Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1962, p. 14

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Shanty my Road at Blairs Help yearn to soup or late and build terrlila sandwich to suit youtlarnish it with Icslsry olive and pickles Ssh ocilun oi cheeses Choice oi dessert and cuties $180 EVENING DINNER FROM Elli Drive minute and says 30 Youll be glad you did slams GOOD NEWS STORYWhen on announce the birth ol your shit to man Examiner all pious al the not an Available leyl Boats ill tm Records ad to mull voui mods and rats vet to thusism places hip is quouacsma sitar birth call our Examiner Ollultlld to arm RICIIAIIDION Mr Ind Mn tori Richardson oi 117 Vt esnl Street Barrio are in to aanoancatha birth inalr ugh tIr on Thursday sum to i001 ll tbs tinyl Victoria llospitsl DEATHS IIIATIIIHION Hospital Ilirnl Ontario on Thursday June 1m tiger but Mathlmu buiovod hillbund ui Agnes iraten dur brother oi Edna Mrs livsnsl oi lisrrt Age as years mice was held in nenlmv Prbroytorlsn Churchon Sunday at oclock at in Victoria hlZUIOUllNhNosml II At the Willows lint llama and Lodge Aurore on Friday June it im Noimu lienriolta Culbort beloved wife oIKunuuth Jock Mulbournu oi till llradtord dear sister or Wild at llarrle lsttt oi Brads iord Georgi oi Budbu srt oi uredloid ostag at the LlihlnlueNIIhunny umrll Home slmeao street uradiord isrinr VldoInn lilondsy at 150 pull torment Bond iiaad Cainstory IilBililillIt Florence At the Ark hour Nursing Home thread on Wildmihdlly done 21 implan once Shuphui vlio ol the late John Thomas shopbcr loving mother ni ids George Tcwnsuno oi Syracuse UEA Dolor hirArthur ai Dru Station thlitum hicArthur at rnarulon Donlld hieAitliur nI Foxmuld and John ilicAthur oi stroudla her with year heating at the icihlok Funeral Home in hayhold Street Barrio Servicsiln the chapel Esturdly Juno at pm lip tonaant Knox Cemotcry Oru PlilTCIIAIiIl ItrderIdIi Eud denly on Friday Julia 10 loss Frederick Prltehuid of tea diraud halovod husband oi lisn nah Prllchlrd and dear lather oi Mrs Mchcol Lillian Charles Frederick nu oi and George oI Toronto hosting It the lannstt Funeral Home Osrrlc iar iuncrsi service bionduy July It lull interment PM Anglican Cemetery lnnlllll CUNNINGHAMMIMI flielg tha Iioysl Victoria Hospital fiuric on Friday June 20 tell olorn Graig aluminum in his 65th year holoved husband oi Ads sneer dear lather oi Earl oI thin ii Milli oi Colilngwood dour Krondiothcr oi Tommy and Glen Cunningham Gordon and Ivld lillllli duur brother oi Hilb ert Toronto and Alvin ido caused heating at his into real dence Thornton whore iunersi service will be held on Monday Jilly ledisti pni interment Thornton Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM LB loving momory at den moihcr and grandmother Annie Lac who pulled away on lliIt 1050 lusny ionalyhesrische litany silent tear llui alwlys loving memory it one we loved so dear anlngly remembered by the lsmlly and grandchildren COMING EVENTS Rcligious ILecture v1 and Discussion aiaLo ranch in CHRISTADELPHIANS Sunday July 700 pm YMYWCA icowau so annals No collection or admission ATTENTION VETERAN BUCK Service Bureau Oiilccr Royal Canadian Legion will be at the CANADIAN LEGION BARRIEBRANCH147 WEDNESDAY JUL i962 I2io4pm Anyonowlshlng interviews leis phone PA 84002 iic has nearly tripled in the last year NOIIIi American Air Defence Command heed usr tars at Colorado Springs gottai reportsthat year ago itwas tea command kc absvon aiitiicae things ltvlug and lion hurniori and Eleanor IGARVEYI Millimi Three bedroo bedroom bun Ii uiuars rotun had outcome 01 use THAN nan Down BuygIthlrtwo storey home in Allaadale