7Â¥WEDIli Tortoise illr and Mrs Edward Blues Dangerï¬eld are shown signing the registerth their wedding in Waimer Bond Bap tist itnsroh Toronto on Wed nesting July is Mrs Dan gatield is the daughter oi Reverend and Mn Antesm Monoi min Bruce Dan gerfield is the alder son at Mr and hike George aï¬eld Dundonahi Sheet rot lowing wedding trip to the Paciï¬c hast they will raids on Peel Street in Barrie PEOPiiEliND PLACES Phons Eileen Dixon or snow Couloon no 66557 GUESTS FROM QUEBEC Mr and Mrs Glen Swain and children Julie and Rod ney at Villa Lemoyne Quebec are holidaying at the home oi Mr Swalns parents Mr and Mrs Emerson Swain sunnidaie Rood plitTllDAY PARTY Mrs Dlhomton oi inn isijl Street celebrated her soth birthday at reception heldnt the home oi her daughter Mrs Vernon Cameron Thompson Street Party guests Included Mr and Mrs Hugh McMenamtn and daughter Beverley Mr and Mrs Gerald MoMenamln and son an oi Detroit Michi gan Mrs Bean and daugh ter Vivien oiMontreni Mr and iilrs John McIntosh and family otChippewa Mrs Baker and son oi Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Don Cameron Town to Mr and Mrs George Fry and son Mr and Mrs Erucs Cameron Mr and Mrs it Cameron Alan Cameron Miss Shirley Mitchell all at Barrie Mr and Mrs Clyde Cameron who aragucsts at the horns Vol Mrs Vernon Cameron tor the summer months namEENssnshmED Prior to her marriage in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Saturday Miss Anne Patterson was guest at several entertain merits kitchen shorter was held at the horns oi Miss Dianna Hagan Peal Street with Miss Judy Owen as oo hostess Miss Aynst Little at Napier Street was hostess oi Phasical Lorna DaPra miscellaneous shower Mrs Allred Lamoureux oi Oakley Pork Squarehnlso entertained the bride at miscellaneous shower Miss Patterson daugh ter oi hlr and Mrs Hamid Patterson oi Peel Streetwsa united in marriage to Samuel Brown son olhlr and Mrs liarry Brown oiQueen Street WEEKEND cunsrs Mr and Mrs William Sond ieson and daughters Elaine and Lynn oi Scarborough were weekend guests at the home oi Mrs Sandlesons brother and sisteralnlnw Mr rid Mrs oi Brsdinrd Street COMMUNITY SHOWER Residents of Clowes and Ed gar communities will honor newlyweds Mr and Mrs lim Shellsweli with simiacelianeous shower and presentation party to be held at Edgar Commun ity Hull Aug EUROPEAN VAOATION Missu Diana and Jan Mne Donald daughters oi Mr and Mrs MacDonald Blake Street lclt Motion Allk port Friday tor three weekstlvaoatloo in Europe Arriving in Amster ri via KLM jet airliner the unveils snwiil vlsit lloliand Germ any Switzerland and England GUESTS FROM GRAHAM Mr and Mrs James Wilson and daughter Linda oi Cbatham were weekend guests oi Mr Wilsons parents Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson oi Eugenia Street Exercise Keeps Ybu Ybung by son JEAN KAlN iohave more energy not laasgrta move on Wake up to the iact that saving energy doesnt increase your supply oi that liiegiving iorce Too many dieters balk at tak ing exerciseili out dowu on food but dont ask me to exercise you write Well it may be less trouble or you to cut dawn on food but some thingdreary happensio your looks Hereslhe picture To reduce or contro your weight you subsist on meagre tare and so tire oulckl Naturaiiy you shun physieai rilon Then the wellknown vicious cycle sets ieellng tired you avoid exercise and so you feel tiredér and more dispirlted Not only lethargyhut atrophy iol lows atrophy oi body tissues and muscles The resultis drawn depleted look the bloom is oil You ho longer look young worse you feel tired Whats the iun in living without zestand normal energy lobe healthy and beautiful muscles must pull andire re leased then you breathe more deeply The blood must flow treely through all the veins andarteriesm to bring nour groupie stair AUGUSTWEDDING transports would or dollt have edgyWo dont Furthermore havent the pioneering irlt to drag tour children in way sround tbs world to ace th so wherevsr ztogolibiscompanysenthhn iollmbultuiwouldgoaudnot say one word but smder the circumstances tool lttnve the right to retuse Who is breaking up the mintELEANOR Dear Eleanorr lts not witss duty to uproot her young inmliy and lugthem to another continent lust because her husband doesnt like the government Let blrngo alone it he insists llacan send ioryou and the children when be is sbls to pro vlds youwith home and three squares OLD OLD STORY Dear Ann Loaders wnnt onto understand that dont avo to get married but my parents have given me their consent lam is years old and my fiance is 17 He makes slot at money We already have 01000 saved Our wedding will be in June 1963 incur an engagement ring When Tom introduces ms asbia iiunco no one believe him