Mr and tinSanders Lat imer and family oi Keatslclt vlaited Mr and Mrs Shed Latimer on Sunday Mrs Margaret lr is spending couple elm with relatives at Kempviliei so and Mrs uwu dose of Calgary and Mr noun Kenneth Bush ul= Holly visited Mr and lira Gordon Bush on Friday evening Mr and Mrs Grsnt Elliott and Mru Harry Sherritt oi Corbetton spent Sunday with Mr andMrs Oord Bush Mrs Eric Leslie spent few weeks with her daughter Mrs Partridge and returned home to Falrview Novd Scolds by air Saturday night accom oled by her daughter and may for to holiday Mr and Mrs Arthur Robertw son and John of Scarborough spent Friday evening with Sir and Mrs Walter McMackon DETflOlT VISITOR rgt itir and MrsJoscph Desfar dine of Detroit visited Mrs Des Jardinos three sisters Mn Walkinshaw of Co Mrs Camoron McRae and Mrs Duckwordr of Angus last week Miss Enid McKenzie oi Dun can 80 is visiting her cou sins Mr and Mrs Cameron McRae Ted Jakeswortb Tor ontols spending couple of weeks with them Norman Kilan spent few days lst week with Mr and Mrs Duekworth WASAGA HOLIDAY Mrs Duke Lea spent the weekend with her parents ltir and litre Holland who had is cottage at Wasaga Beach They returned home to Toronto on the weekend Mr and Mrs Harvey Robin son spent Sunday with their daughter and eonlnlaw Mr nndMra Arthur Langton and lllisa Marlena Robinson at Wil lowdale ACCIDENT yiornn The many friends oi Miss Aliee Robinson oi Armsteio who was in no accident some time ago will he pleasedto hear aka is able to sitiup and will soon be going home from the hospital Sgt and Mrs Robert Frolllck and family Oskvllle visited Mr and Mrs John Dilckworth on Saturday BlETHDAY 0F TWINS The Duckwortli twins Archie and Murray celebrated their nth birthday on Monday July 23 Mr and Mrs Pot Johnston spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs William Smith and visited their father Harry Smith who is patient in St Josaphs Hospital London Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Duckworih were Mr and Mrs Donald Cameron St Catharines Misses Ann and Catherine McCualg Toronto Miss Linda Shortt lllcalord Miss Joan Sbnpson Kirkland Lake Mrs Gauley Baxter Mrs Henry McCualg Mrs Napier and Misszlf Graham Guthrie corners By VILDA CAMPBELL INTERESTING TRIP On July is some 26 members of Guthrie Womens institute and three guestsenjoyed an hours enslae around Kempen felt Bay on the Lady Del This was followed by delic ious in smorgasbord style at Sayview Terrace To complete the afternoon the lad ies spent very profitable time at the new Slmcoe County Mus cum at Mldhurat They were delighted with the spaciousneas the new budding in the med stic surroundings CHURCH PICNIC The congregation oi the Unit ed Church heidia very success ful noon plciilc at oro Memorv in Park last Wednesday Owing to therainy forenoon there was not as large crowd unusual Dinner was concluded with generous treat of ice cream When an interesting sports pro gram had been concluded those who were brave enough to en joy chilly Lake Slmcoc went in for swim person By MKS WRIGHT Mr and Mrs Jirn Hill and family spent the past weekai Glen Echo Park CSHERdEi Dr Jack Dale and Dr Anne Dale and tom ii oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Emerson Dale Mr and Mrs Roy Armstrong and Audrey Visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday rs Wigginsvand Mr andMra Walter Splcher atten ded the decoration service in Stayncr cemetery on rSu Jul Mr and Mrs Suit and family spent the weekend at Huroota Parkcottagqs Pene tung Mr and Mrt IrwinReynolds during the weeken Mr and Mrsl and family return me sited relatives in Cornwall Soto day from holidays spen at ten Echo Park Callander quotinron airwof MtandMrs Cecil Fer Mrs to the family and relativen of Mrs George Fiidey Mr and MrsBruee Plnkney groupofjottlaenA from all ovarJimooa County metin Mr Eton do enuncasraaxaa ï¬lttipb Thornton of Toronto pent theweeliend witbzhla Ino WWW mud nth bring report atstba Novemb llioruton Ralph was muonmm WNW done for tree star at the moral IQTMM my an is he tha thinth the of lacommitteo which tinting taxmatntste the Community and Recreation Ser Fred Cook of Bradfordwill Church Sand rim pm Giifo ill pro vlce special music Everyone welcome SHOWER liZLD vice in SimooaCountgagaat more citizens