Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jul 1962, p. 16

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eat with pincer washroom his ahower Tbls home is in excellent eon dition inside and out and rep resenteexeellent value for your money Maire anappolntlnent toaec this home today flerrlia BEDROOMS 5135 tiim onlylr the Islrlngprloo mm mm film Evmfmnmm forthlafotir aid briclr mam noon all it viipayment entanjalovean drapei pm 3mm and than tltedtour plece both full Open for for lien eluded yarn in on you an they ignite gin If COUNTRYSEitmG BIRTHS It loomed on theoutalrirtsofBerrley ran llflmlmlm mm and mm of stone with spacious living roomwtth firep ace Penellcd den SIMPLEHa and Mac Norman Lowdown payment to one NHA ample Cmeant mortgage that carries forth mm with mm wmmlmlmm Camp Patawa re hop to monthly includihg inlereal1irln Michael on tuaedfyldiio Im lam le at the NDYIIVIDIUPII ttoapt lab brother for Catharina ThompsonLL 39500 full price for this Ireom brick dwelling located in Al EamolJ In Wellingtnonstreet Il anon heatng thirllgy it who clipboards with stainless afoot lm It the Womena Colleu tida basin full basement garage plus good garden This home in in good clean condition and pilot Tornnin WOEEDELbMr and Mrs Id well located Down payment only $2000 and the balance on inund Wendell ta Cumberland one open mortgage street Darrin are happy to an BEDROOMS gently in baa dfrat the ran f°lina°tiimd lid ID nileetaia heated We twiddle fit Wildly thftu cues action of ebaesrm Cho oi dessert and eoilee Up two whiteb wituloneiimteentth lole condtuanld ti cl Avail blet pilndi we been OPTIONAL ilih an avaianl from 1335mm lldina not when Nix limidflttnA isnng center ltcve Indlofrfaea or In heated phone PA arm on lit IILMONTAMD earpiece who monthly TelephoneultA diet rnnu nan rtueantatna three room Irtmant blah il Irll laellltlra Tiled thr monthly Taleph Large pill area if oth gt featured hildren Weighs No RlVATESALE tavpieoael in Napier no NEWTON sooner 92355 when transferred Spotless three bedrtioln brick bungalow Recreation room Carpdrtf TEN ACRES WITH ERICK HOUSE Station and screens Handy to in beautiful setting of maple and evergreen shadnirees This reboots and downtown Seerlllce oldel type home has large living roomhdlnlng room and kitchen it or best offer after June on main floor Three good bedrooms on second floor Basement PA 66792 new furnace pleasure system hotandcold water on top This nix noon ltdusa nrlclr riding endearing home Is about 10 miles fromttnrrle An excellent buy must be seen to be appreciated Call for particulars Smith gt nroom numb nth lifimhttmrtlh iidtl Campbell PA Mti veninge PA 87869 Walemlfiamt may Immdlata poraaaalon Call HANlv nay hour For the buyer who wants low paymentson home here in mean Hammers Iipr silo PA nounce the birth of their Ion Lee on June 21 Ml It the Royal Victoria Hospital cozy bungalow netiernong lovely shedotrees Living room kitchen bedroom and dvplece brother or handy us can be $750 Down Payment Therols also larger room could be used for nation hobby room mm price rm roomy or many uses Easement with now furnace Garago Asking bedroom brick bungalow Ptlttt only 667 gt Living room and dining room FOR RENT IN MEMORIAN anhrlholn loving memory combination kitchen ti piece hm hm basement with mmorcy four bedroom home for rent in Allendale tenoo per oi dear hornnu and father Claude Banting whopamd away forced air heating This prop oriy is equipped with storms Joan Lang =PA $5761 Chnrlcattead PA steely Smith Campbell 3738 OFFICES STORES EEN omen MCI for rent wall to caution Collier st Reasonable ratio Telephonx PA lmrbe tween armv pan N0USE5FORRENT nut ROOM trance to not in ran dam contIntention Central loca tion Available Attmt PA Mm after ten prn or Joan