as has assessed Mr and Mrs Gregg Davis were in Wtitowdaie£aturdey and attended the weddiaro their hephow William Pomtr and Miss Boonie Lyaeu whtcbftooit piece tahmiag United Church mad the recap tion aitarwards at Potters res taurant on Shepherd Ave Mr and Thirs Robert Siacillr have retumcd tram trip out west vLsttlog the Calgary etamv pedo Loire toutse Bonn aad other places oi interest St Peters Cemetery service will be held next Sunday July 22 with Rev Mr Downer Coilingnood as is SL Pauls orchestra will be in at tendance Mr and Mrs Lorne Wide man Larry and Mark Toronto visited Thursday with Miss Lli iian Stonn at her cottages Ai cona Bench inn Camphaiir is home irom iteyai Victoria Hospital Barrio where he underwent an appen dcciemy Mr and Mrs Larry Biain and totally iiornepaynen have spent several days with Mrs ilinins broiherlniaw and sister Mr and Mrs Ronald Allan and family CRAthttlitST By casrou The Ladies Aid oi Knox Presbyterian Church will hold bake sale Friday July 27 at two oclock at the home oi Teller Emery Mrs Bert Cnston and Miss Betty attended golden wed dingln Toronto last weekend iiirs Sophia Hart and hire lrcne Toner at Toronto are spending eoupiaoi weeks with Miss Jean Caston Mrs Hart is in her iuznd year and very smart Gordie Clements and Dale Brown of Barrie spent part at inst week with Mr and Mrs Em Gaston Mr and Mrs McCraeken were in 0riliia on Sunday owing to the death at an aunt Arthur Arnem at Toronto ls spending his holidays at his homs here The intent daughter Kimber ley Jean oi Mr aadyliirs James Elisrncra of Barrie was christened in St Johns Church on Sunday afternoon by her grentgrondialher ltev William Newman iler oiherrgreatgrand parents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Dunn The two sets oi grandparents were also present There was happy christening party and supper at the home of Mr and lira ivan Cairns at iiiidhurst alter the service unseen Gary Strangahan Hamilton spent few days last week with name Handys Mr and ers Bert Massey spent last week at Woodiaiu Beach Mr Wisehart is visiting his granddaughter Mrs Art Pick ford Oriiiia for two weeks iiirs Tom Coward visited her sister Mrs Ross Toronto last Sunday Mr and Mrs Allan Brown and boys Mr and Mrs Har old Moore Mr and Mrs Duns can Moore and boysend Mr and Mrs Duncan Moore and ineiuding all sub trad boys and Mr and Mrs Stan as Guaranteed workmanship Watson and boys attended the Easy monthly paymenk Brawn reuni springivaterlzarif My now Is THE TIME rots assromo LAC and Mrs Al Grady and boysvisited Mrs William Grady and Art at Windsor or Wl1 malan 99 all the weekendl annual or asbestos ao yearly rs Mal11y Mme Hung painting RERQOFING new vili spent the weekend with TQM mum ml 5th Harold Mom shingles NEW KITCHENS da Tums andMfleompteteiy replaaaed and res Lam Seymcdl Ba are modelled by kitchen specialists spending fewdays with Mr RECREATION ANDFAMILY and albeit Emmi ROOMS extra living space in Remem the batsï¬m cflm yourbasemeot GARAGES munity picnic on Saturday July 31 WM Sign Pro 2d at Bass Lake Provincial 7° 50 833 31 ad Park Sports will begin at 330 mm mm SPEW ALUMI evaryone welcome Bring an 10935 WINDOW til3 sports iiation and partials ml min matey rams as he lung in Sudhury Dr and Mrs beencliied owls break oi bog cho er Mrs Eyioo and re on Mr and Mrs Schlamb and two Tomato have moied onto the farm iormer iy owned by MeiJsmieaoa iheldressing rooms oi Goth rie community arena are being remodelled Mrs Ries Machod spent the weekend at Masons and Mr and Mrs Lawrence of Essex visited at Loves Moons sprouts By MR8 JJFRAWLEY School closed with liplClilC on the school grounds and tansin supper at Orr Lake the following evening Awards ior theyear were presented with the ioiiowlng results riect al tendanee Mory Bo highest percentage seniors Gail Tinney highestpercentoge lua iorsi Janet Barr social studies note books Gall tinneyi Maty Foliage iiiichsei King Richard Greater Elva Pridham Annette Grenler Caroi Tinney Eileen Buchanan Joan Greater and Janet Barr pcrieet punctuality Peter Beianger Donnie Barr Eileen Buchanan Mary Barr Carol TinneypGerald Beinnger Gail Tinney Janet Barr Donna Espey and Richard Grenier Races ball game and wiener roast completed the picnic 5T aunts ay MRS PltAll Mrs Caveriey and Victor have rhad their cousin Mrs Jones visiting irom Nova Scotla Miss Marlena McArihur has accepted posiiion in Toronto MarlenaJs to be congratulated onwlnning prize or proiiel easy in the commercial course at Barrie District Central Cei legiote Mr and Mrs James Msdie have returned from theirhoney moon trip to northern Ontario They will live in their new home on highway 11 at the 14th concession MissPat Rows andvDick Rowe called on iriends in the district Pat has returned irom holiday in England She will enter University of Toronto in the tail and take public health nursing course Dick is attend ing Waterloo University striding to he hemieal engiaee NOTICE To HOME OWNERS vice tom so the living NEEDJMORE Room Expand your eat home by adding additional lullsize the sidegor althe rear ttjo madness FREE HOM us are ViSi Steddartsu Mrs Squires has returned to her sons in St Thomas ailer spending some time with Mrs BertJamieson Lawreace Ritchie has come from Scotland to join his brother George at MorrisMc Arthurs Miss Anna Husband and Her oid Holder of Eerwya Alta are spending two Weeks with iormcrs parents Mr and Mrs liarold Husband Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Evan Wilcox nee Dorothy Ann Campbell who were mar good has doubiering ceremony in Guthrie United Ch last Saiu on Vista fly gt my to re aria liaik offers complete remodelling ser phones Meaty tees 59 lB Lenore vycnaosAsanAiL EGGS iiihaswncm so soasr srsw CHOPS raesH Maps riasreaaps saneisaaANo cnrmravfauuta 15 caawaucNv 3TALL 89 IKiNGSiZE GARDENIFRESH PRODUCE suthsrstzs 180 unites 22 MttK rso jsjiatouortte fVEAl aoasrs SHANKLEVSS SMOKED PINKS as JCHOIcerNoEa VVLARGEGRISP may EN mus retreats APPOINTMENT iN AaASKsr MOUNiAIN vtsw repudiate nos uni sweet Mixed PICKlES no VJAR ROBIN Hoop linguists scram COOKED PlCNlCS $139 prisons insomnia L8 TIN