Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1962, p. 13

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ii The danger comes he says in irec space hundreds of miles sanddtdn arc to cans Mot at Thre Theiormslionoi the European or cooomic Community also was the Common hisrltot regarded by many as the most molecular economic and polit cal devetopment to recent the the comerstene or the Ear opean Economic Community was id bylhs Treaty oi home In arch test and the organisation intensity came into being onJso ary list The European Ecommlc Com Muaity title at present con slate of six countriesFrance West Germanyiisty the Netb erlsnds Belgium and Luster bourg These countries have combined total population oi bout 170 million people which comparable in also to the population at the UnitedStst The agricultural eat cluded at the beg log at is year provides titres basic ctlonr The gradual elimination oi internal tariiis over the next van and onehali years soari July of this year In some ace the transition period may Ni shorter Erumtually establishing iden coi price supports in each em country and im slog sliding teriifs agrlgiiltural Imports from member countries equal to arkdiiimloncel him wrk ct oea ore arm modifies and the genertu her Common Msritct support cos Last year the United Kingdom ade application for admission to the Cornnson Market The Un tiled Kingdom has not yet been cpted into the Community and negotiatlom are proceeding oth er European Countries including the members of the Outer Ss eVBil group to which Britain pro ntiytbclongs have applied to be fttil members and secrete mombers oi the Common mar et Britains dechion on iolnthe six countries is to have access to the tastgrowbtg Common Mar ket in order to increase her ex ports and strengthen her bai Doctor Trying Heart Operation fig Using Special Plastic Sponge MONTREAL CPiThe Mont real heart surgeon who pio nasred and developed two suc oeseiul operations ior sufforors from coronary artery disease is working on third It is in the experimental stages yet but he ds great promise The latest technique oi Dr Arthur Vineberg is aimed at giving the heart entirely new coronary arteries Ten years ago Dr Vineberg began utilising for ans hls implant operation ercby chest artery ls transplanted di rectly into the heart muscle at For three years hebss also been using the sponge opera gfltlon placing specialtypo plastic spo ge against the heart In encotlr ge blood vessels to grow through item the hearts membraneous lsycr Now as with his ilrstde velopcd operation Dr vineberg is calling on another part of the body or an cxlra jobtho grenter omentum The greater omcnturn has often been called the police man at the abdomen because of its readiness to move to trouble spots within its own area ii is an apronlike structure of at and blood vessels lhatis at inched to the stomach and to the bowel with three free sides NEW BLOOD VESSELS In hisexperiments with the omentolgrait operation upon animals Dr Vineberg first one the pericardiumtheii brous outer covering oi the heart He then removes the epi eardium the inner covering Use Spgce Against Debris MONTREAL CPI McGlIi University scientists are trying to design wraparound shield to protect spaceships from small pieces of cosmic debris that can travel up to 150000 miles an hour The debris sbounding in the suns orbit ranges In size from speck of dust to an ordinary bullet Hut charging through space as fast as they do they could eesllypenetrate ships bull in in charge of the project is or raid Vsaull head oi the mel chanical gineering merit its part nt general space study program being can ducfednihrough the Arthur Little Corporation of Cam bridge Mass The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States asked McGili to undertake the job of devising means of protecting space vchI elcs gt Proi bull says there isnt much danger tram the flying particles for Soviet and v5 spacecraft orbiting the earth beyond the earths surface where the malnshowcr of dust fences and introduce blood vesi operations Dr Virieberga par the space ship from the hnigas and other particles are encoun tered rleaign mathematical oat oslculatlons warmth none IOV Ill antes system for British agnnu turnl veers utheyrnow gt know The British aerobics stem consists lme oide tenor pay made dov emment to brditridual producers to bring their returns upto rodeiermlned level Negotiat ooe between the United Kingdom and the cornmoo Idlrtct are pro reading slowly andmuch dis asssion must still take place on the two most diitteult pmitlcml those at sgrlculttnei galley and ofOommonwealthtra ltmay be that the United Kin will have to charge drss catty its ctmnt sgriouiturel policy as regards grains and livestock from one at Income support mush deficiency mm to ontologicme g1 prise cough ITIBT NI NO over criespal trade Canadas objection to Britain ioining that we will lose our afarentisl position In the Un ted Kluddorn Market in the event oi Britains being accepted into the Common Marinei any immediate meterence given to commonwealth Countries oemrot be extended siter 1999 In order to understand the slg nlitcance oi the Common tiar iret to Canada we should glance over the root trade patternLast year Canada exported to the United Kingdom goods ammuni inz to $909 million or about to cent of our total exports HI to common Market Countries totalled its million or on per cent oi our total Our exports to the United Kingdom radio the Common Market Coun tries together accounted for little over 14 per heart oi our total trade By com rison our experts to the Unite States last year were slightly over it hit lion or Mfr cent at our total export ire and also removes the aerosol illmyiayor irom the pericar diam place oi the greater omen tum ls detached and wrapped completely about the baradmy ocardium or heart muscle and an and is ilxcd in the aorta the main artery The pericar dium is then closed From this precedu Dr Vina berghas found nawblood vei sels subsequently growing and delivering blood to the heart The experiments wers re ported ed by Dr Vinebsrg and two associates Dr Reque Pliarre and Dr Claude Mercier in the June issue of the Canal dlnln Medical Association Jour IIB The human greater omentum has shown marked aiiinliy ior inflamed surfaces and an abii ity to move in diseased spots sueh as an acute appendix within its reach it also has the ability to wall ofi inflamed areas Not known is the mechanism whereby it sets out on these Journeys to trouble areas or how It Is able to supply de sels to the areas Because it does there things however Dr Vineberg began wondering whether detached piece of the greater emcntum could also do Its job away from its abdominal home As with the experiments and the proven earlier developed pose is to get neededhlood supply to the heart incases of coronary artery disease The McGlli experiments by teamof iiivall attempt to du plicate conditions in space special steel er truth which air is withdrawn to create high vacuum has been built At the beginning scientists will fire bullets iuto thecham berat velocities up to 21000 mph Later they will speed up the velocity to 500007mph The bullets will smash into shieldsthat scientists will con tinue todaslgm until they get one that wont crack under the Special photographic techniques will be used toitake pictures as impact occurs One involves item camera unit thattakesxfrays However scientists know the problem wont be solvad only by shield that will withstand the iragments oi debris For when they much into the im prognable shield they dialnte ggatainto gas cloud oI high pressureand intense heat This is more dangerous than theim pact ltaeli The need then willbe inde volnpa shield able ioproteet clouds At the moment the stu hasnt passed the stage of pre and that pricesarreartvssutvssmnznzap SFECiALl HlC DRINK prusaapsa anarcrnurr SPECIALi Cudney Choice Helm PEAGIIES srrcuu KRAFT CHEEZ WIIIZ SEECIALI CHOICE EASTLAKE TOMATOES SPECIAL 5T AWRENCE sunnu Vreo 01 LDITINI CORN OII otfih SPECIALI TWINKLE ICIALI LDILAWI KITCMIN MIDI Tight IA 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