gtblo ancisslievier tie suglgestcdthat the average perso doesnt liow anything about interest rat or or the cost ere for flheyre not consciousof cost It is true that interest rates or com stantly being brought to ubllc attention Yet despite this Father oachs view is onl too true Most people do notthink in arms of percentages butwhat inter ests tllem only is the sheet each pay maul our loan an understanding rel Jpartlcular human trait ma hei us to understand howlnflation as een able to go unchec for so long Inflation ltshould be noted is gen erally gradual process it may come in occasional jtumps but for most part it is persisten increase in prices andc sis that reduce the value of the earned ole lar oneestimate is that over the past 40 arsglnflation has brought rise of 200 Now that the holiday season is with us the majority of citizens should see that their roperlyiswell protected while they are sent from the city by making cer tainall the windows and doors of their home have been securely locked Most police departments receive many reports from residents that their home has been broken lnto and ransacked while=tbey were hollda ing close check by the police usua disclosed that window or door was left unlocked by the occupants in their haste to start their vacation There are men crooks admits lot of time roam ng around coking for homes which indicate that the occupants are holidaying They then have tElenty of time to ransack the premises wi out fear of being interruptedg rNotvonlyisï¬leaving doors or windows DOWN MEMORY LANE WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner June 28 1917 Board of Education held special meeting toconsid site tor new collegiate to replace building destroyed by fire on Blake Street Town engineer Arthur Ardagh gave report on Harvey site and proposed location beside fair grounds on Elizabeth Street South Simcoe Conservatives gathered in Boston to hear BBenuett of Calgary and Boys KC of Barrie Four of public school inspector Isaac Days iamrlyiu service Nurse Kate Day Capt Oswald Day MC Capt Day and Gunner Allan Day Road between Barrie ï¬nd Angus taken over by provincial ghway system Moreand more automobiles are seen in the country Al ready eyer 1300 licences have been is sued Britain is spending $33000000 every day on the war Yet many Canadians growlover their in creasing taxes As compared with the people of the Old Land we are paying but very little towardsthe war in Eur ope Theres nothing small ahou Uncle sam It tools him along get into thiswar butnowbe OTHER eolToRsfvuvs 5ATRAGIC Mls AKE GaltReporterl When people havetrouble they some times become desperate and cast around for whatseems to be an easier solution for their problems fillereisan illustration of this in the case of David Paul Johnson of Phlladel phia arailroad workerwho went to Rus sia because he thought Russian medical care was faradvanced and he would be ableto get treatmentfor one of his young The Barrle Examiner Authorized ss second dusnlsii Post Office Department 0tth tor payment or postage Isis Sundays eon Statutory Holidays excepted Wm mayhemr BRIAN ILMGIIT General Managsr in Mormon Managing Miter camera was Business Msnsru norm Wilson dsrtlsing manages somvaoonsa olnnlsunn may Eubrcriplion rstslldally by carrier 150 week an unuaamwmavo tel Galena mo rear Celsius or this any II In Audltrnursou Quentin may fail inils intent prove the control That unfortunately can have armi vacationing You canteil your milkmen going at things in big way Ten rililiion Raymond ley wascha those performing were Zita and Rita Brennan Edith andAlice Quinlan Kath Devlin Rowena Cook Bessie Boag Irén enged Litrgthe inter loan endinelailulentsseles mat be accepted neon sciously as party of the cost only lhiephllcsophy may also prove to do feat the governments attempt to regu late international iexcbenge by devaluat ing the Canadian dollar Father Roach argues that peo le are not concerned about interest re es but are ready to ac allure what theyrwant at any me we edevaluation of the Croatian dollar tleaet it will not at glovernln nt econ omlsts would want it to It is desirable that thepublic should have greater awareness of these mat ters but apparently the popular tendencyj is to leave these things tothe ex erts iuleffectonthepubliclnterest T0 On Vacation unlocked dangerous practice butmak ing it evident that the realises are tem porariiy unoccupied is ust as serious Dontforget that newsEaEers on the doorstep along with mil cities is sure si there is nobody home This can eas ly be prevented by having deliv cry of your newspaperstopped while you are away and sent to your summer cottageaddress to keep you acquainted with the hometown news while you are By IDIEPH ll MOWER Lets revereelhtngs today lnstcod of answering letters that have come in lets answer so that are GOING to arrive As wegetciose toths hay fever season some readers ore to stop delivery until you return Fun souls to ask franticallylthevve ther evidence that the occupants are holi daying is given in the up earance ofyour it ligiyagmwlhnï¬ 13W Whallthe truss Elï¬n to grow No its not too late in July little wild and uncared for the evidf although it is better to start enceis there Have someone run the thumb Miller and normals mower over yours atlnle or two and it Wt Ebendléabtr having treas will coveru the fact to great extent mm that you on your family are Vacationing hum hs1nnv°o at your cottage severalwesks to on area where ragweed and other pollenn do not grow is tbsprocess of de acnsltlzation