seesaw iyflt semi tobe bec mingan varVin sales to tor tha ascurrsnt dollar crisis ankle in Cornwall recently Trade ter eat uared off against Brit ish Columbias mler Bennett Mr Bennett he cia med was the sole orig that cause of al the trouble by nation slicing the British Columbia Electric Cosnd thereby causing private capital to flee from Canada Brandln this accusation as wild elec tion talk Premier Bennett prompkiy shoved the blame right back onto Hees doorstep The cause of the dol lar crisis he aaid was series of inter nationaltrade deficits under the Con servatlve overnment the federal bud getary dc cit and the enormous of left of such crown corporation as CNll TCA and the CBC The interesting aspect oi this charge cream ular ein olitlcsl cir layï¬lsg blsmg elsewh ea investor conï¬dence sponsible for the flight of foret riv mcfsure dolar difficulties Without question Premier Bennetts illadvised national isation ofBCElectrnfc has undermined capital from the country et tis ualiy true that the governments per sistent deficit spending the staggering losses of the crown corporations and series oilinternaiional trade deiiclts have also contributed to the dollar crisis it would an ear to be high time that these two gen lemen rather than trying to unload the blame on each other set about the more importanttask of right ing the wrongs that lie in their respec tive jurisdictions For one merely to blame the other in this instance smacks suspiciously oi the kettle trying to call the pot black Canada And Ellromdrt The first report of the Canadian Trade Committee of the Private Planning As sociation of Canada deals with the im act of European integration on Canada it was re ared on behalf of the com mittee By Wllgress who has had long and distinguished career as diplomat wlth detailed knowledge of international trade relations The com labor agricultural and educational lead mitiee is comprisedof about 50 business ers from all parts oi Canada and is on sored by the Planning Association ich is nonprofit research company incol porated in 1058 One of the primary conclusions rea ched in the report is that fthe United Kingdom has become convinced of the imperative need torjoin the European Economic Community If it is human fat in overcoming the vet ï¬reatobatacles that stand in the way of tmemherahi Canada will have to accept the challenge thatthls implies This ll involve many difficulties in makingithe adjustments that will be necessary hutthe stimulus afforded by this necessity mayimake Canada stronger nation and nation better fitted to achieve its destiny Mr thgress rejects several possible courses oi Canadian action as not both recticable at this time association wit EC the creation of an Atlantic COW munity the Commonwealth as alfree trade area and the formation of free tradesreawlth the United States We can agree with him on all these except the possibility of an Atlantic Community The strong support lgiven the EEC by the United States and bold and ima unit ive program of President Kennedy flt us trading interests into the EEC de velo ment could be emulated by Canada andghe result could well he thequiet but vineacap Vble growth of true Atlantic economic community Certainly such growth could not be expected overnight but it laiogically to be expected At least attention to it would give Canadian trade policy focus this that hasbaen lacking waging past few years noun MEMORY LANE l5 vanes nee Mews ITEMS Barrie ExaminerV July 17 1047 Orange Celebration held herehad esti mated 2500 on parade headed by Barrie Ciiisens band Laking Past WM 01 Barrie Lodge was general chairman Rev Clements Mlnesin Grand Chaplain for Ontario West ch ed ro gramofspeakers who included an Ferguson Coliingwood MP for Sim coeNorth and Rev Wallace Doaner Duntroon MPP for anferlnSimcoe Rev James Carder from Hearst in ducted as ministerof Burton Avenue and Holly United Churches Bob Btb by presentedtcheque from Barrie Legion at lab 79 banquet to Barrie Memorial Hospital Committee BarrieGun Club transfera site from Sunnidale Road to former gravel pit at Coiwell Barrie police nipped 27 drivers for speeding manager of Canada Railway News Com Banys restaurant at Allandele station on Coxall reported on Barrie and Allan dale Boy Scouts at Camp Wildman on Georgian Bay Wilson from Brampton named general agent for CPR at Cam Borden Alfred Brooks at Shanty ay had 1018 Ford still in oadV running order Restoration of art Ste Marie begu on banks offliver Wye it near Midland Statistics forsenior softballloo showed Maury Stransmsn ofVCNltlea hitter with 429 average Pat Polando same team led pitchers with five wins in six starts John Hist lop Con Innlsfil bought registered red poll heifer calf for 100 in April from winter earnings intended to start his own herd John found it last night in woodlot shot to death Barrie bat tery of 45th Antiviank Regiment com Csnadaand is re Iodtheal have my tubes mph are likely all art Buiiclliltioom at ma llBltllitY 7Â¥F°undilr Great Empire Pride of Lions By Monica Stirling Pride oi Lions wrilicn LiMonicn Stirling is about edema Letizia mother of Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleons mothcr was an outstandingbenuty as well as cause eons energetic and gnlfle womanwho never ceasedtobe the centre of the lionapsrte family Madame Letizia was hem in Corsica and at the age oi teen married er ltiara Bonaparte an eighteenyearnld law student who belonged to the island nobllltyCorrlca at this time was in state of political unrestand both Carlo and Letizia were passionately interested in the