This is what happens to your helritstands on end when you touch brick that had been hit by lightning it happened in New Orleans to nunensure sweetenerg Lee Thomas an engineer Midterm iottt veers selt tollt in sunshine was outwit wreak Europca Common Market But whileWest Europel having boom Comecon pointed to the spot for the at New Orleans unfunnyphotographer be touched one building that was hit Satur day afternoon by bolt of lightning When ihomas aitbe bricks and received a7 harmless but hair raising charge or static electricity A17 Wircphotcl Argue On Importance ommon MarryPlons By FORBES RlIUDE Canadian Pres Business Editor GENEVA PARK Ont iCPl No French experts disagreed on whether or noteeonomtc in togration In Europe wiiilead to olitical union lit session oi summer conterence oi the Canadian institute on Public Iii inlrsI ProiRaymond Aron oi the iEoole Prathue des iinutcs Etudes Paris said he does not think political union will result at least not at any foreseeable date while Etienne Hirsch until recently chairman of the commission of the European Atomic Energy Commission said such union is inevitable They also disagreed on the importance of ihe institutions set up under the European Common Market Mr Hirsch said their strength isa primary reason for the Markets prog rcss Prof Aron said that while rules have been put on paper 1they have no power without the will at the six governments CLOSE 10 AGEEEiNG Mr Hirsch felt that economic decisions govern political deci sions but Prof Aron thought this was only partially so He commented Foreign pol icy for instance is not mat ter of economics but condition fog survival Mr Hirsch is convinced there will be political integra tionbut he is not sure say am not sure but also that dont think it is nnecassiiy At another point Prof Aron cemented In terms of cultural hope we never have common iden tiiyi in terms of state hope it will be tomorrow but dont believe so The session whose topic was isms and attitudes in the new Bus Moscow APJRussia has built the worlds most modern navykits chief cl Admiral Sergei Forshkov said the iieets basis is atomic submarines armed Iwith rockets and torpe doeaw1th nuclear warheads The Sovietnaval conmrnnder made the boast Sunday in Pravda article commcmorot Navy Day Part of the co tion included ateicvision pro gram from the Baltic port oi Leningrad showing submarine that resembledUSi eie powered underwateri crait Many Western experts believe the SovretNavy includes subs capable of underwater firing at lmils essimilar to the US Po an The Soviet nest is now more modern than thenavyoi any capitalist country Gorsbkov wrote inPravda fThe basis oi our naval iieet ls atomic submarines armed with poweriiii rockets and ham ing torpedoes with nuclear war heads The have hichzapeed vgrentdepth of submersion and can operate in extended peri ods the most distant rev SUBSAREFAST Soviet ViceAdmiral Zoh arov said Saturday Sovietlnw clear submarines areiaster and more manoeuv can subs in anotiierNavy Day aitlcle ov soittlh an interview Europe also heard its that word from Eastern Europe tor Polish instituteoi Internav tlonnl Aiinlrs Wrsaw said several European countries do rope He added that he does not underestimate the importanca oi the Common Market but he would have expected to hear some words irom the speakers on hawte jmprovereiations in Europe He was not impressed with old cliches Prof Aron replied Western Europeis the subject oi the con ference and was asked to speak about the Common itinr kci improving relations be tween Eastern and Western Eu rope is not our subject but in any event have no blueprint for peace it is not question oi whether we have anything new tosny but whether we have any thing true to say Asked whether in the event that Britain ioins the Common Market the Commonwealth and Aron said the general attitude of the European six appears to be that ii Britain enters it will not be possible for her to maintain the special Common wealth arrangements that have existed We always coexist he added with friends and coe mics It is not aquestion of whether the Common Market will coexist with the Common wealth but in what spirit In agricultural products he said the trend now is to find world solutions seen us STAND William Diebold in senior research fellow Councilon For eigchiatiime New York was asked where Canadniits in his new submarines have jeur neyed under the Arctic ice cap feat iirst accomplished by the American nuclear sub Nautilus in August 1958 Trad the labor union news paper carried an eyewitness account of missiles weighing riseveraitoas being from subm lnes durin ype weapons systems which hesibaasted oifor some time vin fleet units in Leningrads Neva River showed mostly co ventionnl fcruis destroyers SCENIC optimum rounsonrnr or devoteepanama Adults 5150 Chlidrchuoder ti so Dr Jerry Snwiclti vicadirucv not constitute the whole of Eli the market will coexist Prof ometWesiern naval spe that Russia now has then Thelthreehour telecastoi So chored rn President Kennedys conception of partnership with Europe He replied that it is naiirral lust new to place emphasis on trade relations with Europe but the partnership trend was not iust matter otthc us and Europe The word Atlantic ma losing its geographical coimotation Australia and New Zealand must come into