Knnnshcusv Brutus ran This icture of Soviet Pie mlcr Nikita Khrushchev was taken by book magaclne Talks Reach Stalemate But HopeNotLOSt By DOUG MARSHALL CcnsdianPress Staff Writer Tire Euro nri Common Mar ket nogotisi one In Bnisscis ap pear to be teetering in the bal4 once Talks now are deadlocked be cause Britain demands gunp lantee from the Six thatCom moowealth farm products will not be excluded from the Eu ropean market Britain is afraid that the Eu ropean community will become agriculturaliy self sufficient Tho Six have given general as surunces that thiswill not hap pen but the Britons are holding out for precise agreement Thefeeiing among London ob PoroupinePéte Jubilee Spirit TthllNS Ont iCPl Tile spirit oi iimmins golden jubls lee celebrations is wide hailed little individual with handlebar mustache He carries pick in one hand and huge nugget in the other Hes made of papler macho and hes called Porcupine Pete But the spirit oi Timminsit self is short man with sore feet who can converse in Eng lish French ltaIian and Ukrai nian and swear in Finnish Hes called Mayor Leo Del Vliiano andhes probably one of the best known admin istrators in the country lm probably the only one employed civic adminlstralor in thecountry hesnys Mayor Del Villano 5S sells welding products on strict commlssion basis When hes too busy with politics or jubi lees he doesnt get paid He lives in modest homev among the miners He usedto leave it early eachmorriing to deliver mail And as he went from door to door with let be in good word for ayor FEET GAVE OUT Eventually hejwon the lionbut his feet gave out dsy hewears specia shoes to correct the condition Leo is proud of his town can ouoie you slithestatistics in the annual TCROIiSfalld few that arent triers such as Therenre 42000 people in the dislrlctandthere are 42 pubs Thats one for each 1000 persons and theyre all making Del Villanigs fiamboyane his strength amongthe miners bray be weakness among the more conservative citizens it wasfine to grow no for thefiubilee did he have tolpaini it gold blue the jubilee colors when itwasbisc and white to start Chance saloon no that is ndlpok solhappy about reporter was teliingrne about story from England oananadlan hunting laws Co do at hear skins LONDON out or Bill registerednurse had been since the early stages of pro and thencontemptefor those who gt baby was deform it there was born April lsatrSt Josephs PlerreSallng north nus sin The locale was Khrush chevs country homo outside servers is that although there is crisis over the issue and the British goverruncnts time table hos certainly been upset in solution will probably be found Edward Honth the lord privy seal and chief British negotin tor told the House of Commons Monday that the taiksnre at their mostdiificult stage SEEK COMPROMISE He emphasized that fair solu tions must he found by strlidng balance between the intorcsts of Europe and thoseof the tra ditional food exporting coun tries partieulnrly the Com monwealth But he left the clear impres told him heek we correct them all the bear skins they need It was passingrcmark and Leo forgot it and left town on business for three days when he returned he found everybody wanted to be in on the hunt Large United States magazines and Canadian news papers sent photographers and British newspapers telephoned long distance He got letters of praise from bee keepers who said bears were nuisance he got the other kind from animal lovers The story caught on overseas and newspapers there took all the copy they could get and called for more lt was wild disorganized time but the Brigade of Guards got 62 skins to be made into the ceremonial headgear And lirnmins got more publicity than you could huywith pound gold brick Mother Took But Baby Normal Morley and his wife Gail both in their mittens were stunned when they learned in early De cember oi the effects of tha domid st child was due to 1n1Aprii Mrs Motley taking the drug for four months Mr Morley said his wife was near hysteria after another nurse told her the drug could cause defonnitles many stories about and they scored Both spentgsicepless nights Our first reaction was feai distribute the drug Mr Mor ley sa We no longer look at it this way The drug was given by our doctor in good faith He has two other patients who have taken the drug thalidomide and both have had healthybabies invtheJast few weeks before our baby was born we began accept the fact that ii the one we could riabor ot the he ssqk she said later The baby was Hospital dish and thief background of morocco irotn Mnbfonoeb lnvitoiiibylbs institute present he replied in June cannot leave Europe for some tirneBot to agreed to tape messagevsnd this will