Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1962, p. 4

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in along the Otonabeo iverfronvas it the anouncc ment that Canadian General Electric has donated 100 acres of rime pro on site of the new Trent University the City of Peierbordughl Deedvto company vice resident and to is progressing city companys property was presentedto university secretary NormanvCroolr by general manager of to apparatus revision Walter illard Present at the Kawan tha Club luncheonwere 32 rofcssora from if universitiesecross anada at lending conference in the city Most large industries on locating in community like to take an active part in the life of that community Such has been the happy fact for Barrie just as it has been for Pelerborough When men and women have been needed to project to to aid commissions man have me framith management an perso alofi this ape lace locatlonofths smaliapplianc division hcre initial Without embarrassing them by naming names for thesought no arsons glory CGE peep have made as con tributions to many branches of com munit endeavor such as United Ap peal oyalvVictorla Hospital civicser yilfie fraternal and sportslbpdies among era Acemmunlty welcomes industry that prides itself on contributing rather than taking TheLdteJudseMachrehz loo often the measure of mans con iributioh to this world is left until he is one One of those is the late Jud onald Forsyth ltiacLaren Forgsuroliy he contributed great deal to the tie velopment of Barre from small town One fact seemed to have becniorl otien During the thrco years that onald iliacLaren was mayor of Barrie and these were difficult war years when the fate of the free wdrldhung in the balance he could see that thiscommun ity would play an important part in the deveio meat of Mario when victory was lnally achieved The Board oi Trade of earlier years had gone under During thedcpression years is business mens club was formed butexplred when the war fell uponus it was Mayor llfacLaren who played the lead ing part in forgin the present highly active Barrie Cham er of Commerce in 1944which Was ready andwllling to assist Town Council in the first stages of the great postwar industrial expan sion which was tohtt Barrie Many of our dpresent firms might indeed be 10 rate elsewhere if the Chamber had not been well founded But Judge MacLaren made his very solid contributions to many phases of life in this community where he was tinn President Eugene Smith of sreeut togmake poolsnooker and hit Down MEMORY LilNE thsboglanda 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN BarrleExaminer June 16 1032 Howard lifelt chosen secretarytreasurer of Board of Educationfrom numerous ap plicantsgtto succeedFred hiarr retiring Victor Knight manager of CM sta tion restaurant at Allandale ap ointed to fill seat of Eirick resigne Trus tee Frank Hammond reported grant forth coming from Ontario for commercial de partment at BCI Town Council will negotiate with Simcoe County for grant of $25000 Debentures issued to pay for $33000 in payments curbs gutters and storms ers on streetsln centre of town ounclllors Henry of lnnlsfll and Cunningham of Alliston opened storm in session of County Council with motion to ap oint special committee to investigate saiarles of officials and seek reduction Centre Simcoe Womens Institutes met inconventlon at Mldhurst Mrs Albert Maw Mlnesing was chosen president Junior Farmers held sucé cessful sports day at thoForestry Sta Utopia headed cdmmlttee on arrangements Soft ball races horseshoe pitchingand pic nic lunch were featured in perfect wea ther Barrie Kiwanians were guests Prei born find that his early education He was flrate ected to town council in 1930 just two years after he took over the lawpractico of the late Judge Donr aid Rosa He served in all branches of municipal life including several years on Simcoe Count Council when he was deputy reeve of arrle He was lead er in the work of hischurch the ublte library of which he was the fnance chairman with sbullding expansion cur rently plannln sBencher of the per Canada Law octety He was is seen and his political convictions were strongly Progressive Conservative He had been member of just about every commission orboard at one tlmeor other in the community His life encompassed two world wars in the first he enlisted right out of high school for active service with the ar tillery but just got overseas when the armistice was declared in 1018 in the second war was limited age but joined the reserve battalion and Simeon Foresters where ship qualities soon broughthlm from the ranks to commissionand majority as officer commanding the headquarters company in Barrie Judge MacLarens keen mind and vlgi has 5133 Jmlortant part in the life of arrle sident Ryan was chairmanfer lunch when John Miller speaker WQA Boys KC addressed Barrle Lions Club on CNR expenditures He explained that the notorious 1000 000 entertainment account was for ne ceaslties withonly 10 for entertain ment South Slmcoe Wimet at Thorn ton with Mra Fred Spesrlng Beeton ei ected president Weeklysermonwas contributed by Purnell of Ivy ffownlinesliaxter Presb terian charge Cookstown Womens nstitute won the Aitken Cup for most achievements in year hairman QchKinnon of Board of Educationaecused thepress of violating confidence Tom Mix in Destry Rides Again was featured movie at Capitol Theatre Doublevblll of west erns was at Roxy giveneverynlght at fair grounds byMa dame Malena famous crystal gazer with dancers and singers Simpson MP Simcoe North told Womens Con servative Association that radiols safe TVmp CGEBIfi9V0fkA