islands strug gle for independence Carlo at turtle attention as an orator but ilzla although sharing her husbands political views was mainly concerned in rail ing her family With the French mnqueat of Corsica Carlo becasna an im portant man roilticaliy and when he via ted Verselllesin 1702 Letizia went with him and met Mute XVI and Marie Antoinette The French revolu on brought civil war to Cor sica where Leliain now win ow and her children were hunted by the antivarsnch party Napoleon rescued his family and took them to France where for while they lived in povertyand exile Let lea endured therhardahlps oi those years andnevcr lost her affection for her children Ultimatelyb at saw her favoritc son Napoleon found an empire Three of Letislas lode This book includes the pen renal story of each of the seven queens rather than the history covering each of the seven per In each story we find the questions Shall Iever reach the thronoi and the inter question Whom shall marryf Na girlgeon be born to be Quecnnnd no princess can over he sure of becoming queen as long as titers Via choneeoi younger brother or slepbrothor being born In this book there is this element oi uncertainlty in the early life of each future queen Then too queens choice in marriage is oven more important than that of king especially in period when sovereign wields rsonai Ipower In each case he quest on of who will rule next arises and doubts as to the succession and drama to the tale of the English queens because in one case the queen decided not to marry Mothers were chlldless Thenroligion is also all im portant factor This plays vital part in four of the seven iiyos stnco four queens lived in times when faith was the main political issue dividiag England and Europe alike In this book The Seven Queens Of England Mr Trease brings us the story of each of the queens and gives us anasc innting account of the excite meat and romance of their reigns Jenny By Gladys Danny Shells In the nineteen century Jenny Lind was famous pcr sonalit well known forhor tremendous influence on Jenny and Jenny tried tofollow her advice striving for purity in thought and action she would refuse any role she con sidered degrading As soon as Jonnyilnished Keying the lioon directors for or education she started to charities for whichsho later bccnmofnmous She began these charities from the tny surplus she had left from her own needs and those of her parents in the United States Jenny found happiness and fame Thousandsoi people iiocksd to hear her sing and it was also here that she met and married Otto Goldschmldt Among Jennys admirers was Hans Christian Anderson who frequently are as marriage but was consistentiyicfuscd Although Jenny moved in the highestclrclcs she was always aba to find the time to sing for the old and sick and to share the money that her voice brought her with less fortunatepeople BIBLE THOUGHT Brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved Romans 401 When you are for others remember that hair salvation is most important oi all for the blessings of life and the destinyVof souls depends upon it ways had gt 101 andnbsvs msdï¬mliea udine to prevent further Some people even at Shem go ems does or tubes tied isnet sum alien loroost hospitals thongsa cutouts do this rests with special comnulteeiot doctors or at least consultation with lv doctor other than your eon Id faciora are taken into cons iteration lichen cant are awer directly wbyrihf hogs dogs in yourlcasoul pure standpoinf your letter indicates what is known as prodiabetle condition You dont in other words have full blown ia bctes but premney brln temporary diabetes or iaterin life Being thus forewarned they can beon thew alert and At least once or twice aycsr Such cases discovered early can then bekept under controi with comparative slm pllclty Tying oi the is or harmful to your health era tently caution regainst ving this done for trivial purposes since too often woman later decides she wants more chil dren and then the altelnptito Leayer To See sen reopen the lighter is difficult and may not successful at all it has been done but it is utterly Impossible to guarantee success across em Machines nr interventions Lennon lnuund Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON liiachines that can tilt and transplant mature tree ias tall as so feet without harming them are now at work in Britain New housing estates need no longer wait un til young saplings have after the passage of many years grown tothe status of shade trees With the use of these machines the new towns and their council estates are being provided with fullygrown trees of mature BEE The Civic Trust has acquired twozoi these machines and it plans to transplant at least thousand trees in London this your DEMONSTRATION GIVEN Brighton town eouncll also as one of these machines and it was used in nstriking dem onstration of what they can ac copllsh The demonstration bei gun at Brighton Councils nurs cries at Steamer Park Two trccawcre lifted One was toll silver birch and the other Japanese flowering cherry in full bloom They then left by load to be transported to Chel an alternates it there as llrnft for plastic rgeryt Ceul fseeliitiug makeuone of so look youngest Deea leave scarf Hewleng does it lasts Whois the foremost go 11de the more premature sagging exists the more useful the procedure One can look younger ut your hands neck figure it whether youcad Vdan and still have some ergyi the morningelitism will disclose youthrue pect more of ting th itcando Th sears alrnost invisible