be It heard at the conferences lun cheo on opening day season awnrrso Minimal now is president of the Action Committee forsl United States of Europe and his measure is expected torefor to what has been termed the historic dedurolionof his com mittee June toono to which President Kennedys July speech may haverbeen anten swer The declaration said skeet shooting when Khrush chov showed thoform lhat enabled him to hit eight clay president of the Pulp and perAssocletidooi Canada Cam ad and tha Common Morlrot the nivernl margins chlnvirrnan of Minoan dd include Vlsdcunpt United Kingdom and the comma Mor Fowler Mo treat Nichols publisher of tho EBd Commonwealth and thoCo moo Marke rel US deputy assistant soc retaryfor Atlantic affairsifhs Uoltedrststos and tho Common Market Prol Barry Gordon Johnson of the University oi litobert Schoe negotiate Britains entry suc sndy Radiation go about their daily chores Verrnont areas At theend ot week Dr that both sides have reached point of no return and there is real desire to cessiuily in Britain the bntiicllnes be tween those for and against the Common Market are becoming more distinct The issue cuts across party lines and trodl tlonnl poilttcal enemies ara finding themselves rallying around thosamo banner VITAL FOB MAG Some experts suggest that Br me Minister Macmllinns own political futureris closely linked with the success or ore of negotiations at this stage Macmliidn has made it obvi out that he hopes to use Brit ains entry into Europe as main pillar of hisplntform in the neltt elections He hasaiso hoped that rough draft of the terms of en try would be available for dis cussion by the Commonwealth prime ministers at their Lon don meeting in September With Instrument CONCORD NH GPAP Canadian doctor has chargeof twostate experith to estnb lish for the first time how much natural radiation the average person is exposed to Dr Aschcr Segall Mont renler who now is research associate at Harvard Univer sitys school of public health has medical students ashls assistants The main scientific tool of their research being carried out in Vermontand New Hampshire is dosimeter This is penlike electrically charged instrument sensitive enoughto calibrate the tiny doses of external radiation that bombard human beings as they Doslmeters are worn daily by selected housewives mailman police officers office clerks laborers merchants and farm ers in to New Hampshire and Segalls assistants round up the dosimeters and rush themto field laboratory where ith measurements are recorded Dr Segall said that natural radiation normally is found only in minute amounts but even these amounts are arger th theiallou fro mic testing CANADIAN FASTCONVENlENT summon wesreno source NORTHERNONTARIOTORONTO IMPROVED WEEKEND SERVICE for holidays Forget the crowded highwayshelax in comfort on CNs oonvenlently Youllxbe at your favorite vac atfon spot before youknow it and youll be land when cheduied Summers Servr you get them Travel our fan daily service too Daylight Sriv Northbound It mm eat service Butte While the economic unity of Europe is being consolidated and slartrnadoon its politi cal unification the cooperation that has already grownup be tween the United states and En ropean countries should gradu sliyha transformed into part nership between united Eu rope and the UniledStatesj President Kennedy in his speedi Int Philadelphia will soy here and now on thls day of indopendenca that the United States will be ready for declaration to in terdependencathat we will be prepared to discuss with Europe the ways and means of taming concrete Atlontle urtnprshlpi The Mount Allison conference on its campus at Saeltville will open with the universitys summer convocation which will be addressed by Prof Al Cnircrze PM Policies LONDON Reuters pa sltlon in Parliament to Brrtish membership in the European Common Market came to boil Monday night Within few hours of re port by Edward Heath deputy foreign minister on the dead locked Brussels negotiations the antiMarket group of back bench Conservative members tabled astrong motion calling on the government to insist on definite assurances for Corn monweaith trade The Bnissels talks are dead locked becsuse ofHeaths de mands for continued guaranteed outlets for Commonwealth farm products after Britain joins the sixnation trade alliance Among thesponsots of the motion which has already been signed by about 40 Con servstive memberswlth more signatures expected are two former government ministers July stated united Labor poriy members issued statement which sharply critical messnge from At thersame time or commlt cc of antiCommon Market neluded For PLUMBING ti Heiimo msrALLnnoNs ATlONAtS ing Time Southbound