car is or ran ll Ttrlho ï¬nger child has tar lo Isl ld Is lower and ate lssisa and gced no Kssp this no attenuation tor amlnai birth Announcement oil incur Ins arms or your soil the ol the at rnontna you the mlsin and as nlomauon pnotad brsssa can brooms snosnsni mo in Oaht Isaak family than or on To also notlrs phonr PA Idtlt IIOCK Mr and Idrl Larry brook inss Marilyn Ila alert at Palnrwlclr are happy to nnounca Ibl birth at dlllllt Db Ann at tbs naval Victorl lor Barrie on Thursday ltlna al euoaosMsNrs WALHONOIONNr Ind Mrl VsrnarVWalt ol Barrie snnoancs gaganisni or their dad litar lists Damito to Mr Gerald turn be dangat son at Mrs tn nggon ol Lsrray 0n and the in warns ions msrrta to tslia place July MI ll II in Mar ham Catholic AYIIMTIlliillllMr and NH Harold Ayar annonncs ins ngs msnt or their daughls Pl to Mr ratar had lots Webb son or Mr no Mrs liarold Want at marriage to take pl ral United Church on July id 196 It oclo DEATHS Victoria Hospital urdav Juna ll IT in Vld Ia Horsnca Douaall or Aiinls titles are otJIlcninond lllll Prank Msrlsylg thin Albert adults at Erin Iniast ol Barrio In his 71th Bastinl at the Palhlck nine Harris Bayllald Street Ilsrrls runday at sing Union Danica In 113 Senate Group Urges Crackdown WASHINGTON tAPlUnlted States Senate Investigators have called for massive crackdown on taxcheating white slavers allegedly oparating behind the glutI Iacads ol honky tonk night ll Senator John McClellan Harry Dem Arkl said in an inter view the svldenee his Senate ln vestlgations subcommittee has Eroduced already In public aarlngs shows thaIcondition is an outrage calling for con certed action by federal andio cai police parade oi witnesses has charged that powerful tait evad ng crime syndicates and assorted hoodlums have taken over the tawdry night clubs de frauding the US government and forcing girl dancers into prostitution McClellan has charged the situation involves collusion with some high oIiI cials tn the AFLACIO union the ï¬nerch Guild ol Variety Art as WATCH FoaITiie 35mm CLASSIFIED TABLOID SECTION THURSDAY JUNE 28 ANNUAL TEA 8r BAKE SALE WednesdathUne 27 230 to pm atthe home at MRS JACK CREIGHTON 197ST VINCENT ST Admissionlsc Ausplcesol Barrie Wome inst FESTIVALi hora CHANGE or DATE Edgar UnitedIChurch WednesdayJyune 27 6to8pm Adults 9100 tbsrla bans on lbs AgenCIes Ltd This twoistorey wellkept home liedonly block lromvpublic hours in shanty Day on iurnace Children 50c Auspices at Edgar Retarded tsofreiarded children are invite Iister their child King GeorfeSchoel so The Shel cred Worksho Ilegistrollonlor Oi aria itva Farther rialo George Silt workshop elm nmd qlurch womenI 735 do Lorri tolaphona MW iultprice Stu located on Tonsil ti loll oi Iwosm bedrooms arga living roomlsrgeltltch pan try opiate bathroom ad sun Essylerrnr ALLANDALE to toe lull price ior thin in brlcitdwolitil located in ii lspdsle Oil heating builtin cupboard withslala err steel basin lull ba sot garage plus good gatdo Iit home In good clean condition and well located wri meat only $1000 ondtha on one open mortgage BEDROOMS $750 Down Payment 3200 loilprlco ior this roomy bedroom brick bungalow Living roomand dining room comb nation kitclion tpicce tiled hstit large basement with iorcled lair lillllleltiil lllhsl pro pery equpp so and only about years old lIlid well located to schools immed iate possession with till down payment ldsrobar or iha tisrria and District lCENTltAl ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS in column sraasr PA MWI OFDI EVENING TILLvI Ml GRACIOUS LIVING WITH PLUS and the ins is Income Almost new bric triplex control loca tion The rabcdroom apart meats one twovbedroom Gila heated income sass monthly Call or detailsl THRIFTY TWOSOME 3bedroom brick bungalow with 2bedroom basement apartment that rcnls tor cos Close to schools and shopgtng Carrier ior $95 monthly lT 79 Morgan