none none invents Peau de Sole Govtfnr St Marys Borneo Cathode Church Barriewas the setting tor the morning wedding at Mia Rose Marie Moreen and Julio Patrick Shlela June to Rev Father Blackwell oiilrlat ed The Middle the dautbter oi Mr and Mrs Lee lilorenu oi Eugenia Street The bride groom is the son at Mr and Mrs John ShIeIs at Web aushsne onto the bride maslster Mtaa Iorrte Sm th Barrie and Miss Mary oodln oi Ibronto were bridesmaids The attendants were gownerl alike In pastel yellow organza dresua Their headdrema were pill box sits In pastel yellow They cs ed bouquets oi shssta daisiea The bridegrooms cousin Mark ltnmball was best man James Bumball Ronald Snlsle molar you uy you ing them to your home We they tell at room morale unattendtdhiarble 1y or are roper and retrtlaratedt Green vgetablea are Import ant sources at Iron Vitamin and and thlmln The Foods DepartmentaLMaednn sld lnstttu Incl on sure to air stmysVIta In additionlou oi moisten nausea wilttn and toughening oi the vegeta les razorace abio become the slide under good the year ahead tavorcd lnlate Julyind Nave Fat and itdn5°lit rlu mil Rnflo t1 child born on all day will mumbled ethical Psreonal relationships will be re ber travel to early ed and extremely devotedlto loved hundred members at the taior oetoi heighboly In news owe more tomatlfl onrogramwili open the July as Already nodes has been received at Iivevbus loadsplannlng to attend That the interest and isme at these Falralls widespread evidenc by letter recoiled by the Chalnpnntirsc1sre Watson at Boston treat lady in More tans She wrote to otter quilt made by her grandmother In the Imminent garments mode hargraadiathar At the time her grandparents werellving In Hastings county wool item sheep raised by aIdsa Chairmen Mubarak rayunamnr uawton lieton Publicity lt MJI llhio Immune uses ooorllltarnrt stlc Development Mrs Mo Caltrey Colllngwood lollies CoIIey ot the Simone Counts Recreation Service Is eoordint tartar the event eonoaN nasleus OIIAWAtCPi Davidfn Golden 41 deputy mildster oI deience pmduetlon has re signed to enter private business Prime ntlnlater Dlelenbsker said Saturday Now at BAItltIE Ierrneyv iamlly are reuniting in also comics oi the bridegroom fouchlching Bench Park Ifavlt and Gelbert Moreen brother oi the bride were the ushers For the reception at the Embassy Banquet Boom the brides mother received woarln gown at champagne silk wI green accessories and white orchid corsnse The bridegroom mother or alsted wearing blue silk dress white accessories and white on chld corsage For travelling therbrlde was attired in blue Imported FNnCh linen suit with white Dung the summer moat oi Ontorlne iresh etaqu are shipped almost ctly tram the Iields with only minimal storage period This assures you oi op mum ireshness Iheretore to preserve this ireshneaa an to cut vitamin losses place yourvoaetebles in the refrig erator as soon as possible lha exceptions to this general rule are omatees andpotatees For retention oi Vitamin potatoeg are best stored at to degree to 70 degrees Tomatoes shouldnot be stored below so degrees when green orbe accessories lowed degrees when ripe On return from the wedding breakdown oitomsto tissue trip through New England Silt occurs at low tem Iratuloa giv es the Is will reside at tog awaterypro net lane Castleileldnvenue Ibronte my mm mm Out at ally guests attended vbest stored at at degrees herstster Mrs rAnlla Edgar from Toronto Kitchener St tom high at Toronto as matron oi Catharines Welland andMou Ventilated olysthylanshsgs an honor Miss Noreen Shiels Ior trealQuebec ideal for orage containers Mature womenacne Trials ReEntering Working World Reports were given oi new and antique audio as well as attractive rugs and craita ot various kinds made by Simone Caunty ereltemem As usual MINUTE HISL SERVICE On Most Beelst WITH OUR NEW AUTOJOLIE sacrum GOIDS SHOE Service lla Clapperton at lhs soloist ltlsa Shiela Mc Keown was accompanied by the organist lites hionlcn Mur dock Given to marriage by her tether the bride wore toll longth gown oi penu de sole The gown was ieahloned with tilted bedlcewlth pleated cummerbund The sabrlna neck line was outlined with room broidercdlece lha billowing skirt telrln nupreusd pleats to chapel train Itoembroidered lace motlis cleaned the front at thesldrt satin renaissance headdreas held the waist length veil oil tulle illusion The bride carried bouquet oi white gsrd entss The brides attendants were yDOClersDelendedi fth ChurchitibvsenCe Dear Ann Landon The letter signed No DoctorIn The House burned me up So the church