Having shots which gradually build up resist ance totho pollens Antihistnmlne preparations some degree but they are not enough to do the entire rolecl vlng job or highlynoel veeui ferers Filtered air helps naturally young men have already been registered for thedraft Mrs Sproule re sides over Barries lendid new pu lic library Gar en party for Red Cross held on the estate of Mrs Hugh roomfa bedroom usuo sad Calderwood corner of Theresa and Dun uptight except for lilierlng donald Streets Sheriff Harvey rascal non 11x wasspeakel at Ovenden CollegeSpeech Day Feature event was outdoor basket ball game between fathers and the girls The girls team was composed offlihoda Bird Ottillie Ormsby Christobel Raikes Helen Falling Ilelen Lawson and Ruth Vance The fathers wereCapt Bird Lewis 0rd Montagu Leeds Rev Rallies and Tucker The Very Rev Dean OMal all for piano recital by pupils of the Sisters of St Joseph Among By hi MclNIYllE HOOD London England CorrespondentFor The Harris Examiner DUBLIN Eire Although sale at tickets in the lrish leen and Amy Moore Bertha and Mary Levit Jean Maxwell Jean Cowan Isabel Hogan Edith Wolfenden Do and Master Ross Cowan arrle postmastership not filled Some claim it xiii rem it open for returned soldier to uilter against the law in Canada hundreds of thousands of edians three times year chase Joe or or said one and the rainbow representcdb this monunothgthorse race gs Inspired by the hope oi WI manage tobuy tickets on the sweepstakes from oil sorts oi mysterious sources and than sons aiblue baby lie has returneds wait hopefully disappointed man There was one short examination by Soviet doctors but apparently no pros ect of adequate medical care In week had made ll his mind He returned to have made an ceptionally tragic mistake he says Johnson says it took him only 10 mi utes to see how gravely he had been mis led The people he saw Wer tedrand illclothed rlie sa the Soviet plan as an evil bad thin lTllisls ï¬lew of the World for the Irish Derby Russia from the iusidenotes the Van met WW couver Province Here was no coddled cum will tourist being shepherded round the showgronn aorta annulus places butafather facing the prosaic de Thesveerstakes hardened tails or haviiigtofeed and clothe and is housed in We In care for his familyras aJRussianlw old my mm 71 David Johnson was finding out the agygggtggfymhï¬ hall WHY at which In the msbiperl His experience shouldbe for 34 WWW monomer edltlcation of those instantvexperts wont who tb gt permanent record photoststcopy of every one received They even tuoily llrld their way into few who are lucky in medium For thsgvast majority there llere in Dublin avobeeh visiting the headquarters olfic etakes Irsaw them at the peak oi activity withsome 3000 employees engaged in handling the millions of counti lerfoiis coming in from all over done so lnolhsr yearsl is it and some people keep one hospital Sweep stakes is strictly the iirst prize of $150000 they for the draw made here in Dublin For the it means substantial fortu es of the Irish Hospital Sweep cameraman no coop instill lnsverszlelters inï¬delity pment its ooniiul ie relief to be able to sleep better and to have place to escape irom the severe cifocle ofhoyfever Another lrequentqueslion Which is bettcrtba convent tionel type at desensitizlng in icctlon or the newer emulsion type do not myself pretend to be so allergist andl leave thesetechnicoi points to the feelewholsre pertsintbat lot To date find that many such specialists are using the new emulsion but others still prefer lbs kind My opinion hence is that you happily accept whichever type your doctor prefers or has bad greatest in using Either is excellent if one is in deed bettervthan theother it other isnt highly effective Gst either but get it without delay Dear Dr Our two monthsold son was diagnosed as having omyotonio congen ita All we were told is that this affects the muscles and Hospital Sweepstakes trellis some you the day lid on six nurses are stationedon plat forrri alongside the huge drum It is known in advance how many tickets havs to be drawn ihe drumisrevolvedhbout dozen times and when it com as to rest onerow of perihel es is opened and each nurse picke out one ticket and hands it to one of the Commissioners aidesihn number ol ticlietsl drawn depends on the total amount ofrmorley received The drawing process continues until the required number has been drawn The noticesgo out all over the world to those lucky enough to have drawn arhorsa in the sweerrteke lilies unis INVOLVED Ilow ch money is actually received in these sweepstellee is not divulged Iwas 1d however that in lost the fol lowing amounts were paid out in prize moneyl Grand tlonal $10722540 The Der mouey actually goes forthe support oflrlsh hospitals Frbrn ilgures given this wollldaamoilnt to 75 per cent ofihe total ploceeth Since ed over 3414 million dollars th on paid out in prize over 423000 prize the same period tels lurid has received r160 million These amouhts total common ad that is the substan ial ense olioperating thejewcep stekeiincludlng the salaries oi 1500 permanent employees with 000 oi staff at theilh ee Truly the millennial epstnlres are big business HIM Mum um misery ptiil doesnt mean that they who nbrldit min lieu of Just where we stood and the writer who think therwa PRACTICE OUTDATED BIBLECTHOU llr and ear heard not prepared for there God vhlinpln Corlniillios Contemplale the beauties of earth and imagine the majesty of heaven causal or whstwould luvs tocbsdous And there oretllose lilde