weenrem pï¬wlrr or oï¬wwgwwmwmm SMORGASBORDI LIINCIIEON 1130 2pm BAYVIEWTERRACE shenly Bay Road at Blelre at Help yooreelllo coup orlulee and bulld terrllle undelch toatlltyou Garnleb It with cry ollm end pleklea Sel eetlon ol cheeaea Oholeeot sort and collee 3135 EVENING DINNERS FIIOM EM Drlve mlnutu end am to Youll be glad you did WHENOCCASION nnNAnoaA anNNLNrAL GESIURE SAv nynosr coNrmENTLv wrrn IFLQWERS Belarus mL MWHNO MIIILV HISTOR tram your Dally Neva ayer cl the Hays lventaltllt ENGAGE It and Newman Noum or these events are only am amtner PA Lure CRAWFORDMr and Mn Ttm crawled Ill Penelanl Street Ilarrla are ple to announce HIM HIP oepltal llam lld my on un no me aarrNNanro novi and Northay on on at month aml MOEIA the on Vlctafll Iloeoltal harrle on Sunday June 1m to Mr am or tartan itmdya fluent HAflMr and Mn Rea Prett nee Orlnharn ee Penetlnl ltmt harrle are happy to an nounce the elm thetr dauan tor Eleanor Kate on Sunday June 17 1991 It the Ila II VII mla oapltel enter or Den WmlHt the Royal Vid te Hoepltel Barrlc on hldey June 15mm to Mnand lire Aubrey 5wltrer hell Ewart con Arthur Noel METAt the Itoyal Vlctarla Noaoltal harm on Sunday June I7 1902 to Mr nd Mra Arthur Tracy IM Pael street Barrie aonlatnu navld sNoAceMENrs WmWRIGHT ML Mn Alex Neoltt lr ennanement thelr da mm Indlth Arm to Mr Robert Jamal wnent son or Mr Ilarrv errht ol Dalston The marrlale II to take place on June do 1001 at pan In St Albanl Anlllllll church Gapreol Ontarlo HAOKlTlBNBLIWILL Mr end llrr Doom Haclelt o1 Borer Ontarlo wleh to announce the enluement or thelr cldcet daueh Iol Fatrlola Dorotb Ann to Mr lame Herbert sheewell son of Mr and hire Gordon shelawel oI Ednar The marllane la to aha place on Bltlarday July 7196 at hrae lock ln Idler Unlted church ICOMINGEVENTS MEMORIAL DAY snnvrcn SllllfllyLlNE boomer Sunday June loot flaoclock mm REV IAOKSON STRAND ISL Iaula Bandln attendance onu srnns In one AaaoorArao rnnaa Balllnzgllank Aaron ve drove In lIve rune on grand slam homer and two aIngIes and became only the aeoondNa onnlILeaxuer ever to hlt Into the leltcentrelleld bleachers at olo Groundaln Mllwou vlclory over New Months Sandy Koulax Dodgereatruck out nlne and allred none In livehlt to ahub nt of St Louis as Loo Annalee Increased lta Nollonal Lechue ad to Ill gamel brlolgtjltcben Ilvlnl room wllh hufltInboek calll Bernlollnlahed room room Terms Coop Call Illta Scendrelt III ACRE OOHMEIWAI AREA Located In the West End ol Berrle Slx room lti alorey home 150 Ironleye Call Percy Ford ST VINCENT ST Oneand hell storey brlcl home wllh large kllchen Ilvlng room and three bedroom oï¬mortg nagcrcood lemlly hem Cell In WNhï¬tl oonommneox PA nut marrow on com waneON awAIN re woe Member ol num And Dlatrletud oatulo It late hoarde CARSON nnALron Neatdoortothalmyerlal Th tn 45A DUNLOP ST GRACIOUS COUNTRY LIVING Lernetluee bedroom bunlolow Lirhnped Ilvlng room brlght cheeglul kltchen large am yorc ALSO two bedroom basement apartment Forced alr oll heotlng Thla lovely home overldolte the beyond mabee men by celllno Ralph Boako PA walker eventual PA moo JUST OUT OF TOWN $500 DOWN $65 monthly earrlee thls our bedroom home Large tlled Irlt chen Plenty ol Itlteben cup boards Large lot bargeln at the llated prlce Call Gerry Mel lory at PA 68451 or evenlnu PA 84501 PICTURE BOOK FARM Neetlodln the very plcturesoue lettlnlt Large slx room house Sprlnz stream across corner at loL Dug well Illp reel barn Hen house and hog pen School bus at door For Inspectlon call Ralph IAMlal or evenlnxs PA oooeo PA 166481 Illernberor Berrle and DIItrIot It utete hoard Sloull Agencies CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS ro COLLIER mom PA WWI om EVENING TILL PM DESIRABLE TORONTO ST LOCATION Neat stucco storey