind evening into ariot oi wgndgi Parait into behoped unoqu or itatrhewan rovormusntl Mitt oi emergency doetorsreenliled aa aatop ap aid to pienllh the provinceanrpï¬h hyst elaaetlwu emitro eon ey the Bee ketebawan Medial Cara insur ance Oommlnion raya allelia short iermheip in the current doctors strike iied sndthetdt sated in providan aervi communities without doq lduatrot the criticism has been raifteaturlnn mainly the helple tot Importing out aide doctors and the amount at their payment DonaidrTsnrley chairman of commission itish rap ta Hospitaiin the central Saskatchewan townjoi Blue by doctoraupg piled by the SaskatchewanyColv lane at Pbyaicienl and Sun Swill ASRIVEL ve new or va axpeeted this wsekend will increase the wtaiflllrltls emerlency erew here They are hired on contracts transportat on nd remunera tier of betwe imiand $1800 avmonth inr oneto three months terms gt also been recruited by the corn mission as well as three phy alclenstrom other parts of government hired doc some nonmembers ntthe eel legs or physicians and surgeon who arevprovidiup emergency service tree at charge inas hospitals Dr rewarding rnvlnc al medl Seskatoon Fridaythat the gov amount is importing doctors teal Ca tary and ion secre by the SaskatchewanCoiiero Physicians enclasurgeons amour Emulate Under Canadian law and medical practice British doe ttoo tor ratIla ow to the sun MI rovidlnr return air reare working apart irom todvreportera in ineligible torglicenea to prarm tlae He did not say where these doeiora cameirom in Benin Iiaelr itinze rMed No Britlahdoetorl has been reiused registration iotn leadtoidiflitt ltl Advocate oi the gated atti metaltoolddmduee the water miles Ind ea ship on the New York Greet seroute many mil llons oidollara sedation repletarend il oi road charmer ran doctors would have to te examlnatlombeiore tttdio tactile thetwo Annamaria with experience as doctors We beonihlred arhorpitai temesundar the supervision licensed doctor Meanwhile an orientation iorrnsd to keep Saskatchewans doetora within the province says the government by brind lna in outs east iueli in tilerole oi breakers Barb sAu hustler torpedoed ah ip beautiful woman dlrputed medical de Fin arm and tlllm iouud in the Little VA ill ti barber ahop added on today theimyrtery oi who was Propolo Demat Dome died ot aheartattack in downtowntheatreï¬undhy Known to his lrlenda as Peter thoddyearoid barber had 9131 in his pockets the coroner re ported ill eitylnvestipatoreiound Fridayr in the book be shop amour meglclne oid manor tinder hmuttra thay found 0000 in cash Anoiherflimo were tiered around in cigar bores andienveiopeax bank book showed an accountot Two American doctors have Claude Judo reside Canadian Zrtaument ButWhereDidIt Damn abletthe niiroadeghertihan on one to servenotice on to put labor economies into ettect soon Impossible Hie statement came Friday atter the heads oi tivsruliroad unions in relevaland raieeted iedarai povernmsntfotior po arbltrata the deadlocked dispute over thanumber or men to trains rate Unit States dd believe Woite aei thatthe recommendatimmoiithe presidential raUrgad ill be me eetive lienoted tb rm could not take action the ioderal mediation boardton malty termlnetsajita serviced in Under the law the due burned Corps bErrIEergénoy Debbie Embrorled Inf ControVersy by the KeepOur DoctoraCommlt tee said an estimated expanse oi at least 100000 has been in curred by thepovernmont int reentltinz This is another indication that the povernmentla continu inrto and the ayars money nthreckless andon to his whatvltoould eali not the statement Isys Dr Neville dmlth bigReglna sportsman torths Saskat chewan college oi Physicians and Surgeons raid doctors it they oontinus to practise are supporting the govemmonta atand intho diaputer lqma dated um and saidhe bed at tended the Univertlty at Lenin prod in return tar avplledge to etay tor to ya in Russia are CHECKED RECORDS But the barber also ioldthe lawyer that he hodboen impfls oned whlle practlalnl medicine alter graduation irom the Uni versity oi re go Medical thooi check of records there however bowed no trace at Dams Stacks at duets written Spanishand Russian were tolind on oounterln the barber shop Some iromSonth America were addressed Dr Prokopy 19 St pita era Iticepted Dome as an intern becausa or his Lenlnzrad degree The hospital reported hade titted alx months later and training was lound in uiiicienti its also had appli state boardot medical examin ers to take physicians exam ination Damn told them his diploma The board learnadv the ship out toihe bottom in early Bit and denied the appilcatio in impelnormed shop jtor $50 month He aired docile tubes in previously reco gone down witha Japanese ahIptorpedoedan1940 representinp on train employ sent letterr to the national mediation board Friday unorth no notitillrtk all areaabsd been iulbt sx plated in nelotiatlonal Ir errotwo when are bit aid the mediation boardroiier of arbitration was premalure Immature The ratlmadawnkod utvot the talks in Chicago ravine turthsr peroilatlona wa use nw The next ate mediation the actionL oi thefop thdid thl 11 hrati Apreald la en monded ï¬tment invole gtlimlnatlo to000trelpht trai tian and broad lieewsy thevralltpade make oiii Discrimination lug throuxhllsrv Museum Wedn Mealst uncut diamond crystal and otherv pema with ayiolal value oi $50000 The big mend wasdeacrlbed by Pro aor Oomelius Hurlbut Jr on part nainaraltoriatr as that to an mor pe lcrya itasiaa on exhibit in humid NiowlNBARRlr MIIIureHsea SERVICE On Most null wrra one New