WWW rmrmmw MW downtown wmmtqWPmmeW cnes Top rodents entrain ronto Front row left to right are Barb Ellis Bev Clarke Alberta Hawkins and Marg rter Second row Theseeight grin were cho seniron among more than too to model for the fashion rlholvs at this years rose Can sdlan NationaIExhibitlon To Leachslr andQusta Robinson Peeler MONTREAL tCPt Le languageafternoon daily Nouvcau Journal went out of husin Thursdayinine onihs was founded ed La in the newspaperpsald is edt orinchief JeanLouis Gagoon at press conferencertoday That included $2500000 put into the company by Mme gelina Dulremhlay who rcsrg ed the presidency of Ln Pres sc Montreals other ch ad Lo Nouveau Jolirnai nose left Le Nouveau Journal and Montreal advertis ing executive Arthur Fontalnc for the change was given Paid circulation of the paper at its death was 44 Mme DuTrcmblay announced hen the paper was founded Manitoba Doctor Blasts Medicare WiNNlPEG CPiLAn attack on compulsory medical care was delivered today by Dr Rabson olWlnnipcgln the keynote address of the Casa dian Medical Association an nual meeting lUnder social osoph when responsibility belongs to andcan only be exercised by on th individual then no one else can displace or assume such res even by legisla ply of money cansupplant and replace the individual and fam ily responsibility inthe field of healthn Dr Robson said planning must not be done by politicians seek ing votes Health care vahould not be loft to the mercies at political expediency Whencomplete control is in governmentshands both the public and eventually the mem ibers of the profession look to administrators for the setting of professional standards ra ther than to the profess earned SASKATOON lCPlThe Sass kstchewan Keep Our Doctors Committee has arranged for an advertisement in Satur days Times of London directed to British doctors tity and cost and often quality of care cannot be controlled by organized compulsion these decisions come not from above but fromthe grass roots Text of the speech was re chased in advance of delivery Hangman pan is ifSuielv evident that health care is dltfexent from all other spheres where effective compulsion by society at large can be carried out Yet thereastill are people who claim that compulsory direction into health care or an adequate sup shphy ian Before planning to movetoSas hatchewan consult with your colleagues in this province also refer to the Medicare Ac Section is of the act will reveal that control of your profession totalitarian state left to right are Marianne Last May Mme Dulremblays who remained sharehoidcr in becameprcsident No reason is whatia usually set in ina byclection in Top row left to right araw Christa Matt and Jean Will lune Missing when the pho to was taken is avninth girl Ulla Morclad OP Wire photo AftjeriOnlv 9M°11ths77 charitable enternri She had quit La Presac after disagreement wtlhayounger rcla tives also shareholdersof the company about her plans io run the newspaper as founda tion insteadoi personal nom PHHY There were puhti rts never confirmed that after leaving Le Nouvcau Journal Mme DuTremblay would return to hie board of La Presse founded by her father Trellis Rerthiaume Le Nouvcau Journal followed thestyle of some European dailies in using the front page more as an index to inside contents than as news page The newspaper relied heavily on mtrepretive articles and Vbaokgroundingoi national and international events An illustrated supplement was added to Saturday editions covering artistic and cultural affairs alts starting circulation was 100000 with editions estate in midmorning and afternoon The bulk of its staffof 25b was hired away fromLaiPres so by Mr Gagnon who had been editorialrstalicilicl at La Press wcll as Mme Dn 111remb ays righthand man erc fGazeite and had diacent ofi ficc Folds The paper was printed by arrawn chl on later Dlefcnbaker said today he win announce positive meaa ures8unday tolm love can adas international payments situation The govommen will not be imposing anycxobnnge controls end will firmly maintain the present exchange rate of the Ca did statement ndlan dollar he said