home It bedrooms separate dlnlng room llvlng room just decorate Benutllul Iandaonped lot 70 170 wlth trult trees Aalslnz clam$2009 down erma LOVELY HOME bedroom Ilvlng rdorn wlthI llreplece separate dlnlng room garage close to downtown and worth much more than asking Iprloe of tl7000wlth 12000 down It la located In COMI MEBCIAL AREA in An nlIeIaInnrcellz Merv or Ede Gould on 1516 Harry Slraaor PA com PA 165 Hockley PA HSIII Eteyner IWWI nriALaznAmanOlrrn rammarnm Aanrr CALL DAY on nvnnnoo PAo2379 Brown mllmdlh NI llnlebed recreation TIIEtli LARGE FAMILY plng Plaza Large prlvate treed Member tb Barrle Dthnet Real Estate hoard MOVING For cbmplete movlng acrylce um and eaalervcyall COOKEQCARTAGE tB Eeaa No Mule rmmy eons and VIII Ionlalur WWII WOT III leu em MM Inoyery mettrn no PA eseoe em on YEARROUND LAKErnonr 00 ltoleeleeendy beech OFIowlng ertcelea welltwater eBethhoure wlthhes 1an room meaelve atone llroplace Rh broom and shower ISeparate dlnlny medcrn kltchen Easy commutlnzranae with PA essoe NOW 32 PEEL paved road all the STREET oom cross TO DOWNTOWN oAnmo 511900 It reylamlly mo wIth very cohIIOrt end cohvenlénce Illae lovely llvlneroom goodsized bedrooms nlce modern kIlchen and tlled bath Pmperty Ia mortgagetree owner olfere wonder Iul lerma wlth very modectdewn paymentl PS bulltIn garage nvoneaoALL MM IL MOOREPA NIH ROGERSPA um mm BARBIE In elm Norman REALESTATE BROKER DUNLOPST nm Monongahela Avellable Iv oI Valuej No Fees Charged 0N Toll Howard Nerrla GRAYDO 311ml Im an PA 601 rearer um LCONNBlLPA em lcr nm estAre eonno PA om PA mo Interest glue Wlllao on men Nam shelmll PA met KOHL IREAL ESTATE anonnn 11 DUNLOP ST EAST Graydon Kantrs own CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone can or Dunlop son Morllale Money Avallnolaf more NAnsnAzLrn moo OWEN NONEPA one ammo metre um Kelth Marshall REAL ESTATE Om PA 82552 Wm roule If nAaOLn FORSTERI AND COMPANY Realtors on marrow so rAeeeaANrmso Maryannelm PA ems Nonn Heelreth PA were curly Iflmteraoan PA needs Lee rope PA moo Lea Lovemve Aneua IEHIIZ Membera ot the Berrte do Dlrtrlet Rel mm Bold MUSIBESOLDI 1950 Down Owners alx room rlelrI ranch one block to aohco us and shop lot Two blocks to beach and yacht club Brlghl IIVIngrenrn loll dlnlng room large Hnnei er kltchen coloredllxture pleeehbalhrwlth vonlty large bedrooms vlded basement AC all Overslzcd attach ed garage Open to after an rlee eodtermn nnAL ESTA enoltnn PA 84252 PA 84608 and edio Marlon RutledgePK $5785 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and tl you needcxtra coveraze oIanykInd SEE STEVENSQNS room no DuelOp so no 101s FOR SALE we rho seen loo leetJrentIle wlth drilled well at Palnawleh on all Conceulon Telephone strand raoeeatv wro Teeny on RENT WANTED 10 New on BUYl bedroom Ironic ylclnlty of SL Marya Church erte elvtna de al to Box 75Barrle Exemlner FINANCIAL NEED i$50w7wi gTILL PAY DAY eases ONLY 47ci FORTWO WEEKS Ask For AlleyDay Lo CALL PA 60203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlap St BARRIE MORTGAGES IMMIDIATE lstdz2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY runners TAILORED TO 1m YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Tfl qnnaolldnte debt Ply all llltlll North or manager comtnn due Home Improvement Any wonhwhlle ca IPdfml rtgage Fundmg OVII SlrnpsonsSeara DUNWP ST mbar Ontario Mortme BrokengAeeoclltton MORTG GE LOANS Current rotee ro erty Anywhere LRAY INVESTMENTS orthoote Drlveï¬Do navlew MEI Adnltc prelerre my on Iran loemtrlwall to oalcoglluet human reuaaaonoen oncelar rent torn Seat New in mm TSIlopneiae ems none to rent near General the mo Three bedroom brlek horns eunroenl ell lurnac VT not or ren three bedroom on Ice ona mo BBDMOM Home to llI II eat and hydro aupnllelttl tube and