as gig is lllpner umwoflwflna deuteronL Ladlel Auxiliary to The Bar rle lions Chili Hiram stand ie in GradeXl Commtdaty Linda Eoduon WI Studentponntll alumna Snelilag iConlIlbullon to Schoollite yous omen momma IWW yJelaCeidwalietaKthi Annaeeu1ohsnnuauyorim JimCarterElï¬l HM mWMln nequ nooks Bel Arl Donna all Bonn Donald mumMimean Barrie Branch of the Canal dian Legion Protlciency in Grade Xi and X11 Science Jerry McClelland Wonwns Auxiliary to The Kiwanle Club Hluhert aver age Insrlrs in Grade XII Latin and French Tina Cameron Ma HerseyAward bend nl Ciliun llna Garner i0DE Award to student at gtolnlnp hithesl mark in Grade om History llnaCamaronJ Lona Award or student oh toinlnp highest mart lnGrsdo 111 History Phyllis Sherrie The Charles Wilson Award to studentoblainlnc hiehest aver aeemartr in Grade XII Ene iiah lina Cameron Mi lreerv Onleta pirl AMIMllelieet aniline Garners Sporta Trophy Out sinndinl Boy Athlete Boy at hlnson nnrrie Writers Club lor Pro llcicncy in Grade XII Enelleh Composition Karen Ferguson nlor Fla The Cameron Se Fr CInd Tina Cameron E11 It Sc Fr Carolyn Cox II Sc Fr Earl Hart 2Sc Pr Art Janie Hnyer So Mus Terry ldcson Ind Arts Bob Lar 2HZM1Sc Fr Ind Arts Jer ryIlcCleliand 111141 Sc Ind zArts II 3SoCL ltl PerkinELM MZ Fr II Ec Jane Rooke EIHIMZ Sc Fr Mum Brian psonr CF1 Mus Carol VarooeEZII3M2Sc2L Fr2 Mus Joy winger HI Be 2L Fr Mus Colin Wort ley Se lMllll Marllln 1111143 so Fr 211 Ec noun mm Dilemmas Sc Fr Ind Arts Arte Agric Katherine CH Agrlc3 Gilbert Hartley Johnlte Ii Bo HlEZJHJH IFr1 northernerLem All Peter Itiddel If So Fr Norm Sonthwood John 13an Fr Art Music Earle storv David Bobler It nonEr enneroan ill Ireneaucktewlulll dc Fr CArt Bryan lyreli H1 Sc Fr Art Carol Witter no no Fr Art lr FIVE OPTION DIPLOMAB Shella Alexander it MC sec Fr um Com noun onion pronouns lmnlhl 01 Ill ll Ted when 01 NMNWEEG non Class no room Bloomï¬eld eon mom Haldie Jenice Knapp eon toe Ratcltlle Ill Juanita hilllll 61 Pal Brenda number it earn of Doneidllle memo Agnew 0111 CScSF1Or Bhlrie Campbe CABC Fr Bob Chappal it Be Fr Georne toilinper LBc Fr 2141 11 Sylvia Csoree 11513 CLetln III FrC Ind Arte 2Mnrray Gitfen 5c Ind Arte Agrlc lion ald Kunce II Sc Fr Ind ArtaZ Victor Lindsey Sc in am Agrlc David Maw Andy McNaltb Se Ind Arts Agrl Ralph Munnlk 11 II Bc lnd Arts John PoltlerE 8c 1nd Arts Job Robinson on Sc Ind Spoer IL Cr 50 Fr Ec Gloria The following are also recom mended for Four Option Diplo mas So Fr In Arts Barbara Jones Sci Fr John McCorklndale Ed Sc Fr Alice Tes cone ll Se It Be Fr CCom Terry Gar riveu as P4 or Marll at no oer wn su lic Ferzuaon rdon Ferris ll maï¬a rowan Hennlng StCllllIlOPlierHltlllBl LHG John Hutch ll ew Maicomeon Bob McAtcciYIIi Hanoi MoKonale IN Rod Osborne Jean Baden 21Welter Petrenlr Sarah lteid David Reynolds Kelly Stew 14 Penny mplrina rard Van Dnlcn Ii David Walker Ina Warren ill Jennlnzl It DE XI Barthelotte H1 Jim Brown H1 Morley Campbell II Eleanor CameoB Eddie Gallantil lrginle Garrett II Diana Gordon Ronald Harm brooir John Harsscm Gall Jackson Ivan King Jeannette itcheli HVC Carolyn Norton 11 Larry Olson 11 GRADE Ted Bertram it Jack BeeserHC Frank