lee album It will lï¬lfll nirueannitmouari gt PA was mandated wail tine re tea lNESiNG MOTORS rutpone pen ueee Ford Treéforarid on rare Motive Equipment tomorrow Mr LES AND SERVICE NONE 103 MINESING our menu BALE ELEVATORS lied quantity Buy direct love tram tv SHAKELL UPACTUIIING CO Leiroy smoun term nnwo araln Sepentor eon with belte Iiao hinder out Both In and condition rail or trade tor livutoeh pill PA 305 dehl AUTOMOTIVE Ind backup um J14 ne Tinted III to town cans FOR sate StiltThu on unite BRAND NEW 1962 Sale price time with 10 dein ioi phone PA linear Voikswagens ONLY wan walls with wheat dleoe tint ed glue niety our and belie thla oer II in Colonial White Original lint price Ml Can holilht tor 01450 with 107 down Tellphonl PA Mm Excluding Licence Gael AT PIERE morons M359 AIS POLAROID Nllltlll In WM PM memo pom er mm MITIrina hle dnaa are numeral III pwouwszcowMNr Waterman new no JULYSPECIALS he WW troitt FEMS Manuela liICBtldIMlet Wt All Reduced Washington Oateen to iteoeaa City Walk ah at ginï¬guiltguï¬ plantain Silurian or to50t859t 01008 20 mm Maximum MilwaukeeatSt toutetNi Rubys Beauty that Selena auniop so an em 17 Sue Road PI Nail No appointment neeeuery Lee Angela in mm lilo Coldnevee Sell it at New York Minneeoll at Bolton Ill eteby eerlided hairdraaaer in narrow home or hoapilal ms Detroit at Cleveland in vice On Vacation until In to In our lIotoee been Sate ma reicon our door ndao Automatic power rtnl Dower Dram cuetorn real whita wall tlm wheel dim windehielo avehm and health you laiaty duh and belta II elite neon Ita Iaa original not price 111 Sale ortce emu with toy own TIIO phone PA MN an em Mature Polo keratin Car Sela tel PIlriInI too ford Automaua trene dwurlever no earo who liede brilliant year career with the Ardoqu uld probably themel hbortrood at we Torgnto Iery wee eel Spent not maintain the Layer like Neale handed player more otience and think mu better chance at inaldn ItIlIie oftenIve baebileld to item on Kunte hed lIIt aeuaon ray Slim operationa in Kitchener de uCLE LAND Clevo mended too much time iorhtm cmmu gunun Mil Ptlhtmericaa tocommuto theaamilea out to warm mutiritntttniia ram ml ru Ion ea ere Ie lemmd nu ehaaod anlntieldertrom Karl hi liking mm CityAthletlee The ltcher in Bill Datle 27 011001 it mm tui ruuuacrcomulnaumï¬ Canadian game when he ratlnflla the Hanultoahe told wt Coolde Gtichriet Ip arentiy wal unaware oi llam ltona deela to lot blame to ibroato om PERSONAL nenaoue McDowell had been touaid lve alwoye wanted to play Iaeuttre rni nee tReut eretCanediui etch trailed in behind an Jen Janelea won the therarnateur lou bicycle race Garton Beian er oi the Mines Que he to retire tailing oil hie bike at kilometre mark ianaaenr time tor the kilometre mile ooum aroundbordeaux Monday it thrtelroure samlauteayeodu The Dutch Iieo led in the team piaclou loading the Canadian antelea war duodenum oi Montc real ioth with at three tired eeialy holdout by the Canadelwaa lothiateemeuodJ tioata but turnedwp at their Canada on 16th in etemetead cemp Saturday to lay he would Inge 42 it 513 75 Mum Atlanta roe Suadeye lteeuite tom radio winoehiotd WllMll chum 10mm Syracuee Columbueinp mam59 Wm yennold lelthender who had RummyMmede wonloet record with Salt renow lteanita to Willie we Jackeonvllle tITorooto Southpaw Bob Allenwu cent Atlanta Buiiaio to to Saitxluake City onwhour ro Syramue Colurnbue call New uaed oxclullveiy In magnum Richmond rolleipby the lndiona thin eel llentoKb ran and hadpa lt rooord Butte at line eater MarlanCouh 17 amid Toronto at Syracueenlti