Ponds Available rain Calls Marv or Ida dau Ora Ills PA 6007 Ellndr Orca brown roots Lloyd or illlrlg lldcltloy PA 6831 IAughsad staynar MW CARTON Next door to the impsrial Thsatra 45A DUNLOP ST FULL PRICI snooo is on level lot in the west end Has lull basement with new gas luraace Living room dining room large kitch en three bedrooms and bath with hardwood iloors upstairs Carries with one mortgage Call Hoppylopkins at PA eolsi or evenings PA wall MUST BE SOLD Storey and hail house in llrst class condition Three bed rooms bsth large living room with dining area Finished re creation room Call Ralph Boake atPA oslei rcvealngs PA emoo PA66481 Member hr almond Distrlel host lstata Board LITTLE FRIENDLY PERSUASION Just to got you to see these iovelya bedroom homes situa and high schoels Fully ladd seaped Ceramic tile bathrooms Custom built cupboardsn and many other outstanding leat lttcs For lurther inlormatlon PHONE PA iIinsr runavorraaao load room bungalow ilniaiisd basomnnt garden Iuilstnced owner rar quick rlln lal hone PA ror appointment VERY llltslhAlJLB alx room Fireplace dood water supply ours in excellent condition in rldsIand out Pullvprlco 10001 Children dbre tor Iydung adults over 18 8th Bruce principisIIKIng director oi Sheltered it momsca urn Isnirnsas nasal acumen ms QI with the aboVeAssbciétlon cetital children upto the age of 18 thahould bamada ant URSDAYJ NE 78 oneness corrode so BLAKES oaaain rmotion available lrom Mrs not PA Hui or Mrs Hank oktra tortures six AODM llours brick Stillan In sosit Hi UNLOP ST First Mortgag Mdsll at valusy No Fees assigsd reincarnarucor plays older pa is storey brick Thrc ilooi rge modern kitchen lly roomoa main floor Pull basement Oil hest Ila tiled lloors throughout Close to downtown about 000 down Caril tor Jack Willa are metal siding item Dob inquire about ourlsrms We ha Ill swa GRAY orrard Norris IIBIDUNLOP ST EAST Oraydon KohlPA tlttlbl IJLICRBY asst ESTATE Broker Phone PA MAID 93 Dunlop St illortgas lions Avalisoia MADE Millii LIA Mm OWN JONESPA arose MURIL JEFFERVPA Mm CAIIL WOODWARDCrssmorn soisr wraii llllllillSIPA Molly Homes Farms Businesses REALTOILAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 89 DUNLOP ST EARRIE Phone PA omo Opposite and Store HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 9i BAYFIELD PII noise ANYTIME FOR RENT One two and three bedroom apartments 579 and up EVENING CALM Doris Nuttycomba PA MW Maryann Smith PA Halli Norm llcsketii PAIDlilo Curg Kloortorman PA to Mr bps PA dibfll Lea Dovogrovs Angus IIE Hill lisnshsta oi the rssrrls ls District llaal Eatats Board HENDERSON REALTOR is Gobile cram PHONE PA czoia RIGHT DOWNTOWN Firsttima oilercd Older style twostorey brick house tor gracious living In excellent condition Well suited ii du plax or rooming hours desired Spacious living room separate dnlng room one bedroom and kitchen on main iloor Plus three large bedrooms and storagaroom upstairs Garage $6000 down as owner will hold absumortgoge Catt Rita Scan rc avaasnos anon aira condenser on dlbliii DOROTHY waned rs com rsacr soap on loose nuaasoa SWAIN PA ester Homaar or as District and Ontario Keith REAL $5th BROKE lilbllz is OLAPPEhTDN sr aaaiiia rasrtit nouns an ester blsmbcr Barrie and District ltlrri Estats Boardt MOVING Dont lorgalto rranstcr your iNSUaANCE and ilIyou need extra coverage any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA Dido iia Dunlap so ahaii so but OLD Driek Bungalow Vory spacious with many Landscaped and paint throughout Central Close to lilllcras osrii siding sunrooms running water In house on one oinAeooNAao swoon room twostoroy Modern liar ood $8000 lteasonsbla downjpsynis auain oaiii7 soils REAL ESTATE aaoxaa Marlon RutledgePA so space lor lunch counter or bar school Telephone PA Try An xamlosrWAal Ad bis bedrooms and Ingroom and den or extraord rdwood and stopoo sting with pprexlmstely