will have ma betterintorrned of the services STEELESCORNERS inhumane can eve the past several Ry MRS ERNEST DALES yum it is Ilsa hoped tattoo win see fit to Friends and net hbors stbsr GIRLS SOFTBAnL ed Thursday aligning alt in Cookstown rls suitth team home of Mr and wnuam has been sch suing favorable Sturgeon to honor their daughter Jesn with fa misad eaaure of success thus far to MrandMu Fredchk theinane names this lumen son Donsldof Markham vlsltcd lsneous shower Jean received hi WW with Sloan and attend many lovely and useful gills for in Ind tilt tittfl Tho which Ilto thanked all most It sincerely Lunch broughtaplu Intel tutti at home sent evenln to adore mum Weekend guests with Mr and 0mm limit Southern and tainll Inning ton Mr itndblrl is unity Couae land Toronto and Mr Hill Orlllln visited lrlr community and also Mrs Willred Knccahaw were Mr and Mn mum hugs to Utopia at Cookstown Stratlord and Miss Murlol Knew Toronto to be played at Knock lbeee Weekend guests with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr road at Cookatown l11ursdsy Ona rainedout gsme has yet sir are very grateful fortha support of their hometown fans and Mrs li Dates and Ronnie at Toronto ouiur sun nun earn Saturday visitors with Mr Dont forget to take the and Mrs Jack Rumble were mum ht vlsltlng the Cu Mr and Mrs Lloyd Puimer and in Falr this weak in and family of Maple Seeton from July core This ltllls Aileen Gardener Russell mm 1m how and Howard were Sunday no mm pm the Simeoa County Arts and Emmi Whmwm Crafts Association which wos mg Mva joa EMA formed in lots undar the Sim coe County Community andlte 51mm Hyman mend creation Service Those fairs Job Medea who mid have gained national reoognition till out for many years of the Hil lows Mr Medealf passed away Cantï¬iwenml itors with Mr and Mrs Her at Creemore hospital Saturday and was laid to rest in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Bradford Tuesday alternoon wood was weekend visitor with her parents Mr and as DAUREEN monsoon Fred Viney ransoniar news Mr and Mrs Slide cnioyed holidays with their of Hamilton visitedmon Illhgur uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs day with Mrs Sroiey ll Burns and Finlay of Harris before leaving on motor trip to Vancouver Jayne Millgan who celebrated Sunday visitors with Miss her second birthday July it Carrie and it ll Marling were Mr and Mrs Gordon grandmother Mrs Gilchrist Marlinaand 514 0t BurltnS of Harris and uncle and aunt to Mr Bud Mfl Calvin MEI Mr and Mrs Hamill Mrs ling ob Mimico and Mr and Whitton and family Mrs Jerry Bell of Buffalo giggled Rev and Mrs George Sell and family of Peterborough via and Mr and Mrs Cline Ruwn 3llflmyn and and family wereguosts on and no one initiation and John otGalt visited on gia the De Saturday with Mr and Mrs lflpr an en Russell Webb coration Day service Miss Lottie Dodd lofSarrlcgt spent the past week with Mr sons attended Air Force Day and Mrs Hector Smith at Camp Borden Bill Marling is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital were supper guests on Sunday of Mr andiMrs Armon Trupp 0M VANCOUVER again oottnge at Woodland Alliaton Mr and Mrs Wright at Vancouver are spending months vacationiwnh the in and iamin visited William are parents Mr and Mrs Ira Wilson wood Reach Mr and Mrs iraWllson and Donald and Mr and Mrs lomew Brian and Judy of Wright visited on Sunday in Hawkestone and Barthon Aurora with Mr and Mrs mew of Guthrie spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs ltir and Mrs John Thompson Cline Rowe and family Cameron Lobiaw of Brampton visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Russell lug with relatives on Manitoulin island Mm Katherine Rum Mrs Harold Van Home on the daughter on Friday Rarite Island is spending some hm time singly mm July so in Toronto Cole Mrs William Riley has re W15 at 1° turned home from visiting Mr he sum and Mrs Clifford Schram and family in Brampton and Eddy of Port Arthur and Mrs Don Lambert Edith Eva and Ann of Scarborough visited on Wednesday with Mr and returned home recently from titday visit inthe Laurenttans week with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Bruce Plnkney of Crowcs Corners wore Sun Mrs Grace is vacation gilyAfï¬engggflggizï¬uym Ml ing this