Bobylr Barry Bonney John Coles BruceDalglo Sharron Davie PC RobertGerow Karam Gnergla Brenda Johnston Lawrence Knapp HCGCPCGaryLevn Vder HLC All 11 Llltda Peterltifl Jane Quinn Llndo Bradley 795 lyn Omlalon GM Merl oxen Stearn coo Ki anreuyCarolStewnrt 111 emu Moore Bruce Freebairn Davidnnscmumton Christine Lsrleln 71Beymo Sampson 771 Pat Jackeo no1 Gayle Gardner oer Linda Robinson aleRichard Allen 514 Leanne ideson one Gary Peikle 693 Judith Wallace 602 MarclaNeleon 6M Thirde Honors Diane Hamilton 053 Glenna Patterson 646 Cami Bertram Val eria Bronnoon Joan Bridger 1127 Keith Carson a17 David Salem 617 Credit June Ferguson Berg bare Kelly Linda Winter GRADE First Class Honors Terry Chamber 743 Second Class Honors John McKnight 737 Lynda Itoylance 737 Donald Atkinson 734San dra Campbell 720 David Mill John Woltenden 699 Thomas East are Third Class Honors Brent Oeachuk om Patricia aurbidga 603 Cathertne Weasel Rohlt ert Klnzledltd All Hsrrl 604 Joan Smith 60 Credit BeulahVGoheen nsth Maxlll Margo Batters CRADEXEp First Class Honors Bever Second Class Honor David Kentf Me Stone cannotth Bonore Donald ammonium And John Nloholoon mm 71 WKM Heisman tin Dennis rap iticlt Olrrl Prleat ere Nomi oontu era Bipartitletcher so Credit Allen Cryer Kalil Veenstre 637 June Brand eon Patricia Broder eta alphsmllb tt Muriel Blah 02 BharonWalshoofl redlt JonecnCllve Rodney Coward Linda HuttonPatrlclr Loine Betty May Wilhelmina NMrdezrul Am mm sun for Manslaughter DORCHESIEMNB CPI3 Herbert Georle Harris thyenn old Camp Capetown ï¬ler was reentenrï¬sd Idondeylo yearenopen en ary on Ted Sawlnslrl MUM ah 992BraseriNlchoilon 680 mum moan supreme Court jury deliberated one hour belore brtnelnl in the verdict reduced Inal charge ot van onion In 1Flret Class Forbes 71 709 Larry liorrls Peter Dobson 617 Robert Cur rle d7 Rodger Husband Gary McWaten 66 Third Claee Honors David tom the ode Kendall 630 Jamel Cnnclila PM muniti Herrie was charred with the ext Webrtcralt Bill McNabb Jan in knifeslaying oi Arthur 815 Ronald Hannah no8 Bong Jamsa Casey lzeyearold Saint John NB construction worker can Arthur Gorham 6221 Rah Winger the Credit Bridger Lewis Conrad Smith David Sp it Kevin First Class Honors Sheill Craig 357 Donna chlrilng £51 797 RobertWnlton 715 Bon Second ClassHonore Joen Colvln 744 Janice Hughermh man said he po Ron Lawrence 726 Susan Exell nmleni 723 Bob on sham 71o dM 716Donald Mc Allahnr lagnyomlan Snelgr Battle Workers IDeslrolt one Mary Daniels eon Karin Beacoclr 692 lb rtPantlng Bruce eo Carol iey lhlhodcau 716 Merdy Mej Patrlclt 752 nun11o nouns Atvlhesoindlvldnallyowned SeoondClau HomerSheryl Whitem Nancy Motulle 731 oranguand loca Marshcrown lm able mootot whichij mare honreago growlnl la MD IX FlrstClur lionou Kathryn Smith 811 Kathy Geraldine dollar on Median Betty Mlilreet Betty and all 71eDevld Mow Clllll Second Clau Honor Sandra Editingt Belghldh snoy on one area lee Kennard Carrytsunlon 1y chum ltose Marla Tenuta IlJ RhondaKeauniyoo8barron Conwa oliocirdd gt rd Ciau Honors Scott etJoanne Print are lit Sharon Greer ditloann Dy mant 604 RobertCu Credit Beverly Brooks Ann uy CharlotteElils Patricia