ion DArk oi the Senate in gii tions Subcommittee probingthe night club enter talirimcntivlleld speaks out to day ailei listening to day CdliedffHan long reel pl olwhlt trafilc The chainnnn said the American Guild Variety Artists nor on place the house at decent Witnesses had ichargodthe eh Caouétié PldnsTo ROUYN Que lCPi Thc men most responsible ior deliv ering at at 75 Quebec seats to the Social Credit party to Mon days federal election is already planning to increase that num ber next time around Real Caoncttc lh isocrcd deputy national leader at the HONOLULU AP The Unlied States falledtonight in its second attempt toexplode high altitude nuclear devil above Jotuiatoiilslandf ff lhe Thor intermediate mis sllcused to rocketthe gigantic nuclear package sioit wss do strayed due to maliunction in the systemI Joint Task Force is released the ioliowtng announcement flhe nuclear device was pun posely destroyed without pm clear detonationThe debris tell into tilcooen sea well within the saiety area which was pre vioustytdesignateds There was no danger iotest personnel There will st no danger to human life or haz hnrdplhs levels oi radioactivity The iniiure was nrepeat per formanceiof the iirst US lilgh sltltude iiuclear test attempt June at the Pacific island tes hearted wspaper covnrag gt dian general election thathas resulted in minority gov nment for the country The outsiders are theISocinl Credit party and particularly lies Caouetle Tlhe movements leader inQuehec ln the devoted to electi Caouatteand hispar came in for much discussion Outsidershocks Diet says aily Sketch ye Canuette pulledoit the ig surpriseiinthe election He brought the party basis from the election exile imposed by Dieleobakers 195s sween dilemma facing the prime minister and describes him now is ilame duck future is in the hands of the right wing SocialCredit party Only one man can find any joy in the figures Realtlaou ctte fiery 44yearold French Cnnodlanmardealer not much In reports party who is being toutedas miracle insn in Quebec political circles thinksithe Socreds will extend their winning trealr across the try election Were ready now in threo months from now well be evenmore sdy and well take listenehdiiiienpiii iii ear Device ore Is Destroyed ascetic mlles southwcs Honolulu The first at it whentbefllhorm les system maliuhetiohed The of sin announcemtnt on to nights shot was not sell on what went wrong MAKES CANNOUNCEMENT The iailure wes tannounced by Assistant Defence Secretary Arthur Sylvester who returned today from the Johnson Island testerea The nuclear devicelearned by the Thor was to have been series it was expected to been detonated at an altitude voieabout200 miles and would have than the Paciilc like giant flash buih The test had beenisetL for Monday night hut Was delayed PA hours due to cloudveover in the area its reporter says the election result had plunged the country intn itsgravest poll crisis the hangson grl hena third of the popular vote he wrote TheiDslly Herald whichsup ports the Labor party says Canada will almost certainly go to thepoiisagain either thinioil or early next year fey one CANADIAN Posse Alan Mannaughion theLle oral MP who set precedent first opposition serve as chairman ottheCom mons public accounts commit tee piled up the largest plural ityot any candidate in Mon days genersielectlo sens FINANCIAL rare The leihwlng Daly Mirror takeathe line that Diet is in oebutnot in power After it bitterlyfought Iclae li set for another period ofpo calchuos rand possibly ï¬nancial crisis it similarppproach is used by TchIDaily Telegraph loosen spapcr lIlls corre Diei clings topowerï¬iii the column health if tit lna ihraéwayc Montreal Mount Royal Mr Macnaughton polled 19503 votes their $100 deposits for failing to poll halt his total of 30517 Mr Macnnug has rep sented the seat lthommons sinceliilil the biggestin the current test sve the province provinces new health program in theisst parliament as the small three opponents lost violations at contract designed to protect young girl members At right is Jerome Adlerman subcomv mltte counsel AP Wirephoio no sea Quebeci he said Tiicsldsy There are 75 in the it on today we would sweep another election were to blend many other parts oi the country Now the West looks towards theEast instead oi the ttowardsithe West Ans arouses While he doesnt expect an gfi waiting The partyjsaldAM Caouette iWiii reluse coalition with any Iparty buttwill support the gov ernments legislationsb long as it believesthis serves the inter est oi Canadians The day something is pre sented that the Socrcds behave es not coniorm to tbeasplra lons of sil Canadians the LONDON tCPtDr Samuel Willie nth Saskatchewans inedi cal care commission says some British doctors have indicated they areprepnred to Serve in temporarily it Sass liatchewanfs doctors withdraw theirAservlces because of the Wolfe windingup aitwoweek tripsimedst recruiting dozen doctors for rural areas said in an interview esdayf that may gr ot general practitioners has set up Lon don ofiieees acontactipoint for those wishing topmvldo emer care plari corrurilssinn oi the de veioprnent and decision still has to bemade on whether to accept their otter oi rvices hsndded He declined to indicate the size oi the new group problem Mr Lairenlere lost his deposit Monday night as Social Credi GuyMarcoux won in waikaway with 23360 votes and plurality of 17669 lover Libs eral GerardCoto on almost onipiete returnan Mr Lairen iere ran distant third nhnrinoamsk iPaulMartln health minister thheJnrmerlesraiaousm merit sndone of Prime Minister iDierenbalrers chief targets polled 10 times th plurality he had indesn wnna margin Vol lh275 votes over his nearest opponent Mr Martin had the third biggest pers at victory in the