Bret ogshnutrlti slumzsi on un am Aciully cookgdypicolc roast the fierved cold without turthercoo kept cooidurlng meslprepar cooked meats are blue planning ihey ape read to as the wrapper is remove roasts that may he urchase fully blessing to the bu get suggested guide to toliow he in picnic tor your needs oneha vallewe iine slices for dinner pndkex casseroles or sandwich tilting Plums and peaches are reir garnish tor your summer picnic platter uiied with toasted pecans and prearnjcheeee and then placed on peach halves to surround the picnic Clear Consomme Picnic Plum Peach Tossed Vegetable Salad lltalian Banana lit ice Cream Pl iced otteeor Tee PlCNlC PLUMS PEACHES Yield each halves Fully Coo ed Picnlc fresh or canned plums ounce package cream cheese tablespoon mlik la pecan halves toasted fresh or canned pepch halve Remove pit from plums Soiten cre blend in milk Stuit each plum with pecan halves and some oi the cream cheese mixture Place astufied plum hollow of each peach half Arrangearoundhot or picnic shoulderrosst PlCNlGLiMA SUPPER Yield to servings cups cubed fully cooked picnic on on peeled and sliced 28 ounce can tomatoes 10 ounce packs frozen lima beans 1cupuncooke macaroni teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon pepper bayleaves teaspoon worcestershire sauce Combine all ingredients in skilletCover and cook over medium heat for bou 30minutes stir occasionally Serve hot PARTY FARE The answer to ladle ior specls11aupperipartyu dbssert is Raspberry Party Pie This extra luscious de cert can be made with aminlmum of preparations RASPBERRY PARTY PIE 191nchbakedpte shell cups raspberries eggwhite 14 teaspoon eam of tartar Few grains salt Vs cupLsugarv Redioodcolouring optional llaipiilts vanilla icecream NOTEslnce this dessertdsa typeoifllaskav iihlahing touches must he dohe vin thatthricecreamwlllstayï¬nnr Refrigerate baked pie shelluntil We is berries thoroughly Make meringueiwnh theegg wh tes cream of tartar salt and sugarlint delicate fink if desired Working quicklyplle ice cream as even as possible in pie shell Sprinkle res berrie over ice cream Cover entire surface with mer ngue spr the homes oi his Street and Mrs weekend visitto the Arctic which was Qaiiadians Attend to tnembars oi the coloriul lngham incclho Queen were nislyean illiscwlth matchlnx use Chill JniephMcCert rickoi Ameli treotit the Milith is grad uate Soakstoon Univers ity and is working tcr Du nt oi Canada Limited it Whit so vssir some Agmup ot teachers will em iloronto on Aug on May gelanned by the Ontario achers Federation They will leavoToronto by train or Moosonce and tromthure they will ilysto Grantwhsle Fro bishor Cape Dorset Povungnt tuir ondthey will alsovisit Moose Factory on theirreturu trip Among the teachers mak lag the trip wilibe Miss An asasis Hughes oi Barrie and Miss HoperRoneid formerly on thestait ol Central Collegiate Garden Party LONDON ca Canadians uesisme day at the last oi se garden noon and Prince Philip spentnearly an hour chatting ciowdin the grounds of Bucls of sheet dress at silk organza bit mixture oi powder airtv mother oi the Duke is clutchoi celebrities rm actor Douglas Fairbanks ing it to touch crust all round Set pie on wooden board and bake in very hot even 450 until lightly browned iiicci IntroduCes Waist Yokeiind BellShapedjSkirf PARIS ReuterstNina Ricci gave the coming winterseeason one at theprettiest new looks get seen in the curtent Paris ashlon showings narrow sklste with gathers over the hip um lilch is the only house yet to retain moderately short hem liuel Skirts eredown one inch striking neatly beneath die knee caps but shorter than the mid andAtopcali lengths seen else where Earlier Tllesdny Jean Patou established happy comprom ice on the salient hemline ques tlonwlth curved heme that dip inra rounded are at iront ancl back and scoopvup at the side seams Shoulders are emerging as the iocalpolot lhey4are square and broadened at Balmain sugi gelling the cross bar of the let ter that symbolises Balmalnl silhouette Patou rounds the ahoulders with light padding while Ricci votes tor the skinnyshowered etiect but disguises it under voluminous cowl collars leicir oiets or Russianinspired hoods cut in deep triangular Vpolnt dipping to the centre at the hack Theoverall story is sit and supple look treated totlong lean eilecte and minus gelcry ud tFoodPian for MM handlsehGuar ORROCKS Md AP state police say iarge number at no bills haveheen liouna during the last week alengrallr mad tracks outside this western Maryland community it was impossible todeterminesjhow titrneny had beenjplctsedup be Inre merchants in the area tipped police Police said scv eral residents admitted picking up as much as $100 day yr aONrduAareas secs than he iuue evenness oil oi thnn tornnerlyI nieFreeserowners teed stri1smpviiordeucath iyihusand tym trs the Vow sent ssmilsr mes College PA HM Kennedyhelore thseUniled sum eunuchtan so at nuclear weaponsmta ALLVTHEVLATEST ruse comwaver masseuse are asses ss Nest in Dominion Store ruminants Open Evenings $4493 son Lnsrsso TIME owns canteens enee rinses usee DRUG STlE gpecidlialnesvl MoneySow gSPEClAlSl Es GoomAtas eee Florelfor Spice fats so mas caEAMTr Niel ture Base orDry Skits ixooax vaaIcHaoMc MN IN errVP 127 or VP 6101 for 999 iiioxzieMAsIciN cassM Specsol 07 Size 135 Im locust Avsmoe srvLs SUN onsets MotaiFrames Green Lane 0th 88 srcclsis gt 0N NATIQNAIKBRMDS Prices Effective July 2323 senescence carer ooth easesang zsorlJe bows KidneyPill Reg 19 riiNOFRUlTVSAlLT exssx aeg 49a HAL01SHAMmoReg so svoals Reg 125 sou er protestho President 19 ThelTmyIIltlonaI styled is you by he Dorsal otdssis yet light cotton take you inioFoitiooktng erispond anion Printed jsoteen In rich tones of bluegseevt brown Petites 115 Misses 10 20 Holt Sixes My 24 sAtlamozlngiy priccht aielmulatedleatuerand fabriciselt impressed pleated skirt tel Classic shirtwaist with fActionf back and self Cored skirt self covered belt and buttons