Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1962, p. 7

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by July less Hei personals htad rrlun PM Brenda McMahon and him non no or an Harrie Company ousatrrcsrtess Balers isui tor such abnormal site must be endorsed by her company cornt of Honor and recommended by on apply her Captain Osmp Come mondaai both District and Div ision Commissioncnaa well as by the Division Cant Adviser For this trip do is re oulrcd to be re yam at age iiy must be such thatsha can quickly adapt to new circum stances and assume responsibil ll yShe must have some special knowledge of skill such as hendicraitr or folk dancinghave good an ornate both in and out at uni arm and capable oi curling ior elf and her belong ngs it is essential that she have sincere interest in and uad crstanding at other people be both socially and emotionally mature and use the Guide Laws Ind Promisess her daily light bcitlrg elite also pore mem laugh candidate is required to have camped at least three weeks and to be in excellent physical condition Camping skills rsqulrad in clude the ability to pitch strike and care tor tent and be able to live comfortably in it She must know how to build three basic fires and keep them alight under all teather condi tions with good knowledge at fire precautionsraad have the chili to cook three meals day or ten people on trench fire tire correct methods of setting up and curlnig ferincinerItors and grease pls and the seal tary methods at garbage dis pearl and tilshwashing on in campsite Each must be able to use and properly care for kniie hub chct axe and digging tools be hip aware of the necessary sai eiy precautions as well as know how in lash and use it successfully to make more ilveoble camp She must be able to tnke cure oi the site and all equipment on it BASiC knowiauos Guides planning an interna tional trip are required to have good understanding at their own community province and country both geographically and historically and thoroughly understandsthmims and lore snlsatlon oftiteGlrl Guides or Canada and the World Assoelas tion of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Upon her return to Canada each must be willing to share port of at least 300 words to others her experiences by continuation of her guide contacts or at least one year andsend re PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Andrey Ceulson PA 86537 Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the oily and district Weddings anniversaries bi be bridge parties aadeoming at age parties visitors and tra vellers are all Items at later est in thewomen readers of this page Your help in rap Piling this news will be it Reynolds DDGMDls trlct iii lOOF attended Grand Lodge sessions held in the Roy il gosh Hotel Toronto June Holldaying at the homaoi snare LLIES Im nan her sons the you were too busy to PERMANENTS SPECIAL All applicants must aisb know Mr and Mrs Graham Dixon planned tor Europe Deatiiata cocaine oven the itiner ary tor their oomtagtour of Great British are Elisabeth McCsuley leit and Brenda McMahon oi Barrie ibis is the Provincial laterastionai Commissioner All these requirements makes it obvious that only girl hav as tirelhtlrghéalthstialndatifiland mos ow guiding is considered eligible The three main badges ens braced by the requirements on First Class Pioneer and Camp carit The methods by which can didatos are chosen has caused some comment by those not lsrniiisr with guiding Applications are screened ilrst by committee in the guldes own division titan by com mittee irom Georgian Area and itaniiy by the Provincial inter national Committee The last choicavis made by the province according to whom they deem most qualified to 1tepsesent Canada in torelga In AGENDA the group will tend stIhan don Airport at lizib am July is and spend two lull in that city taking trip to em pion Court and Windsor Castle on the lath and ntour to tCaniarbu and Dickens Land the iollo ng day On July in they will have full day cathedrals Tour spending one more day in Lon don and on to Cambridge July 20 for two day stop July 23 will he spent in travelling to Peterborouidr with very short stopover and arriving in York at 280 pm where they will spend two days From York the tour leaves on July oath ior Edinburgh where the girls will remain an in July at having toursto the Trossacks Aberfoyls and Loch Katrine One day will be spent in Chester and on August the Kmup travels to StratiordAOn Man for two days August and are allocated for visit in Oxford thancetto Devon where they remain tor six days The last two days will be back in London where they board BQAC Flight othat are Mr Dixons mother Mrs Helen Dixon oi Hamstaad Quebec and Miss itobin busted of Dorvsl Quebec van and Mrs Hbrry sown son Eugenia street have re turned to the city afterspend ing the holiday weekend as guests