Sundays only Bead Chicago and formerly of St Francis vi or University Where the World is Going Dr Arthur Smith of Montreal secretory of the Pri vate Planning Association will preside over discussion on The Challenge to Canada with the following speakers Russell Belt Ottnw tent dlrcctorvof research Ca nadicn Labor Congross Bran eols Cloyn Huntingdon president Spinners Co Ltd Hannm president nadinn Federation at Agri turc Dr Norman Mnelfen zio native of Helen County NS graduate of Dalhousio Un iversity former presidentol the University of New Brunswick sod reoeotlyretired president of the Universityrol British Co tumble will be general chnfr man otthomonferenco give sunimary and greeted the premiere anco Monday night of Strat ford Festival production of Ed mond Bostonds Cyrano de Ber gornc heard srsmono out ch renzied ovation rfollfv The critics were nearly unno lmouo in their praise of tho reotment of no lath century romnce by producer ltllchoeij Longhorn and in tho perform ance of Christopher Plummer in the title role in The comment 3i Brook Gill drama critic forDetroit rndlo station worn was typical ll To him the performance runks Earl Aftlee the formerLabor prime minister Leaders of the eommiiieclsaid theyhad the support of possibly l2ooppositlon MPs The committee accused Heath and PrimeMinisier Macmillan of preparing to surrender manyotthe vital interests of the United Kingdom and the rest of the Commonwealth in desperate hurry to reach an agreement before tha British public understands what Is be ing done or has chance to show its disapproval Lord Aitlee said we should not be justified in hastily hand ing over substnntinl power now held by the British Parliament electorate to untried insti tions mainly dependent on Eo ropean countries with unstable political record with the best and outrnnits the lummcr made Cyrano llvs viiatly wittllv nhd wisely Mlchnci Longhorn has taken difficult cio sslc and injected new tile intolt Strstford tins Cyrano to remember The prcmiere Who the fifth and lost of the Strntfordscu son The Tempest and Taming of The Shrew and Gilbert and Sui4 ltvnns The Gondollcrs all op ened several weeks ago assume uncommon Shakespeares Macbeth Loretta Thistle ol the Ottawa Citizen sold the tumultuous op ening hnsbeeniuncqunlled in he festivals 10year history Clapping was obviously in adequate and mostthroots were still too choked up to at low anything as articulate as bravo Sold Ronald Evans of the Tar onto Telegram lt lssimply and exulianlly magnifi eviewcrs was Jacob Sisklnd of the Montreal Star Who declared iormsncc finds its proper focus standing ovation the audience it isdifiicult to decide how eelusnlghtr after lbe ooDecirnbel much of the failure was the re suit of openingnight nerves no how much thevlnhercnt latJr to the production But tome there seemedlittls of the wonder and enchanlmont mail if its forward to so eagerly Plummérplay raid in thoussn on ul ways but hcnover stops playing longenough to Cy SURPASBES ALL 0n thoother hand Edgard Demers oiv ottowa 14 vDrolt wrufaz No Strattord rodue tion has matched thl respect lof mhny of tho ibis affectsiCP 05900ku in connection looked in Bustiers Airmen veredi by Pierre Fournier glstst Ottawa numeral ospitol who performed an uto Dr St atholo pay said the baby was born prematurely but mighthave been normal He testified he found Ushaped Burke Martin tendon Free Press lf Michael Longhorn had given us nothing but ihlsv production at Stralford he would be remembered with affection Herbert Whittaker Toronto Globe and Mail Michael Lnnghumsi richlybestowed per of glory in the performance at ChristopheryPlarnme Blil Boss pttawa The finest and greatest in strollords glittering lo ayenr string of line and great produc ilons Kemp Thompson Kitchener Waterloo Record One of Stratfords most exciting and memorable successes Robert Tanner Bellevilte ln ielllgencer in frenzied made it clear their applause was intended principally for Plummer Michael Langei hamin production has ex celled hlmselt Ona of the fin lsdlction til the The criminal charge was subsequently was placed by Quebec authorities eat productions Stratford has ediate nursepoi resulting Dr Simard use originally ar rested ln Ditawalune as con coroners warra leased by theOttawa court after the Crown said WES 19 it doubted insrks on the babys and that the fmrn death was pneumonia from pressure on the brain and congestion of bloodln the head bother Ontario courts had 1mg case egllgence greatest if not the greats oi Strotfords productions in very personal triumphfor Christopher Plumm His per formance uts hi firmly lntha front actors olhis forever rank of the noradrenaline before yotig nd calling ahead sagood habit too