is an an Ontarios80 proviaci be well overmillion persons bitingw SpannerMinisteroffnnds and Forests quite ro erly speaks with pride about his epa mentspï¬rka progrsmzlThese flgfu tilustrate every grestiiaport ance our peopleattach to their provincial perks on their support depends the continue successful operation of our grentiyexpanded arias systemlust ew years ago we ad only six parks in the province Mr Spooner also sounded note of warning which the pea to of this pro vince would do wellto eed He spoke of the protection of park and wilderness of access roa pr with Titan enin ds into these area to aiskg them more readily accessible to thesuto mobileto provide easier access byboats are being resisted butpublicsupport of this poiioyisvital to itseucoess All those who support thelwii rness pglicy should let Mr Spooner kn hat ey will help him esist the pressurevhe mentions axBdrriéitéTopsi P3511 only one outnflhred exBarrieltes contesting the federalelection in Canada on lunelil was elected and heme Perry it an Liberal candidate in Toronto Spa na The young lawyer graduate otBan rie Collag ate defeated the formidable PG candidate John Basaett newspaper publisher The Telegram television ty coon cm and sports executivefMalp Leafs and Argonauts by 2815 rnaéo ty and left three other men NDP and Independent trailingwell behind In 1958 the uniservatives wonthis riding by 029 plurality Just 25 yearsagoaccording to our files Perry Ryan spent the sum mer vacation delivering for Mrl1Bren nana meat market ThelC sittingmsmher for Durham County Dr Percy Vivian native son of Barrie who began his practiceof medic his in town iostto Liberslltussell Honey by209votesr WAR DAYMS YEARS AGO BarrieExaminer June 21 1017 sim coe County Councli placed on record its endorsation of the conscription bill intro duced by Sir Robert Borden in the House ofCommonslt was moved by Councillor Banting Conservativeof Essa and sec onded by Councillor Robinson Liberal of Goldwater each of whom had son wounded Councillor Wardell firat reeve of the newlyincor orated village of Port McNichollwas we corned Five nurses graduated from Royal Victoria Hospital school Town Council passed bylaw imposing licence fee of $25 on any automobile used for carrying persons for hire and $10 for each additional car Alderman Wisdom advocated slow signs each side of West Ward School to mtect children Crop prospects oughout county never looked better lt 0er EDITORS Virus Mr Honey Down hotshot opector for Centre Simcoe for man years and former president at the Kiwa of Barrie ran for the Liberals in Welling this down with motors and by siriheaepressures soy noxious pubuc school in Club ton South but trailed PC Alfred Hales by some three thousand votesaithou well up on the NDP and SocialCre candidates MrLMcVittia had real bat tie on blshhnds there since Mr Hales ts hi hly regarded in the oonstituenc The 001 they cior was on leave of sence by Guelph board of education for the elecJ tion cam sign But it looks as if he might get shot er chance at Mr Hales before oo long So also will Dr Vivian be after and Mr Baasett after Perry Ryan with sens ed vig yIt was interes falsotonotethatM JeamCassalman aughterof lion Earl and Mrsltoweot Newton Robinson Sim Vcoe Countyretained her PC seat lots tialmajorityin GrenvilleDu as but apples expected to hoists Mayor John Craig elected Wo ahi Master of Kerri Masonic Lodge wane diiiling forilvatefon rarmoiwui liam Morton Com2 Innisfiifiow of gas was struck at 150 feet Thomas Jack Con EtTllCigElftliT years earlier and had been using it ever since to light his house Salary of Turnkey Weaymouth at county jail increased from $700 to $750 Frank ilurlburt purchased Carey Shoe Co and wlil open for busi ness as Hurlburts shoe store Mar ket prices Saturday had butter at 2932c eggs 2930c potatoes $325 ba hogs $14 cwt Fiying Cadet Hursto Royal Air Force had narrow esca when his air craft overturnedvand ell 700 feet be fore he landed it at Dyments farm lte George Purchaseof Egbert wounded ill France over mesefemnhoslze how Toronto is apidiy spra iingall countryside Th Toronto constitu encles are generally considered 19 tom our hauled mewto1Baitimoreri3ritain ii since City But aeven Ititusnciead how fl aroun er iihndigested fot if the rumble caion pouringSin spread more equit ably rig the hungrym ipniities elsewhere in Ontario or lnCanadatF The 11 Tomato ridings housed Wish people in 1950 They were Just about fully builtup then But few more faceless ants could be crowded into them byteorlng downpld man sions and re lacing them with concrete ciif dwellings So by 1981the populationhad grown only slightly to 710779 DYBPEPTIC SUBURB But in contrast the suburban Yorks fettened on the diet of liegtown affluence over the past five years Those seven York ridings ballooned in population from 783011 to1016329 That fiveyear accretion of fat in Tor ontos semi detachedsuburba was equivalent to creating ten ehurely new demhedy duel CARS AND BUSES Kingston WhigStandard Planners are agreed on one point you cannot superimpose one citys solu tions onanothers traffic problems Each must have its own plan to meet its own peculiar problems As for the private vs public transportation controversy it is clear that both are essential and each has definite role to lay in our society It is obvious then at all planning must Eetgesigned to meet the requirements of UGOOD MAN Guelph Mercury We often hear it said He wasa good man He never hurt anyonels this truly good man When we applythe adyect ivelgood for thing pen car an appliance we mean that it functions well rather than that it does not harm Like wise good man was theone who fn1 filled his duties and obligations to society Ifefunctioned well to the fullestof his ca abilities asa man as ahuebaudand fa er as friend and as the community There is also worthy man one whose goodness is trustworthy and reliable not Authorised Peat om spa and for payo trot Daily Sudan and statutory Holidayljxcspm nunsrowanss iuhuihu BRIAN ILAIDHI General Manage Marmson Manning Mite nausea wanna amnion Manuel ysar Sin is copy mantisl 11 three months 93 its