they re lb omelet new It is the traditional attitude at abilch Wheels on theelee rate Id and pinelc iblngs which on law note nothing can done What is the Theterrll simplymsens frnusouiar weakness developed before birth Thacause is not known buttit isnt considered hereditery litis possible how eVer lor more than one case to spglear in iomllylt llCl the cause is not known we have no cure but we can do things for suclvo child lnas sage passive motion help de velop the muscles warm baths and mlidelectrieel stimulation toencourage activity by the muscles in eed you should an ticipate such physiotherapy over long pried flne little fellow naturally in going to be very slow in sitting up andwalking because his muscles are so weak but his ailment does not affect either mentality or speech Dear Dr Molnar have what they call fissure tllat bleeds use suppositories an Aealveandsltinhoinvaterievery day but it doesnt seem wheel Is there any danger in letting this go on or would you recom mend some other treatment Mn in brief fissure is crack or split in tlleonhi conchThese usually heel with persistent conservative treatment ex octly the sort are using Howeverw no esure slsts for some time it can be come infectedlt developslnto an ulcer Atthat point surgery to correct the flaw is the sure way and also the way to re gain your condortsoonest lu perststentcases usually there is esome such trouble as hemor rholds llthddltlon to the llssure and these can be corrected in theme operation LETTERS T0 EDITOR loday we read in the paper little bios breeze over the allnexalion oi Vespra but not the complete facts What does tilts action of blunderlng coun cll meanl One to take away chosen way of life country living without the bylaws Now if you went to keeps cowclllcleno goat etc you can We are free oi rertrlcv tlons This most eius chose The City ol Barrie bougth white elephant in tract of land We beat them from duinpin tlleirgerbage in our be trying again of industrial in vtory will build is aswampi None Illve in dollars on fl Who are til lunderedwe are not oi ix hundred Drive along Sha t1 treatment you Engiand is launching drive to shnplliy its language pre paratory to promoting it as universal language facilitating orldf to one report will entailiaddlng 17 new letters to the plphehet so that each distinctive sound would be clearly represented by distinctive letter or com binoticn of letters At present many lettersand groups of letters especially vowels are pronounced in dilferelit yvays in different words For exam ple tho foreignarls terribly confused by the dilferellt pro nunclation of the words ploughi rough in ought Bflyyth Englishrlsstncrcasingly being accepted as the common tongue among the emerging nations or Africa and Asia So urgent is fluency in English that for ob vlous and menacing reasons Russian schools teach it three times as intensively as Ontario reboolo leach uebsu soil or Morgan roivnllsl ButEngiish largely owing to lie confuslng pronunciation is becoming as non uniform in the language of vnripus countries as Franchis inFrance and Quebec So Brit alnsMlnister oi Education Sir David Eccles has urged thaLEngiand and USA but ritlsh North Amerion Co cooper ate in stenderdising their lanlt surprisingly notl guage and promoting it arolnld the world He pointed out that the diver gencles are increasing and deplored this trend towards Balkanlsation into Oxford EngV llsh New York English Russian English Chinese English and soon much as lbslanguag the old Roman Empirebccame diversified into itallan Spanish and Flench Eccleo pointed notes an apt Vexamplevlhat the phrase lnl mad about my floti has en tirely different meanings in Englandhiid USA in London thousands oil the sweepstakes were lnaugurat wwa PE ty say Roadthe boundary is jclty lawyer let thecat of tilebagqlio fWe cann have dlun on Silliiilglflld will defend them harrle early in the middle of towll like ltussiatrylng to force its unwanted will on enters nubile works lhis lhle simplification according lTnd Chumiey But was this ucstlonis inï¬eld sput font mistieunlo entfl wbcb was builtpbwalaumpmriming mu slum workers building schoolsecross pron cio talent the ultimate creation oi oile where to latest pley wellkno el Cows enjoying triumph the blurb Cavalcade Pro nounced succe TMNBLATOR Pronuncietioll is also tile heart oi the tale aboutths Yankee tourist who signing the visitors register in an thighs country hotel remarked lh some other guests had cum rpmerlames such as fMeriori banks and Cholmondeiey 0hsaid the lerlr lhose are pronounc in Whereupon the Yhnll scribed his own na Piltholomnyrrh Andhow do you pronounce that asked the bewildered clerk xi Just vlurner replied the Yank explaining fliiill as in phthlels CLO as in clonal MN as in mnem cs ond Yliltli as in myrrh Meanwhile Eecles propoeoh for standard meaningsfhns touched off transatlantic con test irl meanings which makes Quebecs ioulil dppeallikea pure language in contrast Typ lcal are the wordeforpartsot an automobile icerl such as bonnet lhnodi hood alld trunk boot The US eve of long words is comment upon in place of the shorterEnglisll words such as apartment ele vator locomotive and express way So are the nice Nell isms of USA euchas host for woltress casketfor col and comfort station ior lava the CBC will he slapped forite misuses such as on hand for at hand and smell tarily Ifor soon Butvfour grandchildren would certainly benefit from the standardised ii and simplification beingur by Education Minister Eccles But that other bottle not