tar monthly Coll vo some good ones Reasonably ms Willsori PA Hutu 9an Shillillll lA Mi MKOHL PA c4252 PA cocoa aiii RDWIlIA sole Emory REAL csrara aaoaaa resonances aAjoissi EVENINOD CALL Karl bill PA WRIT loin PA 00 Member is tha mic and District IIssi Estate hoard Naw three bedroom home barge llvingroom kltdnon with large dining area Iota can boardsaod storage oil heated Colored bathroom ï¬xtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area closo to stores and schools TELEPHONEIBAZBI rrArtoArN Three bedroom hung alcw tor nly litany ollrsl Lsrga lot Close to schools shopping and bus Owners Icsving town Apply box llarrio thiamlnar LOTS roa sate DUILDINO LOT lMO squsre lest equipped with hydro and ccroont well Approximateiylo miles west at Camp Bordon Selling rsasoo ably Tclcphonc Everett pm on RENT wanaen no RENT on ouvl bedroom house vicinity or at Ilrsrys church writs lvln do Ialir to Ilox or Barrio lilxanllnsr aus OPPORTUNITIES SMOKEVARIETY STORE Good turnover nice clean stock good ilxtures Extra ber chairs Apply Box 83 Ear rio Examiner APARTMENT Building CcnIrIL 1a suites tor rent Attractiveipurv chaac DleDliBlelblil apartment and prontoor ambitious hard workln Nsw CanadianI lantlly Dora Barrio hamlnor MONEY TO LOAN parameters con some blue Pay ern oil with lotvcostu liteinsured Boom PLAN LOAN THE BANK 0R NOVA SCOTIA moarvoes IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywherei iTII LOW uowraav PAYMENTS rarLonan do yeah ouooirr IF YOU NEE DNEY Mo consolidate Pay oltnxlstln ortgngcs Dr mortgagor coming due Home irnrgravcmcnt Any wa while call PA oooai MortgageFunding over SimpsonsSears irs DUNLOP an Member Ontario Mortg lirakers Association nolrsvasa in first mort ago on now hams in Barrie or urroundlng districts Apply Bar to llarrts Examiner MORTGAGES lot Ind lad bought sold and arranged Commercial and rsaidonilsi moneys loaned on exlltilli mortgages Barrie illcrt gs Brokers PA Mllusu LOW OOBT All lllr rant Clean modern buildings auitsbls Ior commercial or link dlnphnril PA ddblb one il Aval at on second llolill lar rant tbrs bedrooms larsa Hggfom room Large Islsphons PA two MOMMWI tor rsnl Downtowndoaallon all oil NIW FOUR BBDIOOMhb crust rtsldsntlsl atrsat Dr monih Apply to ATARTMENTS roa actor Ultra med bedroo kitdien dry July as can arounsN rround tlooi Sararals OH DEDROD MAER decorated privnle entrance ovariooktos Kc penlcll bay Ill mo to Dundonald Stm our anoaooii Apartment Owen and drove lltrssts area =Ampla place hath Water and hydro In TIIIIIIB ROOM Apartment lum PENEMNO STREET Brlght two UbrltA thDlItrl unturnlrhcd one Times 1100 ground near apart elaphone PA Mild Front large bedroom largo llv poiniment talc rattan pm Dsrris Low rent to right tenant Hale llVINllOOM brisk boils In rats Wm IM21 luiiittaroiyi VI 79 sis llmt floulltto slot car 010111 bsdroornll garsgsaaood Nil Nssr lad WI NIIcDocl olo ila Marshain gardan per month tumors HIM uh has no Included caali tsindws horn pistabsr lota yrs hamlnsr UPPER DUPLEX in Sellcontoined citrus living iooni dining are Laun sellitier and as or oer occupied schools and bus Possession two bad on litin nt tor rlent Avallabla phonslA Mil lldv Ilsa or per duplax our silt sclt sontsinsd fl nthly Applyn Parltlill laund room Steve and relrgrrstor Telephone PA 790 TWO BEDROOM naturnlrhcd apartment Kitchen living room ciuded monthly Dominion ghmslng Plasa telephone PA UNrUltNisriaD Aps TODMA and bath Nswly decorated parking ground floor Naar city hall Naw atovs and relrlgsrator supplied ToiephonenA sassl lahedthroc piece bath hardwood lloors Itolrlltorstor and helvy dut stove ssliconralncd lirime dlse possession Apply Aria strong llardwars as Duniop at bedroom uppbrdllpldll naatsd sellcontained private entrance parking are monthly Hydra nd water One child welcom rele Phone Ill stars bedroom apartrnant lor rsntlronl and rear balconies uppllrd