than PA WI dorililillzli tar eon IoIrtmtulfiEItiah EPITAPH 1er bedroom meal and two hadroorn ri Par Doll aemldctaehed brick low oil furnace eton room with fourth bedroom he no location tore but it cannot fill tbelon lna For the loved one lone fore rWho Ihall any the grief in Ireland Ttloultl Initial tilde thoIra tlemorica tlcap the wound atlli open With the panning of the yeara Evor loved and remembered by his wlte Jennnttc Ion Brian and daughter Brenda uANTlNoln loving memory of don Ion Claude Banting who Baach away my moon had smile pie ant helpliik handto at tine lir win no hind so genorour and rue Dn earth hr nohly dirt hla bel Grant him God heavenly rest Sadly mlean Mother Dad RANTINBln loving memory or dun hmtharlnlaw and until Claude Banting who plned away My lbdd in our heart your memory llngcrr nennar Tttltll ngonoon Bungalow on bulilne Ollmrnaco Partly ftn laned recreationroom Two loch nonpublic school and shopping centre Available An an PA ll mm null I48 PURNldtillt Room for not Can itll umm trai locailo elepho neequ Am for hrrtnnrlliiuo ruin Iwo nnonooM unftlm IpIrlmnni for rent Private an agyglgngimwm mm mm refri enter an fldflff l° Toleyhonl PA soon or an about FARO Reddltung Room rent on main floor Central lion Apttil lllary Street or telephone PA dIiez punrrlsllan Bedroom for rent in THREE BEDROOM Homl ideal for large family Amol play ground for children Naar school and one the lava Rent or month lINrnitIrre could hlupzlh ohaaed PA 6M THREE BEDROOM Bungalow Rar nimd or unrumlrhod cut of Highway nlahl mile aouth of flame on tih Conceuion Thorn FURNISHED three room metal lnnewhomn Private at Parlrln ladUIlibl Eut end to tton Immediate poaaoulon Tele pilimt PA 61120 Iltnr pm or mil but 1nllld hcloa atoreaa and Mimi tiI hoot led all Add tnlniinon A3 oh pi July My ma ping laphona PA 510 In em hi Tlmn my hearted NW tauIt emotion and nluhntlfii nlhTrinn dirrrihri ffmo may make the wound Home w1th mmtlon room hm Claudine July Ap two reliant school aacnen llvlnr room with dinln inur re auntie at or teleph it cm hre to in lune piled bath with vanl located men Ii ml on corner int0atuo phone pIt Men cafitmelnt glh alpttmblr wml trfct Landscaped irollR RIDltooltt Route central Itiaa Trill Trillion 0t and only about years old and gnflfifihgl ll nylgll Am liioonnN titre rental apartment Hta we roasted to schools lmmng of Barrie and Dlatrlet imata Board in four leeahth in floor lhmulh lute possession with $750 down MM lnrlrargllr Vlltxamwkcmrpan out in mporch our glad RooMg 10 cell it payment bedroom ranh bunaaiow lam nooil ronsrrc onMIry street AL unvgnmg ram weltlgbfolfltaenfidllnlifl halal optional Tolephn PA EQR urchin four placeulaaath with on EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BROKER ltlnliif°ihntliil 51 acres more or legs of slightly 115 DUNLUP ST EAST PA 84252 PA 84608 Heeuumlly landapred tot ro rolling farm land including rd Km Bu IL ray on Moon wri 60197 out Mama rectum was if north of Barrie on which islo tile way 27 approximately lo noted sixroom dwelling wrlh our in no le Prlc ll tplece bath double garage OslgflR outreach Ardvtttt barn to 60 equipped with car 55 anon stlnvsllttn to ntl rler concrete floor steel stab THORNTON nullolnr Lott near lows dihodl ion ihur Dobnnnwho Sweotly tender fund and true There in not daydear Claude That we do not think of you you remembered by hiika Nn and children nonsONln loving memory of dcnr hurbpndan July 1959 The roilan director of fa roll on Nul still the Vacant chair ltetoiln the love itaarvnlce jinn mile the one who once eat there Evornrernemhdred by hi wife MNNELLY in loving memory of dear daughter and Ifntcr giggly who passed away July in lean are raw you Ifnlllnl We watched you fade away our hcartr wero almost broken You fought hard