Situated on largeiotI Three bedrooms kitchen living room dining room and bath tall element with new oil hm naee Calliioppy Hopkins PA Midi evnihgsrPA Wit ARE YOU INTERESTED in good home with Vporlect viewi Lovely aparimeat woll rented Situated on large lot Prleed to sell Call thirds anks PA 0000i evenings PA 00003 Will PAY RENT When you can have this home for Just 510007 bedroom living room and kitchen liutb upstairs lind down Close to schools and churches Call lius sell Carson PA oust oven lugs PA 00101 0N BAliltIEtl MAINBTIIEET This well built brick building has two atom one cities on ground floor opts on second floor all rented This properly shows Igood steady income For Inspection call Ralph BoakEr Plt tibial evenings PA donor Aisououscs lO hour 45A curator st wI IPA 6648i Member at llorrls and District lieI listIdaho annular vFORSTEli auo courauv Realtors as baseman so PA 00453 ANYTIME UVIWINGS CALL Doris Nuilrcumbe FA 31057 Maryann Smith PA aim Norm Haiku IIi 07016 CurlvI Kldollormln PA Midl IA Polio PA 0400 Lu Lovegrovo Angus nu cam timbers oi the name do District Real Estate liuard CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phillie casein 03 Dunlop St lllorigsga hlonay Avslluois iIADEL lilMISIIALLPA 043001 OWEN JONESPA 37037 lilUliIL JEFFEIIYIA MISS CARL WODDiVAiiDleoote in Will IIAIiIlISIA MN Emory MILLER aaAL ESTATE BROKER 232Titfln st PA etasi EVENING CALL Klrl RIAIIIIIII PA 54017 Emory Miller PA ddm biembar oi the diarrla and District iieoi Estate Board spur LEVEL 93 STEEL smear Beautiful Stoliar built white brick colonial spill levelthomo on iaige lot with lovely treesu Near public and separate schools and shopping plaza This bedroom home with iirev place large bow window Airlu canI mahogany colonlai kitchen and many other extras was built less than one yeatago and in excellent condition ron arroiuruaivr ro lNSPECT risis LOVELY none CALL PA 82845 Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAYOii NIGHT IPA 87952 edroom hoine Large living room kitchen with boards and storageioil heated Colored bathroom lixtuies ily divided basement barge lot in goodresidentisi oreov close tostores and schools TELEPHONE 04201 aiow ior on Many clitr iotCioso to heels shopI but owners lduvlng has cs Barrio Examin ltIAltIO LOP ST First Menage Foods Availb 89 VII 32 115 uuuLor an EAer CraydonKohiLPAHdOd Ir Marion hutlcdgePA 00700 CO Real Estate Brokdr Owoa street llarrie SUMMER lCOIlAGE On Big Bay Point Road Situa ted oa lovelytlreed corner lot 60 x1002 Close in beach Hus largo picture vwlndow both in living room and dining room Thrao bedrooms Full price I000 with small down pay ment have wide selection oi other cottages tor sale For inspection call Alice Worthing ion ECONOMICAL LIVING other will buy this beauiliul two bcdroon bungalow located near Barrie Shopplng Plaza immaculate condition lnsldo and out Has two extra bed rooms in basement with wash room ideal compact homeice retired couple Call Walter C0uits OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS $13000 rGenerai storein thriv ing community at ivy Store and living quarters are inex callent condition both inside and out Business very much above average Terms arranged Coll Walter Coutts SMALL HOLDING $15000 for about 40 acres Ex cellent opportunity for luturo devclopmentWooded area with spring creek and dwelling which includes 1000 icet oi road lront age on iith Concession oi in alslll near Drivenln Theatre Terms arranged Moiabor oi barrio dr District haul Estate Board PHONES Oiilco pa ram ED III OONDDN III CDUHBPA 27 WALTER BI WaiTTSVFA MS HANDY COUIIO PA 54281 Amos WOIITHINOTONVsifiiglliizi Lavnus tiankanra