utility Iniieldogttryee Col at Atlanta irom Kanaaa ctty price Jaeklonvillo adored ltemeoieoclttled with Ing ta thaueariy deye ta reanated to wr IHEVOOMMANDING OFFICEIL gt Simian3ttrpintatnni Reward gt It HELP WANTED MALE HELP SALARY PER WEEK Bright young man to train MAE STATION CAMP BURDEN ONTARIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Executor oi theEatate oi EVA WATSOA late oithe Vila legaoi Leiroy in the County at Slrncoe Widow who diedvon or about the tothday at March 1m willdietrihute thereuete at the deceieed to peraona eal titledtheran Iiter July atn leoa having regard only to the claim then properly ilied with the underaigned RAMBLER Viau Motora Limited 17 Gowan Street PA 66488 222 nun sr PA 6132 CHSVSIdIn Delivery amok no condition netting price 15 Telephone PA areal Baltimore at Chicago vial National Lealue JV POLGBII Lee Angelou me 651 San Prancllco reason lemice PA mu or an on guanine to an em ate tll 433551 Bit LEAR DWNG Cincinnati on are on Govermneni CharteredSchool through training tnieII bran Mm gmMo mfl chee ol beauty culture Dï¬iymsgggggwm IEGAI NOTICES pwflï¬gmmpéé 11 WORSLEY SI PA H96 CIII urn Arrearch launderway tor any titiiiit liaiu ylv 9LOST 8a FOUND equipment Iaeoeiated with the ittothr mitt Wfl mum guru were in no am ren area rao aua pncgirgiirr rinefhruieie fg°mif 149 iflflfliflg whophu any componrierii oi gently lammygAflï¬mflgï¬ early alrerait or an other In re cans wro ro euv Hilll ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWESE CAI LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP ON DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRESENT CAR 17d BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA SAYit Every day thousands read the cleeetiied page than why you can be aura ol oulelr no tlon BUSINESS SERVICE as food consultant Prev not essential ions experience helpful but cowau nun COWAN 53 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Appliances 12 TENDERS teetoiledenmi 0t notarized appliance repair WW we are cloning our appliance ruler and fixture depertntente TENDERS For the tale of diestar room we will be apeclaiizingln repair aervice which more eonr on the trout oi the Guthrie Ar Phone Mn Elbent Soilcltore to the Executor 10 um 1230 pm PA 6i83i EARBBN Wanted experienced Apply it MulaIeIar Strut llama DIRECTORY flak Aboutbowliatae By month or Year Telephone FA 82414 LET US DELIVER IT FOR YOU ClTYWIDEV Delivery Service PA 83949 AM 10 RM DAlLYi INCLUDING SUNDAY APPLIANCE FLOOR coveamos enema radon WALL TILE Itftiterhi titled MALE FEMALE PEOPLE WANTED to train II liei zatata niaamun Chance to make between tame and $10 yearlyr Write Box tit liarrla Examiner SALES AND SERVICE 24 MAPLE AVE Opp true terminal Llimieum and Vinyl tile earnest and ecmm tiio eflardwood rloorlae ICIrpetI ICornpiete line or aamplor Free ratirnatee day or evenlnge ably with more our el Ibllv ty and driving iieence to work No experience naoeaaary FEMALE HELP ena to be received by the an deretgned not later than July 101962 For iurther lniormatlon contact MEL JAMIESON SeeretaryTreaaurer RR oro Station Telephone Oro 3110 TENDERS PaintinggizDecorating Barrie Public Utilities Itnuing to operate from our back drop at 41 Duniopltteet West rear oi aeteadeptlj savmos or Commission Sealed tenders plainly IiIElIi ed as to contanta will be re ceived by the underatgned until 500 pm July 4th tabular interior paintingand decorating oi the main oiiiee and billing room at to Bayiield Street De tails and apeciilcatlnna may be obtained at the Commission oiiioe