has beenalsade arrest by if MciNlthE HOOD London England Correspondent For Ith Examiner GALWAY Elrs Driving through the counties oi Kerry and Gatwsy in the south west of lrelsnd ihavs bccniook the Grey rlntiiin on an industry which Mg angelgluon to have large place in thacconomy of that wild section of the flepubilc of fre land it ls ah industry which in not found on so large is scale anywhere clip in the United Kingdom or Eirel have seen It on small scale but not commercialized in the Highlands of Scotland But here It plays an important part in providing livelihood for the people who iive in the little thatched cottages that era tint The industry to which refer Orillla was spacial is iltotof pentcutting and pros ceasing in thelast three days the excellent roads on which have travelled by car have passed through mile after mic ofpsst began And all along the way men were to be seen at work with their long blad ed narrow spades cutting letp iy into the past which extends to depth of several feet has low the surface PRIMIHVE PROCESS Theprocess of post cutting primitive to theextrcme it being carried on now as it shesbeen for generations but on much larger scale The sharpf blade of the peat cutter sinks lnto the black or dark Free concert was brown mass and cuts it into ond development rectangular blocks little larg er than ordinary building bricks These are cut offf rows and the digger keeps on dissing down formingo atraifht walled ditch up in the hands of the government um ii he reaches water lcvci Lloyd Partridge accidentally shot in arm by companion AlfredLiscumbe while untfng groundhogsnear Barrie Golf lub Hewas attendedby golfer Dr Scott of Cookstown crass EDITORS VIEWS NOUNCOUTH REFUGE Peterborough Examiner Toronto where alldreadful things em to begin thelbilllard hall on lie is respectable Barrie Examiner authorized uh alias min Post Office rtment Oita anri for payment oipultlll in ca Sundays IndStaiutary nansu excepted kennsrn wneu roanher onrnN pentagon General Mann ll MePHEnlDN Managing editor CHARLES to transit tauinn llnsger nanny wrasou Advtelling Mllllgol tonN uoeben Circu Arethfy to be left Toronloitiiu Moniroalt naswur corgfa strut amber births Co unitable rates were charge at the new hail tables with more femi traditional greenfhere will air be mat ened in shopping plaza with soft music refreshment service at the tables and rett furnishings To discourage regu arb illard roomhabltues none the us Unfortunately the expo ent had been successful there have been as many as 10 married couples playing at one time New other pool thalloperatorsisre thinldngof encoura in women to is gOne of the firms whf ch manufactures decided to cover its nine colors than the llard tables has even ehing shadesof cue Areruncouth men halk wtthout laceto ventt eir frustrations to round ycurse inanlmsteobje to show singer to pla get awaydromthe leftno refugef lhenrho starts all over again to cut strip after strip from the face of the ditch until hi days toll is ended Once cut théb ks ofpc are built up pyramidsf ln allow free dry out the pea This usually fakeser four is wcck according to weather conditions COMMONL uszp lhroughettt these districts peat ia almostuniversslly used as iuelrEirs has very little coal and it inexpensive Spin the peat districts of the countries of Corko Kerry and ialway have been interested to so the great stackc of peat out side the smoliimtiages of the people piledthere dryia preparation for so when winters cold win eep down from the mountains and across the barrenbogs it reminded me of the stacks of Iflrewood one usually tech piled outside endowhouses rcmo crustaceans rna unrigh on Viieriiibe kingdom of God Corinthlm eeeive ou do end transits cairn anonurn Peat Isimportant People oiEtre Near tha ion saw something unusual but which provides large market for suppliers tho good lunch peat it was peatburning electricitygenerating plant op erated by the South ireiand Electricity Board Post Is the only fuel used to produch he steam which turns thatul to generate electricity 0utsida the plant was greatpstock of peat it was bclpg carried in large buckets up in towerlhigh over the generating station There it was being pulverized and blown under pressure into the huge furnaces under the steam boii err nurses no no frten TODllfiN ntsroar lyliifit CANADIAN PRESS Janenim English troops under consJ man of Gen James Wolfe landed on the Sn Lawrence shore opposite Quebecm years ago today inlm They told siege to tho Frenchheld city until Sept 13 when H000 menscolod thecliffs to the Plains nf Abraham where the decisive bottle for Canada was fought ifti7 Viscount Bennett former prime rnlfliatcr of Chanda died at Derking Surrey alffl imlhe first army ex cculion In the history of the United States was carried out in New York when Thomas illckay was put to death for an unsuccessful atlempt to capture George Washington and deliver him to the British commander Goods In Stores By now 0llEARli TORONTOft often pays not know too much about some thing Forycars now the govern to ment has had trade and in duslry branch one of its functions hasbecn to encourage salesof Ontario products in markets abroad it has had little success CW this department has as its minister Honxltobcrtvllfacaulay Mr Macauiay should little about selling iiie turn ill idhe one of ihebcst salesmen in theprovincss hlsv Kingdom He went over to sec tion Ontario and Canada were elling there now And then to probe the possib more He was shoc larl attha things we werent sciing fie couldnt often find can of Canadian tomato juice in overseas grocery slorca But hefound plenty from California