olMr and Mrs Mac Dawson pi Chatham Mr and Mrs Donald Campbell and sons Barry Bruce Donald and Biliyaiso WG Weston all of Montreal spent law days with Mr Campbells mother Mrs Campbell Essa Road 0N DENTIST TOUR Under sponsorship of the As sociated Dentists Cooperative at Toronto two tours have been and their wives lait yesterday to attend the Xillth lntcmat ionei Dental Congress in Colo gna Garmam0na tour to the Middle East sponsored by them in large party lrnm Ontario are Dr and MrsGer aid Woodgat and Mrs Arthur Edmund of Barrie rry An outstrip Want Ad PHONEPA ms Travel Arrangements ed each girl with travel Ewia ultalrlhoto the first timeia the history at Guiding ia Barrleyihat re presenlaiives have been chos eairom the Kempeaielt Div iaion tor the international tour ExaminersPhoto this am to arrive unsh resist irritant FUND RAISING Girl Guides are to be soilsupporting in as far as possible but this can be great burden when large sum oi money is needed very uickly affirmation of this trip waste ceived which leit very short White to raise the necessary $57100 for each oi the three candidates The Girl Guides and Brown ies of Kempenielt Division ral lied behind the cause and with in two months had accumulat ed over $1200 by their own work such motltods as tag days or rattles since it is expected that guides give value for moneys received Major pro sets were choc olata bar as and cook book sale the latter sponsoreddiy Alinndale District The members of the move ment in mansion Division re grateful to the Rotary Club and the Kinnetta Club for their financial support as well as to the Barrie Branch of Canadian General Electric which pretreat seam iron GOOD ClTlZENS basically guiding is good cit izenship and in this age such training is necessity it the young people are to grow up with an ability and eagerness to tackle and suite thepro bloms at complex world Guiding gives girls proper utlontin the skills necessary or happy useful ilio develops deep sense of spiritual vai uesend instillsa desire to be at service to others as well as strong sense of integrity There are no racial religious or class barriers in the Girl Guida movement All members are as one inthe greatest sls terhood in the world endpoints LMissN the Campbell daughter of Mr and Mrs Angua Campbell oi Thornton graduated in Diagnos Radiography from Soldiers Memorial hospital Oriiila Graduation exercises were held at Knox Presbyterian Church Orlllla Ptafiiwowvronrtsrtnrntsssrrsinssn YOURGJEWAY Ioorronrumrvts aerORONroSrnserAnnis ULL PARTICULARS ABO more on any sane para ltrwas April before definite Money cannot be raised by viewed this movie star who had little time in which to grow old thaofttoe eve this to gtr 11w hotsi was pagth sea enveope sr tofiepehisverythlhp rbsaata readmlhadsmarvsl ouatima wecanrdaoue again iiereisomt nmrtitth us Sb saute neverhadsny trouble wltbhirn in all the years weve been married Do you thiakrhes getting sillytiiira some men do when they reach their We Shell makean issue out or would it be beat tosay nothingf DUMB BUNNY Dear annoy Laugh it oil and forget it Your husbandtrounda like man with crystalclear conscience Anyhlflband who would live blswile present irons another womaaiplus obtain sealed enveiepe and rather to open everything isnt about to begin WWW Dear Ana hadcrIrWhat do think at yotrag man still college who has beenimaru Sailpast was colorful event Saturday alteraoon followed 0i Growing Old by no more tram Olivia de Hsvlliand seems to have discovered the inuntain oi youthYoga it was twentyfour years ago when first inter iust turned voting age Well its great to ilad out thats quarter of century even when added to the twenties is too and lose isle Miss de Havilland is one actress who is actually enthusi astic about birthdays Site cred its thls mature approach to age to living in France and being marriedto Frenchman In France women embrace every age as it comes along and the mature women sally into her own It takes experi ee to grow and you cannot va experience without herring ears she added frankly its always interesting to in terview star again after some years have elapseduihlse occa sion was reception given by the American Newspaper Wom ensCiub in Washington DC honoring Miss de Havilland and members of the Company of the Shakespeare Summer Festi ve Tbis actress now in herias einating iortles is iresh lovely and amazingly relaxed de anes looks and sitar cided toilnd the secret Well its Yoga By the weyYogeis STABLISHED tee FlCE 2What to do with stray dogs but we believe young Film Star RevealsSiecréis UT YOURSCHOOL tin needsa octet iorxhls read andtbebrldo needs ailswyer min and two clergyman to investi aia the totality oiihe tears and further 119 live to mt Wehnew what can hedona with stray children Yes know the youngsters are outta blame that itavihe mothers who are at fault But how do you handle