new human Burris Yes or not aware of any negotia tloos underway fprhsuch home at the present time There might be some private hashes but none around here with gov eroment support Acity home shouldba in convenient locs on and easily accessible oaoaos detonate rle Yes trial they or log stbom with their sons sods dsughters sad tileyd not mind then this might be so es ception Psopls thing stone now wouldbenefit not only from companionship but also would enjoy recreational octlvilies Everybody needs buddy wonrearrangement Interesting To Student Group By LESLIE COXALL North Collegiate Student On Tuesday afternoon of our Pilgrimage we were very for tunate to be able to visit the American Association for the United Nations This is an Amerlean service to the UN and its purpose is to build up and increase public knowledge about the United Nations Our next stop that afternoon was atitho United States Mis sion to the United Nations Adiat Stevenson wasrto speak to us there but howas called away to meeting and his as sistant loohhls loco We Were briefed on the our budgets of the United Nations which are for administrative agencies special programs with voluntary contributions snd Emergency Operations Before going to lotematlonai House we went across to the United Nations Building again to sit in on another Trusteeship Council meeting Asusual the Russian delegate seemed to be heckilagthe other delegates dur lag the discussion on the island oi Nora VISIT DELEGATIONS Wednesday July was lndc penitence Day so wealso had holiday Thursday was one at the most interesting days of our trip because we visited two delega tions to the United Nations We were givena list oi countries andallowcd to pick two detona tions to visit thecboicesbe ng flour own Some of the countries were Russia Uranla Iran Japan Cuba and Turkey chose South Africa and tsrael At the meeting with the South African delegation we teamed great deal oi the history of South Africa its growth econ omically and socially The re presentative made some iatcn eating statements regarding the racial problems in South Attica He told us that the negro has everything that the white man has When questioned this he decided to retract the statement and then he launched into long involved shades to ques tions on apartheid which he said was just aword not policy He feels as most South African white people do that the negro should be allowed developc by himself apart from the whites Apparently any money that goes to help South African negroes comes out of the country funds and plains why South Africa feels aft arttcl sin hi Ihow Shouldbe done to greater extent in speci agencies and problems The South African representa two also gave us newout look towards solving the South African negro problem They feel that the solution lies in South African Commonwealth similar to the British Common wealth lot there would be about seven independent African can go serous Teachers this cx States governed Airlcens1 and one while state governed by Whites and oil the states would have equal rt is This seems tho onlysol on because the whites cant possibly hope to suppress the negroes forever in the sftemooa we visited the israell delegation There we were told that isrsel has three plans we to enlarge the population two to build up the economy three to build up defences and security for protection against hostile couot rles Also of interest was the fact that isrnsl has Penun Corpsthres times as large as the United States To lSRAEL Ona oi the girls in our group ls going toisraol lnext summer to live in klbhutz and there fore ws taunted greet deal This kind of life teachesrths people to live with each other as equals because everyone on kibbuis is equal We were also told that there is no healthier read more enjoyable place to live because the child ren are all healthy mommy and Well cared for and there fore the adults are happy about the health and security of their children Friday morning was our last vlsltto the United Nations Be fore golng to our session some of us visited the Meditation ltoom this quiet room which of light coming from an open Teachers have tradedthe Rod for psychology And given teach ingirnetbods new loelt For birds eye view of the summer school primary methods course for teachers the public is in vited to an an house Thurs day at Go ey Park Public School from em to pm Displays of more than 500 to articles in the corridors and rooms give the school the at mosphere ot hobby show They are articles the teachers learn to make themselvegvai the summer school so that when they return to classes in thefaii they can demonstrate FIRST COURSE it is Barrias first summer course for teachers andoccord log to teachers and other school officials is an overwhelming success Lliamford principal of the nor school and teach er at keehorsflcachers Col legs the rest of thayear said the summerschoei course