wuhlnhr FUIINIIIIBD Home for rent durlnl Bultable or tea aununerv course mun escuoot Ieteher reoulru three bedroom house orrvenlent to Central colleelete IV la Darn seneIuoxoosmcou Onun nurpNade Ienuly reoulre Green with thna bedrooms near nbllc and hub achoola Telephone IAI H711 ArAnanNrs FOR RENT DELIJ EIAPARTMENTS COIIve ltly Ioaated near schools shopplng noon and withln walklng dletence of downtown Durand lwobedrooms alconlu OBomboomrapee loves and irldgee dlvldenl thermostats nclneralore then waahlng and dry reunions nMnny other line nppolntmean Chlldrea welcome Sample Isulte may be seen by calllnz PA83I86 UPPER DUPLEX Ultramodern Sell eontolned ulyl bedroomslarge Ilvlng room kltdren villh dlnlngoree Loon dry lacllltlea and some Low or owner Occupled Close to schools and bus Possesslon EMAIAL Iclleodtalned mrnlahed apartment or rent Avellable Im medlalely $50 monthly Telephone Pause alter so pmI rent Ltvlnc hlth Garazelelephone PA 729 or tortoer Inform Ion ment in rent talned math decorate Poly eel ena IfA $32988 UNPUBNIBEED artmont Heat and water eup led Near bur too In ent Telephone Inuit With repara entrance an rlvate atll on tround floor sueImmanuel see neont relrtleratar reomv nnotheonénï¬o gyman lee andTelephone onruamnan room Jell mtetned artment In Year lonehath Ivata entree Pflk laetutlel anoon Wa Ied eeo bl Te ï¬tment larwllvl decorated Ialov Heated the ol DNI DOOM Apartment Owen and Iron Ste hm or an Ierhlne non room nd drye slov and rclrlaern Avalllble dlilyul Telephone PA met no oIreemo Qule and Shop In Plk torl WIURNIINBD two mantplua hltehcnelte and ale place nrlvate beth beat and water lotln street ereaAdtIlte eaoea gt NEWLY rnnrnanan blllht um room tpartment ulct male downtown lecatloa ow applianv cea Ille bethxhult adults or people PW Mr It ILFCONTAWBD to II or our room apartment eulteble lor marrled couple Yen cantral Io eetlon Avallable July Also lurnleh hechelo ap Telephone PA MI aller THREE IBBDIIOOM ultllnlihld heated aoartrnent In modern trl ylax etoo per men EAvelleble nly Telephona PA TM 01 mrrher lnlormatlon MODERN our room unmrnlahed Dertment balcony completely ecllcentalned heated stova IIIL rclrlnerator elm weékly II Ina Not rulteole for ehlldnn ply re Campqu Avenlae MODERN eelleontelned unnam Iabedhe twohedroona apart menl Contra Good parkln Telephone PA cues OVERLOOKING BAY the Domlnlonshnp$lna Ilnn two bedroom aoartmet ato enll laundry Iaollltlea wn thflmntllt9 Dmnlaw Drlve Telephone PA eon UHFURNIEHIID two hedeoom rtment wlth aunpomh prlvate Ileated In downtown can leter nell ennulnno wlth par nI space Telepho PA 94110 or PAMSS UNFURNISIIBII pertment In mo dern prlvalehome flour pleu hath prlvote entrance and our clutter CI se to bus stop and Available July ONESBOOM Furnlalzed Apl ment also one lroom unturnle ed wllla bath Modern Very cen tral Parklnn apeeeand awlmmlna pool Telephone FA om MODERN unturnlahad heated two bedroom apartment In apert ment bulldlni Uta OI wlmmlna pool Ne oblectlon to balm 260 monthly Telephone Stroud AB MODERN unfumlshed three room apartment wltll plots hltludom 66 mootth Includes huet nnd eundry laollltlea Looeted on anetana Street TelephonelPA em MUMISIIED one bedroom apartment ae mla entrance prl vate hallo ntral Incatlon heat and water supplled Telephone nylon or hrrther Inlormatlom men Ronni meme npa meant lnnuleLhome5nltehle or neu or al tom couple Apnly Ilia werejI Disan eel Lcontalncd eye mean large bedroom Inrse llv Inxroom altcaan wlth atnlnt plea bath know act II notlbaeemen men UIIatreet parklnz July Applyghd reelsm Iy Telephone rA on ewe nenOOM Cunlumlrné heetedhpnrtmehb In button flooI WWW two bedroom mode Heated stoveLrelrl drop Cloa In tore oratznved nutter Iroml MOBT OQMFOIITABIE place llva In harrle