It Brings CBabies BELFAST Reuters Swed ish doctors studying deep treeze therapy for treating prev mature babies have used an ar tiiicial womb to bring babies born dead back to life for short periods thepBritish itiedical Association was told today Delegates to theBMAs an nual conference were shown color film of the work done at Stockholm laboratory as part of the first publication at the Swedish experiment Swedish doctor Dr Wesl tin explained that the babies used in the experiments had not the slightest chance of lite when they were legally aborted iram their motllcrs Vlhe oldest ietus used was 24 weeks and the youngest weighed only three to our ounces None lived longer than 21 hours in the artificial womb Dr We tin said lessons learned durrng the experiments had saved the lives of more than 100Scandinavian babies asphyxiated at birth CLlNiCALLY DEADu He explained that all the be bios used in the experiments were ciinically dead before placed in the artifi cial uterus Their vital iunctions had ceased and they had no chance for survival The total chiid apparently periectly formed had connec r1954i Life eaicord and an artiticlal heart it was then llited barely covering the doctors handinto glass jar filled with an ar tiiicial amniotic fluid saltso lutlon which closelyapproxrmn ated mothers water in the womb Tho childs blood was then oxygenated in the artificial heart circulation started and soon the childs heartbeat rose toward normal it was then taking oxygen into its body and thereth to lite was shown in movement at the body and heart Dr Westin said the artificial womb experiments were part oil broader investigationai the decpirecze therapy in treating newhorn children Montreal Rt Hon Thlhau dean Riniret 84 tamer chlei justice or Canada remitted to Wilmington Del Mnst Rev Edmond ï¬toMaurice at for 35 years bishop of the Roman Catholic dioceseoi Wilmington Port oi Spain Trinidad Carl thne Antiguas ï¬nancial secretary irorn head injuries received aboard Barbados tion made etween itsumhili bound plane which ran into bad weather TonerssrocxPnlcrs Compiledlby rim Dnilop at nuns Alloma st Aluminium Dona Tar Gt Lake Ga Paw Atlas Etsel Homo Oil Bud HI Oil tin Brewer CPR can Cunent rs CanChsmlsal Can an Calelly Power statt Lskctunfl lilac Pow Coo hunJSm hiaasoy In con Paper Consumers Baa Ca no Can Husky Can Devonian camp Chih can Del Rio Coppor Rand Con Esli Dealson Mines Sullivan Friconbridla 47V mvinimnsnacaanao lt Powcltl mannaEmu it DEVILSBHLH Dom Found Dom Etoru diam Pit imp To area gt Accept loiand NG inter NickleI ne rev luck Club Nor out Mil 15 Moon Corp 44 Mein Forc Cshawa Pacido Pots Pom Pipe Page Hersey Qua Nat the ank SlridiBY ltathmana Royal Bank Salpda snlrrlu Simpson Shnwlnlllan ma Riv itlo Algae 511 on United lbd bis tourist Son Not Selling Rabbits THIRSK England APt Thc bishop of Whitby Rt Rev George DOyley Snow Wednesday explained arab bitsiorsale sign outside his home Actually its my tlyear old son Thomas who breeds and sells rabbitsnot me the Church of England prei latersaid tWetIe had quite ich callers in the iast few days and everyone to think im in the rabbit bus iness Asked what happened when his son was at school the bishop replied Ahyes0n those occa sions deal with the call as Students Relax lit Barrie Parlr lhventyviour Quebec students continuing their rounds of act ivitieslnthis area dropped their cultural its last night in favor or recreation at the Stewart Construction Park on DunlapSt Mrs Bertha Stewart on Doug Stewart oi the Barrie Jaycees entertained the stud cats at their home where the blgattractlon proved tobe the outdoor swimming pool which was recently installed other adults present included lltir and Mrs Charles Surgenor and Mr Cainalong with Stanley Tay ar Daneing and an outdoor har becua rounded out the evcna ings activities The exchange visit is sponsored by the Can adian Council oi Christians and Jewssand the Junior Chamber of Commerce Niagaras Battle iibout 1115 slag nmcaha FALLS Ont or The alderman whose remarks about the Stars and Stripes touched oif an international in cident at this bordcrpoint has returned the tire of his angry lcoiuoterport scrossths Niagara ver Aid heraldglyionon who plan posed localised onOldGiory except ceremonial occasions described retort by Counci mabAnthony Bax oi agara Falls of thingwh somecoun tries has created the so Yankee go home Aid Mortons in use of the America flag by bus businessme got nowhere at e1coancii meet ing Mondny because nobody would second the motio Toronto and Mrs William with several motor protects underway throughoutths city including curbs and iguttcrs commercial bbluldtag home construction industrial expan si and school construction can Work proceed ingahead oischedulo at the new addition to the Barri DistrictCctttral Collegiate where new technical wing is being built along with now auditorium litiiiOM can work is in the advance Spot iSicitii Glow Highin Sky to lo rcnrndar Sighting Hitiylie seeing objects in the ll Two ladies on an early morn ing driver Wednesday inï¬thls area reported sighting tan gerine sired ball glowing richly color The ladies Mrs Anne lic Clay ot Tomato ondhcr aunt iMrs Ethel Littlcmore oi RR Stroudreportcd sighting the object at the intersection oi Piaa Grove Avenue and the 25th eidoroad oi lnnisiii township Mrs McCiay told iheExarn inc her aunt st bled tho ob jec ilrst and be gotoutoi the car for asecond look Sha sold it heaved my stomach right ontba spot Oneat the weirdest things have ever seen in my lilo she