was packed wealth and when someone In the erowd tainted not single doctor Was present to administer aid to the stricken The writer iacettously suseoated It was later tor per son with weak heart to go to the country club aodplsy goli on Sunday thanto attend church services since the oountry club was where all the doctors could bhyautda us an physician He would love to attend church but he had to give It up When we moved to this com munity several years ago we started out by attending church lawless regularly And then it began the line up on the church steps and In the vesti bule People moved Into our pew they collared him on the It willlb thhe second reunion or mos rca ves as and Ira tom In gathering was held um um In glprtnpgwater Park near Mld we hurst last year The 0rtllla site was chosen Demonstrations varioue due to the tactthat the may units have been arranged In to malts sdla sale may orlty oi Jermey descendants live cludl mplete showingiot the troltmln whoopiirhs is In the Ore TownshipOrIIIIs dIs quilt trorn cutting my it ccauldmsen trlxt Im the pattern to puttlng our the litre 06 gamesan uoare Deanna BEADS plï¬lnnediofr Hillaoccaslgnpwhlah Dear Ana Lander uhah It mm are con armyï¬lolalmerriedtoa mam in Tnudymflryw Dslno dermoy ol ShanlyBey sand my hmmd Ialthe grou president while homo which IL secretsral utlesare being car up rlcd out by hire Bnlno Bavero Mm mvmzfl ï¬mfllfl oi Barrie large numberBar rte members oi the taml or was terruptedtwlce to cm to call me to the telephone Last Sunday was called out and the Sunday before that hadnt ovan sotdawn belore an usher handed me an emergency mes Would you like to know the naturerokthe last emer gency woman was passing threuahtown and her doctor to outside the he should physician MtkeYeulOwn SWIMSUIT tforylaes Than aracul or Btnarllctty Pat ter wide var ety Bp to nln Drl DIV com tori ea phoebe plslns Dd Dry Broadcloth unto nickname pi some sick perso The only time hocan catch up on his sleep Sunday morning My daddy Is good men and be needs his re Mom paays God knows everything so he wlll surely tergive my daddy not nor omwn calroe problems at the mature woman entering or reentering the labor Iorce are outlined In booklet pro duccdhere by the womens bureau oi the labor department The booklet suggests lelob categorieswhlch mature woman might consider Bureau director Marlon Royce says she has two main concerns on this topic They are the need ior iacllltlcs tor the training at adults and secondly that women should recognise they cant do good lob without training or retraining On ilrst thought the prospect oi undertaking training may seem formidable the booklet says It explains that recent concentration on training tor the unemployed is contributing greatly to the development at vocational education for adults There was growing selection Electric Bldnkvelsh oi courses available to any man or woman It years at age and over who was re latered for employment with National Employment Service OFFICIALS HELP It women was serious In her questior Job she was advised to visit the nearest Natlonal Employment Service oiilce where she could find out what types oi tube were avail nble Inher community and seek advice about job training The mature women seeking Job should that look at her capacities objectively and try to measure their usciulneas In the labor market Skills acquired In housekeeping and household management or hobbies such as dressmaking or photography might lead to new occupation It women was returning to an occupation In which she had TrikeTo Sudsirlg sy sinkhole noes Before you put your electric hisnket to bed tor the sum mer give It the kind of both It deserves And never Iorget the basic rule that washing is the only kindoi cleansing that is rate and proper tor electric blankets All manufacturers agree on tilts In tact you can and should washan electric blanket often to prevent soil trom becoming embedded In the ilbers AFRAIID IO WASH When these blankets iIrst came on the market yearsago the Idea oi washing them was not an easy one to sell to women But homemakers grah ually lost their tlmldity about putting anything electrical Into the rude Iilyou arc the proud posses sor oi your that electric blan Irei here are simple rules for vashlng It safelyclther by hand or machine mscoNnacr CONTROLS First disconnect the controls and shake the blanket to re movs dust Then out It Into suds about the same temperature asn babys bathand rinse at the same temperaturatlsc an adequate amount of end and plant oi water Be ore Immersing the blanket scrub soiled bindings