The statement was issued while the cabinet met for tho thtlmoln rec days tsaid washroom car Pres ideot Kennedys far reaching farm bill and its compulsory features limitingthe growing of wheat and feed grains dead The surprise defeat the measure in the Hint of Rep rescntativea Thursda vote of 215 to 205 more shocking toiltcnnedy ed minlstration leaders because up to the last minute theyth ght wovaould win The Republicans wh votcd virtually on mouse against the hill contended that the legisla liireSecrctnry Freeman czar The administration had estim nted its new form program ivouid have saved 54000000000 in farm costs to nxpayers Supremeijourrigulés silenceW of The government will an nounce on sundryeftamoon to slim decisions and actions which will stmstontinily rovo Carladnl lntsmstlona ha ace of paymenulbnd budgetary del The brief twosentence state ment on which Mr Dicfenbnkor not elaborate was spun ently designed toincrense co ildeocs among foreign investors and ease pressures ootho dot in cache rain and foreign ex reducing surpluses This would be done basically by imposing andatory acreage reductionsv or wheat and feed grains strict regulations on the oi limiting production on crops in iiilii andthercaltpr and re eeivlng highfederol price sup ports or reicctlng the controls planting as much as they wish and havingthclr ptlce supports cut sharply They wouldmake this choiceinanaiionaiiral endum next fall Producers of wheat cotton tobacco rice and peanuts have Percentage pool to It kct overwhelmingly vo ed for trots tion of th ï¬atpr at are havelbccnrepo heavy lirairu on the food following the government move May devoluingths doi larr exchange relate flail leootn nnd firmation entire site ofthls drain but Liberal Leader Pearson has said it is in the fhundrcda of ill nature and has night ofcapltal sole of threemonth government archer ury bills ium virtualtyona With ling prices on tho and mor in Lylelds have rl nghe interest rates could icndto encourage an inflow of foreign capital for investment in Canada thus saling pros sureson th doll reserve vmnrrnnn Lao The right wing faction today broke no compromise agr meat to permltgthe installation of the new coalitlohgovern ment in Laos lessthan 24 hours aftelrl it mageh oum ongv pro CoErrnunlst Puthet Lao group AP toldreporlersiihat Ge Phonml Nosavon leadsrï¬of right wing factionhsd reversed him selffand once more insisted that the royal decren installing the new guy rnmont include men cConacrvailve dom inated Natibnal Assembly réelevaustTestify= errnwa ca Gambler VincentHFeelay was ordered by the Supreme Court of Canada todayto answcrouestions put to him by Ohtariosroyai com mlssionbn crime even lipthe nanswera should be sellincrim inating lhrcaiudges of the court re iectcdan application by Walton Rose counsel for Feeley for leave to appeal against sim lsr ruling made by the Ontario Appeal Court June 11 rna threemember bench in cluding Chief Justice Patrlck Kerwin and Justices Robert unanno ie re ec er Roscsspp cation without calling Roland Wilson counsel for the crime commission Thehearing lasted only do minutes Aft Mr Wilson as pieted his argmneni the chief Justice said it will be unneces rsaty to call theothersirl Wearc sillolthe plan that leave should not be given We see no reason in dissent from the view of the Court ot Appeali Thegt ap atlon is therefore refused Thecourt gave sons for itsdecison Mr Wilsonrtoid repor after the court adiournc he plans Iocoll Feeiey itncss stand at the crime com mission hearing in Toronto by late ondayor headay Joseph MeDermott partnerof Feclcy it is the pres ntion of th mmiss Douglas Manny For Seat Regpier Agrees To Resign VANCOUVER UP Democratic Partyisade Douglas said Thursday night he is willingtoconside ru til Burnaby Coqultiam in an at tempt to win parliamentary sea from his home in Re gina hewouldonlyj be willing it chief pre us issues agreemen between the ch eellor inpd Freaideot Kcnnedys administration 3r Neither Aderiauer nor Rusk gage furthe details all their ligandUS State Secretary Rusk had reached full agreementon aerllnaad all her matters at mutuai estGerman