Lan WS ooner suggests an active ookiet Outarlostios Popuisr Gameiiah Just ubllshed by the Cutest Federation Angl fHunie The ministerpolata out survlv isli grew big afishneeds two thin sh ter in thesheltes of the cold water Etudes Chara and Mlllefoil the little and grows In the shelter ofthenlllies and rushes bass and msskinonge do the some and may never however big feel quite secure sway frongths under aterforeet Today there is tendencg to fill in or destroy node of aquatic vegetation eforo we go too for let us remember the needs of our fishes for spawn fng food and shelter and preservethe aressythat sheen good fishing We have of course places where the fishing would be better if there were less vegetauonbut too often the cleanup comer where We can least afford it 0OMMON GROUND Commercial and sports fishermen rivals of long standing have found common rounds foromity in their resentment of water ollu on by industries and unicipalities This deals on was reached at work op meeting of Zone Six of Ontario Federationof uglers and Hunters held recently at St Williams Forest Station Another feature of the workshop was display of new food products developed by the Fisherles Research Board at London and ex ained by Irdale These included such dolicac es as tinned chub walleye patties smelt wieners and wlutefish sausages PROVIDE FISHING To rovide immediate fishing for visitors to Al gonquin ark Ontarios oldest and largest provincial gark 2910square miles four lakes along Highway have been stocked viith 800 yearling eckled trout five to seven inches in length The is as are Peck at Mile 125 Mar eret at Mile 172 New Lake Mile 190 and Coon at Mile 200litock Lake oad Pec Margaret and Coon lakes are being re stocked every two weeks during the season assassin arenas to run csusnnuv gases uranium York Mets and Buffalo Notions league Felon 67 35057 00 80 047 Pittsburgh Cincinnati St Louis Milwaukee Philadelphia Houston Chicago New York 80 02 307 29 sous ssssoii 24 71 253 SW Tuesdays Results Philadelphia Chicago New York Milwaukee has AugoIes some Pittsburght Cincinnati San Francisco Houston Probable Pitchers Today Phlladelphin Bennett 35 at Chicago Euhl Hi New York Roger Craig Mb Ialththiilwaukeo Heudiey or tLos Angeles Drysdale 174 at St Louis Jackson on or Washhurn 04 night Pittsburgh Law 85 at Oin otnnru Purkey isa night 13311 Francisco Pierce so at Houston Johnson 511 or Gol den ss night Gmes Thursday Pittsburgh at Cincinnati New York at Milwaukee ttOnly gsmes scheduled League Pct GSL Ed 37 002 55 42 567 ï¬ll 45 541 50 45 520 50 49 505 50 49 505 4d 49 404 11 44 51 403 13 Kansas City 43 50 434 10 Washington as as 372 silk Tuesdays Results Boston it New York Chicago Washington Detroit Minnesota Clevelando Kansas City more 35 Los Angeles Probable PitchersToday til at ashington Osteen 47 night Detroit Moss 010 at Min iiesota Kralick 60 mm Cleveland McDowell Mlat ansss City Segui 85night Baltimore Fisher at Los Angeies lee 77 night Boston Wilson 63 and Sehwsll 411 at New York llahrtry 130 and Sheldon 65 Thursdays Games Chicago at Washington Boston at New York Only games scheduled International League Pct GEL 03 33 050 55 42 557 an 5145541 11 51 45551 12 45 409 10 40 52 469 10 Richmond 3901300 26 Syracuse 37 04 300700 Tuesdays Results Columbus Dedicates Richmond 35 Syracuse American New York Los Augcles Minnesota Olevelsnd Baltimore Chicago Detroite Dorian 00 rapid Rochesier Columbus Atlanta Ilufislo at Atlanta ppd rain Games Today iglumbus at Rochester Richmond at SyracuseiiNl oronto at Jacksonville ufialo Atlanta Oliyer Schsffsr Cinelnnati ï¬giiiaï¬iiilii Short and Detroit Los Aussies 000 001001 Barber 00 Wllhflm and Toronto Jluksvilla 100001000 2115 son Moreno Gabi man and Chili Columbus LosAngelss mimosaass stuns 100011001171 William 00 LSherry and Roseboro Biggie 04de Pittsburgh 000020100 4101 01000210x 0110 Francis so Sisk Iamube it Olive and Burgers llay tit0 Brosuan Henry and