Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1962, p. 11

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TORONTO iClt univer ally reaearoh team that aurv Veyad employment pre udice in moral Southern Oat lndur trial nreaa haa iound that Brit Iah and Auatrailaa lmmlaranta were moat atronaly critieiaed oi neweomera Dr Albert ltoae proicoaor oi aoctal work at the Unlveraity at Toronto directed the aurvey among more than too employ err In Torontowlndaor Lon nllamilton and Burlington lmmiaronta from the United agdom and iron Auatraiia canto ln tor the atronaeet criticiam newcomer troupe hla report aayl in moral Britiah and Auav trailan lmrnlaranta are re arded aa paraona who ball at Canada owea them in and exhibit altitudes oi poriority which ranltlo in minda ot Canadian emplo on Dr Iloac aaya that lie public policy in Ontario nan nat diacrlmlnatlon in employment tor realm of race creed color nationality anceatry or place at origin each diacrtminatan allll exiata Neproaa are clearly the moat aertoual aiiected minor ity group alt ouah their num bera in Canada and Ontario are quite amall Some employ era hold viowe concerning hia aroea which mm to be who til tlm rocltala oi raciat materiala emanating tram tho Deep South or the Canadian oil country Jawa wore the moat aort otuiycritiolzed oi the mernbera at minority mapa and the tar rota oi themoatvocal and pro iudlclal atetemmta New Caaeolaa are more mildly roaardadthan New or nouaoeo tendency to dually certain national troupe tor ape elite lobe or oataaoriaa oi am pioymenl ltailaru are aeen aa unakilied iaborera Germana areaeon aa moderately or hilth skilled crliteman Removes Pic OI Winnie aityhmii to i551 me or entered hla Inn hyaIi parlor Sir Wlnatoa Churchill flared him in the taco lha alaht oi the iormer io rlma miniater one too mu or Labor Councillor Roberta So he had the iarfe color print removed to tho eaahonorabie precincta oi the town ciarka late He explained no mayor am none iitI cal outwith thia picture waya ooth over my ahoulder ahou be conatantiy reminded alpolttica lie la iltical tioure propaaandaior Con aervativea The rat at the council mem here dont approve oi hla action out any they wont more it unlcu he trlaa to at up photograph at Hugh aitakeil Labor part lender And what wil till the apace vacated by Britaine great war time prime mlnlatert Pcrhapa water color at Wailaaay wateriront raid Roberto TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE TUEIIMY Hier eoo lwinulonr Vacation Time You Dear Movie Muaaum Sparta it may mute Comody am Pllydate Kin nl Diamonda CDC TV NIPa Weather rte Nawa Man and Challenae EBAY JULY laat Pattern Pop and Paia Nawa Weattiar5porta Movie My ilrothea Jonathon iiummarama Fiayaround Vacation itnoa Ramar ol the Junaia Frroa flVtoofia owl ea er on Tom Ewell Show Eachelor Father Dtmnia the Menaoe Parade Knit Myatery lhaatra assassssnsss ===3999=€A 22 32333 333832 relaysssaPp yeaES moo at Lina in WI II If mo Himy PIIIoI auav Nam Earn ill on our iv an hiovia The bill Bandit summerama iaa Zona vacation itma Dick Traca filillhan ar awe ea lha hilniatonaa The Real mam Nature or nine My Three Hoa ahoal Squad Conn lunotloa roao Ona nod can my 3th ml The Weatherman an ant WI it The Untohohabill CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO wean am Aoo Proiuaora Hideaway 00 The Lawman UPHOLSTERING PA 87433 65 am ADFORD ST Ivawa III ajmni ac aor rather too channel Nina Theatre iltua no oilemu gt roan Tomhatona Territory ilooNawa Weather loorta weaneanar man noo rm and any 600 channel Theatre Mm lldajrmver aoo Prolaaaora Hideawa rho Leanna em eatnn Neva Wanna min 71 snout ltrt Theatre at Nnel Ominlt Rid Till Deteetlvaa Nawa gymtr aather it Jim Goleman muaanat JULY rm Free and laay zoo channel Nine illaatn