lightly with sudsy soil bruah and protreat any ataInsthe aoms we Soak the entlrshlnnket about ten minutes remem beringto avoid vigorous hand ruilbipg on rolonged agitation at mbilng the machine In structlons usually suggest not more than three minutes oi ml chlneactlon nawovmc wenan Never put your blanket through wringer short spin cycle will remove most of the water and any remaining mois ture can be gently pressed out by hand For hand washing use the bathtub It Is large enough to accommodate blanket without crowding Observe the same rules as towater temperature technician real estate agent English to newcomers to Can coursevmlght snitlce Corre spondence courses or series day or night classes tor adults were oitan the answer tor women who neededte up grade their ecedomlcor pree tlcalsktlls Where no suitable pro employment training is os aIbIe woman should look for work whore she will have good initial supervision and training on the job the booklet advises For many of the service jobs tilled by women this latter type at training is all that Is available areas or sons Job categories suggested In the booklet are cashier dental assistant iood supervisor In hospital hairdresser medical laboratory technologist medical record librarian nursing assieb ant occupational therapist oc cupational therapy assistant in the mental health ileld niilcs th worker radiological or xrey to saleselerk or salesperson seam stressr teacher visiting hem maker waitress and write Women not pressed by ace nomlc need could become useful In voluntary servlce The per slbIlIttes In In teaching th to ads assisting the stat at day nursery ior children of working mothers helping the program of recreation centre for elderly people or working on planning committee eta social agency It was preferable to choose an agency with train tug program for Its worker Is to perhaps using clean plumbers plunger to suck the rude ihroughrthe iabrlc1hls loosens the soil and eliminates lilting andysqueezlng by hand new so not Most manuiacturers recom mend draping an electric blan ketover two parallel lines to dry straighteningthe edges and corners And remember too that elec tric blankets are permanently moth prooicd during manuiac ture and must not many eel count be given antlvmotb treatment onincnes reuse secure TORONTO iCPlTlte Prin showcr Sunday to take the sol ute oi the Royal Reglmsnt oi Canndd salt passed In ceremo nlal review beforelta colonelin chIcI the princess The march pant followed commemorative service at EtLJamesl Anglican Caflledrall any iurther gt Call for toothed estimator remodelling toll no matter eannurer scorn Anni thet til dozen way out and waited at thecurb previous training reireaher hula out can Its my shoulder Doctor can you think its bursitis or did pull ligament when painted the garage hardly move my arm De flhate to bother you Doctor but this little mole on Edgars cheek seams to be getting big ger Does It look like anything serious Doc donft want to take your time in the oiilce but Ive had this dry cough ior months Can you suggest that will helpi lhe tidal straw came wllen during the llilElnfl or hymn woman moved next to my husband with her child and asked throat and dedde Ii she should have her tonslla removed That was six years ago and he hasnt been back to place In evmarlrv him to look in the girls Dear Ana Landeral This is ilrst time Ive been moved write to newspaper Inat letter signed No Doctor In The House did It May respectitu suggest in the house but by may have been too smart make their presence known Ihare heva beenmany cases wherephyslclanai have rushed the aid at someone who had tainted or been Iniured Than vihat happenedi The patient died and the family sued the wellmeaning physician term practice plumber wollld no nazara guess concerning which iaucet leaking slmplyby standing ior every how large or how acompanyyou KNOW youvcen trust cess Iooyni stood to rain srnoll mm mushsyrup church Houston asked her to phone to say hello lhe Lemergencyl heiorslthab Involved womanwho had headache Shewnnted to know whether to take sleeping pill or painkiller Now he says he Iathrough with Sunday services Dnlynu blame Deer Ann Laadem am 10 years old My daddy Is doc tor He has teget out of bed almost every night to take care may have been hlml INSIDE STORY tor not going techurcll on Sun daylmomlng ELLEN It wt Jlayllltll locolllen so 374 conveniences MAKE awo or annals smearannexeuesnortsmdtoen Slop enema Please adulsc your carrier or telephone the Circulation department PA 66537 aolvislngWhen to stop and restart Your BarrleExamineri