Avolla Telephnn PA onset moat private entrancewith gar age It required Also bright tour room apartment with stove and relrlgiirntor Both my ccnIral Insomnabls rent Telepho PA MODERN Iva plus sun room shed and heated plater rollcontained Vary ce val In apartment ulldinr on asap arton Street inoluri axcarsioNasnir largo nvo room apartment available immediately in now madam building Itutorn tic laund rmalntsnancs service Steve on rslrlgsratar optional Paved parkln rlsclll For tun lirnl Iriicrrnaion tsirpbo Him or PA 53334 MODERN sail contained It omnkltchs with dining undry lsclll client arklng Avsi abla Apply Pool strut FOUR ROOM cd tment In exclusive rcslderillal arcs Clean Is and bus stop Large pla Irlgerator and supp Washer and drysr In laundry room Individual lockers Children welcome Sorry no pets For apv phone PA arm ONE MONTH lIrco Rent for their one and two bedroom modern apartments Heatudï¬rtovs reIrIgl orator an living room drapss supplied closerto stars on paved road naar Edgar it minutes from ly at East era General store gumbo Oro lull or ll Jennings ro Moan CDMPOMADLE pl live in Barrie Modern go two bedroom apartments availsblanow in brandnawaulidingr located to lovely rcridsnlial district Parking llot water supplied he lrlgsrator undatch or tonal Isn ltor service nearsnabs rent Ap lnlaphchuduyl lli MB or oven pnly itslot Steel Street In PA Mdfli Barrie or TELEPHONE DIRECTORY AVAILAILI No On mumsntin as and an rsl hcna or call slim Cogs Strut UNPUINIIIIID Iwo rocior lg msnt slits kllchroalts and sin plac prlvata balls nsa pan UNFUTINTIIIID Apartment th monthly ineiu and Telephone IAI are Ivorsums Iwo bedroom aunt and two badmumbsl snt apsrlsosnt Quasna Park are hsralrnad nested Talspbons HM LAMB Tllllll Room artmcnt Dual St East or motorer ossrr uuruaaisnan Aplrlrsi at mo as No chlldrsn Ava lahls lu payvlasr Apartments all Duntop streams twonedrooin mcnt building Use or swlmrn FOO monthly IA FURNISHED roornpgroand MO or PA Wm FIJ EAST END Location on bus route orPA smr SELF CONTAINED three roï¬m Ible rent Available llnmcdiatol tor parking and tanltor rorvloa PA sass betvleen it sit M390 15H tie nont rclaorrairle Ava arrarmor WM Olllflllrlllhr at sparimc stars and nlrigaralor yam rat stator included Aduivu PA sets to lisd St AER su no area Tslspliooa IPA ems altar sso rooms and bath sclleontalnsd and rsrri arllor all ut Ii Irir dreamtsz decorated ws Iunplad issa room apsrhns ri marid electric stars piled Laundry unissrnirhed heated rtm in No portion us tloor apartment tellcoatstnerl csnlrali located Laund taelll Iioa rah burning Telephlona PA UNFTJNNIIIIID bill apartment separate on are vats batb central ioc and water supplied Iclcphoda PA about tor lurthcs loiormslion UNFUENTINED ground floor aparlmsnt thrcs large rooms and bath Vsran her and dryer Parkinl PA Mm FAT1037 rtNldllED Apartment rooms and bath lllodflll asltc tllnrtlgulet clean hcalcd pa ing Central location Adults phone FA NEIL announcersn unturnishcd two bcdroom apartment Private bath and not water hsatsd Laundry room with dryerllvsllabla now Talophbns PA Mm or PLdb One bedroom apartment sellcon tained hnat ad water supplied too monthly Tclspitosts PA sossr apartment our place pa Irlgcrstor and slow Available July Apply Codrincton dlrscl UNPUHNIEIIED brillits bedroom apartment also one bedroom apartment Newly do corated Utilities supplied Reason Telephone PA 3915 LARGE unluialabcd bed tie and sunporch lllhtr arsd wa Available Jul or so to Apply to at Control located Warsloyvstrrct or telephone PA MIN CINTBAM lid Maple Avon slous three room apartment so contained main or Suitable tor couple with one cliild Waisr and host supplied sso per month Tcllw phone PA M550 or PA all an honor tinted Availablstsuly con living room dining room kitchen and thrca edrcorns Beltran ed OIW monthly Telephone Li or PA arm 1hFlirislslictlmlcan as ea room on