Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1962, p. 17

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hhddlulytoat aflo Toronto Aspeciai ha been obtained no otttplhhprolfigl ca purpoaea ptlyinthe picnic aroator all an Elthl look terltaowu and reireaiameats For liorintonnntioaphono lira by district It Is church weekday morninu not to 12 noon under oi lira Loo Dykatra iihmwillheaorogramlnthe win at July 27 It 150 oclock to which all are oord his and lira Ellis Le Gear aon Warren oi Toronto Mervln canton oi Balm aailod on Mr and Mrs Copeland Sunday helm athey all went to Orillta ta apeod the day with Mr and Iira Albert lhompron Mr and lira Glen Murday spent the weekend at Orlliie Mr and lira Paul Holman and tarnily spent tow daya Honey Itarhor ltu Sharon Scott spent week at Midland visiting trienda Weekend vtaltora with Mr andMra Stone ware inn Joyce and sin Blake tears at Demonto and Mrs ilrey at Midland Ihe WA meeting was held In uhyterlao Basement with Martin presiding Devotion by lira MacDonald Roll call was anawa by paying penny tor can Inch in the size of your glovePlans were com pleted for wedding meeting close with Benediction Lunch was served by Mrs 1yaon ltowat The village was shocked lion day by tho rudden death at arr Frnnlr Orr our sympathy goes to lira Orr and totally lira irvtn Johnston oi Minty fling spent Saturday and Sunday with lira lionat and Miss gtHEesalo Rowat dinLarry Brennan spent the weekend with Bob Sholitleld at Martinvtile Mrs Bartholomew ot Hamil ton to visiting with Mr and Mrs Plain Mr and Mn Bill Moon and in ly at Ottawa are visiting Mrl Rowat Mr and lira Cameron oi strattord are spending some to Alex Denney mttiltlam visited at Valley end Homing little Ialt ar nu arm mason AI and Dana and Jim mla Buie attendgdfdélub camp Annallaldwtck Utopia hall dayed with her grandparents Idr and lira Pnaata Illinois at the community ed to lira Lyle Ben and daughter and In the MI Iota ot lov Intdile Ila Aurora ta holidaying with her grand mother lira Dora Hurt Daiatoa community picnic at on Lake Provincial Park Juiynd sports to begin at mo pm tiring your plaiio haahet to Everyone in the oommunliy lo welaoma Frank Wood ls recuperating yoowwnn urn at mo genie lie to wished speedy recovery GUTHBE vn cAMraasi Mira Marie Campbell vialted her aunt Mrs liurt at her cottage at Bals Lake Iaat week Mr and lttra Boyce Olli vtiia vialted relativea hero this week nie aaerament at the lorda Supper will he dirpenred in the United Church here at the 1115 am service on July 29 DECORATION SERVICE Decoration Day servioa tor Guthrie Cemetery at pm on July 15 was toiriy welt attend ed Rev Mitchell eon nuotod the service Rev Hugh Mecualn ot trananoiiuo read the scripture and pronounced the benediction Rev Alan flow Cualp BA BB at St Pa United Church Orlllla preach od limit was provided by the Ortllia Male Quartet composed oi Messrs Wailna Cook Han cock and Walton with lira Howard Campbell at the organ Mrs Ronald Biaekatock at Toronto spent last weekend with Mr and Mn liugh Blackstock TELEVISION PROGRAMS cm CHANNEL tannin WIDNLIIMY JULY rimmed Vacation Itnao narnar oi the Janna Thru Elwin News Weather Sports Tour lwell It uaoheinr lather manta the Menace Parade Knit Mystery Theatre dim Line too one rv um 1115 Weather gyarta Haws 11 many atrol 11er JULY ma iaat mum 1M Papaya Ind Pall Newt Weather lporta one about squad 10 country Junction 1010 Man and the Challenge 1100 CM tV Newa 1115 rIia Weathermen 1er tn Sparta Community News ll IIaa Untouehahlts WAY Ill 21 nae Iut Pattern in Popeye ls Pats Ltd News Weather Sport 130 um mm hm Watt lummerama Iu Zone Caravan Hueldabam Mound GM Tiara ltoolu on News Weather Sports Mrs Dalton Banting and her aaddaughtamiies Wendy nth li°ttith some time In Caiary with lira Bantings aon law and nauuiter Dr and lira Cami eronliiil lie and Mrs Frank tumor and downer Vaiair and Eric Brnaiiwood oi Bermuda were recent vtaltora with Mr and lira Lennon RPTO or non iavuto cannon Iir andlira Don Graham and children atarkhaio vtaltod Mr and Mrs Rawn Mr and lirarltiurray Carson