any agricultural dis cussions and Jepanlnto discus sions on Southeast Asia The Canadian government he commented has not made clear what role Canada would want to iiom Found Legal vTOEONTottCP Shell Oil Company of Canada Limited says it has received opinion of counsel that its $114000000 takeaverbld to Canadian Oil Companies Limited is legal Power Corporation oi Canada owner at about 25 per cent at Canadian Oil had questioned whether the alter made week ago satisfied legal require meats Sheil Oil Canadianarm ot the west international itayaiiDutch Shell group last week bid tor the take over through its wholly wned subsidiary the Hesper Oil Company Limited Iew Not Attending Vatican Council NEW Your CF The World Jewish Congress has decided not to send an unofficial obi server to attend the van den council scheduled to open in home Oct Several weeks ago be con gross whicbseekstosaieguard the rights status and interests at Jewsand Jewish communi tiesrthrough thenworld an trounced thatDr Chaim Wardi member oi the isrnclt minis try of religion the Vatican meeting Saturday it was disclo that Dr Nahum Goldmann congress vprcsidenthad cancelled the an pointment becauseioiv the feeling insomedewish quarters thatit would be improperrtodake part in gathering concernedp arily withlioman Catholic doc trine About 100a bps erv era Tep otcsta and= East Phone one 418 PLUS canroan would attend cording to Weslcm economists has felled miserably meeting was held in Moscow rccontlyto try to put newbie into it Comecoosct with 1058 to in egrate the economics at the So vietuirlon Hungary Roland East Germany Bulgaria lie mania and Czechoslovakia Upto that time each haddea velopcd heavy industry regard less oiavniiability oiraw ma terieis cacti produced the same or similar goods all attemde to becomcfseli suiiiclent and suiiered from the same short ages couumms erectruse Comecon pushcd the idea that each country specialise Poland was to expand its pro duction at coni sulphur and otherrewrnaierlals Romania was to concentrate on oil and petrochemical industries Crech osiovalda was to build up me dium in ustiy automobiles and tramport Hungary world do vdepu ttndustryv iiuge dustriaipmiectslikc big teel compimi on the Dan ubcjnear Budapest suddenly became idle orthe plane were scrapped investment capital wEnt down the drain Rich countries like Creche elevakla were told to put up money or investments in PM appoints Young Chiei LONDON Reutersl Prime MlnleterMemilllan Sunday con tinued the treatment at inject ing young blood lntovhla gov ernments image Those year old Macmillan whose Conservative party has suifercd big popularity dip in recent months followed up his tweweekold appointment of relatively young treasury chiei lteginald Moulding 45 by more changes giving younger men iopfperrnanent posts in the treasury and elsewhere treasury spokesman said Sir Laurence ilelsby 54 will succeed Sir Norman Brook who recently reached the normal ire tirement age oi 60 as joint permanent treasrny domech civil service Bmokalso has been secretary of the cabinetuilndcr the latest changes following lilacmilians big cabinet shekeup 48yearold Sir Burke Trend will be the new cabinet secretary Trend has been treasury see and secretary whiieiiieisby has been permanent secretary at the labor ministry In another change William Armstrong 47 third secretary at thetreasury will succeed sir Frank Lee 58 as the other joint pemiancutsecretary to the treasury lee has been planning to retire in September to become master of Oxford Universitys Corpus Christi Col lege fission BINGO MB WlEDNESDAY lACKPOT $50 cause on nvsnv wear is accurate ROUNDS tannin run wean noon eniza LscioNHAit sir on Highway 11 71 course sr yourH on was Loessi mWleUId GYPflAn interim cider contain teiil ery visited all so tl teraias one mitts thatlhe Comb kl tit raw mate andsembiï¬r roducisgihhey cannot get irom iésguis ivihey sell food other prod ucta tor hard currencies in the goat so they can buy supplies cy authors Bold Step BRUSSFJS iAPllhe Acorn mon Market today took itcmost audacious step towardiintagrat lag thereconomies oi the six partners tbethree Boneliot countries France itaiy and WestGermsnystnce the Eu vropean community was set up tit years ago The occasion marked the in troduction oi the first stage oi their Common Market agricul tursl policythat integrates the slit marketing organisations for cereals pork fruit and Vega tabiee eggs poultry and wine Wantbodyg LONDON AP Communist delegations have demanded the body at Romanian woman whodied in hospital during thaweekead alter an explosion at the home of the Romanian minister inLoudoa No otherwomen and man all Romanians were injured by the blast Session Opens earn nonssr NWi ice The 350 Mime of Cape Dur set Sunday night welcomed the Northwest Territories council the legislature of the north alt Robertson the council commissioner opened the spin mcr session of thecounclt in this Arctic settlements modern new community hall Ii anate Vietts LONDON ReuterstDr Mi chael Ramsey left here by air today for Moscow on the first visit to Russia by an archbishop oi Canterbury The threcuday visit oi the Pri mate ot the Church of England munion betweenthe worlds tAinglican and Orthodox Chris sie Boos Plan GENEVA AP LtGen Burns Canadas chief delegate atttie 17nntion dis armament