the problem short of insulting WP 57 My wile andl have three children under iive yea ai age We wouldnt think or tag ouryoungstera loose the neighborhoodsln thsiirst sec rm menda dream the flowersand ran out have rounded up ihoseyoung up the flowers pleoa bushes lanyards rite ourrpring 00m inedrthe lawn un ibat evealru eve of Misha 3th for gardta Whea the glimpse of me they dropped What would have donut arnacm as Dear speechless stars teen to it that they picked with oach emia iron to their mothers and intistedt that is setiy what they had cmnnenuat oi amounts on rim sanvnm ldsay you are should be sad tori their ting en etexerciseju own safety Furthermore we at goddamn running believe its unidirta aliew COMMODORE TAKE TIMEOUT son on Barrie YachtiClubldantial by ten in the club house moments relaxation witbt Alter taking the salute Coin modore Jadr Fair enjoys Gracefuily not something to eat its system at exercise At the time she became Madame Pierre Calante Yoga was all the rage in Paris Being the sort or person who does everything wholeheartedly Miss do Havil land took lessens in Yogeeev eral times week or year She now does Yoga exercises for to minutes daily and on matinee daysshe does Yoga exercises for three sessions in cluding standing her headi your friends ried for over year but in den to tear up flowers ad spoaslbiilw and dodging assistants Mrs Ali Huughtem right and Mrs Mansel Powell mm mam unfurrowed brow Her new book Every Frenchman Has One is just off the press One what we asked Tltree 2Tltais in Chapter Yoga improves circulation and helps tovdeveiap nervous and muscular weilbeing it isnt somethingyou can get in one easy ieason but taran introduction to the effects tryg streteihhg to relax Li the floor and cat while bro cally Stretching is circulation rouse Her srnnll deughterGiseleex plains to visitors that Ameri cans are people who stand on their heads Yoga is system of physical and mental relaxing exercises Acting is eihaustln and wrlt as building but Miss work do semiarid manages to be wlthsu save ootLhnst on your FocoatLLs fee Mersey sown risenran FOODS PA eosetj no sustusss rup auntrunn then gone three other guides Gulls was brown gulders who came out camp nurse The Divisional iorflhe nigbtJrCamping beside experience The Saturday night camp fire wns huge success Each patrol put on skits and pro mundau bo autodndliarhhpicked idrenaeaugbtrs iii looking on the hrf tsl oi din Greensdeha 1d flnadchiidren or manual childish sod three gnome grandchildren The noaag arias makes her home With her eldest son ihomasAhova abomanderseédifikl guide comp escsm oce Gian Guide Camping grouitds guides with four leadersphihed tethe camping ground oa Fri deLeveaing and set up camp them was Gallo Deveau with being tested for her camper badge Also campingseparately were iwootber Camp harden guides who were there to gain sent were several blue and for campfire Comp Communth tor the weekend was hire Ruined hits it ltogars wasquarten master dad Mrs Gdkenewaat Commissioner MrsN Archer plan camped with the compan ea BROWNlEBEYEL 3A Brownie Ravel washald by the Anderson Parkarownle pacirs at the Guide carripiag Tire ltovei wins the final windnp of the Brownie season and was held in the form at picnic iha Guiders and Brown iesgaihered at the Guide and Scout Hell itch Station camp Borden and began the hike to the complaggrounds at 120 pm The Brownies took part in several laterestingcontesls and games in the attemoon Beside the peanut and cand scrambl es thebrotvnies hole in th ma fiat in the woods on arardboardlis sued to them then made picture with the items they had gathered Quartermasters Mrs Archer and Mrs Sargent provided reireshments Mrs Schentng guider who will be leaving Camp Bor den soon was presented with the World Guide Pin by the Brownflwi oi the third Ander son Park pack Mrs Lambs Mrs willet was guen of honor at farewellcoiiee party held at the home of Mrs Brand FL and Mrs Willet andiamily leit Wt tile on as their guests re kindergartea children l3lhe are looking forward to than she is shown with bouquet oi 591131 of herfernliy Arliltliefla first vaceo Edward at the weekend Neatydive bet and or month ore making their home in near Stution rummage our trans rred whare FL Willetdtssheea iareweifooitca pa ywu held at the home oi Matt Hynes on Thuriday momlng in honor or Mrs ti Beveridge and Mrs Willet The gwtitegts oi honor were presented flcers Wives Cillb cofiee spoons by that Mrs canteioa gruest ol honor at baby show trlenda were present Hostesses were Mrs Hogon and Mrs Law Mrs Cnnteion was presented rlage held at her home Fourteen with baby car Tlie children of the Kinder asses oi Barker Public sit and fol periect fit Missing or broken buttons replaced Simhhsyoufigeii Try it new jyoisli be glad you did werent creations no for DUNLOPST PA 8553l

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