country Dielenbnker had per sonal plurality of 13603 votes in is Saskatchewan rding of oriï¬ce Alberta British Columw nlhcr election ior at least iii months litrCsouctIe an dealer ram nhrthern Quebec eetz iDoctorsjiloiuriteer Ior Saskatchewan rul in Canada under promises at night club stardom but iorted tintoe life oi viee has stirred senato rial wrath Witnesses 2testiiying Tu before the Senate investigations subcommittee had trsoed the girls to clubs in thsChlcsgo areasnd liuriey Wis Senator John McClellan Dem Ark tho subcommita tee ehelrm sold the enter talners patch the American Guild oi Variety Artists iAFlr hould he kickedout oi use otdeccnt union tracts designed to protect tertainersgirom exploitation ilhs subcommitteehas eard atories oi threats and nctuel stings tokcep the girls from running away union that would go along that would tolerate becomes party to iti my judgment ca proper place In thehous cs tlitt citii glls id rwo he an en nation MioIXitt Miss Yili recruit Montreal patrons night club smiths Ceiuinet City ill for 1100s weeir taiter deductlo union initiationaieos and and other charges one or them hsdoniy tloo leit McClella rth Csnadiah Rios it Miss and Mlssli iinaily ss ca from the clutches olthe Riptide ub in autumn 3Clty Mias sgeneybu wesztoid thstbsd dildiinlflilhtlilIlagifldtib WANTSNEW Lows MdClellsn eald the ent back to Montrealend coin theoperator oithe on ere inllhe trsiilc ties nosses from the Gstdng cultsilencers singere cats owners reputed ob ten lttrlctsg here today French authorities re mind spans es era to be brought in from other countries to We unionism VMcCieli annual meeting ot the Canadian Medical Association showed preoccupation with msdlcaicarelnsuraneeiattheis siinnsl meeting Tuesday Willi the Saskatchewan div sinn fighting with their provi clal government mentation July the Sas katchewan Medical Carelnsuri ance Act many of the commit tee recommendations approved by the delegates dealt with this theme in Saskatchewan the Sn katchewsn Co it tit Phy clans and Surgeons has de the act Dr Halpenoy president of the association sent tele gram to Mr Lloyd calling for immediate meet Plenning Ministeriaiiiheupr First obFor Dieienbdker OiiAWA lCP lster Die her meets his cabinet today forthef iirst time slnceï¬Mondays general elec tion thrust arminority govern ment on thanation insisting as he did Elec tion Nightthat his government and will continue in power Meriefenhaker flew into the capital Tuesdsyjight utter Lemmile flight from Prince Albert Santa his home riding The cabinet sass was scheduled for Item EDT For MrDieienbalier the ministerial lin preppesrsto be the most pressing immediate Fjonr of Mn Dlefenbakers ministers three Qneheeers and one fro Ontario were deicaiedwiien lltt Progressive Conservatives were slanted to tire Common mpar poo at the last election other sta No meetings are scheduled with representatives of the two minority artle theSocial Credit an the Dcmocra Party PrincegAlbert Liberia Leader by him votes in tarps Algoma East Deputy Credit Leader Real Canoe Vettefby lapse in Quehecs Vii ieneuven and iSocial Crdl rLead Tuesday bliss thoZCMA to wan doctors which would scereditplans or discredit them it asked bile personor group to investigate means of Introtling eh plans but only as meansot siding inquiring persons or groups in choosing the plan best suitcdto themend their needs must be called to vote more money by thenunless the gov ernment resorts lathe ely used device of ilnan throug governor warrants VThe defeated mi master General William liam ilton State ecretaiy Dorion iew Social Creditfparty Senator Maurine Neuberger an Oregon Democratwhd gen £31m Uflfldflm world niiatrsh Social Creditors heroes irresponsib ingdt is age MP til it new divs ents ls survivedby twoyea old brotherï¬ doubt ni Secret Ar authoritative reports said re term was collapsingl wltti sin abroad this morning Accordingio Dr roroner trom rriopdeath was due to alphyltl tlonbrnught about by naturalcsiises He indicated that there would no inquest intothevdeath The baby besides his pa Sgt Cronin at the lnnislti policefis in charge of the illIv vestigsti The body has now Home in Barrie Funeral parliamentary seats rangements are incomplete Mines Minister Flynn and Works Minister Walker could cConceiVably continue to admin ister their departments without But the feeling is thiswould he only temporary measure to give Mr Diefenb time to consider new ca lineup the powers sharing in if northwest 61 Stat Ipossihloli snf eltemeto rather thanfainngi the Cii hem re moved to Steckleys Funeral iClty Council N000 united intuit 02 iii wills cripple our the bustintfmso at TRESSESEOSS Grant Ms Mayors Mot Dunlop St said at noon sy that the loss to the downtown mcrchants will be many times innwooo figure lneiiect the city is proposing bake the basins mien ntnngDunlop and ndiace anagur Waite Glgg old The Examiner that the Merchants committee lioi the Chamber ole Commerce was awerfï¬oithe city pinn cola meeting was colic rei Mayor said that he never received an invitation to the meeting and was notaware at or the rehsonunhl the day following when he heard at it in casualconversatlon MrGigg saidthat the pres nt plan calls for the sewer excavation to take place slony Toronto St to Simcoe St along Simcoe toDunlop St alongr uniop Iifcmpenielt Drive operator oi blldlze the work to and the to Vancouver St From willacourrs troni Ven lake St and along Blake toSteel lgg said that it necessary to close air on ablock by gt t1 pmount ofonp yontolhepro gentlions large segment at Gigg said the would come upbciore city eoun oil on Mood BS 500R in theri question from the tsndpolnt not merchants along the busy moln thoroughfares The dol lsr loss to these businessme mlghtruil into nd sands oi dollar