can rule been and Petloroo durum Auu Sundayrwlth thelr pan Mrend Mn WA edelnck kend with lrlende Huntrvllle end cepreol gt end Mr Bev Smlth Ipent the weekend with their relellver It Uttereon Mr and la lyy Morrow Sundnyv at Breeebrldxe rum Annrvnre Congratulation tr and Blythe Black on the birth Mr Art Tlttln onthe arrival of another ran BALL GAMES Slmud Publle School puplll played Mlnete Polnt Monday Ketternoon wlnnlng 51 Wednes day evening Stroud glrlxplay ed Thornton Mn Joun Pope at couch taste to Thornton Btl lvyboyr played Slroud Junlora at Stroud Saturday evening Bert Gamay an coach More 84 or Stroud ORANGE PARADE About 250 Orange men and otherraltended nervlen ut An rgur Unlted Sunday evenlan The church was tilled to capacity Led by plper band members rom lvy Baxter Thornton Allandule Crnlzvale unnv cnosswonuj an Great mummy rm aurmny ACROSS Church htnch LFIIEDLOI INII BDry llNot nuavy 12 To go up 130lrll nleknume Supplent do Any one Luke 8A anred ot smoke mull wear ll Prong 8111th ï¬t rettrge Arrived 2114111 24 Land edge along meal ldDry bede of rtvere 15 Land meeaure 17 Cozy place thlfl 291harou5h lure Young glrl alliedhe INLAflllehood 85Eleetrle unlt John crowd 400mm 00mm 443mm Mathe mulled term Hollowe 41M lehrlu DOWN Ymurg nullnon daughter also turn and IDlIDW Ilsth LIrouurl or gen Ba qfl 130mm Eel Exme Eï¬nley 10Poatponlng Bison 3014am ELM home no1 Le paemmlvo 31Llone home 42Trtum nuvtd rnn entertlnid tfelrprnJoc BIrrleCeotrel nta party ma mllo complete the evening barbecued refreshmente were perv momentum The Ploneer Club And rlende from Central Collegiate Borne held party etvthe home Susan Jenn end Ruth Bloch lueedu eventnp About 10 at tended Gamer were played outside athlle room the here on trip to Brltlrh urnbla HOME ANDMEOOLv Mr and Mrs 50 ulhol lnndBlllle Georlevnnd Carol Mulhollandgand Lyn Feer alte ded the Home and School nndllwmmunlty eoncert held In Porlnh Hall Mine gWednee day evenlng About too eatoyed banquet served by the led ler vtollowed the proxrarn ground Ornme oomb form elon Triumph out at mm Slroudglpoke he owed by lunch Mre HowardCrawlo tatned numbermt atrlsxehd aome molhereySnturdoy eomblaedpereenol showerglor mm Theeommunlty Suadeyrchool early September Davotplcnle tea are nev mepect and Hope etnmrm Frleudrwere ehpeked to hell ollhe eudden thh Granary new uthhld an lot Mr ead Mn Donnle vlee wee hild Friday athleclt ley htnerelllomelnterro st Peule cemetery Symmhv to the bereaved Congratulations to 85 No 11 whose team was eueceeelul the ball neme on oral dny Monday era to gtHlllvlew Teacherjc Webb undueu IIme Crawford accepted the2trophy onhehel1 th echool Mleeee Lynn Creeaato and Ca at whoare future brld anul beetle luet eervlce mm to be announcedlater Sunduyvlaltora at the home at the Johnstoaee wereM Wllllem Robertson Rum and Mr and Mrs lson Robotll ddauzhter n0rlllle Theeehool plenle waeheld htesday alternoon nt Oro Mem Porurlln vnonrnnnn The cucumber of today In descendant of plant that we Fendleys Flowers 7e mane st PA Here wry lent week Funeral uh enurt ternlly yédn rom Cern Couchlehlax lollowed by Bruce Rathbo no wh epoke on Itseoudltldna and people Mlle len illehmleh we elect edï¬tlret vlceepmldent of the llhose uttend Cutlm lWflMuV vmnpmwwwmwwmwwméwr th detetl madeenteute After Imnv WNW 30M Rlverdaleloo Jeannine on Mr and Mrs Wlllllm MCNBII dud Carol Blrrle Sun day at Nlezere Fth Brown 1nd vlelled the lorrnera Brownsundey Mr and Mn Kllr on new Mouteltnalruemy Cnorlee daynthlr Ba tetherllelt belted Bowde nt two ellï¬ll in and Mrs Sldycox Hendrte people mm There werétwo humwlth from Oakvule and one Burrlu vlewlnsthe exhib lteat tho Simeoe Mureum Tuesday Wedneedny bun toad come from Commend and Thursday one lrom Elmvrle Int St Phule were Rev lr Mlssee llhenanav labyamvesf llr when you clal brak llv Your Welcome We on Hoeheu will oil WK heekat of gifts and ï¬endl pectin from our stone we and hudneeeleaden Wï¬ehthe one more phone the WELCOME WAGON em Please edvieeveur earrier ertelephone the Cirevuplaï¬tbn advising mm The omelet opening will been nouuvunuu Iotttnoronsrs 11 av Noveanr ol Contordeud Mr to pen lthhliut it eexMhn naught t1ntvtli eonfl eutlal eervlee No red nddttlonaluecurl about our alhc rune puncnnse rt 7+0PEILvsCJI ty needed us unnnu snornnonnzn run rxnntlunrlou neuteredn no clef Commerelelor Private returcnrckg rnn ra tires duhmt eyet When to Stop and rje vBarriejExaminer ctncuterlou zuthumm THE BAthIE EXAMINER