to atIy But when we now you sleeping So poaeciully free from pain We could not with you back To nutter thatagain Evcr remembered by Mom ling with water bowls chicken CALL DAY0R EVENING ltfomhar ot the Barrie and Dtatrfcr TREES TREES 516000 Cus tom built iIlree hedroomhrtcll popular Lshaped living en silo implement shed abun ant supply of water and heavy ydro throughout Would sell or xchange for larger farm PA 82379 Real Estate Edarti HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srnaac PHONE PA 52678 ungalow attached garage and Doria Nuttycornbe diaryann Smith Norrrr ttaakath Curly Klootterman Lea Msiflvelrma Neanbln of the Barrie db District AND COMPANY Realtors on BAYFIELD sag Pa ootsi ANYTIME VvEVDilNGS lCALL PA entail PA alto Align He aalla ope Real Estate Board Sloull CENTRAL ONTARIOS uanoasn REALTORS lo COLLIER STREET on room sprlng Lovely six room home has two bathroomsffreplacefiendirhent ed by oil furnace Garden gar ageand chickenhouse property right at the city limits is altered for sale below value as owner has other Interest Fuli pricetihmo Agencres Ltd 50 acres silt room dwelling barn creek band pastur way PHONE NY 29th BARRIE stoop DOWN Will buy one ofthe moat beau iéul 10 acres close to Barrie andscaped property be it as crack atockedytrou pond Tllls COOKSTOWN AREA lt ll seeded to buy Near 400 High and recreation park Iblolo minuth from tiar an amino Apply no uhlM PROPERTY FOR SALE OR REN iaguire llrlo lot In ne Alllrton on Cam uorden ttoad Tciephooelil Miid Allirtott for further detllil rn WANTED TO RENT ac OR BUY noun on prone Bedroom Home wanted to rent army in the vicinity of st Mrya Church Write giving date to Bell to Barrie Dramlner nus OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITYW no own larlrson Ectophnno PA Btlal PARTMENTS FOR RENT= lat MONTHS RENT noun Telephone TAylor M733 SEVEN Ruttltl Erick Home with hreplaca for rant aaa heated aarago Good location achnola Newly able immediate DohaitiEtrne Houses WANTED NBIPDNEIBLI house with three or four bed cltile to ceoraiedn Ava Apply at family require omr near public and high hnola Required by August no and two hedroorn apart manta completely selfcontain ed stove refrigerator Janitor service From $65 monthly PHONE PA acorn ONE BEDROOM Apartment Owen and arova Strccta Irna Ample aiorago Parking laundfil room with er Steve and ref gerator Avellaha July Tolephuna PA Hill PA 66639 PA Hm LARGE THREE more Irtment to rant Newl dacoratelt eat and water Iupplud Also one amall three room apartment Apply 2M Dunloptit Eaat or telephone PA sense or PA ontrn UNFUENIENED one bedroom apartment aeparala entrance pri vate contral location boat and or lttppiled Telephone PA sedatyforlurther information ound reams and Telcp PA Moll EABT END Lo lion bus route One bedroom partment ulfvcon talned heat and water Iilppltod Stove Indrefrlgeraior included private home two blocks from downtown ilualnnaa gentle preferred For for olephono PA Md ND EOAR IVliiIilI Central nnd convenient to fatten Ila Telephone Flt M255 lvAttGl trpnt Room Ivliilhip with beard Central location Luncth Plokbd For iitrtidur lnlormation telephone PA 52951 ROOM AND BOARD tlIbiI Inr youn gentleman Dunlop and ttrad ord Stroeta diatriot Tele phono PA count for further inton matlnn SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGE ORISALE nix MILE LAKE hedroomfltr YOUR owu ausuvass 109 Canadian com dining room with walk out door to patio and very private fenc ed yard Beautiful large divi lded Hanover kitchen Owner transferred must sell NttA terms Coll Rita Soaudrett NHA RESALE Five good size rooms close to schools Any reasonable down paymentror appointment to inspect tele phone Percy Ford SPECIAL LOCATION This room bungalow can be put chased for only$103iiowlth very