Harley candidate in Hallon Cooaty who won iuBrosdcast as been indicated close tolhoth Iatotmenta say the key issuel ibctweon the government Ip pointed directors oi both eg cies isywhethea the CBC is ob iect to BBG authority ln valves legal intorpr tions the 1968 Broadca an the net ariiicripfihr his eekanew statement oi government policy the CBCp role alongside rononro or caresss railways fighting rearguard action until recently against loss of business to rival trans port systems aroisuddealy dagt yr aged with busines strike at almost 10000 high way trueir dritiers in Ontario andgt the Montrealparea has caused spectacular buildupLin railway ireigh trsific during the last law is eks The sudden Idiv ion oi treight toithe railways allowed thattpriltt strike otsome Lotto Teamsters union driversin Que hec province and the wnikout May 26 of boat 8000 Ontario member he independent union it brought dislocation and do lntreight traiiic and prompted the railways to adopt special measureshincludiag the hringrot hundreds of men it set up special team to handle inquiries ebovt delays in Toranlo said freight and express traitlc hVOnterlo has shot up by 400 per cent in the last month CNltl snidireight handled in Montrealiu May Was double the load of May 1961 Canadian kscific Spokesman Communist and National list China Were pushing military preparations for what could he Propaganda campaigns were iull swing both It Commune ist China and on the Nationalist minesesttonghold oi Formosa Onthe Communist eido Can ton jtredio Monday thight an uouneod voluntary mobiliza tier of all workers in that Soth Chins city it said thous ands attended mass rallies and god to lay down their livcs eCitiangs iavadlng larcca re setioo on the China ainiand convoys of troops and milit ry vehicles have ben passing landsll oi Quomoy end Matsu Visitors from Canton rapuricd Communist Chinas Minister Ch Yi loi 10000 tilt nadian National EAllf ways spokesman in Toronto ttyOthnvasioo Bv Chinese lied Hone Rowe tAPliTensiorl mounted over tliehliormom Straits today amid reports that go and how it will way CBC executives yyprlvotclyl Wfi Pri later Dieicnbako as non rie thoy iovorooother royal co rfo tr mission study of broadcastin the last was in was it co not be teamed whether thl viaw is shared by BBG mem Parliamen It was learned that June to election bath Bis plannedlsrtoalcsrot to Parliament an the sold policydecision barred him from issuing iacts figures and statements oaths impact of the trucking strikcBut he conceded there was tsulasi tiai increase in traffic The CNR spokesman said ireight shipments were delayed earlyin the strike period but Vapeeialmeasures now have traf fic moving smoothly again The dolaysin to log freight through Toronto claiming the organization shield the sudden CTEHEEV Howeverp other cats shipments in name cases were seriously dislocated and held up for several weeks The CPR irelghtagent in Pe ierbornugh Robert Piatt said congestion and delay inevitably followed an increaseinutrailic to more than 500 tons since June compared with the usual 25 and 50 tons Toronto by establishing an ad ditional transshipping points in London Stratford Hamilton eand Bellsville Ship mentsdcstinad for these areas now move directly there instead oineing moved into Toronto on one train and out agai other or by truck rprcssing Nationalist China torat taek lheChioa mainland He said the Chinese on themain land would fight to the At noon tod were stranded Martyrs Shrm jilcs northwe The su iaio Transit Co diesel unit developed engioe trouble that outside started aeting up seine ill hillsh id pare bus but he wasnt sure what was avail able Meanwhile its women bars in any event there an common goalVa Marja to tit and goats Parliament and say in clear directives sirable Nothing is saidabout CNRghas taken pressure off great Sunday gt by7the CCF go ornment oi Nationals chewan College at Physicians omthe sessionshul the govf nco list rangenlents cabinet have made propos are wonaering what to and eifect please give us some rhoananrsnssa 1N ACT Sources say the contusionhas existed since 4053 when the EEG vas crontedvto take over the regulatory and liceueesrecj ommending powetslof the CBC They add thattheproblems are in the set itselt Section 29 gives the CBCthe powersubject cabinet ap provaito esot such broad casting stations as the corpora tion considers necessary or de iho need to get BBG approval iirst casting regulations and mom mend All referen sees The crux oi reissue them is whether the CECis license and thus subject BEG deelsio swan Doctors today awaited government statement that could throw anew complexion on the controversial medical care losurancolprogram to start The statement was tobemade miorWoodrowIiloyd tor mnldocument oi intentto the governlageouneiihi the Sashats and Surgeons Wordoi theimp ding meat camshaftes the ducts No clearcut agieementieame eminent made