nmford jtxplsut points at work abouixthe life one klbbutzr cause they dont have to worry Yesi sot ortginaltyidorn coal lngWood and knowoiao offl ctsi government items for ed persons Iranot swsrsrifreoy plans are afoot now but think that both the Provincisl and Federal governmentspv slang with the City of Susie should make an eliout etiort to have oneverected as soon as pout blo Perhsps suggestloa would be ofm tifflo dwelling unite to sipar srea easyontlgy and within thslrrsicsm log in the calling lnisillght shines upon shuge block of iron Dog Hommarskjold oncs said it Is room of silence where onldy thoughts should speak so many of those working in the United Nations feel that it is the best room iu the building know that for one dgreo with them be cause when you enter the room you tool quiet peace come over you andiall of your pro blems seem to have solutions it Is truly quletmedltstlon soom Our first interview or with Russian interpreter who told us about the profession oian interpreter and the skills re quirsdflo be an interpreter you must be able to listen understand remember and iron slate what was said and it takes great deal of skill to Become one in the United Na em Our final speakerwes man fromtha Technical Assistance Kilogram who told us of all help the United Nations is giving to underdeveloped coun tries ln the fluid of technical assistance This Commission has also sent specialists oven to countries like the United States This ended the educational port of our tour in Newtfork and we started for home the next momlng alter sis know ledgepacked days at the United Nations and in theCity of New York is all dark except for shuit Teacher nun nine sixth article in series Originally we estimated there would be so in the course but the course wound up with tall and thcyare all still in the class Angus McKay supervisor at Barrie Public Schools explain ed how the course started in Barrie Over the last four or five years the Department of Education in Toronto has been decentraltzlng teachera sum mer courses which all used to behold in Toronto Mr Mc Kay said Last fall the inspectors of separate and public schools the Federation of Women Teachers of Ontario and the Public School Men Teachers Federa tion all got togetherto have snmmer course started in Bar en The adult students who must be qualifiedvtcachers to enroll pay 825 for the course which this year lasts trem July it to Aug Some of the students have no enperlcoce as teachers and home would matteibe aged bsp The home would also mean certslo meuursAof employ of time vment for period Doug beimoge Downsvlew Toronto suburb was fined tie and costs by Magistrate Reno nicks esterday on charge of not owing room to another car to make turn Delmoge was northbound on Highway 27 on June tiarouad so prn following Ontario Hydro truck by Robert Hallier oi Barrie Before the intersection of Highway as Delmaga testified he noticed the trucks left turn signal flash and he was ready to stop behind it and simlarly turn left onto High way as torus cnautvns orsus roussosv Barriemerehartts will par ticipate in athreoday price slashing spree beginning to marrow The Downtown Merchants Association has sponsored value carnival at which most ltcsns in participating stores will beircducadv and prizes offered to attract customers Stores participating in the Downtown Value Carnival wtli display yellow and red win dow banners The sale will be on Thurs day Friday and Saturday Trade ace Fer Psycholoovï¬Nuw andsome have taught for more than so years Teachers have live subjects to practice on forvpart of the course About tlfl childrenin Grades and from the area come in from to 1130 am Mr Hamford said it is not compulsory for the children to come but attendance has been very good and the child ren sens to enjoy it IN WOMEN The staff is divided into two parts There arsshs instruction staff tencharsand four demon stration teachers The demon stration teachers demonstrate with lust pupils Teachers from all Barrie pub lie and separate schools are enrolled in the courses There are no Barrie teachers on the Willard Marshallteache abology Miss lmri and Miss Moore These uracil fromgIsakashore Teachers College Othertcachers are Miss Bormaanrom Hamiltonjeacb College ers College reading Mrs Lo Scott primary consultantin Burlington Taaehcrs Colic literature Harvey Archibald teaches so ialsiudies andnumber work He is from london Tcachers other staff members are Miss EvelynBellMiss Mary Mac Donald create Public School ystem Mics Isoulse Galbraith of Hamilton PubllcSchool sys tem and Miss HelenrMatson the Fort William Public School oystem YEAR TO YEAR McKayssld Were hop wlli continue from year So far as can gather the course has been very favorably ecelVed and teachers are static nthusiustlc about it Some ofthe teachers drive from Graveahurst nod Midland to attcdd the course Mrs Olive mold whts teachesat