reasonable down payment balance as rent Phone Percy Ford APARTMENT continuum tral to downtown $70 monthly Phone PercyFogd $14900 NHA New listing it roomranch style brick with garage large dining area Han rover kitchen aluminum doors storms and screens Lotwith big trees One block to smell shopping plaza and bus Near swimming beach Priced uhder market and carries for Still including taxes CallEmernon Swaln ESSA TOWNSHIP acres of choice land better than average buildings creek near community centre STAYNER AREA too acres nearly all workable Real goody buildings Conveni ences Good beef or dairyform Mrs EleanorMaw Oscar Eaten It and sisters loving memory of our dear dillliiiidr and alster Klin berly Sharp who passed away only reel Many lonely heariaehn litany silent tear Elli alwaya loving memory or one we loved to dear laovlngly remembered lifnm and Daddy Glenn Debbe and Hobby CARDS 0F THANKS LANCEhire Herb Langc Ind family express their gratitude to everyonn for their kindness lym pathy and Ilowera received during their bereavement in the loss of dear husband and father WALKINEHAWJ Willi tit Ihlnk Dr Smith Dr crmiandrliev Summon EA my nurse Royal Yictdtidldlos ill for their kind Iitealtlori whle in hospital also relatives trienda and neighbora for flowers treats cards Vinita iiltd inquiries lilru WIikitJliIlW EVENTS Tolnpbone PA 353 or PAEMW TIIIIEE ROOM Apnrtment prIVl bathroom and entrance Hot water oil heated refrigerator and hery duty atevo Located on Jurion Avenue Apply to Cantrrstrret nllhnd coltgo tor ea ten foot frontage good tithing ulna etc Telephone no diiiil comers haul port Inuit bli RENT Located on ttaaa Lake Three bedrooms three piece bath Private road and beach Avallahlo luly Telephone PA BZle COTTAGE onlakotront bedrooms hydrn Ilove and re trlgerator lowingwell water Ealu aandy beach Thunder Bay naar Pcnntana Vacant for tire tbrcc wcekl of July and tart two ornh overtures an Nana ALCONA BEACH New bungalow inchnice lanai tlon South of Barrie Only needs few finishing touches All conveniences Full basement Large lot 65 200 Asking $8000 with 500 dew and easy terms CONDENSED COMFORT zyalmost new room bev elled wood siding bungalow Separate dining room recren tion room Located on diet street Asking 59500 noo down with balance on easy terms call for your appoint ment to inspect log Nortlln nrndr Available Evenbrga lilarv or Ede Gould 0rd 7118 Harry Stellar PA m7 OreIBrnwn PA evens Lloyd or Floris Hocklny PA Milt longhorn stayoar mm iuo acre farm good brick home RE TATE BRoxER all modern conveniences good 232 Tim st barn Asking pflcetlt000 with low down payment balance TWO FURNISHED heated apart menta one truom and one Are do per monthAdulta For tort or nfnrrnatlon telephone PA Miler THREE BEDROOM heated pro merit in modern triplex Ava able July ditto monthly Telephone pA allot any Wall or part time filled or women may apply 055000 yearly netreturnsl only requires hours of your time Weekly OiNiTIAL OUTLAY LESS THAN creel Join lire thousands who operating successfully inthls new food industryl Write wire or phone isiriiplex llatbar Sales Limited Suite its to Yonge Stree Toronto VPARTNER turnberand supply Western Ontario and uguat foot Three mm uNFURNlllIBD Apartment heat ad olootriev Itove refrigerator MODERN three room apartment aupplled Laundry room and logic torrent with three piece bath er No children Available June and private laundry room Apply liayvtew Apartments tit Dunlap at or Marcua street Barrie SLEItt Tclcphona PA Mold lPActolilB three rooml fgntahed gunman Vhrgfilmenihdcclmono gt BE TEE Olympiad to Hill hilaineaincou Downtown location Laundry ia For pie Apply to tea 5L North tllea Plenty of oloeeta suit can or hualneu girlr Telephone PA nacnaaon Apartment consisting na or bedroom kitchen