Mm 105 VIIEIJGDENHILPA dIZOO Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIO LARGEST REALTORS so COLLIER smear FA $5001 OPEN EVENING TILL it PM 50Acncs 0i hardwood bush and codes In mile iromLske Simcoe on 0th Cone oi Ora Severalfbulld lug lots Asking $4000 47 ACRES with 400 it iroatage onvpaved rosd 17 was workable 30 acres young hardwood 53500 wtth terms 100ACREFARM For sale in Mcilonta Township oneginlle oil 400 Highway0 room brick house bunk hard 52 6i good well hey grain and 52000 worth oi stock and implements included the ask inngrlce of $11500 gt SELDOM BUT NOT OFTEN Canwe oiier such voluminou tedronv border of city limits spacious bedroom bungalow ultra modern kitchen recrea largo dioineIaraa iois st eup COUTTS Stouil Smith Cam bell at as and pinstripeNa no iSQwen Borrle scour Lea sores unison or air annals arm DISTRICT nuns csrara aoann GOLF CLUB AREA immediate Possession Grey brlckibungalow with at room kitchen three bedrooms and iour pleeo bath Wooded lot Partly finished bosemcnt Price reduced to 815000 Pay mente 0100 including taxes NOTE We arrange tirst motlgi or or Vialortssndtlrsy Trul oi oi vlilio Phaas at sites ysitlr acui shoal Bob nwuuiu pa deans or Paddy an an aside nalu rsrAra shorten TIFFIN DARRIB CALLjoAy on bvauuve PA 02379 iirmbui oi the limi and district lint lie liusrd Keith Marshall PA 02502 is OLAPPEMON 5T saunas mm uaLLas pa ssm lids Estate Homes Forms Businesses REALTOILAPPEAISER ROBERTD HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 00 DUNLOP ST BARBIE ihonePA 07230 Opposite and Store Barrie View Subdivision Homes Custom BuiltToI YourPlans tachedignroge Largo llving Mambo Burris rno District New Homesbn Display Featuring Two Open Houses at 23anc 34 Tower vrescent hollow Burton AveI to William St south onIWliilam to Baldwin La Iurn lett onDaldwln Luna and loliow tho signs conosraiucPa sum DOUGHOMERPAMBB7 ILou MORlARTYPA ems PltIVAIE SAL 30 uawron sensor Owner asterrcd Spotiess three bedroom brlck bungalow Recreation groom Carport storm and screens Handy to schooisIand downtow Snerlilce 731700Ior best oiler slter luna suaI DiV OFFICEPA soon flrdld Ihsbllhmmllld show lament Large doub in Complete and it you and Many kind sss srsszso rs can MOVING For complete moving cruise salesde easier Call cooks CARTAGE esToRAe ssa ltd Burris PArkway 00575 Lorsron SALE GOOD HIV ltasidsntlsl Building Lou new tenant and mr lion park WI vsii Ihi it WANTED TORENT 00 BUY FOUR OB liliiiiEJiedroom Noun wanted to rsaiIor boy in the vicinity oi st lisry Write giving details to Box Barrie Exsmlu all OPPO TUNITIES For ret outlet inWcstern Ontario Island 50qu investment for the right person wishing to invest approximately $5000 with inter esting returns No trillers please April to sox97 BARRlEpEXAMlNER VI Mom Gas IMMEDIATE Istdr2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITII LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAIIJORED TO YOUR BUDGET 1F YOUNEED MONEY consolidate debts sxistlol mariaIts mortgages coming due ems improvement Ioltny worthwhllslcsuro over ensSears 110 MINIOP ST Member Ontario liiorisege Drokerg Associati monument in 1an and buuglltl sold aud arranged Commerci sndirsridcntisi moneys loaned on existing mortgarcs Earri Morb lsl Brokers PA 01001 gt IFINENCIAL II dr lumber and supply MONT ISPACIOU GROUNDS Now modern talued ibedrooms gellvn room kitchen wtth ample cup boards and utility etle color tiled bath in Laun dryinpilillas garage and paved den withsbade trees eroccupled0penlor aspecti immediate posses rio Ci etapublic and high HOICE APARTMENT Modern one hedroom dui 0d hoatcd aparimout Sell confirmed with laundrypnd piir