Graven urat said some people subdct their houses rent cottagesland by meat the teacher pupils More thanoiid pieces oiwork care on thigh st Oakley Paris Publie Scoot rubs business with pleaau Mr Bamford sat has not been done away With every instance He said There are still times when tb psychology fails and We have to use the strap no sctla Rolled loft and he did not Yes ttblnk ltisb we had shoots for the consummate obtslo ers me have beeatrlsdr and ideas lde ediara but have seen yeti have been here asyem if home were established would prefer it to be within Barrieor some where wheretranspoitdtlo would bssasily svsiiab Driver For agFctilure It Room Fer Turn applied itsbrokes and in or der to avoid collision with the truck ho Newest to the loft After having done this he was struck by vehicle south bound on lllghway 21 driven by Robert smith of Bar PARKED The truck by this time had kc on lghway ta fConstahle Hobin Ontario Provlnaielrtollca was the In vestlgn ti on oiiicer Describing the lane approached to the in tersccilon he said the collision occurred to westernmost lane on the south side of Highway as Skid marks behind Mr Smiths car were evidenced for about as feet but be did not relate any skid marks to Del moges car When tin Smith was called totha stand he said he had just come over the top at the hillandnotioed the thick slg nailing alcft turn He slowed down and noticed the truck was stopping At thlsttmc he then decided to go through and when he was even with tbatruck the collision occured with Delmages car5 He said car behind so unless lPWWWerMeW directly irons do know of some people however win wersforeed toge any from Barrio viot boom when they lnoutd have preferred remain er the truckfiii wife suffered fractured nose and hlsson had bodnosebleed when he was asked by Sgt Andrews about the condition of Dolmogs he sold Detmage was shaken about the accidentwas vorynhoi fist and apologetic about it questionedmy wife and asked her if she was all right inyhls sllmaiion he said he did not thlnir the glance were wide enough attha intersection Truckdrlvor lielller said he was preparing tomake his lett turn He noticed the south boundcar over that crest of the hill and come to setup Right afterwardsihs saw car behind him He ap oil his brakes and waited for the southbound car to pass him When thovcar passed him he started his turoand about halt way through the turn he heard the crash ttie pu tied away from the scene parked his truck and ratumed to give assistanco Magistrateltsnnlclrs after having heard the evidence said that the responsibility of car driver when turningis the driver making left turn andnhere must be convic cn eua FAMOUS FREE SHOPPING DRAW flsosvvmueas so FAR FORA TOTAL orsssm linens Lang 52 craves Mrs Eastoa Antes Mary Green as Toronto Mrs Agnew ll Agnes Mrs Lawson Stevenson Hit Mrs Gibbins Siren Linda Ashton iteit Ewart Mrs Sayers dlDondo MGreealsw 114 King St Mrs Aadertoa cos Queen Sire Thompson 110 Busby St Mr Angus LUCKY WINNERS nfflraooucr2 N051TOMATOESf2lste noon wtrHso curs recon g1 19 tolemrpted tissuSecoad iced the es in iteule ant As platoon commander with the tstc Battsli sttsehcd rlopthe Jih was Toneof the first Caoadiso soldiers to parachute monor mandy dunno Tend intent was wotawled in Se ember oi the same year wnsepromoted captain During the months leading up to dem obilization he served in various parts of North West Europe 5i in November 19th Captain Madden reiumed tofcivll life He attended Georgetown Univer sity snd graduated in less with Bachelor of Science do greo in foreign service This will be the first oppo lty stwusn gle Ad 1M2 refuses it Parachute in Britt AirborneDivisioohe twenty He was torn humongousArmy in tildt and since then has been staff captainin Army adtnlolv iratlonat Army headquarters and Camp Borden His posting to the ervlsory team toindoChina of one years duration During hlillme awayuhls wife Joanne and family will continue to re side at NSaslraichawsn Blvd to Camp Borden StudentDriverjstuno BllBeeg Swerves Truckintoli Tree Air Force siudentslrlver not Lawlor gotstung by has on the eye yesterday while driving threeton truck The incident occurred three ouarters ofa mite post the main barrier at Camp Borden over the railroad crossing As Lawlor started to make left hand turn who started huznng around his face in an attempt to swat the in swerved the truck Into one of many pine trees bordering the roadway The accident occurred shortly before to am Damage to the tracheal estimated at Lowlor was attended to doctor Aside from the sting suifered no Injuries Hews alone at thavtime having ceniiy graduated as adrtvcr of trucks attho Mobile port meat School ASOUNDlNVESTMENt mouwrsor $l00 so srooooo icaNAonï¬ TR unseen DEDENTURES Alli TRUST CFRTIFICATES IfsrsllliS Wore It suuorwl mad LROASTsEV sInLotw arenKcn RUMP stricter coasters 91 Dunlap St East Barrie out Honouring