Edwards 1111s PghMar shall ClnPost 13 Phils 021 000 000 30 Chicago 100 000 ill it 110 Mahnffey Smlih 15 Dalrymple Hobbio 30 Curd weli ii and Barragan HR ChiHubbs San Fran 100101000 3100 Houston 000000100151 Sauford 1M Larsen and Salim Farrell 018 McMahon anngmithhHRs SFMays 01 NY 1001000000004101 Mil Hook Davlault Anderson Huner 10 Miller 01 12 and GranthamPig pistons 10 Burdetie Shaw 17 andCrendali Hits NYMantilla to Thomas 10 Hickman MilGrands American League Boston 000000201 it til New York 01121000x 80 Earley 42 Cisco Nichols and Pagllaroul Ford 105 Bridges and Howard HR BsnPagllaronl 11 Chicago 221010000 0100 Washington 000000000 52 Wynn 57 and Rosellit Che day 05 Habaugh Kutyna Hamilton Rudolph and Eetzer Hits CbiCunning 1an1 Hershberger Smith 10 gt 002 000 010 10 Minnesota 010020000 3101 Banning 100 Fox 9aud Brown Roarkei7 Knat Stange 03 and Bailey HR Delflash 27 Cleveland 3011000 Kansas City 200000002 Donovan 134 Gomez Ii Bell and Edwards Giggle McDevittti audSulllvan Baltimore 71 210 000 000 Nandos Landrith 0Belin sky 75 Osluski7 Fowler andaiiadowski Baltimore 300000010 01 Los Angeles 115 001 WI 8114 Estrada on Brown Stock is and Landrith Lou Bowsfield is and Rodgers intnnaiionallcsgne oooaaoroo sso Osinski nr Greene Fiche dihomp Leh 4100101 Rochester 101010000 rehsnicaumddy and Earlene tro 7r Toronto Jacksonvillez bi nutcracker fCas 0000000110014 sreo letter from Kenneth Ssrmcr of the travellingexpenses for golf title Tuesday at suburban Sesconsficld course posting More or Adams spark By one ssdodrsrso races The oldisrm system about first in the maiors first in the minors apparently is working in reversa for New Washington Sen stars International league season to do it but Syracuse Chiefs with lttools good hortion isurrenderinsortriags also segue lfli iii no vwoiflnorlflmnhmï¬mm lump Dsrsis sndDistri Junior Tennis iourusment is slated for Qumslsrk neatrnonth Entries for the singles and doubles events close Barrie 8ecrsslioo Commit tea has decldedthatonly four 00 imbue Red gusts Dairies there has fee when the Motssnd Session have joint working agreement have joined their maior iesgua brethren in last place Richmond Virginians who had ocmpied the spotfor long stretch should the Chiefs 2V lengths into the basement Tues day night by sweeping adouble helader from Syracuse and The Virginians won the opener in the seventh inning on an error sacrifice long fly and throwing error by Jackie Waters then beat Cari Mathias in the second game with nine hitsttsck arg Namesonogram CouldR cs The namenighttime sov oday sttheCsnadisnopengolf cbampion for some practice with plan of indications that they couldrip par to shreds when thelirlng start in earn est Thursdayo For over the shaded Laval surleLac course is 364672 but its 0555 yards are riot rated as among thamostdifficuit in Canada On the basis of the performances turned in Tues Willows Whip Orillia 157 Vercoa Willows the new power of the Barrie District Lsdies Softball League trim med Orillia 1e7 last night at Queenie Park The victors scored in eve inning but the filth Varcoe laadoff batterHelen Corbett scored four times Noble Hillcrestv Monarchs play at Orillla this evening then at home against the Barrie Juveni flestornortoWnlght lteiect Reguest irom Oarsmen Canadian Advisory Council of Sports has rejected request for financial aid by the Cana dlan Association of Amsteu Oarsmen convention Tuesday were read chairman of the federal coun lhe CAAO had asked for minimum of $5000to pay part crews and soulless coming to next weeks an Empire Games trials here QAAO officials said the Ire guest wasmade largely on be half of ish Columbia team which esti mated itsflexpcnses for travell lng and housing during the trialsattom roam Riddell lairscheme MONTREAL tCP Joann Riddeil vyaf Montreal Ksnawakl wonxthe Quebec junior womens 02 score for total of 150 ry one under par Winning pitcher was Naneyl Boros Old Physical Fitness and Amateur