Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1962, p. 4

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Durbig elections there is muob teikby politicians aha androiber generational ch ghavelli its practical meaning Howeveracme recent observations by xbr Solsrldt are worthyrot more than paaslii attentlon former chair an of the stance Research Board and vicepresident of the Canadian Nat ional Railway Solandt discussed scientitlc preach to unemplo merit Andifho oesnt spell out afu pros am in detail certainly he points out be general direction inwhlchtheeation muso Th is mostimportantlhe Quebec cbronlclelelegra hi believes lfor wa have often suspec ed that despite produce utlvity councils despite pious mouthings there seems to have been definite lack of direction in the nations approach to this problem Not that we woud sacribe the blame to anyone in particular It is notional error for which we all are culp able in some way But if we are to over come that error we must set new max imum in cooperation and above all the cooperation nust be applied in the right directiqnf Forfniaximum employment in Canadai DruSolandt urgesthat Canada shout canvart its raw materials andexport the unemployment natioa so don woridjmarketa his bare Dr Solandt makeaarvo goodpoint ourinauuiactura products mustei slty iieiitaltatioae fortbese goods ave or be so new and unwellmedallist eo pie would buy thamjderplte big pr cee is caused the hi co or production beraer will avetobeproducedby lsboomsc ne teamso productiyeand efficient that theyceud be priced low enough to compete with similar pro ducts from other countries the that compete poaalb for few products but for thabullr of our increase welmust leek to White tlve That is we must meet the compel lion fromotlter countries both on the world market and at home And it wears to achieve this there must be the maximum of coopera tion between all aspects contriban to production including eyernmentla management diatribu on and whatever else one cares to name This must be na lion program in which all ahare the Que ec writer asserts Without it and without full cooperation it is not likely we shall ever reach our goal offull em ployment carnage Drinking planes Aatrong warning against the den are of encouraging teenage drinking as been voiced by Dr Marvin Block of Buffalo who has itensive study In the light of present day conditions Dr Diock predictsthat one out of every 515 teenagers will probably become an ialcoholic adulthood For this Dr Block lays the primary re sponsibility on the home and it is in the home that he sees hope for modifying these discouraging figures The means Dr Block states are fiin provement of the homeenvironment un derstanding the factors which contrlbut ito alcoholism suitable ance and girls ilper education Often children drinkto conform to iivhat others are doing he says On the DOWN Isa Yeaasnco IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 23 1927 Royal Victoria Hospital graduated six nurses Hazel Eileen Chappell Muriel Elizabeth ijonnclly Florence Mae Gilchrist Aimee iMargaret McCoukey Edna Margaret Simpson and Monica Esther Torpey Graduation was held at the 100F1Temp with MacLaren president of the Zhospital board presiding Addresses were iven by Deputy Reeve Duncan McCuaig ounty Clerk Simpson and Dr Cor eras of Elmvale Majority of Barrie 3stores decided to hold Wednesdayhalf holiday Sixth largest in Ontario the county registry office was declared inadea quate in accommodation by provincial in pector for legaloffices Victorian rder of Nurses decided carry on to tend ofyear despite lack of finances At is special meeting Dr Little said if the EVON was disbanded in Barrie it would he orelymisseiibyvthe poor people one Smith age suffersbrolren leg hen knocked down by car on Dunlop treeta Percy Brown of Dalston was killed by premature explosion of dynamite while blasting stumps Mr ners Thomas Rumble awardedtlr 40 in damage action in county court gninst Tyson Rewat arising from car flaccident at Hillsdal flrade arranged CToronto for local artists to go on thejair for an hour program Dr Ll given the problem are children in cocktail Malachi LANE Barrie Board lostatfen CJ other hand they sometimes drink as non comformlslb acausa it makes them feel grownup Tolerance of drunken behavior andso clal pressure fordrinking he labels as fpeihaps the two greatest factors which have led to this overemphasis on drink ingAnrextreme reflection of this is some parents serving sol drinks to their glasses kiddie cocktails We should teach our youn people says Dr Block that netto rink does not affect them sociallythat alcohol is notanecesslt that same so is maydrinkif ishhutthet oo era ll bring rm If we could teach pcoplevthnt the real aophisticate never drinkaercesaivelyand that to do so means socia ostracism wed find less and less alcoho em Simpson was the announcer with Ed mund Hardy as piano accompanist for Mrs Hardy Harry Shannon Catherine RossMrs Anderson liarry Bar ren Emory Hill and Mr and Mrs Codling Sadie Bremner and Muriel Bry aon played piano solos Ken Walis Bar rie orchestra wasvfeaturcd in flying