and any eve tare cov ered byyour hslrdoihe earth of timeths surg lestsV de ti on indlvldu skin texture care you take of it general health etc It never lasts for ever There are scores plastic surgeons topnoteb Lift Transplant ï¬tter5 sea wheta tisey were repia in The Garden of Today last Th trees were first prepared for removal by the digging of circular trench seven feet away from the case to cut th roots The prepared birch weigh ed approximately three tons with its roots and the surround lng earth These ware wrapped and protected by aacklngThe bark tomwas protected by coiled rope before clampwss fixed on It The mechanical trce remover lifts up the tree verticallyanti then lays it at an angle on trailer ready for towing There and this cut down the risk of damage that might have occur red Stanley Humphrles techni cal adviscr to Brightons super intendent of parks and gardens said that the machine was in vented by Christopher New man of llertfordshire re able to transplant mature tree 15 years oldand up to If is no manhandllng oi the tree height of 40 ieethithaut dam aging it We are transplanting mandadiby Major Clark returns from weeks training at Meaford Ranges arrie Society tops all clubs in Die xtrlct 5A of Ontario Horticultural Associa tion for membership and achievement in past year Bass Lake Coop starts work on new park Dalton Emma acor ed as Barrie Hawks beat Edgar 10 in Cm Soccer League mm mm magn icont voice and for her flamcgflggm kindness and charities Monica Stirling has followed lnthil book the author Letialaa iife from biltil in the Glad 5W 133 15 PM reign of Louis xv to her hat ltflry of enny Jenny death just before Victoria be was homely unwanted files cam queen England It ltimatcchlld but in spllaof one of great interest and the Mitchells hesitated childhood reader willtnote that some of item the m0 10011le the quaint which an Nap man of her time Somehow oleon his place in hstory can Jim able Aim be traced to his mothoryhiad the feeling of lnlerlortty and Granada Theatre installs new protection unit and air conditioning Mr and Mrs Langlaan andiiamlly arrive from Holland to reside at anesing with relatives Ito er Weisman selected as one of 12 Ont Boy Scouts to attend World Jamboree at Paris France Vic tor Knight retiresattests years as motheranri three children per capita cost of 8450 Wedraw this to public attention to dicate that such services are not free cornea EDITOBSTV SERVICEIS COSTLY Quebec ChronicleTelegraph Britainsnational medical and health service cost the people more than 150000000 last year an increase of 115 ous yearrFor per cent over the prevf population of 50000000 this represents If we think in terms of family of father it meansthat Bx The amer xaminer rt Sgt Citin bersï¬inifb may use payment of postage in air nadays and Statutory Holiday mm wanna Partisan BRIAN ILLICIT ushers Manager onascrnsasors lilting Idiior EAR WADE my to Ontario Cathcirt VVancon anadt1n Prssaits nssf ro hid AflCaVnadian Atlantic SalmonWhich had been tagged in the estuary of the Milami xpayer is charged $2250 as an num for this service although emay never know that heispayingit In any government 2coveredin tax bills dividuals or corporations Exc se and sai es taxes arepald by the consumerdc too are the corporation taxeslndeed all of the coat of government iacharged to taxpayerconsumer And that $2250 these expenses are pernfamilyloorns very large if Canada evergets involved in similar scheme we maybe sure the cost will be equally as heavy Logo SWIM 71 Uhesco Features chi VRiver nearChatham New Brunswick wgs caughtsouthofv Sukkertoppe in nd bou 10 months iaterVafter an ocean ire of somei500emfles dihis or the longistmlgratloa sher The recapture of the fishoff Green 1and seems to suggest that salmon from both sides lofthe North share the same feeding ober $1050 salmon eCrolchos re Scotian capturednearsukkertopp rereign not theeonaortoi reigning king Seven Queens Of England llvcly historical whether aid by in 1T ams Letizia By Geoffrey Trsnso Mr Trease has writtenrnony novels fothcen thisV 1V story of of and is one agors but is July as see The worldsiallcst bulld ing NewYorVissEmplre State Building wasstruck by Mo tw engineUS Iirmy hem wastage todayinlsi Tirethrce occupants of 10 persons in the build were kllicd fared sit Austria declarch ar on Bethlaat the of th World War States Ilivingwthere membenof the tingI opcn make for herself successful stasa career lathe United Jenny went to live with her mother when shawas four when her foster mother become ill Life was drear sndjum happy but Jenny dl enioyvle lting Grandma Tongmark at the Stockholm Widows Home Here she sang and enjoyed herself and when her mothers schoolclored Jenny went to llive withthe steward of this Hemsxil eVanny was happy play and song she liked While maid of Opera House heard Jenny sing The msidrcported that she had never heard such aheautiiui icerbefore The Directors of Royal Theatre School board Jenny slng and promptiyVtook herrinio the Royal Theatre School tobe educated for the alage wour mm mawa scanan side to Prime Minister 1Dieienbakchf says he is lilICl the prime mlnu tater wontgo to appear as defence witness at my the trial of sand so to five Sons of Free dons Doulshabor women charged with public at an election rally The womenseounael asked lm to spear Mr Disienbslrer deg nsd out on the rogue Fflday drandma VTsngmarir had indecency for strip Horseshoeflnlls NiagaraFalls Themes pick scngora from grids and trave tall it across th river to the adiah ldo before proceeding up rive totho hotta oi the