tMvaatorai Newa m1 Proraaaora Hideaway aoo The lawman Weather on 10 Beaver McCoya In re abvfltht 9314 That stalked Nav FM Nakedvclty 1an Peter Gunn rioo Newa Weather Boorta tiao random Canaan MISS You poo24333 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE vourv rixi naivevounaaoa cane AND maxi hat there la pro HOW to Al pliedIoNow climate aoedad an himqu percentaaa murlaht all Eaatdahier BaalWest vulnerablau aom 39° 531 weer yawn atgzore oma 09 OH 311 Lam name one $1053 litahtddinn lat loullo WntNortta Paaa ooonlna leadtwo ot apadea in every hand deciarer playa in edit contract he ia laced with thaproblem at whether or not to draw trumpa lhere la no acouratagenerai rule to auidehim to when to tackle trumpa and when not to The daclarar can aolva thia pro biemonly by weighing the Ill tora that prevail In the partic ular hand he la playing One at the moat important at theea lactora la timing The order in which varioua piaya are made may prove to be deaialver For example atudy thia hand where South la in tour hearla and Weat ieada apade Eaat takaa iha ace and returna the queen of diamonda South to laced with the problem oi avoiding ioaer in each at the tour auita He cannot aliord to tackle trumpa at once because the deienee would would take the are and lead another diamond which would aatabliah the retina trick and lead to aura defeat So South wine the queen oi dlamonda with the ace and ieada the ten oi cluha ila wante to let up the ciuha in dummy ao that he can obtain valuable discard oi dlalt mom on one at the ciuba Ii he aavea the diamond loner he malrea the contract Leta any Eaat ducka the tea but then wina thenext club with the ace lie return the lack oi diamonda taken in dummy with the king Declarar now leoda high club hoping the anti ia divided as and that he will be able to diacard hia diamond lour and caosswoiiar 115mm MIME 113m amo coumcvaamaa ay JAY earner club insteadaouth diapom oi to oompieta firework radanlloayeoramillae man an about bemoaatraiu thetmhecrt on auto ao have aoigcmLmrimua low tramp and Bonito hna to over fnifto nape immediate ea South than trumpa apade in dummy and leada atlli another club mlatimatha club lead to mcceaatuL Eaatjia laced with an im alhie choloe it he ruila wt the ace South aheda hia diamond thua tolu oaplna two aura into one And it Beat dtaurdaon the his diamond lore and than ioaea oni trump trick thua making eoatract Tomorrow iatereatlay hand MisiitShlp Is Scrapped VANCOUVER tctl ahlp that never quite reailudthe high hopea held tor her haa oome to the and oi her dam The Prince Henry that tone arrived in Vancouver to 1m to challenge thevooaatal au rem acy oi Canadian Paciiic am ah lInwaa her miaiortuna to ay pear at the start at the De proaaioa however and although Canadian National steamahlpa ran hr ior one neuron to Al aalta then tor ahori apoll on Vancouver Victoria Seattlo run there waanl enough InilI noaa to make her pay She and her alator ahip Prince David were awltched to the Atlantic coaat to man cruise ahipa to the Weat indiea in m7 renamed the North Star aha waa chartered or manner ctulaca on the St Law rence ltlver When the Second World War came ahe put on hattledresa and landed troopain Normandy on DDay Later ehe took part in landinga in the aouth oi France and in Greece Ailer too she operated an the British troop tranaport Empire Parlmton betwa aaliarwlah andetha liaolr oi Holland Now 32 yeara later ahe la to be broken up tor wrap in an itailanahlpyard TRAFFIOAID One at the that automobile aioplighta war that on the 1921 McLaughlinBuick built at Oah awa Ont EE BuszAmER panorama HOLDTHE LINEETIAS NEW DATE is COMEEIEH SHELL BE RIGHT IF WA TH AT omega ni MDS HAVE BEEN FOR THJEIJ TUBE as cuewmaum

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