Thcse longncckcd poihr bears are considered kings oi the Arctic and their living Monncns or rnonrn habits aro being studied to develop management pro gram that will assure their tsurvivalA survey by the Canadian Wildlife Service is headed by Dick liarlnglon 29 yearold Calgary ozoologist Because at his lob hes the cooperativeClinics Mistrusted By VDoCtors BIGGAR Sash iCPtAbatii hit persons day call at trim pin and white bungalow here on quiet residential street They arc seeking treatment under Saskatchewans hicdicai the Care Insurance Act The building houses non pmlit coopcraiivo clinic one Loi live set up in the slacednly The clinics are an outgrowth oi the nowsettled Saskatchewan medical care dispute and their expansion is giving many doct tarssomethiag new to worry about Ailoperate directly under the act and make no charge ior medical treatment Doctors in the clinics are reimbursed by the govamrnent The clinics are linked inns in provincial organization which Is busily coordinating eiiorls to set more Organi sersaay the ethics arose In grassrootsreaclion tn the Sons katchewan doctors boycott of medical care plan csosao THEIR nooaa Most private practitioners closed their doors with the im piemontatlon oi the act July On the one side citizens sup ï¬lming the doctora stand rai 11 ed around KcepOur Doctors Committees which organized protest rallies and demonstra tiaas Others in favor oithe com puiaory plan began holding meetings at their own Crowds oi 500 were common and they wanted clinics By the time the boycott ended last Monday with doctors on Sundayme 2a Starring William Holden and Liiil Palmer Vin Chunterieit Traitor playing at the Roxy Theatre Sunday province government agreement the co operatives were ilrmiy en trenched rCiorcnca Lyons Saskatoon union oliiclal and tirst head at provincial association said our iulltlmc organizers are now on the road helping citi zens groups get up clinics At least ozcn communities havanrgnnizetions set up to start clinics been in addi tion to the live that already have them HELPS START CLINIC Mr Lyonshelped sat up the Community Health Services Cli nic in Saskatoon others are no ing at Prince Albert they burn and Itcglna In addition to BI gar actors generally are waieh ing the movement grow with suspicion and distrust litter their bitter light with the gov ernment they now iind them selves inced with new enem although none will anyit olil cially One prominent doctor in Sos katoon said it the cooperative clinics keep on growing well ave another war on our an sin parlor the agreement that ended the boycott doctors are allowed to practise outside the act and nearly all the 600 pri vate practitioners Inthe prov ince are expected to do so They say the act is threat tovtheir freedom and they now whom the cilnlesos an other thrent since they operate under the act it the clinics continue to grow they could wean many patients operative clinics trom doctors practising outside the act and perhaps change the taco oimcdicalcnre in the province SPLIT APPAEENT Nowhere is the split more symbolically apparent than in Bigger town oi 3000 near Saskatoon and lying in the com stltucncy represented by Pro mior Woodrow Lloyd in the leg islature Five blocks ier the coop erotlve clinic erated by the Bigger and strict Citizens Medical Health Association is private clinic oporated by Dr Hoogo Dr Iiooge closed his tourdoctor clinic during the boycott and reopened It aitcr it WEE WET iiut iarmcr Roy Atkinson director oi the cooperative cli nicsays there is no real ani mosity Dr Iioogc and his doc tors wcro invited to join the oil nlc hutdeciincd he said Mr Atkinson said the Bigger coopcrativo clinic was suc cess irorn the start July when group at citizens organized public meeting The organization snowbaiicd and $40000 worth at loan capi tnl was raised In three days through donations Several tsoo donntlonawero made butmost dill were tor the $10 minimum iNCOitPOltATE CLiNiC Following the pattern of other cooperative cllnlce it is now being incorporated under the Mutual Medical and Hospital Bcneiit Associations Iict Two doctors Imported tirom Britain on tem rsry contracts have been supp ied by the Med ten sion which has actively sup ported the establishment ot cm The house was rented tor $125 month But theaissoetatio is looking around tor site to child build permanent clinic 1i have never seen anything like it said Mr Atkinson veteran oi producer cooperau tIvc movements think these clinicsnra going to mushroom all over the province itUiLi AVIATION GIANT L08 ANGELES ADJames Kindeibergcr 67 board chairman at North American Aviation incorporated dicdr Fri day of congestiveheartiaiiure lIo built thorium irom small holding company in was into 51000000000 yoar giant making XIs rocket planes Thor and Atlas missiles anrlthe proposed tirat US moanship cosy harms iho DDay account oi the Allied invasion of France in Eds4 will hercpcatedby NBC ronrscv Househoua or itEMPENFELI aAv agalng signs the Care insurance Commis reacy dio hunt and shoot lsrv bears in the Canadian orlh CF Photot CAPSULE NEWS Tum io Beet MONTREAL CP Quebec breeders have been told largo scale switch from dairy to set cattle would he the only thing that would save the small isrmer Mrs Pittield at uh suburban tom the Canstiilru Shorthom Association and Quo beo Shorthorn Club held meet ing said there is territlc tential tor beet cattle in One bec no in sign MONTREAL CF Nsariy 000 hogs have been dostroycd in Quebecstaes the outhmir oi bog cholera two weeks ago says Dr Henri Iroalea rc glonal director oi animal health services tor the icdcral depart ment oi agriculture However Dr Iroalon said Friday there arsvory encour bc