Modern lune two edroe ants avallahle now located trlee ltor aervlcn near manhunt dlln PA 54360 cm or miomerr mumu llvtnl room andihtebenln new him to 15 II 275 PERWEEK In or memen $ummï¬ï¬‚ ed edlat mm 75 lam ePAW Imp WM bed mun aoolo cwIII ind lll monthly Huh Ill ptta Aveua Central wonlar It 6W eaESNn noon on en Ilth excellent ee eoolatelnedC agate IXCIPTIONAIL an 31 av In new modern Innuennddhn tlelaun melateomqeerelea store an nlrllerator ootlonel Paved varltn Mm tbsr lnlorma on poo or PA HIK APARTMENTS WANTED remote REPRINTS ovallable at man Mm mam eons Ilvlnaeccommodetlona My to no ert no Itoelnakl haul13 roImInde IFmrl rule Inner Wm ROOM or tell Iocellen to wee tear rtlculera 1170 FURNISHED ll rent cloa to downtown Soluble nettlth he In phone IA 73 neon lor rent or bualnmjedy Alec room eyelleble or two tlemen sult ItoreJaleemen block trom Woolviorthl eeehI Applyqlflhlylelfl IIOOMQ BOARD gI ROOM AND BOARD or llnllr men nunlop and Bradlord streele dletrlet Iorrurtha lal etlon telephoneJA one near arm noeno Cenlrel Iocetlon wlll ll dexlrcd Parklne lee tle hirxeno PA user SUMMER RESORTS come For SALE FOUN IIEDROOIII walerlrnnt cot tau oracle at my hay Polnt ï¬replace large moaned verend Apply Mr Ove Ila Bay ecrorg trnm Ilaherrhtom conloss TO RENT TWO IIEDROOM Cotllle or rent or on three weelte In July alde convenience Located at statlon Telephone PA er pna AVMLAELEIune molly Id lee iiiï¬mber Four room not or rent at Woodland Beach Reaaon able rent Geodhaach Telepho PA mm GEORGIAN IIAY at cawele Bee one mlle rem Balm for me or redoThree bedroom cotta lully flarnlahed electrlc atovl and re lrlgerator etc stone ï¬replace Atlaonedharhecua end patlo out erze ahldy gtlot Good aandy Iy McKnlxht 59 Int PA ARTICLES For SALE nmmnnn hp In Excell ent condltlon Low prlce or gulch aale Telephone PA seen or Inn ther partlclllerl ROTOJTILLER row tractor In lend condlton Ick aalepply es Pee rIlterther de Ill neiu olcturee Our atoll pbololzrlf erlnta taken obaraoleeseeell etiour no neea oltlce Weere sorry we cannot accep phone orders lng equlpmen be llfe jacketsï¬s ng lac Also used arm rite0622 CABIN mam Inood condl llon lurnlah Plywood neat orU flenlnr New overhead an acedoemmone PA or to Mary BtmtJ PIIMD TV End Tehlea GO or Counter Sh eanar Taolr matle washe ALL BINGKII STORE Domomtr tore or eewln maehlnee vacuum cleaners and peuahera It re dueedto clear Mmltefennglber 61ml sewlne Centre to Dunlov Walt PA WHO FOOD AND FREEZER or 1B than your pnzent lood oudrat Canadaa lanes nod plon oper tornlhnunnde or random tonrerp Free lnlorm on Hem Economloe Home PTANO $115 limo Sulte 55 Ice room hrrnlture lamp sea Drop alde coneh metal bed chllda table and chalr ml Sandwlch toaater Chlna Cabln Th end other Items can Vancouve ALHMINUM Cb Trell lrralde cubonce 327d no lectrla1motor phase no perlect condltlon 5lll Rock remnorated terleoolr er never used one Minn Lgy land motor aInnla no volta Kuaranteed cycle excellent eondltlo 35450 new 10 ho to 184 able epeed York Retrlneretlon Unlt erlect condltlon Iona mo tor Telephone EA 60991 evenlnn more no DIRECTORY By Month on we Telephone 824 APPLIANCE ALCOHOLICS ANoNvMous FACED wnn Ionnnrmc PROBLEM PerhapeAA Can Help more no no em erected CedarpoeteI ante Buckwheat or sale ADM Thoma Lyons telephone 2R1 Ivy Eamon lstael Etr PA MW exCAvArlNe FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Eunvatlng and Grading Water Delivery Cmshed stone Hall yard Backhoe tor Ier gt DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Enrrle adorns EvenlngsPA eons PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMIIB AND SO Palntln and Paper Hanzlnl nnnn TIMWES ON rlor nnd ExterIorI Work EDWARD DENleDEN rnonn PA on Proalmetely IO It In by one vol no stoves lampeyg slee IngI