Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1962, p. 2

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hen onset to Light loot lsndly Mrs Lightloot Shlrlcyfllr their Sprin or Span Barrie Lives Up XiirreSted oiisvsuspect lrm at Bacho ond Company has surrendered To Expectations Shirley Lighlloot i7 and her parents have been livlogln Barrie since July it She litres the city very much but consid ars its lead activities to be highly decentraiiud per filexing problem with transporta on Her lather Sgt lames Light ioot is an Air Force instructor at Motor transport in Camp Borden actors being lrsns liarred to Camp Bordenha was in Centralia inuryaars Sgt Lightioot visited Barrie several times during the last iew years Asked why he chose the city as place to live he said he had come as result at recommendation or iriends in Centrelis Thaiamlly like Barrie hire Lighlioot said that the nelgh bore are very lriendly and the downtown merchants coopera tive She indicated she would like to live here for many years Her daughters Shirley and lncz to agree with her toes will attend iilllcrcst pub lic school intba lall Shirley hopes to start work shortly Relaxing in his horizontal chair Mr Lightioot said he lound Barrie central and con venlentlor commuting to Bot den The lamily agreed that alter looking iorward to thamova into Barrio there are no dlsnp pointments The girls are versatile Shir ley llkcs painting in oils and by numbers lnes also like to dab his in oils and is an avid hose hell ion In Theit OiBlueChipStocirs NEW YORK AP Alan Pomeranz 3d the Mr in $1300000 lhelt oi blue chip stocks from the Wall Street to thidislrict attorneys otiice Pomeranshss been identlilcd ubiirty he wanted only tow hours boiore his surrender Tuesday Described as key ligurc in attempts to dispose of the Bnche loot he was charged with receiving stolen properly USt Attorney Robert Mor genthau who identified Pomen anz also announced the arrest at Edward Schoenbergcr also known ns Hobby Edwards sa lng he was key suspectn the case He was charged wtllt conspiracy to violate iedersl law against interstate transpor tation of stolen securities Morgchthau said Bache clerk Gordon Tniimon stoleithese curities and passed them to Robert Dodge he who rc laycd them toPomeranz Then it was said Dodge and Pomer snz drove to Sehoenbergcrs apartment Pomcranz consulted with Schoenberger on paid Dodge tor the stocks and heir disposition Dodge Tallmnn and nine oth era are under arrest Although only $270000 worth at th ilies hevs been recovered ap gerentiy none oitha others has sen cashed seen 22 Years new one Ban NEWVXORK AP Thomas Kopntos 47 who spent 22 years behind barsion murder charge layout oi City Prison in day tree onttstou ball Federal Judge Edmund Pal leri ruled July the state had suppressed evidence that might have cleared Kopatos at stay ing in rilmt Hc vasrcicasud Tuesday ending decision on an appen by the state Knpates was convicted at sea onddagree murder in Novem ber teens and sentenced to ram 20 years to llie tor the latal shooting at Albert Dlilu lion He was arrested leavlnz the scene with two ravelvcrsr one oi which limit thatatnl shots Kapatos testified he had iound the revolvers picked them up and then fled when he saw the body tow feet away He said he saw twaothermen leaving the murder scene in temperature POWER FAILURE stroke at lightningls bag ltaved to have caused power ialluro that lelt Camp Borden without light or new ar irom 755 to 315 am to day Di Msgee ares super visor ior Ontario Rural Hydro said We havent discovered anything yet and cannot My lor sure what caused the tails are but as tar as we be lieve it was caused by one oi the lightning bolts during Ithehenvy storm this morn ng Pageant the CattleContesl new YORK are one clsmnt the recent Miss Unl versa beauty ageam by Miss South Alrlcs hhs drawn expres otiictala Extraordinary one said Tuesday she seemed to be having dcllghtiul time here Lynette Gamble to said on her return to Johannesburg that the big pageant in Miami was more like cattle content than beautycompciitlon There are so man wolves about these content grls=lmva Nobody thoughthilss Argen tlna should have rwon she commented This is not sour grapes but thought Miss ls rael should have won Synopsisi storm centred northeast of Lake Superior ia expected to move well eastoi hours as another cool high pres sure area moves down from northern Canada into thenorth lialr but cool weather is ioreeast for Thursday throughout One tarle Lake St Clair Lake Erie Georgian Bay Western Lake iltoniToronto Mainly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms to day clearing tonight Thursday mainly sunny Not much change Lake Ontario Hall Clouding ever with scattered showers and thunderstorms this Eastern button afternoon clearing tonight Thursday mainly sunny No much change to temperature Northern Georglan Bay A1 goma Timogami North Bay Sudbury Showers and few scattered thunderstorms today clearing and turningcooier this evening Thursday partly cloudy Winds southerly 15 to 20 shitting to northwesterly to White River Co chr one Cloudy with clear periods to Compllsd by sou as as Asbestos serum Aisama Steal Aluminium Alberta in Alta NIL Atlas Stesl as at Mont Horns tie Oil rrnn ins Dll siens oi surprise item pageant in light to kecpnway irom them said Miss Gamble who did not reach the finals cars appeared gt one and thenplay no further WEATHER the province in the next Zi ecntral United States Generally Lake Huron Niagara Southern Ontario Windsor iondon