Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1962, p. 4

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patrol asseparate from the general as vices provided bytheOniario Provincial Police Among argumenimited for th establishment of such patrolare such things as deficiency in siren of the OPP and of the mixture of do esu itween criminal investigations and traffic icontrol It is not easy to film the population wth of Ontario wt the required num er of train aoPPis set up to handle traffic as well as rother duties lts familiar black and white fears have won respect throughout the province and drivers have had tend enc to recognise the cars and keep their ve clcs in eels The OPP has Sneraliy een courteous and helpful in traffic matters Why then spoil good thing At one time the highwa patrols were 1under the jurisdiction of Department of Highways it was deemed economic to merge that patrol force with the provin Higher Prices iAt Rascals There is very little competition in pric Ies at summer resorts it would not be an ccable or cause such concern if the as were in line with those in gen eral business At the same time it should be mentioned that quite often the big stores at these same resorts of for prices which compare moat favorably even with city chain stores The question must arise in the mind of even the most naive touristras to why sucb summer luxuries as hotdoga hamburgers etc often even coke and ice cream are not only Very high it would appear very much fixed are are of course laws is alnst pricefixtng cartels in these em or items Just as there is in big industry The resort business owner will at us that his season is short But his by head is not onethird that of ct bual nessman lite taxes are ridiculous ylow rln many areas there is nobuslnesa tax DOWNMEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie ExaminerJuly211927Lelgh ton McCarthy KC of Toronto na tive of Barrie donatedgzthe money to construct fine new nurses residence on Rosa Street for Royal Victoria Hos gital in memory of his father Dr McCatthy William Partridge appointed vendor for the new govern ment liquor store about to en in Bremises of the American Hotc John arr Harvey Jones and Douglaeheaity named to store staff New brewers warehouse opened in basementof old brewery at corner of Dunlap Street West and Sampson with Cumming Soon as manager and McMillin tn spector for Liquor Control Board of On tario Tourist traffic from United States reached alltime record passing through Barrie Police chief appre hended fourf young men from Toronto driving erratically through town and eposlted them in the local lockup when he found they carried fair cargo of booze both inside and out The drive er lost his licoriceand all were heavily ned by Magistrate Compton Jeffs Maurice Cod only son of Rev non and Mrs Cod summer residents Barrie on Shanty Bay Road drowned canoemisha on Marten River Hardy Kiwanis playground and sivimming instructor addressed yclub members on value of athletics in huilding character Accidental was verdict of coroners jury in death of iWilliam Neville 12 ofTecumseth Town ship asresult of detonating dynamite capsefoundrinrfarmshed rajilampton Jory Barrie CPR agent announced daily train service between Mld hurstjand Toronto Midhurst and SH CNR announced issue of id Authorised second clue mall Poet Office Department Otflws ed police officers But the tyin titng hl hwayiraf lc pa rol on one hand nalrpoliceonths otheris thatlt would onl open up ib administrativepostsand impose turd or drain upon the already short suppirv of officers engaged intraffic work still 02P linen manpower because of budgetor her factors then howicaniwes uniis ill the ap and still not imp due bur anon the taxpayer If trafficpatrolfiivas set up ithin the OPP its patroldutymeu aligned only to traffic duty but underthead ministration of existing OPP inspectors sergeant and corporals then there migbi be some justificationfor the proposed action Two an ornate rovinoiel poilceyen titles does no em economical nor at present very practical levied and generally expenses are at minimum The resort businessman is supplied with readymade customers The vacat ioners are there to be entertained fed take careof itself Referring back to the hotdog it no of vually cosisili to 20 cents in city or town restaurant At beach there ap pears to be an established higher price of anywhere from five to tea centsmore depending on whether the consumer unthinkable among the retailers which sug eats siren ly of an agreement to me hay wh the sun shines at the expoaae of the vacationer been educated to expect it when going on vacation indeed sad commentary on Wu urcmnplmd bfi oiir society Albert Paddison noon manned JayaaNoble Grandtofr BarriewlOOP Lod Mrs Paddlaon District Deputy Pres dent of Rebekah Lodge honored at banuet Graduates of 301 who got first cle VNormal School were Jean Cowan