were guests at the PerryBolton wedding aIIOahowa Saturday and visited at Uxbrldna Sun ndli AllBenhernandtam Mlaa Mae Kennedy broke bone in one ankla recently and in now wearing cast Mr and Mrs Edward Kanta and baby oi Toronto Peter Ka nla and son at Iiaiiiax are spent lag some weeks with their par ents hir and hits iienry Kan aoruvatr II Itltd BERT MAW The annual congregational picnic was held at Sunset Point Park Colliogwood Friday July is About to aat down to bountltul supper at 630 alter which Wtitrrd Degree and lira Walter Halljand iamlly Davldvhiawled in races and Karma Beverley and Kenneth McDon Mrs Stanfield childrenl ihiatletown were visitors Iu Jack Bomb tram st Annlirao Church Coulsona Hill m3 pleasant attornoon laat with lira lid fault at the ilnu Sunday callers with Mrs Porritt and sons wenura arag Davis Churchill hirrand lire William Porrltt who were marrieddaturday tinned lira Marie Porritt and Paul Mr and Don Edanand Mrs Lynea all oi Toronto and Mr and Mrs Armstrong oi Ernhro fulfill Mrs Willey Gii lord Saturday and Simday vtaltora with lira Ernest Dates and visiting Mr Data in hoaritalfl were Mr and Mn Wiliarn Hunter and Robin Mount Den nla Mr and hire Archie Adams and don tern Weatoa rand liaro Dalsa Iorv onto Mn Dalel Mr and Mrs Earl Daloa and Betty Ann wore Sunday gueata oi Mr and hire Don Wloa Strand ailsa Aileen Gardener Ituaaell and Howard andMin Emily Gardener Bradtord attended reunion Sunday at the home at William and La ry Clement Eirnvale Mrs Wright oi Ilta Hallows la recuperating well attar widergolng mgary last Friday at Yoda County Hoopi tat Newmarkat couuaacianioory ayioay BECKER East dealer Both sides vulnerable 1mm our UK Sit wear nan auoasta Ma yioaa yam use one no OR WA 1A1 gnrea Ihabtdding dart Smith Welt North Pan INT Fla INI Opening leadlive oi spades This hand occurred in team It match At both tahlea South was declaror at three notrunip and West led the live at apadea At the tint table East took the ace and returned spade the lack losing to the king West returned spade to the queen East dlaoardlng heart Deolarer entered dummy with heart and led the queen at clubs When East followed low South went up with the ace caught the king and than mada live aotrump Souths play at the ace war clearly correctulia could attord to squander Mpoint trick It it turned that Eaat hadthd king oi ci but he oouidinot aiiord to allow West to win with the aingletonrking that happenedtahh thenau Iha contract was hopeless ii Weat had the married king but was makuhio ti Enathad the king or Went had it alone At the second table South went down alnat diliorant de ionso Anna awariad ondlroZ turned but at this table West Vaiowid the tackle win the neeond trick West was carotid to play the tour at spades on the lack acting as though hie griginal holdingwaa the Koo lie wanted to persuade do clarer that he had no entry card and was hoping that East would obtain the lead In time to return the deuce and deteat the contract South tell right Into the tray crossed to dummy with heart and led the queen ot clubs and ilneued Waat took the king and cashed his spadea to doieatthe contract two tricks It was much harder at this table tor South to guess the real situation He iigured rea sonath enough that there was for greater chance that Eaat lt had the king at clubs than there was tor Want to have tha singleton king it declarer had known that East had no more spades he would veryilker also More iuaed the itnessa and played for the droprllut Wests highly imaginative dotease proved to he too much tor him Tomorro nrd BLONDIE GUESS sane motto AMIH WITHOUT IDCKING UP my on W5 to YES DO BUT TH SHOULD HAVE HEAIID run SHEEAVEME AN IFANY wane MISSIN NEICrItEDiZ KIDS ID HAVEA LpYOlePLAlNI HAVE EM ALL Do COUNT GRANDMAJIOW lltOUflltT YOU NADA BIO BATCH OF EM Title VEAR route thunder over Arizona 700 Father Knows Bert 110 Donna Road Show mu and River Jamboree mlflmhfllm that caosswoitn man on Po nu News Wallis apart mo newqu 13230 this mm miniroan gt 1100 mrvrtm goddear My 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