week in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ray Tuokko 5W Mt Mr Hm roots from all pariaoi now rios ay inns awareness Miss Gladys may of Coiling Cathy andJohnItoh Finlay Many ha py returns to Miss mong those present were her Mr and hire Sieve Rnwn Mrs Clarence Atkinson and Mr and Mrs Jock Cameron Mr and Mrs Archie Wnnless alnford at his cottage Allen Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sertho Mraud Mrs Jack Morgan Congratulations to Mr and Miss Aileen Pearson of Tor Miss Susanne Finlay ls spend appoints By MM BERT MAW bits internistwi and the New England States 8113 on vs Miss Carol Coifsln ntJIar dMfl mm ï¬nd mouth Nova Scotia spent last Tyunggekgï¬gg ma he Decoration Service at Stay Mr and Mr we may oer Cemetery on Sunday and Robert of Goderlcli visited Mrs Degeer spent Satur day with Mn and Mrs Cilfi Gflflï¬ï¬ï¬ 131 94 Graham and family of Orange vi tlidiond and Mr and Mrs illlam Griggfot Victoria Heri bourspent Sunday with Mr and MH Rileyv and be urday Murray Riley returned home lie Mlchael returned horns with berfor holidays Mr and Mrs Aubrey Giffen tended the lngraih0perski adding at Waterdown on Sat Mr and Mrs CraydonGlffen with them for holiday with and illle vi ed Mr andMrs his grandparents DWKIPA 11 mlqu Mr and Mrs RayHacketi 19W andAlian of Toronto arevisit Mr and Mrs Frank Mosley the weekend with Mr and Mrs ing with till llltlell blOth li Jack hamlet at Emeuvme Anulaberfrbm bare attended Randolph Harris chum nacnasom the Air Force Show at Canto During thapastwe Borden on Sunday Mrand Mrs Maw and Mrs Fred Slow and Barrie inthe interests of family David Larry mcos County Camihunt an Recreation Service Mr may of Cookstown hallo Ssiurda attended the Atkln niireunlon Son Head ltanvSesman and Eric revnon Ill earwu Chili behflfotthees notation thospr funny Lo olillnlwldt service at St Peters Anglican Churcbnoxt Sunday iuiyan Douglu1uohn Kell Ireepl ltit mil School picnic will be held lnnislierIrk he opens amour united alected reprlaaantattves in wlhu on ï¬nd ooloclr July no County Counci rd Trio dealdeot Mrle GI tie Si sz Congratulations to the Fifth Line Home and SchooiiAesoetaa tton on winning second rise on Sicid may stinnltftt ark on July 21 Thetioat ackooiroom seen sbiydecorated in green on yellow Eight oltlldreniocv cupylngthe seats father he dunes and Saunter VlSlTORS Mr and old Carol visitors wt have tlirea more schedul arm at Mrund Mrs Mr and Mrs Ron ioronto Mr and old Coulis at Midhursl onSun and Mrs Presser were with ltir and Mrs Arli lat old Rodgers and iamtl oi Bond Head on Sund and sister of arl Rogers to another fat stewednonunion some sum as soon they upented the and upon asides soodiropotte obUppcr Csnada so it use than csiie3th soldtlteir ld andng toinnisingm in the County at Simone where they purchased three lots on Whomng Noni William Greg was onxlot eminent Lots and Siiarpe on Lot Their great difficultyrtn those dayawaa ded dunes of the thnbsrgtmd motto tt visa ii in bugs heaps and bu aim nanoaairs lbMioneoxatn those it and many hardahtps Or is was cut with ehsnd sickle and stocked Bears which roamed the woods in plenty would come out at night and destroyirtucli of the needed mfg Pasture for the cows was lh thickly wooded smeao onlyweyiu which they be located wasfrorn the be which was hung on thevneckvol one of the smallberd ild eniv mats roamed the woods and children attending school were subjected tograst risk Vthrouahw out their iongwalluto and lflllylesgbi school That com help after conslderable oormpon coca with the proper authoritieaThe boo aabulit it nevergo alter anything Othersmvakesure thiayy get Whattheywantittle brewRed Captor men whohgetwhati they wahta fullbodied aiethat quenchesa mans thirst for pleasure Joinihe men Get yourself an icecold bottle andSnappeCappaCarling Red Cap Ale today it oiled 5o etoteecbm ltiose pioneerstbave long as eased on hutiiieirgood deeds remainashving monuments marth warrran This history of Killylasab was written in 1950 by William SharpersonioflohniSharpewbo farmed thmughouhls entire liietlmeIontho old homestead audwas mcrnberrol the school board servingal trustee and secretary almost continu ouslyuntii he retiréd from farmingjandf later moved to Thornton from where he passed away in 957 at the age of as