laSayileld Street Bar rla Ontario Loyeat or any lender not nec esaarilyaceeoterl ELSON Secretary Treaeurer SUNNIDALE TOWNSHIP vTendere for Hot Mix Pavements Sealed tenderehploinly mark ed on to contents will be re ceived by Mr Barker 2MAIIC0VNII Clerk at the Township of Sunv TELEVISION Worlunanahlp guaranteed Free Parking PHONE PA area avaurnos an more Charles Lawson Promi HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS individual etylingv Moderate rates mo ennur squatter PLASTERING nunsraauva naparns srucco STONE vauaan Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA 61675 PAINTING AND phone PA M511 PAPERHANGING auonn onnen coon Weltreel requlred or local meek her He EDWARD SMITH AND SON twren arm to yaarayat ale Ear qung and Paper Hanan pertenced prelerred but not aeo Spray Painting way No as nariherly to Moeely nnraa no mean St Were Beach iDHO Hiringng Sh Wiggins deyl wank Knowledgee oiwlwevirf EXPERIENCEDW heeolnl Previoue experience at Painters and Decoratore lumber bueintu helpiul IelI FEEE ESTIMATES ON phone PA More Iiter Spiro EMPLOYMENT WANTED interior and Exterior Work eowanr nanouoau CUSTOM IIALING Cuttlnlrenfl ï¬ring at Hay Telephone Stroud PIIONE Pa erasI II we it til tlltr IreI Honut REFRIGERATION uiain reliable Write errpat are NIpler Street Hamilton OnL STAN BRYSON one nrneoN Can do any type naanrouaarmn sunvrca it iiiiriibthiihiyiiiddNi 38 Cinpperton St phone PA More anytime PHONE PA 84562 WANTEDt Eveninl work Manual or hualnen bookkeeplnItyoine UFHOLSTERY MAYFAIR intrauterine dearer AND ornament Cleaning On Location SERVICES ONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE athour service lelDUNLOP ST PA 61 142 COOKGENERAL Good wager Livatln or oulf cm collect Stroud armor SEWEIISWANIED IMMEDIATELY Worlr at home doing simple aewlng We supply materiall and pay shipping both waye Make up to £140 unhour Piece work Apply Dept D2I Box 7010 Adelaide Post office To ronto Ontario NAIIIDRPSSER required or local ghopiAItpiy to ie Muieaeterflt arr WOMAN to can iorehlld In no there homo Telephone PA Swim or lurtner Iniormetton OHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 6i277 Fortune and Iniormatlon tSAFE DRIVING sanvrivo smca rose FOR APPOINTMENT ANYTIME PA 66551 excavarmo NEED BULLDOZER CALL LEE poem ram EveningsPa aaraa GEAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED aerating and Grading Water Deiivery Crushed stone all yard Backhoe tor hire mums wmpmt nldalev atrNew Lowell Ontario enced preiamd Appl£ until 12100 clock Beauty Shop 333 Id Ieiev on MONDAY wait roar tor Iupplylng and laying Hot Mix Pavement on 42 miles at the Sunnidaie Road tram High Pavlng quantity approximate ly 9400 tons otIIL PlanaSpeciiieatione and Form oi Tender may be obtained at the Clerka Otilceln New Low all or at the oitleeaot the Conruttlng Englneera in Port Credit for the rum oi ten dole lare 01000 which will not he reiunded Each tender must be accom panied by marked cheque for an amount equal to at th total tender and theauocaaaiul bidder moat provide contract bond by an approved guarantee company tor 100 at the total tender ROWE Superlntendent Sunni Tawnahlp New woll Ontario Maconaucu AND nnnum LIMITED nirnoemazn Couple anxlaua to int Want Au Section accepted untu ï¬pm Day belore publication PHONE PA 81414 GIRL it denim mmrner em playerrent Reliable and experlonu Io baby IILSIIi Also more expert than in Inaek oer Applyinoxaa On In Our Plant mm aPiékup Delivery and anemone Sehéol am it wililn aaS Iltdul psiotale Willlï¬vavinl 59m awiyhuirer PA 612 enhaisgafyiiiniaf Twp