Hammond Nan Yonhz 659 mm Mn it wee terribly hard work at lty an Donkclaar sol pa at man Caeoy bod ayne Kendall the momma Bob Oakley Dnvld BuddfJolin Petiicodlae NB total oi 41 prosecution wit messes were called to the stand in the sixday trial There were no detence witnesses called Harris showlnx no emotion stood outetlywlth his head Alan Dunn 918 Brenda Smith bowed alumna wu no Partridge 755 Norman Md 1mm 99 55 Speldman 749 Rodneygmhm RCMP countable led hlmt1om the courtroom hack to his celL Defence counsel Mart Yeelt eslblymay climbinghp thefeldes tlveywonid arrive here today to l1nneriyllome to lace charges and workers dernollahe lloner Finnertys home in the citys modern IAlta Yleta dlystrict in ToiontloMr Justice Friday Leo Lendrcville ot the Ontario Albert 841 Diane Wyhornï¬d Finnorty to loin her husband in jail or sovendaya tor contempt of court Mr Flnnerty was sentenced Supreme Court ordered iMrs °f be ero when artnote booths ottsnope ted us tamtlyybuatneta youacanb bananas mm llorniasnd Florldulouyrweet gt cherries and tweeto melona mBeaina rtdted berrltlglrom Glitord Ila quart baahets tenement crisp apple rtoredover winter tram InaCookroLCoohtevm hardy roesvinea andvhnehoa trom the Austrian lyrolMoun talns Almost every kind ot venelabi molathladt roll cartons ot arnrnvmeurwmom ornnliéhrluiilrillVIM tlowerjplanlr otev hindlor uncommon mm nouulyarghï¬lentlnx new Alvoloal booth alorand blach roll producer undone eacrlbedru beingcant haunt oneol thelest otllhe tint thousands at tons eve men to start roadside booth in Bredlord is Paul Smith whuuntll he came in the term vegetables Every ti ou take on Canada my in mo and bought thepresent oi elm mm emarehiurt llttioflfzbe two acres he still works waa commenls Every yearyouahlp oablnstmelter In Holland on with no previous horticulturalr experience Hot lilo who and hisson Bliloperete Alla tam veretsbiee out an an up what theyjhsve ithoot robblntlhe Marsh room eoearcn had to learn everythlnr ol veeetebleo it more then PerhapsvhewasLthInkine like trom scratch says Mr Smith my IL mnmm oriously ttdnldnr that waste llrst becauseeverytnlng we Humane will eventually be done byhnnd All day in der thollot run we woul hepushlnz our hoes up and own the rows Now with tractor and implements we can uatwo days to do then You would have In ed your hendottm nnrvlirtt boolh had the ap havesecnd have in bojtalren bhcltto the land whence it me rather than being pumped where it to at tothe oceans torovor do in ten ndnuturmm in under down river has eon nearly loot ol the carbon soil vanlsh the erepa epth oi thoMarsh is all he acid It mu this gives the Marsh no lilaot perhep we tishshanty it we said was straight line ot vegetables ï¬wï¬myimhmfl the Come to see where we pooled duration oi Nation ram our tomatoes he omen Mr Smith saysthat aiarge number 01 people numberln 1n the tonidem hm in the thousands come to shop green house olos mato vlnse cllm notlhe mch on around theyvegeteblshoothe redtord trom allnearby towns usual tour or live lost me includlnsaarrlaNewmsrket most of us an accustomedto Mm detoxwmflefl seelngthernbnta lull ninetoet mmrmmm mulchno to where the