living room and hattlLPrivItaantrInle UNFUllNldliED W0 MANN artmuni on ground more com monthty Telephone PA ooze gawnmg oneannnooru unf unto 3°IS°dlllV95lfhflllri°F Ipertment lh wcat end Nrtvate cellar no allot befo right arson wishing IUltlvell entrance and use ofxwaaher and At no PenetIag sir aploxlmamy film mm mm mqlmem mum MORERN unfur bed one bed 95h room kalpIrtmentl ling filly15 an it WW tii°inmn on to em fhree lcce rton and downtown Pasta4a In is empannch up one ASKING PRICE $1 00 For this love bedroom brick home in one ofBarries best residehtihl districts on nicely landscaped lot Eery termslb Callus oday to nspect this peloiy aclfdontalned rent Available July ANNOUNCE THE OPENING RR N0 BAttltlE it miles south on Highway 27 OPENING SPECIAL PEEMS $550 SHAMEOO AND sap $125 illiititlicitpri and wood anelted living mom Available tang Prim PW ll Neill taken to our Iy Telephone PA orple AWE stall photogra us Mounting Three room no large living room bedroom Pile 955 All fltrrllrhad apartment withrbI bathllaate lint cold We are Heavy duty wiring Heated Cell Refrigerator tov plied trat location Telephone Mon la Attl after pure Telephone PA Mid gt CLOSE TO BARRIE RITA SCANDRLtt pa Mitts OLD nasmolran or afternoon and evening ntmentsphonePA event Sl James Ay CrownHlIl rNVlnasvou ON sday July it COFFEE BREAK nhd liner canard DOROTHY WILCOX IERCY FORD PAslTflfl EMERSON SWAIN FA Hdflll Member or narrla nnd Dianintend Ontario Real Estate Board ALLrim do OWEN JONESPA 37917 MURIL JEFFERYPAddldl AR WOODWAIIDCrlemnre Tbree bedrotirnsfllviog room dolriioheii four grandamAlso extra large age This home can be month with couple of thousand eld CalI Emory Miller PA poo1881 harm STREE Slab stone storey and half dining roo piece bath full basement set on at deep lot completeswith chasedffor as low new pen down payment Seé it andde WING CA Kari lifershnltPA 88311 Miller PA 60553 the dominated ct droo Largo living room ergo dining Jared Member of Barrie laud District on can terms WNW AM Member Irrle and Dietribi Iteal Eata oard no at no door the lmperlalTbeatro 45A DUNLOP sr inanimate nouo Nfce between one andslito $35 in must be phoned in MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABI LIFETleUltED $1349 algae Mont 44 at 90 Monthly enddomonih andif anneed EXOACOVEEEC lily IlNPURNlelD we bedroomhale mnnt Iplrtmvnt private bathroom laundry roomparltlng East end Available luly tld monthly Telephone PA Hdd figs lddrPEflrthNTfl adorn auntrfli apartment fruth decorated at Pool Street Apt FURNIENED jEllihriiol Apartment Downtown vlocatlnn Private bath and ahowar no TV Weekly or monthly ra Applytdlaa Ray $351 PAMldlior avenlnga PA UNFURNIENED contained nfurnirhed the rtmerit with four lepa no monthly inaudea heat and laundry lacllltle Loca ted onPenotang Street phone PAMMS Om three return tan healed deeogatod stoannd rafri orator aelttcontalnad large two bedroom Tele duplex newly rruvunrllallao two bedroom apartment close to Barrio Poat Office Ground floor modern parking clean stove refrigerator draped piled if desired For further in ormallon PA Matt NBWLY tumlahed modern apart ment private home 0ch street Iindroonl hlth living kitchenette Clean ed parking School teacher rlum erred ted Telephone PA snap in person one bed Ipartriinnt largo living room kit with nxcnllrntulnlna area rileted Cnntral Apply no point after PA sauna THREE ROOM Apnrtmen tolled three piecebath Jinan Refrigerator and vy dut atove Eeilcontlined name cite Apply Arm Itroni rdware id Dun op St ONE MONTH FREE this two bedroom mode apartment floated Etnve nfrl erntnr an living room drap aupplied CioIe tnetora on paved unanEdn lb mtnutoa from Lo no to right tenant up General stqu cllen ran RENT for tanning

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