Ethel Garside Marguerite Miller Grace Miller Reta Quanta Charles BakerS jvney Tooke Roy Houghtonzsnd James Robertson Banieend Stroud win north and south groups in district soft ball will meet for Patterson Cup Judge Vance reported in critical con iiion following operation in Toronto General Hos ital Slmcoe County re ported far end of all other counties in Ontario for otato growing with 10297 acres Cert ed Dooleys said profit able Stewart Page stated Slmcoe County hasevery kind of soil that any for any purpose vbea one might want sides some which no one would want Casein of Alliston was known in rovincialagriculturalcircles as The otatoKtng He grew 5000 bagslaet year on 25 acres storage cheap and efficient Other Editors Views FORGDTTEN MAN Louisville CourierJournali One brandofsults is advertised ashe ing ideal for the man on the way up another is erfect for the man whohas arrived owrabout something forethe man who somewhere along the line gotraidetracked Itasca emcee 3m LAK and for paymentof postage to oasis Daily Mlysend hiltuwry EolldayinelpM mum wanes Publishes JIMIlium General Manager it sacraments Managing norm enhance Lennon unstneuflsnl sans rwsraosiu 101m HOLDER Subscription ants daily carrier sec 530 year if copy 1c By mail cast ned wants mustard or relish Pricecutting is 15 mm mm hy theholidayer submits damn to explain ltzcouid be because he has goods brskelod im ss certificates from Toronto took prizes at Guelph and Royal WinterFair He foundpit wholesalers and case of anltcm In nun faunas as See Noticed Ottawa Rnreau Tbs Dania Examiner OTTAWA Special There is no reason for Canadians to curtail their purchases because lurch es This view was emphss zed here by spokes motor the Department at National Revenue in discussing ths possible effects of the av sing port on some goods it must be remembered that the new program covers only somegoods and there are mglayi other imported articles ghaveclther to anti per centsurcharge added the nesseniial luxury ltcms 3th explained that the plan hastwe basic pummel to put on lnorderin improve Canadas balance of payment position and second to stimulate ths manuf tursand sale of more adlsn goods 77 The official admitted how eveverthat the aims of the plan could be defeated If Canadian mnnufacturers wholesalers and retailers used the surcharges as an excuse to increase their own profitvmarglns Any undueboost in the rice of Canadian goods to ring them closely into line with the new prices of imported pror ducts might caussaome con sumsrs to prefer the imported product it is acknowledged that while many Canadian made goods are of comparable or even better quality than im ported goods somoCanadla are influenced by the inset tion or snobappeal of for eign label DISCOUNT RUMORS Rumors and some news paper srticlesthst suggest the cost of goods is going to shy rocket in the next month or two were discounted here One press report suggested that 0100 mans suit mlghtcost iii if imported will face surcharge of only fivexper cent while extrp charged tend to pyramid asgoods pass from importers to manufacturers to the officlaieeid he would he ficrrifically surprised if the edditioapl costia anything like the All perrcent suggested An example of how the charge works is given in Mad act by the retail cost to him of $100 The normal 20 per cent tariffwould add too to the in the luxury class the 15 per cent surcharge would increase the governments new tariff to retailers not Toilurtyail Buying BecauseOi Tariff Surch By names rrssiivoron and clothedlhere is very little need to spend money on promotion All theoutlet needs lathe productsnd the rest will arge Many dealers are not wanied about the effect of the sur charge on their sales They say there is alnrgo volume of good Csnadlanyproducis toxsell isll products which will not be affected by either devalua tion or the surcharge across menus at Mommas noon Loam engined Correspondent For the Barrie Examiner idiocyth Britains ndw Road Traffic Act when it comes into force will make efoundguiity of repeating certain offences Ernest Marplcs min star of transport andJohn Hay par lamentarysecretaryofthe ministry defending the new bill during its paaange through the House of Commons laid special stress out revisions which make it man story for the courts to withdraw an offend ers licence fora minimum of one year in certain serious cases unlessthesa are special cltcumstunoeslf there are res convictions within three years for range of offences there must be disqualification for slxmonths Under this provision three convictionr for speeding could lead to suspension of drivers llcencc So conyiotlons for lesvlng vehicle in dangerous position for going the wronggwsy an oneway streets or for not ob acrvlng the regulations street playgrounds NUT SEVERE ENOUGH Jehnrliay reinforcing Mr Marples arguments as parl failed in recent years to exer else their powers to