Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jun 1962, p. 7

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lusrautuo on Mri Alina Lee right presents the gavel to Miss Margaret Good CAMP BORDEN SOCIliI NOTES THE GUIDE AND BROWNIE MMHERE AUXILIARY The final meeting for this season was held in the library oi the Alcxnndcr Dunn School Camp Borden There was short business meeting in which the election at oiiicers was as lollows President Mrs Fox Vice President Mrs Prltchard Sec retaryMrs KTimms Treasur erMrs White Badge Secretary Mre Awbury Supply Secretary Mrs McLeod and Publicity Mrs Melville Souvenier spoons were given to the following women who have been Guide and Brownie leaders and who have been posted out of camp Mrs Unn rad leader oi the lirsi Guide Pack Mrs Knowles Mrs Nor throp Mrs Bullock Mrs Tay lorMonroe and to Mrs Fee han the PastPresident who has done so much for the Guides and Brownies tor so manyzyears and also Mrs Digweedi and Mrs Stamp who was Publicity Conven erlest year Refreshments were serv Id The next meeting will be held in September TRINITY CHAPEL LADIES GUILD The highlight of the final meeting oi the Guild for this season was talk by Game mender Troxeii oi the us Navy who hasheen serving with the in Camp Borden tor the past year The subject of Commander troxells address was An and the lvely and enter tainingway in hich his views were presented delighted all the iladies pr vlle closed that he would repay our Can adian hospitality by being goodwill ambassador for Can sda on returning to his own country EVENING OF INTEREST flhe Alieycats oi the Lad ies Garrison Bowling league spent very enjoyable evening at the home oi on at its team members More Port gmith of 15th St Camp Bor en The evening had flying start with Maclsaacrand Anne Burton Thehlghlight at the evening the showing oi slides oi schoolRuleflorbids out StudentsEnoOuraged To Walk Last November Iwrote sen umn America isGoing Soft and Youre to Blame In ihdt article observed that many parentsbegin to take theirchii drenrto school only few blocks away whenvthey enter kinder garten and continue doing so ill many at these children drive their own or the family car to highschool When will there be high school principo the oralcourage to forbid stu den drive car withinrthe premisest dad would ilk utstt coliumn roe 39 CorisnofCrescEnt wish twist dem sire tlonaby Marion Bemnrd licen rings Butte rerouhsrinths church in St Giles this Setup scutlvc ot the BarnoVentursj Ciubinstaiicd at thedlnner meeting held last evening are Mrs Helen Orr and windy Owen Bone nausea Hold Annual Installation was installed as prosidentoi iellow president of the Ban1e Venture Club who is servingrher second term in cities Moscow taken by the hostess and her husband during their tour in Russia along with some very well administered commentaries Appreciation was extended to the hostess tor wonderiul and extremely interesting even Ulla ANNUAL CUBOREE fihe lilue Mountain District Woit Cubs are holding their second annual Cuhoree at Cree more Park Creemore June It and number 2A Pack has been invited to compete in the ev ents Last year ZAIPack won the second prize and this year they hope to win ilrst prize Dress for cubs will be full uniform Those attending must be at the Alexander Dunn School not later than 830 am Each cult is required to bring his own lunch Soit drinks will be available in the park Crests will be available at 30 cents each for those attending and may be purchased through the Akelas The entrance tee for cubs will he paid from Pack funds RUMMAGE Manhattans Thesum of $155 was rea lized from the Cub and Shout Rummage Sale held in camp Borden in Man and the confi veners Anita Wedge and Vivian ngvens would like to thank all those who helped to make the sale success unassuming Mr and MrsManiord Mun to announce the engagement oi their eldest son Arthur James to Carol Moore daughter of Mrnnd Mrs ll Mooreol Toronto Ont The marriage to take place on July 71962 at Alderwood Presbyterian Chur New Toronto Ontaii SCHOLARSHIPS Congratulations to Margaret Sandall of Frederick Campbell School of Camp Borden and to anti Smith of Alexander Dunn School Camp Borden on winning County scholarships Miss Ssndall woo secondprhe ot sail her teacher was Miss Bailey Alan Smith won fifth prize otJiO Thanksto Mr Wilson Alans principal and to his teacher MrsVray and the the time our school was opened other teachers who made it possible for him to win ohms the foil ng letter Ll am secretary to theprin cipal oi highschool in Ohio have new school which was iinishcd in September 1960 Ourstudents live in at areas and all students rideto school on buses Now we have grades nine through 12 We have stall at as teachers Sand 630 students IOurprinciple be reluse to let students dr school within the lschool ises it has been aruiel alibii lnterestingwon1en in history from the loit hliss Ruthmari Green Mitre Jean Robertson Miss Margaret Goodlellow Mlss Margaret JGoodteiiew the Barrie Venture club tor second term last evening at theannuai installation dinner held nthe community house Toronto Street The institution was conduc iedtav Mrs Aime Lee nastv pres eat at theBorrie Setup timlst tiluh The exccutive tor 196263 is as allows Viwlre sident Miss can Robertsontg Corresponding Secretary Miss Ruthmerie Green ltccording Secretory Miss Judyoweny Treasurer Misti HelenOrr Th Helen Orr The directors are directors are Miss Evelyn iii ham Mlss Evelyn Hunter and Miss Amy Lea The speaker itev Sherring congratulated the club on its eleventh year of ser vice work lie spoke at the value otthe work at service Amy ciubsthroughout the city and otthe high ideals of thsmam bers auctioneers Gatehouse reconnected Dclr Ann Lenders My has band thinks your column is rich He reads it religiously and alien says listen tothls then hell read letter aloud and say Doesnt this one sound like So and So its strange how people see