So Blue Copenhagen and fC blng the Ladder of Love Count Coun was asked to place 181214 Brit vessel Nancy on own island at WasagaBeach Al lston beat Knock 87 in South sun coebaseball Dunn itohed for the win ners Cliff Lockhart or Knock Smith andCo started $10000 furniture adjustment sale Rev Carsi cadden and family honored bylcongrsga tion of Central United Churchpr or to departure for Toronto With master yful pitching by Fredd Plant Barrie base ballclub dcfea ed listen 61 Ken Mc iKenzle led the cal hitters andalso madev brilliant plays in the outfield wadaya later Barrie played at Kndckwinning 165 With Cotty lrihble pitching Adam McKenzie got four hits including home run Ramoses Temple Mystic Shrine game to Barrie and held ceremonial para Arrangementswere made by John liSIIiClhiIf DelbertEntms installed aszor shipfulMasterof Kerr Lodge Capital Theatre featured Patsy Ruth Miller in What Every GirlShouId know New Dreamland showed Sally Neill inFrisa co Sally Levy cram canons Views fploLice siclining Kingston WhigStandard am of muchpuhliccriticism police rcc no sliiibeing criticized the Examiner Authorized lumfldlua mu Poatfiilico Den moist Ottawa and for payment pnauge In cash maaya ana Statutnry nailsy excepted KmmWALLI Puauaiaer BRIAN suiqm teenrel manner ii comparison Manning lei as mundanea Manage on rat 8th xmen Oratorio trio for unnecessary violence and the Violation of the constitutionalrightsof citizens Much of thiskind of trouble arises through ignorance and lack of training andwe suspect that many police constable makes troublefor hi self and the force because he is unsure of slegalpositlon It have conquered the Pill raduce the activities of the iiike Jacks celebrated and British Columbia know COUNTY RICK AflON As have ran the news ra polls and the editorials of sev eral Sirocco County newspapers concerning the proposal by County Council to drastically Simcoc County Community and Recreation Service have been struckover and cvor again by one thing namely the short aighledneaa oltha so council members who voted for Will piopoaal rAsrr Mpny 01 our county council lera seem to feel that the pro gram is expanding too fast that than Ia too great an expendi ture of public funds on what one newspaper caliod moi coddllng of adults and ycul At this point should like to Tech few factsto the attention of our councillors in psrtinilar andtha public in generat First the recreation service has not expanded icofest it has not mushroomcdovcrnighl san Sociallcrediiideas Benefit ilnui BJJtAERICKVMICEPLQON The eventaol lectionv Day In lhe province Quebec have again set many Canadians ask ing What is Social Creditif iIhdlnstent and trite answer is always Funny Money But as the people of Alberta well Social Credit offers much more than the is each of these provinces th electors have chosen Social Credit representi atlves to form their provincial gevcmniont and havere elected them eight times for total of thirtyseven years of government together No Social Credit government once elected in Canada has ever been thrown outuby the voters That impressive record sus gestsrthat the people of our Western provinces have beans very satisfied withgSoclal Credit Or at least they expect better government from it than irom anyother political party as at present constituted the WHAT ISFUNNY MONEY Social Credit says National Leader hohert Thompson is basically an economic system Through it the real wealth of country would be converted into money for the purpose of malntainln balance between productio consumptie the benefit at all citizens rt Adlmtld heart is pre ucli bound the new in extent in chool will have murmurs yet onlyaa few heart allmant than are will Itlllwll adamwbij hot 10 ieriliiailii Ialulion is ten goody stalksonihecon origlls this simply velepmcnt has been now rare swimming and day cm are tul and lhenilhy Seventeen grain iorchildreniliPleaso gears are lilies loulte Collcy notlcc thatthe bylaw called for cgnnher work with Simcoc community mgram for County About In years ago the inhabitantsflfl lindthisim lcehn town to such cludos adults and youth not lher lulltime lust ahildran as worker was needed Last year haveus thinkx Inmafld One township rceve oilthis some would synonoiiipaan as the feeble the staff was now three full time employees This does not ioollt to medike overhasty ext anaion Rather it looks like aeltliy aansihle growth PURPOSE Secondly what is the purpose county line charged thattlle tie volopment ol the recreation ser vice is duo to slack of initia live among adults and children in the county 0n the conirar the exact oppoaiieia true Th Simcoc County Recreation See election meth axpectcdinline with changtnglceoditicnr iWil speedier communication and oralntenalve campaign ingthereJa a1grest demand for shorter campaigns ereilwe ha pounds is liable of prep clog litndgiit crashed at Again the Quebec loader which the ac gevemmant paid needs of our society is lot the wlth thespei caninulsnnca sex who can organize tlieir pw on all purchases which the work and the work of others ol thedlmcoe County Commun im my WWW hi ii fly and Recreationljcrvicei °l dream