llama nonnsfsnnncn or common at in Barrie Mlo ln Aceat aoaornrncrs WWW dsnee that all cancers usedb hl lsoiiared vlrnlo let Prooslorr sodruo vinires ussi fltiuggest Thslullbwnsn cancers may be caused by viruses which re but might be brought into mal ignant action in some by the fisssaga at time or by the in uence oi radiation cor chemi cais in the environment But he stressed that the ex parlmcotal evidence suglgnests that viruses whilal seem gly responsible for triggering can cereus growths mostly dissp pear alter doing their dirty work This went account tor the act that so tar no virus has been isolated tram shaman cancer SOLUTION POSSIBLE At the same time he told an audience of several thousand scientists at the caneericon green that recent progress in his controversial fieldjustifies timlsm thattha cancer ro lem eventually will be saved The Russian said work in his laboratory shows that while ani mals develop cancer eitar be ing sad tocertaill viruses no set eaca oi the viruscould baiound so days alter the this he seldsupperte his concept that viruses can under certainconditions translorrn normal cell into cancerous nonsense alight and Thursday Cooler nds northerly near 20 Forecast temperatures Windsor Ste Thorns Dondon Kitchener liiiialoe Muskcka DEATHS By no consortia chase TerminiPercy Knowles ttd retired branch manager of the Royal Bankbi Canada engineerwho wasona of the original discoverers oi silver in the northern Cebalt in 1905 Sacramento Loretlohbhey and separate school teacher min dennsnt in most people can tow overnlgh High Thursday gt opWWMM stemmwmwmgfimfi 0n nulndny commenclllng at ceremo cen nectlon with the day oh oi Aplaqua commemorating Sir Lyman Duif will be held in it Park Mesiord aThle plsouais one at eateries being erected throughout the province by the Department of Travel and Publicity actln th vicebt the hrchleoiohicsl and Historic Sites Board at Ontario Sundays ceremony isbeing sponsored by the Mcalord and District Chamber at Conunerce Mr Thomas MeCarroll mem bcr oi the Chamber will not as program chairman Among those taking part in the igram will hex HCrans chairman oi the psovinae torlc Silent Boar Lloy Leth erby MPP tsimcos East Mayor Frank Garvey otvMes tardy Frank Herding historian land McLernon presidentoi the GreyvCounty Historical SecletyTha issue will haun vetladhy do Colin itannett Lyman Poore Duii one of the Commonwealths most ambient An Aesocs on tor heterded childrenle he termed to the South Slmcoasrea itwas de clded at emeeting held in the Lions Club building Alllston nominating committee was termed to draw up slate of i1 olilcers to be presented to an organisation meeting ln Sep umber Approximately vie cttlnens Includng municipal otilclals and representatives item clubs and organisations ettendad lohn Derlion reove ot listen wss chainnen and Murray Finlayson charter prasidant ol the Barrie As sociatton lor Retarded dran Addressed that meeting Mr Finlayson traced the de yvelopment oisehools tor rer tended children item the pilot school in Kirkland Lake in 1941 to the present tima when are are 801ml associations There are lit reboots tor retard Ved children and 1600 children enrolledln them Mr1inlaysen salda retarded child is one whose braindo permanently dame ed orun dardeveloped el er inthe pronatal period during birth orsoon sitar Three per cent jurists was born at Maaiordon the shore oi Nottawssaga Bay Toronto Carl announces tired Montrealborn mimng Maine Megssthy longtime principal oi Torontos save ol all babies are retarded to somadegrec ys cal lrelotog Centre Camp Borden and Lt He emphasised childrens not and that this but is condition and cannot be cured But these children can ba taught despite their the childs incapabilltias and remember his capabilities and develop these he said Mr Ftolayson concluded ihat in South Slmcoa tltcra are no thatAlliaton is the lexical place tor school it Ftrtiayson erplainsdgltbst etad by thelocai association and provincial government out is madeon sperdlam sets This grant covers sp proxhnoteiy onsshali the cost Phone antennas roe surnames City Police rs asses Provincial Police PA Mi Eire Department as sent Royal Victoria Hospital as seen taclllticsiorthessehiidran end schools lor retarded stuporl wear re in to discuss and beervs training math DcieocaPhotm Mr lsinlaysoI er sctlvitleso such as mattered workshops recreational programs ands hem eara mmittea help parétd withspaclal lems it was explained that haters admissionio school tor re tardedvchlldren child must sychnloglo hlmto nope wt an element eehoolprogrsrn members or this commit te are dock MitchellAlllsa tonbhe man leonsrdAbar nathyp ttenham idsfist its dieap One must lorget win lltornpsonvilla Irenta Leach RR 2hlilston rs AMeEecharn Cans He sovsar ensue raar MOSCOW AFL Thu Soviet defence ministry Monday thattiussls duct lall exercise the Bar ants sndKara iouslrnodarn weapons The nouncamantdld not soy el ouid he in valved buithe defence minis try warnedplanes andships to stayout ol the test are be tween Aug and Oct er vownsaoe monster leLIIF FROM HEADACHI NEURITIS NEURALGIA 100s Neds tislltltuttttte tie rNo aortas tenants are as 100 rnssi CHILDRENS ASPIRIN 4ge SUMMEh GULOGNE eraser FLOWER AND iENDSHIE strerrnc KETltE ostuxstttosaonts FINISHWITH esxstlrsnsnnts robes vs snmm res Wlitltti to lot NOW IN FOR Iitilt nnrsn rheonronsrss literes DlLUXI IIATURB ltle casrrse garcons more rashes roaastrrr slabs CONGISTION ri srtess ShAMLESS MICROMESH satcist

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