because oi our ages We love each other deeply and know thatour marriage will last lorever but no one else seems to thlnir so Wbyt isnt it possible tor two pls who tall in love at an ear ago tostat to love all their lives We wantto have children right awayandgrow up with theirs Answer in the papersnd give uaxyour blessingeo all our friends can see it Please eslt cuss the mistakes am writing this during my coiiee break at the dime store SINGERS CROSS Donslingcrs Crossed The letters from ldycnroidsittliing inontbey are madly in niove wouid reacbirom theFlorence Crittenton borne lnChlcago to the Florence Gritteoton homadn fioledo An engagement ringf on girl your age makes no sense whatskn And the thonght ot ltyearold buy winding up husband and father is enough to make me sick You didnt spell it out but lli bet you kids quit school to take jobs My advice is simple lshrneut to the tissues to carry oft waste products with asmall amount oi regular exercise the body iunclions normally in thiaageot easy living wesrs losing out on energetlcilvlng Today we havve to iakeilma indeed make time for exercise Not only that we must iind ways to get enoughexercise This isnt easy Two eXercises that are natural are walking and swimmingï¬li there are sidewalkswhere you live walk in the cool at the evening morning walk is even better sass sossss blrtbdny It ilt9 bdn surprise dont think much at theldea Tobclin wltbtbe iltr iIlrlno condition ior anything ruospt throwing out But more impor tant dont beileva pityear old girl should be wearlnga mink ca lily husband inlrs Granny feelings should be spared and that we should say nothing Erunirly hatefio see her throw away the moneyWbat do you sayilNmE moose Door in the bysll means knock this mono norm beiors th womangoes shes witbltlleli graanythpt you on won or er wearlminit atflo Min luxury tar avonior adult Rewardingoesons sea about Plusltcssndclearvlow each Sumldsla Carrier giftth caves followed with 1a notions dense nuanbar tbs Frdm Varied Diet lhs dialer who wrote to re port eba is having bail really is This overweight young mother enioys dieting the rewards are so great The word enjoy means toltavs satis iaotloo in upcrienctng Wall dieters wbat greater satistao tlon is there than banishing as ceas pounds Juno 4th she wrote Just think before too long ill be able to say weigh hundred and something instead ot two hundred something lscan hardly believe that with three more podnds oitill weigh 21o pounds Herajare herCrneasuremsnt changes Starting Date see 19oz starting weight to pounds Measurementa Bust it waist 45 hips 5t to piss son hlay Ilstrwelght 222 pounds Bust it waist 33hlps tilts Dress slzaZZit July 6th Weigbt 213 pounds wttunr more pounds nit Ill be out or the sodoiassl she ex claimed joyously Now shels working tor the 199 pound masts and one dress size smaller ihia dieter is tail girl test inches At 165 pounds alte will iit periectiy into size till tail She has even recorded what her measurements wili be at this periect weightwaist so hips it Her husband prom ised her the most beautliul nub iit ever when she reaches that weight What magic diet is she iollowingt The protective varied diet which her doctor prescribed She cheeks with her doctor rethiiariy and be is most pleased with her progresss Best of all this youngmother is changing her iood habits Formerly she ate an excessive stirsr nan FENCE Rustic and rugged tense is ideal to goul silo vlvi amount oi bread On her gaining schedula she otten ats tour or more sandwiches day With her new way at eating 8119 has choice of lean meat fish or chicken eggstor cottage cheese plus variety oi Vegetables salads and iruit and iruit juices She wrote that ths iarn eat the same menu as she oes oxcspt that her portions are smaller Our model dlotsr otiers beautltul proof that smaller por tions mean smaller proportional She stopped all betweeumeal eating llrisyouoe mother has hitched her will power to lily pictures her pet in rise to drest Will she msksltt There isnt doubt in the worldi Whedlasired liw she would report shesaog out ilwrl itin redginkl snve DOLLins ON YOUR FOOD BILL N0 MONEYDOWN KLEERPAK FOODS months lawman tll mus with oil cats Goutconvolution the Circula onDepart are 69 37 ad resiart your large lots yet the price is low Of all known sauces is the easiest to installatian It comes in three and four sail heights Matching walk and drive gates with hardware are available Made from Northern Michigan White ceaseAmericas most durablewood this fence will give years of troubletree service keen Post WITH HE tocnt NEWS EXAMINER MAnen wiwoutpalnitstalnorupkeepg VZVRALVVl9F00T FTP rctnCUtnjrtON animo cystts BARRII XAMlttstt vacarton honssss AL sranr oars Hons iaooness stoeoare as