and Australia ALL WRONG lhis situationof course fated for years From time to time little thing have bee our trade overseas But there has And this has beenbees attitude has been to imp eye on what we had ratherrthan too ihohranch is new part of thej department of economics know He has been lawyersll his at ow little were selling And particu cate told him that the whole machine was wrong Things are to be different in the future An intensified sales drive overseas is now taking shape it is an imaginative and yet practchI program itwont bes teaparty at fair There wont be trade minions whichare afraid to offend their hosts by trying to sell them something tittwill be hardsell from the or Andin the van will be Mr Macaulay himself with his or der book out inwvzmemwIcs galtn as rent sonically infected tom ciis rnplnimsrto be the sub iry diffsreat ii temporary basis before doing anything has drastic rooting family moduli Opinio ry the import Incs emotions in asthma douht at general nus is poi alba ilowover thm via no antipathtmy mind that era tanaitensicns ares torintrlggertngmany not am not convinced til important all cases Each muibsiud ilsown characteristic asthm cats inh child in which altar wasnot panic factor lifts all what it asthmaf constrictionof ih air passage Allargyons of ha commonest of all human ailments he vs lcdmnnifectotions ipg ancesln swcilipgcremp vomiting it facts on eyes nose digestion respiratory lies And on and on Asthma is one the several the unhappy Victim whccrcs anu gasps for breath Too often lpeople still think some slpg medicine will curp asthma What needscur ingnwcll you dont cure it but you may controiitls the alter it be something hreuihcd house dust ollen animal dand scrs and many other thin never observed an stance that touches on allergy you sicrs asthmatic at first out grow the trouble but the more Job severe the cm the leu chance of doing this completely For rule of thumb the cassthal ls outgrownbyrabout age l2 is fortunate pcihma that contin on later is something that will have to be fougtu cOnItaniiy ifyou can ilndjout what ingsszicueh off the allergy valuabiefsllnd fundamental fact rk Iih Afood dlsry from hich you can check back foods alwayspre attack land In todays abdominal cramps valuable And its thing on you can do the cant Dear Dr Mothers Deep direr titulltll at it little out of order seasonal anus hir untoliken few ail nzcnl up at certain time as foodsmlgh rrliole the tissues lnfacl they re Very serious consequences The oir much inclined to do so Hence passages swell and conatrict there might be trdubia at like time of year when some foods pro plentiful in thisicasc ex ample would be com on the cob or berries with largo seeds NOTE TO iKt No didnt say that penicillin could be it rained wlhcut prescription in some states Fedora law hov crns such ndrutt and penic ilin requires prescription any whcit in the 50 slot Frenchicenadais Concerned OverPrdnunciaiion 0i Worlds MONTREAL iCIDFor sov crhi yonrs FrenchCanadahaa been preoccu led with tonal To be spccifc with its extero mlnalton Jenni is commonrQucbcc deformation of the word chcvnl meaninghorse it ipnt the horses FrenchCanadians want to get rid of but the kind of French exemplified by the mis pronunctation Andre Laurcndcau cdlior chief of the Montreal French lnnguugc dolly Le Devolr Was the first to use the term jounl as name for the typeof de ygcneruie French spoken so often in Quebec Hroihcr Jerome Roman Catholic teaching brother made it nationally famous in his best selling book Les Insolences du Frerc UntelTho importincnces of Brother SoundSo in chapter attacking Que becs educational system as it cxlizicd several years ago he so horse think harsL One difficulty rntryinggto stnmlp out jouai is that most Ecope who speak it donteven now its bad French As far as theyre concerned evcry body talks that way so why makea fuss LITTLE DICTIONARY Montreal writer Andre Tur ennc has undertaken the task of distinguishing what is bad from what isgood in little book publlshcdby Lestditions dc lHommc lt ills fetit dicilonnaire de Joual an Francois Concise Joual French Dictionaryaiiomfits to pick out the poor Frcnc and render it in correct or Acud cmyFrcnch Briefly bad rcnch is gen parally English at just English words adopted into cl lnlo French but literal translations of English expressions as sub stilutes or perfectly good French expressions Take nuts for example In English nut is nut whether youre eating ilor screwing it on to abolt So in ideal un mix is un noix Eutin correct French ancnne says on noix is somethingyou eat and un ccrou iswhat yuu1rwedi at when the wrench slips off it considerable number of Que bec garage mechanics who have been turning note for years will be surprised to find lhcywcre really working on corner This is case where English usage has lnfiueutcd French but it is fairly innocent more atrocious exampllc is the use of flour duvoine iterully flower of outs in French the correct as except for this high termis farina dovelne liicr ally flour of cats oatmeal Somewhere some original jauuliste confused the English words flour and flower The vjoual phrase tone and reservationia straight trans lation of the English for make reservatl The French phrase lfure done to boost never been bold step aslhe takaa lookand so if this was at all sufficient MrMacauiay of when he look over was dent Bothhis temperament audit legal training have steered hi to instinctively take an lopittat anything tale not ea Ifcattarrnsnan ro arsnowu sAcH sarunaAy COMMENCING run iteratorsunrroesrrounj CHtthsTicttEtsonrttr

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