Delegetesto the CAAO annual cllsefusiug the request in the Universityof ant and urine in fourthsnd fifth inuidss got Ton outs in control at iackspnvillo as the second lacs treats moved backlo wit all games of first place 0er Greene scat tesodil hitsVforhisrnluth vic tenth decisions vnuddy Pritcherd drove in five runs tisreeyon firstinning homer forColumbus at noel ester Al Pehqnlcls won over Art Quirk Willy Stsrgiil also homered for Columbus and Dan Kravitahad three hits includé ioga home run forRochester ipPgrI ads of go asses oualifyius round many more were talking in termsofa flualscore ofiis un der car to take the firstplace 300 of the $30000 prise oneyu l3410100 six of gietquai ifiers bro par iues ay the observers were betting that tho longhitting pros who were eli gible automatically on the basis of their previous performances would findthe course to their liking total of 00 players of Tues days field of 140 notified to join the 57 nutomatcally eligi bio for Thursdays startingfield of 159111ai field will be out to the first 100 and ties Satur day and then tothefirst 60 and ties for Sundays inal round iS PROS LEAD Six 115 pros led th 311in lug attack three coming in with twouudcrpar 70s and three at Chopping tw strokes off the regulatou total were Ed ubls of Chicopsaislls lay Dolan of Worcester Mass and Larry Mancour of Berkeley Calif At 71 were Donrnyrd of Lake Wawasee Ind Tommy Wolff of New Orleans and Jack Rule Jr of Cedar Rapids Iows other scoree included xde notes amateur Devlin Australia W72 Westhury NY or camanvas CPlThe 35 Central thumpedEmmanuel 103 last night at Greys Park an interChurch safeties includingtwo by Skelly LESSett Larry Carson Winning spltcher Carson limit Emmanuel to just two hits Kelf hos roams satsouth paw Sandy Koufax gcles Dodgers outo otlon he cause of hand injury says specialists think he may have ehlood clot But they tall are 1have started to getsome bioorl cir culation in my Index finger ignores who hadwon 14 games when forced to the sidelines re really said Tu lsseverehowev touch ing the ball too tightly Thedoctors siy Uhe pain and acnsitlvity will last until fullcirculation is restored Doctors Bigrss iii feeder Ortliiti 404484 agar Billy Hitchcock 0a the contrary he said it is my sedan aveL sen grp arnuost will be operated boys and girlsunder so years and boys and girls underle ualityree should he submitted to Lisck Garner st Osrners Sports Shop on the main streetor phone as arm BroWer Returns With Partner 514 arinnssacrsa Associated Press San ll tookouiy one Robert GMiier top trueNew YorkMst Robert Miller left handed pitcher TheMus also Willi have Robert Miller who is righthanded and thereby lead the National beam to Robert Millers Robott Ls record 01 Robert ti hlid nsvar thrown in half for the Mets beforexiues Prolassionsl wrestling at liarC day night ale Arena nertlliondsy should reach oneoi its highut edges Featured on the card iss tag team match with 1Yukoa Erie and Bruno Ssmtnartiua fighting Bulldog Brewer sud Taro Sslsuro 73 Fla sess oigsr marrow so xBrownlee Terminus3548 try Homenulk Winnipeg seams Fort Lewis Wash80 37 Meyers Daytons Beach Fish 373673 Perierd Souchervllls One 37 3o7s nltindred1 Peterborouyi 3038 Cues Levis one seas7s Arnold Ste Adele seasrs xigacgmgor Cornwall 4035 Dean Cotnwall soaaLvo Hognth WindsorLOntquiHO Kiaznilch Port arthur esta McCu Pembroke 4109110 David Bowmsnviiler Ont so 4181 Ouellette Windsor Out 404 Zimney Windsor Ontr 49745 Ktman1tiudsey Ont 4540305 show it will feature GrosartSowmanviller Ont45 4400 The last six failed to quail Phasingi or No Hustle LOS ANGELES AP The president of Saliirsiore Orioles threatens to hit his players where it really hurtsaintheir pocketbooksL unless the club showts more ggresslveuess and sprr There are going be some sharp revisionslh Baltimores 1063 salary scale it this doeanot soon become ev is UL MacPhall said Tuesday He ekpressed no dissatisfac tion