in lacllit slo Imhtctllotd possession TELEPHONE PA sill MODERN ARTMENT Four room odarrip upstairs apartment in iaew apartment building Near schools and on busiine Two bedrooms lieirlg crater stove and drapas eluded lndlvlduni thermostat Washing anl drying lscllliles Large play area Many other leatures Children welcome No pets please lu Napier Si area $95 per month For appointment phone PA sfilod alter pm ride runNisusu heated lpurt monls ons broom Ind our dream foil per month Adults Foriurihur niormtlen telephone PA iiZlidb THBIBJDEDIIOOM hosted 11de mentIin modern triplex Awaits July 100 month Toleph pa actor TWO BEDROOM Apartment ior rout rivals bath and garage un lurnl ed heliud Telephu PA 65729 rwo BBDllOOhi heuted spin ment in bottom floor at modern triplex Available luiy $05 monthly Telephone PA 80204 FURNIEIIIDtwo room apartment and kltchanutle Hut and salt Isbie ior busiersum Telephone PA 007 MODERN three roqu apartment ior rontwiih thruo pioco bath and private laundry room Apply at bk Mucus direct Barrie aacrmaoa Apartment consisting or bedroom kitchen living room and bulb Private entrancem monthly Talaphon PA 020 ONE DEDDOOM unlumlllled apartment in west end IPrivsta entrance andqu or washer and mr Telephone 02577 altar in ihreo room tui turnishsd Iplrtmilllt with bath Heavyduty wiring Heated Cen tral location TelepheusPA 07007 Ill 7pm ism two bedroom bass ment apartment privstu bathroom Ilund room parking East end Avslis is July Telephone PA oissr PER MONTH Mode central lflIoenilloed Idrfld two bedroom apartment ircrhly decorate ply It dyieel Street Apt nwo ltonltl uuturaishcd heated srtmont salioontaincd hcavv ringpieuty oi cupboard space Laundry IIeIlItIEI Very central Tolepbope PA 01030 ronIrwo WEEKS Ask For ayDay Loam WOW this work kind barrios ru roamssuttun Teispbonn lid restlessness BlcbciorApartiudnt Downtown location Private bath Free MODERN nmhhed three room apartmentwlth tour piece lhraom 005 monthly includes heat and laundry facilities tadpon Penman Street phone PA 520 MODERN livo room partmcnt rlulIllin room upstairs nlu shed Ind hllttd is pietely lpllvcuIIIIInud aun rIIIn apsrtiucnt building on clap ertoti Strue tool aisphoaerr NICKi BRIE iurnlshe decorate WPFIIIII hath Separate entruneo Laundry lacllltiea Rent 05 monthly Adults el eie hone three Bto and reiflgerator II IsO instills no man aiu heated duplex inawiy 8W7 IO I100 PKIVISO rllttiidts raarmpure MW It Illa ii ThisphonsTAtw roan iivinrloomeud quun cluttele two titer in Iuhu To tortlnsru Nu3 Vidal cm Imsuliyproiedodu aVIIII lgfllhout Room available withr unrusmsnzn Apartm rooms and bath nit etriu rim and it It monibtyiudludss all and Telephone PA on 000 tor uio bsscb Lunch Odntfll Iocltiu ra durib Idiomii reomruh routgr good OlhIOIfihml islapbdde on sun men about Furnished catt in Muskoh on more Good dining host and Imsphuuo PA Brock Btu Bur conneesro RENT conraces and Cabin torment is tit dry stove and or Available lulyI Telphone PA mil PA HQO PA 0190 mammalian two room rt mant plus kitchenette slid si pious grivats bath and supplied aru Ada Telephone PA 011 liter we leAfiOl Room torsntfliawi donorted water supp so Also one small thin room partmaut Apply sea area mlm13korolau ll sorgs ua ooJBuch Siroud Oats TOLLINDAL PARK lo iulephca PA eases IDILIIAIB OR DENT located on Ilsalake Trim bedrooms titm lsco bstb Private road and sets lsbio July and August Toiaphoul 46100 Orti nualop dbhst erteiophoul PA soon or as com FURNISH mill floor rtmsui anticon lnld centrally outed Laundry lseiil ties and min lToi lLdenIoI warm corona PA edited Tar at or lulermstiop ms ROOM hested tumbled out If II ll In lo so