concessions on several sections of the Seek chewan Wed at Care Thedoctors maintain th would be unable to continued vute practice under the alter niuly yi have made ya to close ottices normal practices and provide only hospitabboscd emergency eav alter that date MrLloyd said he and tolaliow doctorate practise within the plan or nasal said tirecahinet would to sip ces are to licen lelsh ideal rsmw tween 0lMW to ihsitcountrv iiticat passions brlnsnetoo small itintteitilves to arand rosesro sheet the meat enk Mata 1N seaswoon Purliament will be celledlin minor as originally it announeed that the next Parliament would be so mended in September and no reason to changetn dec slop To answer opposition party leaders who urged him to cell Parliament as soon as possible so his minority government one helaaids is well that Parliament should not meet unttt attera coolingofivperlod soth will be given for ubside and lowedbycaim reason which have alwaysioundyis the basis cit ot eiieetlve sidelatio therendma precise regarding several ehah in the act re interested lathe pro nbythe government that it is possible to practise outside the act saidl Dalg oi Sea college pres ges we of do cause of the lestraordlnory measuresf announced Sunday Liberal eaderPearson said statements order to merit the eratiohyof all Canadians alflsuslhe governme futyto lit at theyfacts tuly snd irsnkly alone the people This gt been don Peersoo Prime nationally yéould test its strength inthe other sections give the EEG theauthority to make bread powwrsmnmmmmumwpmcmmmmnamsw It rn oblic as storey ira stored and fitted with period furnitur urn chairmanotpu 1c wolks on BarrlesCity Councli last right blastedjahcadtine story Th last Wednesdays editioa at Examiner 593er Wul Wills porter who was responsible called tilereporta misrepre sentetlon ot facts and seri ousthreat toycounclls public relations with the vnewspapér and citi he oBarrie His remisrkdcame at the close oi the longest meeting of council since budget discussions atthe outset ot the newvyear Marathon an hour before aft erhearing atrepresentotive at gt titled Sewer the Mignon robiems establishch so Owen spokesman for tch nts it cilia imam en ween iSlmcoe laud Kempenielh rive era and those the petition your have before youacknow rigs that this san gitary sewer iscompietely nec essaryespeclally tor the north dnortheastpart at the nts ntound that than sewer at saving of season by taking it along Dunlop assassinations melts in determining the location at the so and whcntltsho tbs Firstytos co 59de was sftsnconatruq iidn ctiec Du strcet lithe sewer was jvputu thtreg Atxisast ohe merchant expressf adlfesr that services could not be state ntisht hips veoience ris attoid coal byfthe cut instvices while the new was being contract on by the CNR trac In ting private property easement in gottingthe OntarioMuni psi hoardJo reversean car ier decision in grantingthe City permission to build the sewer on Dunlap Street in getting the Ontario Water liel ureos Commission to change mind and permit construc tion nearthe tracks in gett lng Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation to change ltsmindvand making the ncc easary loengiorihe sewer ta run near thetraek instead at Dunlop Street in getting the projectdane in time it all these changes were approved by March ill less the stipul ated dcadline iara 25 per cent government thaproiect Citycou ct construct the Street East This decision was basedon iniormation from Peto Associates Ltd an engineering consult firm the route Data or olliiiil Opponents of the Dunlap Street location assert that the damage to the businessmcnand subsequently the general public wouldbe insurmountable Mr Owen quoted BoyChris he an Allandale businessman as saying that when sewer was being constructed in the area of hisstore two years ago there was is per cent drop in buslness during the period at construction at which time his business operatedfat loss and that ersiive ilte time one alderman commented that Aliahdala wanted getting CNiliperrnlssioanin get mar eats owlsattic wolild be blocked all and controlled the constructl ids it while all waste could aiipossibiedtspateh on the particularbl kand then mo lng along to another In conclusionJ Mr Ow Aid IMarsellus suggested sewer near the CM tracks could bedamagedbythe trains which would be passing hear at hand Aid Gerald Roberta pointed out that someof the names at merchants on thepetilio were repeated that the dowhtow merchants and thaCha ofCommer had both notliied1 of pie tings to ehcld between the committee udcr ggested much 5counnlis biilty vto inform utho ts as it these tw bodicsiwhich or pposcd represent th inclchants and advise the bi matters which nessf Ald Charles 11 asked Mrr 0w githenvas fully were what 1the costly conseou cnces would be licouncil and the peoplesot Barrie missed th When Mn won hisdubinissioo council promise to give toil his roposa