Wawuflntrvnmamegwmamone7 th ltmt gmcmeu more new beneath ther Smm 8mm mm lleerfletyellaltheggtreme TIM wwwï¬sï¬ru hewatehed ue ellmh around lltnqtth nde waedlreetp hm In ton mm 01 who dte by New Freacetromileeeteleee ed Might mm mm It wenten eele June it all 41 gaindothermuflete one men man age cwmrm Wu the elem day at the old Inn llll 6th Unercemeteryuletter hee nonebut to petrnne andrrola SCENIC ttverol theimenyvploneere oI BOAT TOUR that routine lace eueauttnn oe neuranrear tow that com end Veult he am my Mt oemeur cntteneu at ALL rmes sruneurssoeattrtmes euuur evemwcssroe meted memorial to the Iplerenle ot the precept genera oa Thle luneatlon hee recelved the rovelfol the humor and ey are ready to aece denatlone terthe purpoee Is Not Downhearted leymaw eoar tINES We droppedtn to talk to Lloyd Cummtng the Soelat Credlt party candldate lrom dtroud who run In Dullerln Slmeoe We thought he mtpht hedown In the dump over lnaln hta depoelt and eomlne out ew man on the voting However we Iound hlm very happy and plaaeod that hte Itret ellort at the Federal polle had reeulted In eo many vote 10 course It cult eume Urnoney he etated and wee not among the bln apendere We had meetlng In Ior onto wlth the party lender nd talked to many who had come out with much leaa proper tlon ot water than lldld ho elated get tnlr vote In =0roaecvllloand do not know soul In that part or the rtdtnp he added nomtne other pleeea where people had voted for hlm ot whom he hd no gnowledgeot who they might wllte greeteet dlaoppnlntmeut wee that In the eummary by thle paper he wee put down ea an NDP eandldale lhla Ih Ie eomethlng he doesnt knn how loIIve down Illa Ie already on the move for the next eleetton hundlng he clrcular elntlng that no 000 Canadlena were neededand InvItinz memberehlp In the party wlth each to make 25 annual centrlbutton N0 DANCING Brtnglng enllcltor In the pereon ot Bruce Owen along to put thelr plea beforetho Townehlp caIuIcII tor permlee ton to holdxplter mldnlgbt dancer on the Monday mornlng ot the hollday weekendLMr and Mn George Parenne ot Pegnye Place on the tenth lIne altered to contlne theCadmlaelone to couplea only andendeavor loprovlde dance whlch would be without trouble and dIeturbaneeet Mr llwen told CouneIl that Illa eltame had ehert season to maltetthetr yenre take and already one of these holldey weekenddancea had been ruled out by bylaw peered many yeare ego lIe auggested that the pat rone would he couples only and hoped that the Councll would gtve the matter prompt Th eonelderetlonl Mr and MrePareone etayed unttt theather buetnese was concluded and thIa prompted enap vote whlch resulted In motlon whlch requlred the re evee voteto declde thetthe bylaw wee to remain es la wlth mldnlght dancer ruled out jlhey would be better home In bed attenthet hour De puty Reeve Campbell VaaId re mlndlng eouncll that delega Thelr otalm wee that thle than had been III Prevloue euueetlon ta that there attend moettne lo proton over the III on Sunday alterneon take theIr cheque book along Ine lreaeurerename Ia ste dance halIe had never been wart Donnelly Lelro Ont IMPERIAI late hour noleea Counclllor Ierrena utd that problem In the put and he on that the pollee ehould be ableto keep order wlthout hevIn them cloned Iheywlll Juet Ind mmethlnz elae to do he told the membere OBJECT T0 CLOSING delegation Irom the area near the lake on the nth lIne came to oouncll to proteet that knew purchaeer ol report are wet poles to coee at part ot lane whleh tor aorne fleere hadbeen part at pub thoroughlare would make the lane whtch eorne ol the realdente need to petite thelr cotta Import Hate to use other to drlve In and back out Alter axemlnlng plane and heerIng atetemente It wee de elded that eommltteo ehould ace the property and daeldo what aetIon ehould be taken eIr clatm wee that the lane had been need he public road for nearly forty yeere In eludtng the portion whlch la prlvete property TESTS COST $500 8011 Ieele made to check the klnd at cell under new brtdee to be bullt at entrance to Shore Acres development re aulted In change In englneer Ing plane and an account from the Ilrm who made the drIlI taste for t500 he reault the tendera now wIlI reoutra IlIng andreup rt tor the etruc ure to dep ot the eolt eolle Iendere are to be ready tor next Councll meetlng on July HARD TO GET OUT We were one at over thoueand caetomera who vletted the let newVWoelworth etore on thuradey mornlog Flndlng the parklng tncIlltIea IIIled we lnveated In parktng meter toe an hour Just on well aa the tree tloket rprovided by the etore requlre that purchase be made and the tleket etemped All we had woe new at coIr tee and thIe dId not count lunch room wae IIlled sarunohv AT eaav strrea erectAa sneer euwse jINfCOLon Contlnuoue letardey from NW 910qu nme roommate WOW numCOLOR 2ND FEATURE 12 Noon WITH JOEL MeCItEA PLUS raoaeeaeehe BoetAvatIaItla For thattet Goat Dealt Baylleldst it SS Boothe new em Mature at man enema en mar Manna Wee that cahroouyenoonAMME Bprightand Ilvelynewrmagazmez Suwlemtntifotlhe whole amu WORLD THAT TIME FORGOT In reason ThoeeFabuleue HNIphFlylng entu sums ouALIrv Reheat STARS MIJHSTISCOPE TONIGHT ONLY unaware opavaonpmca uelmllpmm mm