Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jun 1962, p. 5

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logs untllmest med Cluellilan Agvkxd Martan fiflflofl lttmh nation it town be custom sass TO aster mascara Pl gt Wirephoto from eonce About s00 persons many of isyln tbegaverameetscom remier Lloyd did them carrying placards and misery medtceifc loans not meet mesh The dam banners gathered at the Inca plan until agreementis CP Saskatchewan Legislature reachedawlth grounds Prideytoseelu deg my wager my gt chergeeaad Crown protects tors opinionon what constitutes ohséoh tyheve own about so Canadian doctors Continues Uantedyay Sea JIONG KONG Reuters Hungry reiugees irom Commu aist China continued to stream into this British colony this wackdosplto eiiorts by both Hong Kongiaad Chinese euthan lttes tocut oil the flow oi starv inghumanlty The number at Chinese who bro throughby sea and land into liong Kong is an official secret but one source with knowiedgeol the situation said there wase greater activity this week along the border there was sixweeks ago More the big rush oi refugees began But its drop in the bucket compared with threoweoks ago when we were getting up to 5000 lite Immigrants nighthe sald Desplto increased marine pu trots Chinese also are getting into the colony by way ol the Friday Surge tuguese colony whl like an open border with Ch MERGE Police launches turn back any tanks carrying illegal immi grants they intercept in lion Kong waters Lend patrols st send back as many they can But they admit that they can not hope to catch everyone The governments slated poi lcy is to deport as many illegal immigrants as possible but ace they get into Kowloon and Hang Kongthcy are on their way tohecomlng citizens Gov meat officials are vague ion the dividing lineb they are apparent reconciled to accepting imm grants who manage to reach registration oillcep The registration cities in ontefrom Macao the Pan Kowloonandliong Kong are AdvancesStdck NEW YORK AWRallying near the close of trading the stock market and ped four session string of osses with powerlul advance Friday The gain Was the biggest since the liiay 20 recovery from the May 20 plungethe worst since 1029 Despite themagnltude oi the alalt failed to erase oven ali oi the loss accumulated during the four previous ses alone The upward surge in heavy trading raised flagging spints in Wall St which saw the mar averagea sink to their low vels in many oaths on Thursday Brokerage houses rcportedl dvance waa inspiredby big buy orders irbm invest ment funds and institutions vOne broker said the demand lrom those sources was the greatest lna long while The Associated Press dialect average advanced 500 to 21410 and theiDow Jonas lndustrlals climbed 1010 to 57010 Stand ard nndloors soostock index added 100 to 5500 Based on the gain in the AP average an estimated $0000 000000 in paper values we dad to the quoted value stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange ENG UP GAIN Somefoftbe volatile stocks rang up impressive gains International Business Machineswas unitsvoo to $00050 Litton industries $075 to $0750 and Xerbxisho to $10050 Meanwhile the exehsngeesys selling by firdlvidual longterm false any susdestlons that his and Dr Guyliudons resigns tlons from the Bosrdnf Broad cast Governors affected the na ture of timing of the EEG def claim on Quebec City televi The tworeslgned from the 10 member boardlnst week few days beinte the BEG recom mended denial oi azprlvate bl for second Frenchlanguage TV licencela Quebec City and deterred mpeting CBGap plicutlon until later hearing saint statement last weekythoy said they felt the licence lshould be grantedto tha CBC eslgned be joause the majority oi the rdot Broadcast Governors grounds which we are wholly ble to accept of the opposition opiaio Farseyv rector for the Canadian Labor congress Dr Hudon is dean of iaw at Laval University Foraey said lnhls state mentlrtday Anyrumorthat the BEG lectlonallra decision was pub isbcd lnthe ordinary course representatives in at contributed sig nlflcantlyto the sharp market break oanay 28 andMaysm The dive was based up man said on the Informed op inion oil brokerage house salee menrnther than any statistical inundationp research men that Mond May 20 long term investors large and am av Sales on Tuesday moral ctten were from smaller counts including personnwho sold blacks shares ens FRONT 8r VON discourage escape bids butwere Edi Efrem SallyM Sumterj old exchange effStrecsm clergy authors gr ps call the censorshlp an shire groan tactics the olessls age as distribc papers at the Thor ii olficisl figures but it is reliably estimated that between 14000 nod 10000 new citizens havebecnsl to early for identity cards inths last three weeks giving out tit evPerry iiaxlseys char es wsrsbot marred when edistributor liMarsbail Limited ecd to rams rial pu llcu ons ihls decso thesayswas taken at meeting with Pcter OHearn lialiiax Crown prose cuter Deteetivs Superintendent Roy Mitchell otthe iiaiilax po lice and Charles Marshall like ten smallirac admittedlntskeis only sons to day jAuthorttles have limited new registrations to 600 adayla Kowloon and Hoag Kong and there is no sign yet that the thousands who got through the security not last month have all beenprocessed lniorrnailon mthe closed bordararea is that Communist authorities in Canton are hay lngadiiflcultyfiukcepln the reiugee tap to cd off One source said Communist harder guardsworo trying to Dollar Pegging Said Doubllul LONDON vPresldent anew Kiersnsrnf the Meat real and Canadian Stock Ex changes has engrossed doubt the Canadian government will be able to maintain the ilxed dollar rate lie described the move peg ging the dollar at 020 Ameri can centres is silly thing and predicted Friday that the Conservatives regain power in Mondays eiectlon they may have to abandon theme the end the year not shootingtontop them We doaot regerd theaum bera wmlngrla as significant but we do rcgardit as inevitable that after