talks told the con ference today that Soviet pro posals ior ending the arms race are unrealistic end impracti cable Speaking on behalf of the Western powers Burns told the conferences 63rd plenary ses iiussian disarmai out siderbbiy weakened vi that of the Communists War saw treaty bl Cow by cs Loxe no lime la site eir own Cominunlst coi is aimed at eventual intercom the call but many oi them HURONIA DRIVEN TONIGHTVand mamas UIDEHPMMER rioapffllflfitï¬sfldmii isfho numb orblocfwldssye as tredeoalcncev rn to the rival Common they harvested is and looked sitarmalnte ancaot summertiroperttesln summcrldoingcnrpentcr work and otheriobs Sevon children were raised in tioiieadci and are nowjlivingdn various on of Ontario with th creep ni oiMrsDniton Manon the eidcstdaugbter whojlivcsgin the oidiainilSL omcsï¬iiil have returned ham or theihrnerot gottheir iathcrjwho is survived byghis widow and bro iandoa htr Vaughan wh caniined to wheel chair tor the pastriive yearsslnce his legs were amputated tor achs latory alhncnt spenthis 94th birthday outoidours last week enioying meeting many old trieads heart condition rushed him to hospital where he died on Friday iollendal was once thought at as the likely place icr county town and plan was laid outior tha townsltc in loot However when the rail way circled the hey the sins tion was put at Allandnie so Toiicndal has become sum mer resort with numerous per manent homes along the boy couple at yearsogo we had pleasant visit with Mr Vaugh an and had story and pic ture of the old mill as it stood on Lovers creek where grain was brought to be milled from many places across the lake as well as bywegon tram the surrounding area GRASS FIRES Another grass the required the servic oi the lnnlsltl Fire Department on Saturday when tire of unknown origin was burning beside the road on the 14th line west near where number oi reiorested trees were destroyed last year Fortun ately ihisyear the fire did not reach the tread area 0n the back of this years trx notices is an extract of the fire bylawwhich outlines the pen city for starting tires in the township without permit the fire on Saturday was most like ly startedby clgeï¬tto thrown from car lioweiiler ii the son or persons were re gamble can be located they will be dealt with under the terms of the bylaw Previously when tire got out of control and the fire equipment had to be sent to it the persons re sponsibie wera allowed to set tle by paying forthe casts of did not respond to the render ing of the account Since the advertising at the tire bylaw on the tax bill this procedure will be changed and the charge will result in an appearance in court followed bycullectlon of the costs oi fighting the tire The recent rains may have somewhat tightened the dung erous tire conditioner but throw ing lighted cigarette onto the roadside can be danger ous fire hazard at any time Persons who would be careless enough to be the cause of burn ing newly planted forest TUESDAY slur cek isnnstctbetciecirieal loll Hermit whenlho over the territory co Over zoo boomerang wcrcsoid on the grounds and each but chaser hada lesson in throw ing ina ort timothccir wascllve the missiles be lnglbrown duowcrs csrisnrannononaa qWe quote irarn the Australia lettcr You will be most in tended to learn that our day was oiilcialty opened by hir Dorrie Ford accompanied by his wife They come from Eric 1tlsh columble and were the all lcial representatives at therea nadlan nndc Commissioner in Sydney They opened proceed lngs by respectively throwing brickcnd rolling pinv Mrs Ford threw the pin Just tow lnchcs further than her bus bands brick iihoy havebe in Sydney for in months decision will bereccired on inst how We will celebrate the Brick andiioiling Pin contests when the committee meeu kit er en Adventisthle HasEiecteci Negro son snancisco tAPtTha 49th World Conference of the SeventhDay Adventist Church has elected Negro as one of its loan general vicepresidents Also the head at Negro group within the church dc clared at pretest meeting Sun dayvtbat the churchs racial plans are patently designed to reduce to tho bnrcst minimum the contact between blacks and whites conicrence spokesman said election ci Frank Peterson 65 oi Washington DC as general viccpresident was not in answer to protests of the Negro group the iaymcns lead ership group but was based on Petersons church service which began as teacher in Louis ville Ky in Bus iii standing charge in speech broad to Helm udio at aihydrodw on Igirth aborteoariacrt in srou sarong the nu frurvivals oi Stalins roncomj prehcnclun WWW tore badetho joining oi colic er use lhddbib liehsd cried under standing olthmsicm at now chiiletpmduction prtmi sc Khrushchev went Buistaiin has long time and clued what was turning to the Winner copier yP his bentagcWs must motthcm out in order tcunbiud tbev blandsai agricultural prod only IMPERIAL now snowme EVEN no can Performance Award banner Film Futiicl 1m liurrsy Melvin Winner Int Psrternicnca Intd osnnn llini momma illness cit ltttish imminent Words lire Bannister insuliieientToEx rose TilOTtliB gualityinii Extent iii Inquence iiotintoThisaPicturelt it In In MoNEvW at iiY liiNii msnnemwaer They bank by mail the oiMway You can get full details witcont obligation or your redress of branch Why nocjraliin or write today