interest at Rusk continuing his tourof west European capitals vfloLminutes with the WestGcr rman goVeromentheadwlth only from exploratory taiksonWest anlnterprcter present Aden Berlin between the United alter sald they had reached VStaica and theiSovie full agreement on big on ad blue lions Adenauer Pr ident rte Gaulie he felt that nothing wouldbeg ocd he received pearunanimous invitation from themmember consueney association of he ridi Earlier veteran socraist Er hart Regier said he iawllling to step aside it 75 per centof tl1 constituency association mem ong heartened be tlathI representcd urooby Coouttlam on An ND constituency assoc tion meeting will be held Tucs day to discuss the question of members of thussociation op pose theiidear Ml Regier said erwouid not cause battl in hi oclation over the move in would not resign his seat unless attlcast 75 per cent of the members of Wthe associationuagreed to th He said he had talked to in Douglas nd Mr Do didnt vvant myresignatlon ooofs own wants hav totalre second pla DiscoVerNew Heart VDrug 1itiay Banish Killer Diseases caters Di coveryfofanewdrug to mb killer heart dlseaaeawaa enerigletio by scientlsts in imperial Chem Ph eapromlse of being significant contribution control of avariouaï¬heart cond tions which haveï¬beeome lined man select their ictlmslarge numbers of themestnb embersoi th He also said he plans to call but to adjourn next Friday for the ummer Unless this were changed it likely would not be possible to call MeDcrmott until the comml ion resumed itsses ons Earlier Mr Rose argued that the law protects Feeloy from giving possibly sell incriminating evidence to the royal commission change The 00 aster as it landing bofo port of PolnteaPltre on no warming 707 Frsnco let siriioerwithm or more persons abolrti crashed todnlyI on forestcdjhlllslde of the load of Guadeloupe in the French West lndi rcllng sosreh planoarc ported no sign lilsgin the wreckage Dob to hsvaburocd dnvin attho olr uler flightfrom Pal lingo Chile VlheUnlted States coast Guard said the air traffic con trol centre at PolntcaPltro nir iportroortod the big vict had been cleared for its final ap proach dead wreckage an miles niend from the north coast of the Basso Terro sectioo ot Gusdol ioupe the coast guard said Weather We reported clear thetlme and the pilot had ra dined he was makinga visual approach to thefleld 3111147 Reutersnews agency said the plans carried 101 passengers and 10 crew members when it lelt Lisbon The coast guard search and rescua service in New York said its information was that the ryinglozpassen tilcw members The Civllldcronauties lion in Washington said it was told thcre were lospasseogers and five crew membcreaboord However list announced by Air France in New York showed 10 crew members including the hostesses and stewards Captain Andre tealeur was the pilot The crash oeeurrcdnt about 325 amEDT the hourthc plane was due to land at Guad aloupe onaflight from Santa Maria iheAzores First word that theilnor was in trouble come at am EDT when the Us Coast Guard received this message Distross Air France flight 117 3707 overdue An allshlpa dialress signal was flushed iofUS naval ves sa thearea Two coast guard am norm runes eat patrol as reported plena met die ended in for when iis radio want smalllocai plane spotted rcckoge wlth debrlsso ovcrfa wide aroa mmammwm nit wcscan th coast guard planes continued to sweepthe area to beaurc there was no wreckage at sea Guadeloupe is compoacdol two islands Bosse Torreand Grands Terra Basso Terr The plane had 10 crew and 102 passengersoboard on take off from Paris Thursday night it made astop at Lisbon and several passengers left and ers boarded The plane put down for brie refuclling stop at Santa Maria lo the Azores andwasdue in Guadeloupe at 425 it was tofhavc flown onto Cniacos Bogota andllma terminating its flight at Sontlag Capt Lesieur one of Air Frances most caperleneed pl ioisseveral times had flown President dc Gnulic Reports reaching Pnrfsaaid the pilot from the local air club who flew overitha area of nos vivora lie repo ted blaclt smoke billowing fro the tiered