allsz with Annular Ibsen room Sslrvcoatnlnod heated een gal Adults Apply Collier rre New IND madam one and two bedroom apartments ecnic Kempenlalt Hsst wa lncludcd Automtlc washl la cilitics Included PAVE18M THREE DOOM unfurnished ground loor apartment Contraigoll hm adrrslrcontalncd nicely dscoras ted Available July Tsiophons ND Saturdly nlv YOUI DOOM nlurnlahe apartment Laundry facilities parking St Mary school IndIOaltly tPlrk dillritt Available now Telephons PA no bedroom apsrtnicnt bedroom living rdorrr kltclisn builtlo cupboards and close cfrlgrratcr rtavs nod washing machine Private ea elephona PA Mill noon Ona bedroam artmantiarge living room kit crr With excellent diniri Merrick PA PA ODEBN uniurn had arttricnt priv bath andIant rancn Clors to downtown and Laundry and parklnfra lsbl oy Tallphflna PA eater lnEd hootsd Cc tral location Rent ass lionied islla vzncgpano or tor liil PA cannot accept phone orders iltlnl courtroom napalm metric soloroles OOUILIWIIIIIR 5cth Ind children beau require Ilssa bedroom moral with corraoeroa ALE POUR BROOM latsrlrnnt no lags orsale at Big Day Poln Burl screened varsoda Appde Ova Bit Bay Point across Irons Fishers store comers WANTED ausmass MAN wishes lo out two bedroom on watarlront tor iii and Aus nstlturt us close ants Rent not to sxcced ml tiarnrontnn II 1D Carson heal air recitation TheBarrie Examiner It you wouldliko to pilots Vol any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers please call atnour Dusl cuss Ollica We are sorry wa Glossy Prints $100 8xio V$l25 plus tax WEBUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid 01d Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Duniop St West tJust across Hwy lost PA 89666 ASPHALT PAVING is Our Business ireaestimates DlSHERFARRAND LTD BARHIE IA M274 aanurirui iincii tsievlaiun top ncndlllon ciao Colonial kltchen mild complutoflltls grandiathcr rocker 10 PA 795 BUSINESS LET US DELIVERI IT aoa YOU CuvuwDE Delivery service PA 83949 dAIM 10 PM DAILY lNCLUDING SUNDAY AAPPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE ANDTV seavice zdhour service 147 DUNtOP ST IPA 61142 paivmo SCHOOL ORlLLlA SCHOOL OF SAFEVDRlVlNG tServiag since inset JoiiNSDaIvm dslitooLI PA61277 EXCAVAIING FILL GItAIlEL TOPSOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushedlsto It yardEsekhoe or bi PLATERING PLASTERING rs REPAIRS summer residues cbolcadl colors cantor did Parking twatImens nd TSICOLLIER so PA coast Prlced trorri $5900 Ideal tor the cottage EPLETTS TVIsnd Appliances DUNLOP ST TheSpecial Claséifiecl VIToblblolSection Ills BARRIE EXAMlNER ThurSIJune 28 FREE Year Guarantee on all USED REFRIGERATORS mousse McFADDENH Ap liance ire PE DTANG sr bAMnIlltlrA scooraa tarssh to Ad ebnditlonlalcphbnc an error DABY CAIIRIAUI or sale green and whltn Osndron model excell atmcondltlon 325 Telephone PA osmosis CHAIRS bnnd semi ply at Smith and halts slcphone PA earls HEAVY DUTY our speed Press Drill stcrl table and vise soma other tools Apply EL North graves murdalc ro at collage on street back of Past Ollica SEvaCELLQ Ltmliad DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month Tear TtprhODe PA 82411 FLOOR COVERINGS aaaaia moon WALL TILE SALES ANDSERVICE TA MAPLE AVE Opp bus terminal OLInoIcnm and Vinyl Lila OSboat Wad Canamll tile cIIsrdwood flooring Icarpots ICamplota thin or samples Free istimates day or evenings Workmaaship guaranteed Free PHONE PA 5862 EVENTNGS PA 34952 Ciiarles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS liidlvicluol styling Moderate rates canon GRANT squash PA 60491 ORGAN ALES CONN Triurnphin Tone Sales RentalsService Pianos Tuned Repaired gt Boughl Soid WRITE or PHONE SHOEMAKER Zephyr0ntu Albert IMWZ PAINTING lino APERHANGING aownao summon sou Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Paintiag Service Since 1920 naps riirarssoaia tales and Eilterior lllork WAttl