Momma win was the visiomoi the mundane valance it old council which brought the ser an handed it to immunity vice into oxiaisnoel Simcoc Plinth instead the work canny Bylaw ares Ianuniyaa iii the service has been in guid iaae toys that the service is int and advisins neopiayiw communlty mmm have already tried to organize off creation which includes Some protectIndium d1 cultural educational phyalcoljlflliliel MW reoriehavciiio and aocialactlvitlcaj for instinct for leadership but hole wailsbelng olfholcommunlty not been trained in the skills and for the uao benefit and 1am techniques the are the wouldnt be possible with it to advantage of the inhabitants litfllile Whom the recreiiuun shorten thelpreaent time for servichoaLhelps theaewltheleciiona elthcr federally or nty of inlitliltlve harid lilacs provincially ut who run no ice ncs if MANNING cuitiea of organization Just as News mum manypeopiehevenaturalteach mm Knihedmuw ingahliity but cannotloach Wt any mauve Credit victorieadn Quebec ccivo some training in tech The twoyear lV efforts of Im 5° mm uh Quebec lenderlteui Ceouetta leadorahl abili also need training in thstzdhniouomhls WW1 fitvenfitd 4° ia the work done by the Racro 1° drama in WPWV edaa ation Servicn in itsllendemnp ince courts its YouthForums and Whlth dill mm lat all 111°f°WfllrMihlflfiinnit similar activities mull 50 cm 01 Willi about the $11000000 which the also is going to have the same Alberta government distributed WING NEED to its citizenser aboutlthe $50 0i of the must littliliii probah aoon ace voters atl The wouldhehaaed onan annun registration taken across the country Ihia system is foi lowcd inithe Ul The current method paring the list by house to house enumeration along with the ap success through the same meth ods here in the first place Quebec do to every householder infirm development of people who can Eolitica have always featured Thatcontrustcdcvery happily think for themselves panels Ontariogovernmentintroduced Deolilev Who know flow to set lastyear things donein shortleaders Their lnoney could not This la the workof the home funnier than our former the school the church and hod Coyne credit yglem which lea like the Simcoe County Rec alone in thaWestein world per Milan Emilie It Wide mltted the lenders to name Mild it this ism oi the theirown lnterestrate balls tqrreachlflflplms of the stupid device underwrite Gov service This is what Simcoc Ielevlalon to rd have taken place next to the churchin importance All Mr re Ceoualte uaing French anguegesand with only lirriited es mi necessary revision palInd min on of owing this takes so long it ofb There is nowhere in Ontario where parallel situation would Al one may have ka sound barrier on the very troublesomeflouaation at can Illct between munlclpal coun hero and he Socielcus lhe system seems hlyemeilonal amest even let success was Ichievad among the ha elite ihoy era people who ould rich programs could be sure lg and ancee the and boards afeducnllon also on the lack of control over boards The province has passed pen missive legislation school boards canbedoneaway with by plebiscite In such cases all matters ex cept financing are handled committee of council llhere provision for representation of school supporters whorelt side outside the municipal boun ries term or sense Your ported employment from Can ada to USA Japan WustGeN manyCzcchoslovoklo and other countries which couldthen un derselivust werner Coyne abdicated the usual Icounll thil it What Gfinfldll responsibility of central bank that this What it WW to set its own interest rate WorldneedsDNNG W310 can lt think and who canle 0ill MANAGED MONE Are the citizens fiat Simcoe Perhaps it iano funnier either Comfly to be deprived of than our Ilililtli iii P3P money of their most valuable assets which canbe madegtight at by group of shortsighted the whim of Finance Minister pennyplnching county council Harrlathenlooaenedby Fi you nancaflMlIlister Fleming Nor unmet Yours sincerely MISS MARYMORREN 25 Eugeniast Barrie rulesoi the Western Mt Fudfltdfl nqndniilnuniusa inseam it Rural Areas Get which crippled our factories and resource industries and sit Il0RtNlQ CPlfSbmii yth rural customers will benefit aVIttperccntrcductieb on while ills chfenbaker eieciric home lietins has corrected those Liberal ab neun dbytheVOntariodlydro item Sdciiii cradlillmime Elec ower Commission DroprnHeet alii higher rate by of Mieavinge account teddy tat 1Cdena iratBunio Effective July lat savings do posits at the ofM will earn interest pulse rate dd Foliuwllhe example is listed millionVCanadiene who creates tow theories romnin juntiicd ll government the whirl plea Governmeritbut not in gt the co trndictory it dictat ovemincnts hllst plorln alike the strange affair Hertha take crfofthe utility company QElfectivo eliblln inns next October the newrsiootrlva at kilowstthour will bierd sity of at least itlpor uertermllc road oraireet determined not nowhere 100 or are building forlomorrow at Canadee also liens BANK armament Wu and payihlngiamong pynu nve Jolene Christ andhlmcruallladl

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