everyone elses nulls but they never racognizetheir own Youve tied low letters lately about husbands who ignore their wives physical needs but my cold iishzdoesnt catch the drift We havelthree children and lovely home My hunbsnd doesnt drink or gamble or look at other women He says he loves merbut he shows no sign of 3ailection unless make the iirst move Maybe Im ro mantic tool but dont believe its the womans place to be aggressive in love making it makesme leel like hussy Lhope you print this letter It youyido promise to say Listen to THIS ONE wrote itSlAltROWj Dear Sparrow Some men need awoman who is aggres sive in lovemaking Apparently you drew this type at man There is no need to leeliiike hussy it you must make the irst move Some oi the most were aggressive types When the tuation calls for this ap hroacl ognizes it and is equal to it uses so were rushes Dear Ann LandusSeveral monthsago someone wrote to you Iambasting Jotilce coliec tioni The writer complained ihst every week somebody came around tocollect hit cents for flowers baby gilt tirernent resent himseii ed White When read thatletter1 agreed withthe ter because too hadrhcen it olten Something happened ast wéeh that changed to mind inthehospitsl its diifieult to explain the wonderlul rm glow that passed over me whenithcnurse brought in utii bus he may call inand get missionto drive to schoolrior that day only Any car that is not recognized bythe teachers is quickly checked and it it he Miss fused saying all families have gthe snlart woman rec Idsy Miscellaneotnlthowen subcontracted News ehlog Park Otllllaliltl5d urdllv fltoso attendin nte seated nit1 groomelect washottest museums shower with Mrs Robert Fsrquhsr bs cohoitess Mrs Robert Brownehie ineti mhcellaneous shower at Worste Street residence Citizen at the the teaching sated thewholo hit our lierolerred to the mem iservlee clubs as heeosenseot William Little sang lhink DnMe and fDrtnk 1e Mesonlymth Thins Eyes Headisbiogudsts were it Sherriag and Mrs Sheu ring Miss Wilda Colbert and Miss tiora Mctiregor members at the Soroptimist Club end 5h advisers to the venture Club Miss Barbara bee Mrs Alma Lee and MissMergarea Good ieJlowr Otherguests included moth ers of Venturet Club memo and Miss Key Yesuneke prev sldentoi the Soroptimlstfiiub Mrsb Maclbnos Mrs of red reach The card rea Hurry back We missyou Theni saw it signatures oi thosetwho had chipped in tor the flowers im not sentimental guy but think Iwiped away couple at tears when the nurse leittheroom ill never ieel imposed on again when collection is made at our oitiee Im deeply ashamed it took lesson like this to teach me OTHER FDOT rumor mans Dear Ann Lenders Ourvteen age daughter was visiting in the nine and the girls parents got into an argument It was embarrassing for our daughter to be in on inmliy quarrel Sheasked her friend to drive her home The friendse arguments and thatnahe should pay no attention Ourdaughter stayed evening told her is morning she should have tele honed home and asked her in er or me to come and get her She says this would have been rud Monsoon it tomonowis you shouidtiud rlatter half at loss welsomeohange from the disappointmenisof the iirst six months Particularly where ilnencisl matters unconcerned the lasts niontha pt ths ear be unusually pmduc vs twiththeenccption oi0c hen you should use ox tremacarewhere your octet bookv is concernedtin or no dtCtttinbtancelfi fihouhti thyoluuman gage nspec one And do avoid extravagance lho comparative dullness the pastjew months may start yearningto get away from it sit tocasl oit responsing ties and seek change But dont Sticlr to lemill and duties Try wait until September when the aspects will be excellent tor travelling and when trip will main usual lively nd again Best periods for July and November child hem on this day will be endowed with ingenuity orig insiity and the skill needed carry out his novelid lobar soundings home otva girl friend last ave be held at to bri gt Mondays vibrations isvor routine tasks rather than the in sugurnlion of new gm drastic the in household edules Giveniur sideration toplsnr Ind selects tor your tuturswellsrs utwsltuntlia mors mpltlons ri logthem ed begin say it Would have beenbetter manners then staying around and witnessing tamiiyvliight May we have your opinion TRIANGLE Dear Triengl the nature oi the light It itwas just up View moments of dis agreement your an gh to should have ignored it it how ever it has knockdowndrag ouibattie your daughter should have called ho iation depeu ems or as and us birthday of scans rier former Liberal cabinet lure paints andwrites Her house site up with seeing the country Ldebt Men are lost on you complementing her blue nationhood olive shin Fun yours Cindy sis around She barbs thingisiaesshs was at atlason She loves noise tor car rides whoteiih on her on campaigning know abthin about Mfl ten eaudet pid Trench budget so make savi you hnowns much about politics Kennyhusbend national udgst no matter how hints mt at thinking out brood immuW gang term solutions to big problems but theyre biased at wotehim has men to Beaudet t9 residen scythe sham Credit Womens Association at Canada has eon ioliowlnglhs iortuaesr otthe party torso ars ut this isheriirs try to politicnloilicc She in opposing Lionelcho minister seeking minctionkns Progressive Conserv New Democratic urbanotterburn Park night and go weekends she does homenursing ramseup wniras For reloxatlon shegiollows politics builds na owo lurch husbands studio where hs teaches speech and dremapis liberaliylined with her pain EE She has had threenovels and twg booksoi poetry Euluhshed me ior trensporA completing istorlcai nevei bout need womanln blisnes budget lm sick endured of seeing the rich gobble up thspoorWs bevato putthi dollar sign at the servicsot man not men at the service oi thedollarsigo snortuo I0 Dunlap St FAGN612

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