last months ilood people will continue trying the sourcesald say lUnderlalrerS Ylalsilled hecords AKRON 0hlo APilhe op erator oi funeral homewbere the embaimed bodies of nine Negro infants leyunburied for months was charged by allce Friday with falsifying hurlal certificates and obtaining money under false pretences Clarence lrby as wasnametl in five misdemeanor chargcs iiied alter the hables decomv posed bodies were found June iii hallwaygof afuaeral crate irbytwho lived in an apart mentrupstairay has been quoted by police as saying he em balmed the bodies or the babies all stillborn or only fewdays old But Irby as he didnt know who put them in the small EEEIEILEEWB 3etween the fun era amend garage which he thought would inevit nialswnrrstlnh owes at $55 under false proteacesirom Mr and MrsAilen Setters and flixpiifififlih wtfdltigt number of iobless this exchange system lnwhlch market forces would set the rate in terms offoreign cur rencies The stock market chief made the comments during lengthy ouestlonsndsnswer session fol lowing an address stronglysur portingllritish moves to ion the European Economic Com munity Ha spoke to somacf Britatnfa lop industrialists and ilnancial correspondents rat session on Canada organized by the Fed eration of British Industries wears sandstones fiscal policy based on low tetest rates and free trade could draw on the resources of othe international Monetary and to maintain thaflxed dal iar rate lint he added the fund would salt Canadian authorities The Sellerstold police they tried to find their babys grave and couldnt They said the in iantzdled Janie bu th funeral beeeu He argued in favor at an in No They include no stationsin Can ads and the isststl networkl ssnsnon cannon ids OHearn says shall asked him publications nd say whic oithem in histopsaioo were one in torment Chandle CriminalCoda Publications grcmoved irom theltaads include eCanodlan papers Flesh Hushirdnd Mid night such its periodicals ss Playboy Escapade Goat Scope Cavalier pom pockethire book Rev iiiair DaWolfe Baptlst president oi the Halifax alluri mouth Ministerial Association says he does not like fthls type oi censorship have some iogrtndfor these magazines so fnr aston teat is concernsdrbut lfeoi thls can be carried to the point where smell groupcouui de prlve the public oi worthwhile publications lid says cduca tion provides more positive approach to the question cen sorship negative one Doane Hatfield president oi theNova Scotla branch at the Canadian Authors Asaocl on says authorsjln general er 0p posedto anyiform of censor shtpj especially onevman cen sorship Aboard similar to those that censor mollon pic turca would be better he feels Mn Marsball says he feels Nova Scotlashould establish an advisory committee on literal tureslmil those in Ontario and Alber AnOntsrro com mittee seiup two years ago comprises an English profes sor lawyer ailbrarlnn and sociologist Hall Hesald Canads should follow Kierans notedLthat Ca ea to adopt number of steps FAMOUS PLAYERS liiEililiE EFECENTRE GE EMJBGZJ 19 rtiau uLv 0le5 rcsessrrceiosnuosawsy 0a antennas lu whose Moss asses sass ly litAug VIC DAMON wlihllENNY YOUNGMAN or on JACK csnssnzsncvun Aug in ms scan and mattresses earners arrears nonmav streams on it ONY BEN 2081am irnnnmarnnrrns Discounr 0N to ONVANY PERFORMANCE EXCEPTFNI ind BAT CALL OR WRITE YARTY BOOKING CENT eves area outcasts are cotton in sams thing The national leader oi the elatCrcdit pbrtyjended his ac tlvo cam signing in Mondays ih broadsides amp ohedgy visit to the Niagara Psaiasn where party officials believe doclslrCr£dlt halite best opportunity to elect member hotosama Dude and Why Because committedtoaredoctlono there are 000000 oldpeopie in national deb lowetlu whosevot bothp ties wo ld like to have political hribery He saidthe attacks by the maiorparty leaders each other coaatltuten smonsirstion and Thefpdrty leader return be alr tod tohts am riding of Nor did its neglect the New Democratic party lie said the platform of 3pionae enemy means as far us Im controlled pee ssvaaoaos snort neighboring Wellnnd constituen cles belore comingpn to final to here Athough visibly tircd he stepped out at characterwlth an hourdong denunciation oi the campaign tactics ol Prime Minister Dielenbaker and Lib eral Leader Pearson gt inter spersed with call ior ilseal reiorm and an end to spiralling taxation The audience of some 500 almost filled the high school auditorium where he spoke takes axonrrrou Mr Thompson took rpartlcug lar exception to on announce ment earlier in Milan by his Dlefenbaker that tolls on the Welland Canalwould be lifted move longaought by Niagara businessmen He asked whether the prime minlstermade the announcer meat nowbecause he thought it could get votes lSlmileriy he said the government an pounced an increase in old age pensions only few weeks ago to attract votes The Liberals have done the NIAleVEiNW TONIGHTand MONDAY Iin Saskatchewan the 100 government has done rea sonable Job of keeping the prov es Virom going ahead with other western provmces he said The flow at people out of East Gennany is second only to the flow of people out ofSeskatchewan 0n the economic frontThirT Thompson said if Mr Dleien baker can convince Canada that all lsiwsli he willhave pulled off the greatest confi dence trick since the days MackenzieKlng And if Mr Pehrsnn can blot out the record like tight monoy highcostoilivingi Libs era regime he will have proved soarsnoqu rovnt wmtourrnv humulna himselie magician of statute uWhnt is needed he sold is Social Credit government assayannotated Crudeoxeheads and knives ham to ciiii caves in Colorado are beflevéd to haveheenused annals ctrr coNcsnrfeANa ASSOCIATION presents LMusle InThe Pirk Band Concert Sundoyl7 June 1962 BA iEWiARK 1700 psssBarrle=clty Linnlor Band Conducted byMaciarenW rrls Cltydenlor Concert llan ad by Keri allies ginsi com sitlnn for concert band publlsbsd lt is standtum to present the Cones

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