chem foo outsid Vt fforonto sso Cashes some It Iflrobnof nattymlmo fishers musician The than Prosrand to Audit human or Itiroulati The Canadian Press sin o°iiii°ii hilt for Press as rs or is mandala the fecal published of an obligation but the recogth membtrvpf The said warn implerialigtgwhgt W111 ha sporadic but constant There aremany who start out to be of servicehbut some how fall into disillusioned uselessness Shipiaunchings are gala sightJBut every old salt knows that the launching is not the test of ship The testis to come through thehowl and the tempest and to make part when others go down Such is the test of the noble soul He al ways comes through the storms of life as serviceableman with victorious spirit Theworthy man has one more dimen sion Ali godheas that he manifests is sion All goodness that he manifests is not overshadowed with agloomy grudg ingness but with happiness ofgrati tudeHis goodness is not the dis ensing on of privilege not sacrificebut song CASTRO ON TESTING Cleveland Plain Dealer hidelCastro told his people the other night that Soviet bomb tests contribute to peace but that UnitedStates bomb tests each the size of Gait York Scarborough already the size of six Gaitaln 1956 expanded by the additionoi fourmore Galts to population of 7151 252 The socioiog question posed by this popuation port liness is whether Canada and Canadians wouldnot benefit more by the creation new Galtsalry happy ratherf than by shi Gait Scar borough gobbling meat which brings noise conformity and concrete to its dyspeptic popu latlon The economi coueation is whether other Ontarians indeed other Canadianshwould or ahouid pay the heavy price in tribute and self starvation which enables Hogtown to grow hoggier and of course our other big cities to grow biggerpat their expense Under our constitution there is nothing thatcan be done by our federal government to ameliorate this situation aware increasethe dangerof WarSoviettégtsysihough the nuihorities are of plea to them if ey make 5warwhi nited States tests are to sow terror among people who struggle for their freedom1 Thats just the ositeot the we heard it But it lspsgntiments like these whlch we must expect from anyone with the distortedmind of dedicated Marx fstLeninist who speaks in the upside down language of the Communists seuare AoELiMiT Victoria Times Mr Diefenbaker is merely placingan age limit on the senate without providing onyfgualifications of character or ability If he not the need Communityplanning rinciuding thejbuliding of work ers homes and the location of industry falls within the juris diction of provincial govern ments siiLLYlssnLnrsf Wbflrsrntrfliï¬spn snout 1m urnreassrmvvmna 4aaTs117 sewshr to get through ihswhoio urine erminoiion that there is when you back foratimc to hesirlcte fluids in the at noonhw Mskofsureby havinga no kidney infectionor other de mon ram lifetiiax was founded all years ago today in 1749 inoosJuii autonomy insuch fiel lid while eva rfederaf electoral Eonatit my luu oog beeaidep or ing urbanfsprawi around Na Yorkflity whiehfhhs cre ated vvirbiaily soild concrete jungle stretching from Bosion the warplann and of Now fbwns rather than see Greater London grow greote But Ottawa has been powerless to ameliorate Canadians living conditions by steering us away from the farmer error tower the iattersolution But aurfcdorai department of public works and our Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora tion are alert to this proble And some private bodies such as the Community Planning As socialiikflnnada are works lng through education and can ferences to alert us The health of Canadians and the strength off our economy urgently call for positive pinn ning this might be achieved as the result of Dominion pros vinciai conference as logical parallel oithe work of our new National Eroductivity CouoaiLv feathered Said other of ZBSociai Credit candidates in Quebec province wasfirst and above all protest voie manifestation ofr unrest the Confederation of National Trade declaredWednesday night it said unionmembersho voted SoclaiCredlt should with draw their support ofthe before they are at their own game In nprepe ed statement CNTU Erosldent Jean liter chand saidtheelection of So Credit block in tho prov nreisalso jevldence of iomaticloss of confidence In country whichAis en during dironic unemployment of eight to 10 per cent of the worklngtorce it isnot surpris ingthat it endsby provoking popular rcaction the state mom said But inost baffling is that the discontent of the working class Vwas expressed through Social Credit which is notoriously Va party of the extreme tile the labor move brief analysis canv as us thatrit was theonly party Which knew how to strike the popular imagination and which offered apparently radical solutions The statement also criticized Jhé attitudeotrlhe titre other artiesitowards Social Credit in thecainpaign he Jsystemuti stairrnoucar cetvn tilesl Corinthia practi win athletic events crush it art ouasao CPihe election when Governor rd Cornwallis rat with 25 British irnrnigrante The site had been chosen as military and naval post pacify New Engla lenVentor Cyrus Men Cormlclr obtained is patent for is reaping machine iris flight in Canada wasiflawn from Montreaitozib Entertath Neither of frying but have beeaiold there icon be illcffecls Any comments lease Mlle Theres no harm in ordinary such pans Overhaul them hd uwiiidisturb the coating which will moire the food taste so bad you canteat it anyway So use your pan with confidence and care by Britain iii an effort to he Moiner What are the symptoms than go through in the change of liter say men go through the change and my friend says they dont MRS BM right or wrong All women who reads middle age so through HURONIA newt1N TONIGHT AND FRIDAY sraarssiiruaoAYLaiL cotoa cinoarcoas HAWAIIAN VALtnv on THE DRAGQNS thorny arenas Edmond Hoyle tha Engii expertfanrerd games was at years old at his death in iron lanthanumnine TECHNICOLOR tu ltPLAYERS ENS Ar oopht rations PRICES F0 RTHISENGAGEMENT 0NLY re Children 35c Anytime fudenisE dullEvok$l00 Mat 75 Anytlmo