MM spurtmcnl thr bathl Vorlndl EAST END Do our bedroom artiueot tallied IIOIS Ind water supplied stove and refrigerator included Telephone 00050 or PA M00 ON AND Hodrooni meats heated prlvlte entrances Clean and reasonable Close to sti End Plus Tsicphous PA 700 or apply 01 Eeeles St FURNISHED Apartment ulieon isincd three rooms and In Downtown location Laundry in ltiel Pluntyoi closets Suit couple Telephone PA SECOND FLOOR Olld bedroom aplrtmaut largo living room kitl anon with excoilaat diningmrel icautlluld hssted€autrul lo cation heat 06 Apply Merrick PA 401 altar PA 85095 UNFllltNltililn Apartment in mm dorn prlvsto home four place both rivata autrsnaeuud park iug lac ties Closl to bus stop and out and pins Available July Telephone pa aisle Trill aooiu Apartment lum iched three pises bath hardwood iloors ltclrlgentar and heavy dat stove sellcoatsineo immo ossesslou in it tItwo bedroom upper busted solicontuhiadpflvata entrance parking $00 monthly Hydro In One hlld woi ftelov PA 0408 SELFgOONTAINED ground iloor our room apartment SultlbisIIor married couple Very centrally lo cltedAVIillbld July Andras ullhed bsohoiorlpartment phoisaiPA osiei Iiter up UlsTitA MODERN uniurnlshad one bedroom apartment or roatmront and run balcoalnesanfis want it to ear cu Kelli IIIIIy 60102 TWDgMODEflN uniurulshcd two bedroom heated apartments in Stroudapurtment hours Ground iloor 010 monthly lower floor 68 monthly Use or lWImlnIlll pool No obioatloarto baby Av Ibis July Telephone stroaiL UNPIJRNISHED Apartment he is co IIMMu lova rsirtgars or supplied Laundry room and lo er Na children Aulllliblu Juus Bayvlawi ApartmentrI zib Duu tment living room rdl and two bsdronnu living room diulugarea sellcontained 11 Ce mi location Hunt 005 late occupancy or July MOST COINIOIIIADLE all live lumbarrie Modorn iurue two bedroom uplrtments available now in brand new null la lovely resident pVeryncar to separate school Parking at water llcd lRuirIlorIto and stove Janitorlsrvl nelsonsbll and epboas PA REPRlN ovollsbi The Barrier Examiner it you would like to have prints clans news pictures ea byour shill photogng are please can bi our hush uessoillce We sreIrorry we cannot accept mono Glossy Prints 71 81 mu plus to WE BUY SCRAP TR Highest prices paid Old Vehicles or We AMCAN some Mm Duuiop St West Just across Hwy 4001 PA 89366 ASPHALT PAVING is Our Business iree estimates DiSHERFARRAND LTD BARBIE PA 60 to DAYS ONLY Furnaces Forced air niloi gas= installed complete wifli duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK No DOWN PAYMENT Isadoll burnetarirem $25 up wooowann AND sou PA 6080i0R Sliteun StiltsI smoun gusset Refrigerators Ranges andiTV FULLY GUARANTEED Priced from $5900 Idealior the cottage EPLETIS IV TV andAppliauces BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPIUS see our selection of tents 147 DUNLOP ST aAnnlti skin diving equipment stoves lamps sleeping bags lifevjaokets fishing tackle Also used army is 25DUNLOPS DAMBIIEITA SCOOTER for In condition Toicphun $3197 CUBIC 1001 General Electric lieirlgeratoi for sale Suitsbla lor cottage $50 Tclcph 541 ABN FOB SALEM 60 beech the Apply Douglas Wiaeholt iii and Mills taiephons Illioilu RUBBEB Tith Werent in load condition Can 111 Penetln Street PA 3451 prizes Chesterfield Suite red and green good conditlonLllKe antique Table Lumpzrchsmplsin monument fonds bronaa Telephone Ami Stroud SINGER brand new floor polisher and rug CIMDOI Reduced during midsummer Isaie Singw suvltlnl Contra 2s brain Telephone PA erase HAND loi so Imii Nil erlil KC Dan II so Tecunu neawnrmss parent II tudfint re

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