glass root pre ioad of fruits and vegetables vented them grow higher to take up north on the week From lop to bottom hung Lem Hill and matocs in every mag 01 to take clr 11 another load Toronto urity Already up gum carry themthmunhthe vines cucumber plants are One advantage these tomes toes have over those coming Suapect woman or Bank Theite have arrested 20yearold womanjos suspect in the thelt of $7600 from banks at Toron and Montreal Ofllcere said Toronto delete escort the blue eyed blonde lrorn SndbnryIback to Toronto gt HeMeownens BEAVER tuner NOW is TlIEHTIM Foa RESIPING Police aaldthe woman was With XdaIMemnoe tree aiuf taken into custody alter one mlnumoraabes toe no yearly came to headquarters and made oalntlns rillROOFING new atatement coiortul protection with asphalt The case eteme Irons thelt ot shingles NEW KITCHENS $42001rom ahanira Toronto completelyareblonnedten two weeks ago and ot $3200 modelledhy kitchen tromza Montrealbank in Maya RECREATION ANDFQIlaAlï¬sel Toronto DetectiveWilllam ROQMB extra llvlngspace in Culver hold in telephone lnter your basement VGABAGES view at both bankeawomen slnglaortwocarfdeslgntop clerk hired only tow days earlier disappeared at the time Police here said th suspect tect your wand give you rather Beverley Baldwin 111 Fr ayEilleEzil2 Hayden per cent agl hold9 Mum Mich Second ass Honor cm Ann McNe 7112 pcrocntGall Am El Seiwoed 71 per cant Shelia Enoi ricotta Hay 7041 cent KerenW II John Knapp 1H dc Fr Cvind Don Lavery MncLeanII GRADE ruin cameraman Dwight Nanena no 35d7swÂ¥gjp°dm it First Claeellonore Sharon Dem Menus Imam Hm In Mme rm beforejor interfering with id Ontarl reme mg in Ma GMJWW 471 Graves Ween Manitnarl 35 ordoer to delimit r1 5211mm lyn Neylilchard townhtton home new Wuumli cs 64 Walter Richardson mycmgvm Heath when Emmy 85 appear 11 05 ï¬n 91 grail gregmglgmdï¬ Stawart Gerri Varcoo mm May cm some or Judy Slddall one exam at muclehhdgglnuï¬gmwï¬g MyrnsCempbelI 3Blahu in Graves Mossop one orrySmith leveniots with marketvalne BMW Alla Gerard Dulksr they Janice hetweenttOJlW predestined Tomllnson no9 SheronMIIIIksn When HktdWhlJQhadnt 793 Cheryl 131mm 792 mm complied with the mention onrlgny no4 ElienGrlerbach order Ilnnertyneld 1d lllr 71aJilnAndereon 749 torhut my eons dont want to Second Class Henore Rey c11y solicitorGordon Medoaiti Atlrluon 736Andree Salton told the board the Finnertvl 734 Ann ldgeye Louise homewas al1ac and that Chrlrllanson 13am Hardy tor yearn thewcity had cudgg 714 David Bryan 713 Robert itlied threatened and per Muir yo Loni innuendo enaded without success to DavldArmetrong 6715Harold hnvethebulldine removeonom ohneon d7 TanyDeoring as the Al Vistaarea whera it ThlrdClassilonors now is surroundedby blah harar ltllc modern houses merger McKenzie one Joh your Kathrynlelirle umolaornnssf lyn Shinner 8111 Paul JoannevEsgela theAmerlcan Anton Belts 604 actreealwho gained area as girlie Thompson in fltalnf was Arlene In 625 to it days for contempt week Exreedmr present no 17 adding on additional lullell room atthe aide out ch eon Diane rtyue Bonnie Buttay eon Dianne Po roorexaco sm melon and AnnaBta rooster coMErsenwcs