disqualify drivers to the extentthcmin lstry had hoped they would Ha quoted figures whlch he said were remarkable relating to disqualifications Of 64540 convictions for care less drivingonlysm or six and is half per cent were dis niy 37 er cent of seconvlctcdmf it while uninsured were disqualified For dangerous dri via 52 per son wsredisqualifi coat and if the itemuia sea was most powerful an cite the anemones Whenlhc so of federal total cost of the em to Wonder Ztha new schédulc edto item under the as sales tax of per cent is added bring the also can to eethere is Justice given to those who are killedand there are large numbers of them Opposltion members ut Iwe amendments see lng Arnscsiyosn rn TMENf leBthtiReutcri an be suitsl in as umornssey ac ublinhospltahiweniyrg ithinoperable tumors av lyen injections of as indicating TougherforDriviers varyheip at for the legs dowo raising each leg for moment and lowering level than allow the legs hung down Repeat the whole icyclerm times dRod too heavy This mandaeo our circuistlanfhllfs wise ih eah througtfyhich ood tnult Tensions anger suppressed emotional conflicts etc raise your blood pressure Which cg gravates arterial troubles Controlling hlfih hood pressure gt If early in life it develops is pm Wm gm mlu most helpful invhavingiheslihy hsllevalh unto righteousness mm 5°mumu Iand with the mouth confession Willi imlf smndsunlo mm mm 9mm calmlyrbut notlethargloelly eresuflicient in other cases Saving faith is moravthan medicationsvio reduce pressure tollcbtual it mun include our may be required affections endocaulis in open GELMNMIM 01min confession rest BIBLE THOUGHT every day orfsavsraltirnea doy within reasonable limits for your agemad condlilo sittoo much or at its qliellliyu may be particularly strategic branch to remove short section and stliuio to theamazlng relief of the patient This isblghly intri cate surgery anduaedonly in particularcares Finally hardening of the adamant in reflecting these they wera wit drawn The extent of Britains future artericaidependa in some sub educstionalprablemads rellec sniial degreehn whatkind of ed in the first part of stnt tirierlcs you were bom with Istlcal survey issued by the heredity You cant alter your ministry of education Bythe heredity but you camif you your 1860 the surv estimates know your pn cnts had tenden ihe number of puplat and strouble llsh and Welshscheols will are iii to begin early to con creaso by lodl000l4est year trol your weight and your the enrolment of pupils was nerves to gctanaugh exercise ssa2ooo if the present trends and in general notto abuse continue by 1950 it will be your health wont Mr RLCx Liver This represents rise of 24 function tests are media can rer cent over the 961 sun gm sua ccted cirrhosis Some Between 1951 and 1961 how was the Increase was 21 nfiotors these tests in their carat many others have cent One of the main reasons the nmm th done at clinical laboratories in stead And yes virus infections that children arerstsying on at mm mm than in mm can contribute to or even cause years For lnstancen in gram cirrhpsia mar schools alone the ercent iDeIr Dr Molnar Is there age staying on after is were any hell for Pl ebllli milk as per cent in loel compared lsg ive been old there is not with as per cent two years lhsve had an open sore for two previously yearsWould it do anygaod for also could three adag Ltd and the validity be datennined arsiCanedis any ers exercise also ls at relieves the de torsmeeln 1° mum ofPower Ogrporatlo eiCan gt Montrea understood ohold about too ccntotCa LWk so so to take liisvcalmly ind statsmenti He said also Tliohis KARACHI Patti TODAY ill Hisrosrs By THE CANADIAN PRESS UJlld proposal to levy income on Canadians was in troduced in the Hours of Commons is years egoin loliby Finance Minister Slr Thomas White lie em phasized that it was war first imposed for 1017 con tinued to this day 195s fhe transatlantic liners Andrea Dorie and Stockholm collided oft Nan tuchet Rl with loss of so lives rose Waichmaker Gen ereux Ruest died on the gel lows ot Montreals Ban daaux Jail for the lite nir liner bombing that claimed 23 lives ihezfactthat thin had been no provlaualnatlce of the lnientienof Shell Oil Com pany of Canada Lid to makean offer through its whollyowned subsidiary lieaper Oil for the assets of Power etionaassoeistad company Cs nadlan OllCompanics hid no deoIsIOncan be made at this time until further evaluation at the situation can be made of the otter can 00 laidI TWP Rent oybpdubhllsherhlry in some fewthnd serious Wmm EHV 01 it cases thcplggglnl or an my on tho instsiop of threeweek me in Asinntour lie tolda reporter in mm homwoildd bolthavlng talks mrel ice orso we imam mum pmma newspapers about on Asian news pictorial magazine which reillaFe It with suitable sub he mp mm in India messure only butithe tax

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