added lBurlington hand To Play Sunday The Burlington Girls and Boys Junior Band wiilpiayat St Vincent Park Sunday begin ning at pm The band is coming on the invitation of the city oi Barrie through the City Concert Band Association fihe band which appeared to trmes during thermal year has Just returned from tour lndlanaand Ohio were slow in ma out of tario overnight northwest erly flow of coolair developed over behind the showers Acro southern Ontario the winds will be moderate to strongaccentu eating the cooler feel to the air today Temperatures will be cool throughout northern Ont tario but lighter winds and more sunshine will produce more pleasant day Somalihat warmer weather will return the province Friday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake Do tario Georgianhay Halibut ian Windsor Londonr Hamilton Partly cloudy and conitoday Friday sunny and little warmer Winds northwest so today nonunion and an Timagami Cochrane North Bay Sudbury Partly cloudy and cool today Friday sanity and littlewarmer erlds aorthwesterly is today light to night and Friday Algoma White ltive Sunny with few cloudy periods today She described the vision as bright orange glow that chang ed in aha ircm round to oval travel tram northwest toaoutheast it was visible tor about 50 seconds drew blank negative no sighting Youtbiidmiisf Causing Blast annual Reuters so ycnrold youth who admitted causing the explosion which tore holes in the Berllnborder wall Wednesday night has told West Berlin police that ha is an agent at then German se cret service West Berlin police said today But police spokesmansald the youth denied having set ott the blast an ordered the East Germans The youth claimed he wanted to destroy the Communist built wail because East German to licowcrc shooting at escapng Cast German reiugees there The youthfwhose namewaa nothrevealed was found near the scene of the explosion arm injuries Wednesda nig Keep Barrie money working in Barrie Create more elnploy ment by investing in thalam penieldticredlt Coldest per annlim Call in and iron natodsy at 15 Clapperton St Loam aboat other beneiita you will re oeive sonnet inlandti fsnlr mans curse as well with Tuesday In Toronto Western They said the sky was at most cloudlcss at the time check this morning with RCAiiir ad or station Edgar auntie was iust six weeks Llltté was known aryimember of Supreme Colin bolwcen Sophlaayand Wellin ton tiiP Rinifl West head of Canada Ltd is how additiont Examiner chances are Prominent Mason Valley 0i Barrie Leading member oi thotlcot itsh Rite in the Valley at Ben rie loha Orr Littie died on Hospital after one monihslli short of celebrating his solo trthday in any or this be head ed degree team from New market which conducted ritual at the Spring Assembly oi the Lodge at Periection at Barrie Masonic Temple familiarly and aiiectlonoielyns York Courltya grand old man ci locaipolitlca land philanth ropic movements lie was wor den at the county and deputy rcova oiNowmnrkct in 1936 its organized the Nawmariret Town Band and was active in num erous protects oi servicspond charitable works in Masonry to Little iirst Joined Eastlrodgelat Coledon East then honoured to Tue can when he ovad to New market He had served or Die trict Deputy Grand Master His death was the second oi pro mineot member at the Scottish Rite Valley at Barrio from market Lou Bovair cil passed awe last week oriented on nattooalttohusjrsn him lliabIm was among rthots prominently rationed when Canada decided to toss to brash wilhvtraditioo Land appoints Canadian or overoor cnerol sport eventual soon it became hlsi artist in too Inddurtog his ongtarm on the ban took part in many importan member oi the court whoo it ruled that the Canadian PHIin mant could oboilsh appeals irom theSupreme Court to tho iudlciai committee oi the lmV portal Privy Council in tendon Chtoi Justice itiuiret native College Ste Marie hero and McGiliUaivorsity where booby rained his law degree in 00 liequ called to the Quebec Bar in tool and practised at St Jerome Que sultrMon real ewas pointed bench oi the aches Superior Court in ran and was law protected at McGtil iar 10 years Since shortly alter his retire ment trom tho Supreme Court in 1954 Chief Justicevltlnlret had been working on arevlsion incarnations iron surnames City police an M58 Provincial Police Fire Department PA pastor or nil Clip The Coopon iiiiliiiWiiilille at Montreal was educated at Colin rind Oralll three sons last yea Mum and one admire ouard limiter choral in the cobpidoti Minister lfaurant and now aijultlca lie wal KLEINE SCHElDEGG Swit zerland titeuterattwo Eritlahg climbers today reached allrit ish mountaineer whnooll on tho iogthroudcd Etgor Mou ialn oitcrhls injuredvmmp ion tctivlrundrcda test to meet certain death Climbers Chrl Banington 27and DooWhiliaoryinchod thcir wayto aclirnbcr believed bomtnn Noiiy 25 who ap pared to have collapsed sin ys compnnon arry Brewster 22 was be overtto have beeniniurcd Wednesday night to stall its toll hundreds oitcet iarihtr today aiter night in makeshift bivouac no two men were oh the killer north wall at the is mioot ElgarAitcr Brewsters second tail Nail madohls way downtbe wall thout rosette ward Swiss rescue team work lng their way up to him But then he calihpsod exhausted with Ibis head hanging down over arack ydsiog closed inand hamp ered rcacuo operations Boning ton andflbliinns roachEdyNaiiy litamberatoinho Swissrcscue pérty were searching the foot oi the mountain tor the body at its YourChance To Wm