checked soon capitoncw outbreaks expected next week Beer Not 0H rcaonro calonly local the dispute that threatencdrto taco Ontario with its second beer drought in tour years Settlement at industry wide ercnces between the brew era and the Brewory Molt and Sott Drink Workers interna tional Union tCLCt was an nounced by Louis Fine Ow traios chic conciliator Another Baby roaouroicrlaao Globe and Mail says an armless and legiess baby has been born to the wife at London Ont obstetrician The newspaper says the baby has been undergoing corrective surgery there in the hopotha me be able to live more normal ie 55 ARGZNTINAGETS AID WASHiNGTON iIiPl The United States has announced broad program oi assistance to help Argentina out oi iinan ciai Jam The immediate aid will run about $100000000 The credits publicly pegged to Ar gentinas promisesto help It sell in every way possible are ii for development protects and tobolster the countrys cur HURONIA idemle win With issues remain to be settled in p51 Nicky unannounced toeflhit that in Mali dost bea lltlcslnlsiv my to the ordocrman It pa ere gpohsibliiity ifofr Britains pg mm age on me cuss Idlug Ii the stioosi moat Councilwere the Ideas Sslwyn Lioyd the sacked chsncoliar otthe oxcbarpicr who tor more than car had borne tirebrunt at pub to disapproval over his ciiorts tomato these schemes Into nationsi to corner policy UNIONS CRACKED ii the wage item designed to last until productivity and one rts come more into line with Edwards Icracked1 all the severe pop is un ions whoodiï¬dihe government and won Increases When the balance at any Ni aunts improved bit and it became obvious he couldnt hold the line on ay Lloyd relented and otter his guiding light plan lor holdin about collapsed Noddy made at tougher to EliGuard Admits ToWIiistles While Wearing Natty Attire TORONTO iCP Anthea Shnanson one oi two Don garlic dismissed last Doom alter hairdressing centre versy has told hearing beiors Jud Bennett that his clvi on clothes sometimes drew woii whistler irom other Illards Tho hearin ordered byite lorm institutons Minister line troll to investigate complaints increases to to percentThatoohastust gintlrnd IO macaw ï¬lfltw has isthmus vm ultecstsgurridm OKEEFE ETRE FRONT iii YOHGE UNGMAN ihttwatmimmmw hatDA mum so was Till flfllu cm IIOII ON ANY ulan It ecsuoswnsnrsxnloomeoas NOI maniac contaminant an Iowa inimiumwigenomin mum rs use iv dcpcndsntiiod towbloh arm can error iyieoi on puts can tor on whether sdornsod is lair too oonomlc Dovetv his with the interest it would have power to co torcs Its findings sad could not interiors wilhexisting machin arr for negotiations It worrid rs on amusing public opinion on Illa thopsrty it tell to be at suit sn nnbarrssslng pe on over too high tobslcompsli 671 1st Located on on use oi On an artery to Marni ma um Tomato rainy Is Plum Ore us not organised in am imile those who count or wlfll not stairwï¬clnmurï¬i romeo on so cv 29mm TOMORROW AMONDAY in inviting the unions to in city the vernment hassgut mmm them in position when be damned it they do damned It they dont It Is in oilset challenge uaionshnsialy through as Union Congress io give positive help interest wager policy All Comedy Show Csrry 0n Admiral IMPERIAL EV authorities were considered in 700 In 900 adequate and previous rdva sacs procedure had been re volrad by orderinoormeii We What it repo age onlyior ha und and hadnotiatendedit housed ARTS series by simonson and James Keno tags that they were on only tired was adjourned riday no date retlor ramp on gSirnonson was iircdior re lcasin to the run interma tIon at thir guard Bran dan Kcatinge so now in Eng land had been suspended loc dyeing his prematurely grey Kcatlngs wholwos president oi the tail branch oi the Civil Service Association oi Ontario was tired tor refusing to answer questions In connection with the as ea Bimonsonsl admission came alter he shown photo graph oi hmsoii In light tattle three quarter length top out cap and yellow paisley scar by diaries Dubln counsel for the returns instituv lions department Earlier be instilled he was criticized by jail Governor Da vid Dougnii ior his clothesior takings parttime job rlulibe lilting as Don tiaii guar mens hairdressing salon and lorndvising Kcatingeto get his hair dyed block at the salon Ho snidho was told there would he no room ior him on the stall unless he chnagcd his style oi dress Simoason said he decided alter this Interview in iniorm thoï¬ress oi what he considered an rtcrence with his private liteu knew such action was againstlall regulations no grievv under the impression no griev ahcavprocedure existcdat the Carl Bowen general tears tary oi the civil service arse elation said complaints to the DRIVE SUNDAYMONDAYanthlESDAY am snitch Whats may no to see the Imus pallissdcd Iluron Indian your reconstrnota ed under the careful supervision oi Dr Wiiirld Jury noted Care action archaeologistaad bistoa isa Ova mfgleetniaol icagtbédtbs Village repr no lion oi indian lite in this country more than 300 years ago It Is highly recommended by teachers and educational authorities Its only short drive Esmtt to Midland and the gm Irina lull 0F arms so lsst IIIIIIION VIIIAG incrementlest cashing Inseam gig issblsglm om Daily Mb Sande 130 p111 par Adults so Children to editors sass Mas rinses sonar THE NOTORIOUS lANDLADY THE PULSE it THE Btliitiiiti itilitliiEiiS Til Milli BEN MiliiiliiPiiliiliiE Ailiitiilitilitgi emandnow errors can pan we open vou so sea is Viaricer jraa steamer A1 13040 and LOVE WILLIAM LILLI H0105 PALMER TAT 230 330 730 and ado Adults fldo Children under it so DttANEY BOATtINESj cove Docs FOOT or Business PA 66413 rouajnoargavaitaate FOiMH area