with the work of field man conviction that Bill has done good job under difficultcoudi emrw resume send any remarks ale Meny will be shown BARRIE 001 ashes Then he threw is 01 nu Crandsll an phone home run in the bottom of the no inning so give an wankee Braves sIHvictolii In May rose six young Bar rlemeu introduced to Burris anew organization The Chall engers Red and CustomCsrs Club The next year itsssocla ted with the Canadian etBod Association Withtho cooperation and guidance of police chief Tsehirhart the boys are tempting to prove to the cilia ens oiBarrie that an irresponI sibie driver is not welcome member of in teenage set or hot rod association The firstchili small lwocsr gars The hope was always that theclub would grow endughto have ample working space to build every lads dream in Lurique custom car The tomembsrs of th hot rod association makeit pro ctice and duty to assist needy motorists on the high Way Their only request is that the person receiving assistance Chiei Tschirhart August and the club is holding its first AutdSport the continents top hot custom cars and sports Manyof the vehicles have heeuondisplay at the grounds gt ads for Newtocaflou 22 corner 51 sass PARKING Wrsepomnmhas amnesia as sure wayes too late homers to the motorshome run leader in the first and fourth ihoMets we soverth 250 IN TWO HOMEM At heather end of the is Mays continued his his him mars No Giants to 81 victory over Houston Dolls The win moved the Giants to within name of Doengceguzoileresginga Les Angelss om ordinate as Cincinnati Reds heat Cubs defeated Philadelphia as 50 Houston rig enderDic Farrellwho admitted last Sat urday that he occasionally miaeglra wetulgliifh his report co Mays untilit eservad upisoto inui Willis wtth sbrih hi pitch That didnt work either since Mays wanton to score theGiants Orlando Felipe Alous sscrillcefiy WINS saves muons al ninon Cepedus single at Jack Sanfordgot his lath win and seventh in roWforihe Giants with help from Don Larsen who came on in the sevanth scored their only runs inning after the Colts iThe Dodgers who meet the Giants injathreegayne series in Los AngelesstartingFriday again received powerhitting from Fraukllowsrd but their Mo on eraser Certainly you dont pay out $25 each and burgh Pirates as am carom airsauna ly slthe platens he trledto score nlm room doubles hylio Fairlywas firstcrassd in its fourth inning wills the Dodgers lesdtng as had again In thelainih to ad the game Stan asqu doubled homes runto lie treasure in the fifth frame ltgsve him batted in lion cry is is iiel Oils ord the tiebreaker catcher Jphn hmboru made twobase erroronEruie Broglios bunt udjcufl Flood doubled him 19 home Bmglio held the Dodgers 9E0 iourhlts The win gave the srds 00 edge on the Dodgers son Stan Williams average to 351 tops inlhe league Tommy Davis of the Dodgers slippedtomato SNAP LOSING STREAH The Cubs mapped Ihoir thirdI sevengame loslngjstreakaf the season in heating the Phillies Workhorse Art lilahaifey had sad for the Phtlsln the ninth inning when his right shoulderstiffened and he had to lea The Cubs got three runs in the seventh inning off Billy Smith and Jack Baldschun With blow agarCassy Stcngel left the Main in the hands offlcosch Cookioiavagelto as he went to Kansas City gt to attend the funeral of his brother but the storywas the so on Santas double the big eryfl month Somemonths its nothing some months ltsidï¬oand over but neverthelessgstatistics lie 10 you drive orhuyan average used car youll be laying outatleast $300 year anaverage of$25 ermo th We ca sell you andivnrvaw VOLKSWAGEN withpayi ments at the rateof only $55 per month afte nuniniumdown payment of only10 perfcent you it means that for 3327 per month more than what it costyou Just to MAINTAINyour used car you can DRIVE veers newVolkswagen for Thats out just take our word for and PAY BRAND NE VOLKS epairs least 50 raved fac forVolkswagen Ask any lie hasnothing to gas