ga masonic opened this morning and mayeontinue tomorrow Thd inquest its investigating the death at Nora Jean Artist who was bitten by snake white vacatloning with her no ther and tour sisters niths island at Cognashen Second witness stand this morningwas ths girls mother Mrs Lois Itrmt tnge She was questioned by Dr tttt Cotnnm supervising coroner tor Ontario and Crown Attorney Allan Nowell oi Huntsville and several mem bert oi the itveeman Jury TOLD BY DAUGIITE Mil Atmttage said the that card of the incident on Wed hcsdayi Juiyta around to am when has at her daughters came running to the house say inghoru had been bitten vit casrssid the little girls ankle ty bruised with three ittie puncture marks hire Armliagu along with Creighton Shcrman another cottager irom Michigan rushed the little girl to Gerald Murphyoi iiioun Morris Nuw York Tho mother saldDr Murphy dismissed tho thought tiltat it was venomous snake While at tho doctorreottago ftrmitago was told that her ghtcr had Improved Around oottgtthe little girl was taken omegaud put into bed Asked it she had been bitten tuakc the youngsteriust reptisdi dont know Mrs shrinkage has been vaca tionlng yearly in this area since she was six weeks missing Ontario Department at Health onlyonojsummet She said the was aware that poisonous Inattes had existed inthe vic inity and agreed with Dr rtsmthat her little girl would ALDANY Ga iAit Negro deaders weighed today possi ble suspension oi mass racial demonstrations alter violence climaxed protest march in thls uneasy southwest Georgia 91in The violence in which two air iicersxreccived minor hurts camaittesday night just few hours alter federal iudges action cleared the way ior Nee groes to renew their antisegre pgation activities Dr Martin Lutiter King Jr integration leader who preaches nonviolence and passive resist ance in the Negros tight ior equal rights termed the inci dent regrettable lie said he would halt demonstrations tem porarily ithe ieeis Albany NeJ groes cannot stick to strict nonViol ampaign The trouble developed when about gtt70 oiticers moved into theNegro section to disperse about 2000 Negroes in the vie stnity at busterrninal State Trooper Claude Hill was struck by rock bruisinghis lace and knocking out in tooth Eotties and rocks rained oak the pavement as two lines or ynette Gamble Miss South Itiricain the Miss Uni verse Beautyriageant toda characterized the pageant Miami Bea Florida as ora like ters legs it turned smottled blue cola Mrs fitrmltage lhen called Dr liturphysnd his son Dr Gerald Murphy when the two doctiirtarrited they agrecdthst the youngster should be immediately sent to Penetang tioshitsl 12 miles awayby be Armltage milled that had been under the impres sion that antisnake serum could beiistal ii administered ii bite hadnt actually taken place She said however thnti she had nothing against onli toxin and would have agreed to have the serum administered it site had been sure her daugh ter had beon bitten Dr Cotnam dismissed his own question as being unialr alter asking it Mrs ltrmiiage would lotiow the same course it cou irontcd with the situation again She disclosed thatsho now knows that the herum lsavall able just halia mile away Mr Sherman raiused to say exactly what Iypevnoi wound the little girlttadnon her ankl when he that saw her Sherman himself had killed snake in hisbackyard year ago Other witnesses this alterj cm were to include Dr 11 Harris authority on snakes nolileial irom the with information about serum another Toronto is pert lrom the Ontaro menu at Entomology plus the two doctors who treated the child lil crowd at Negroes ihe missiles iiew alter gtoes and one white ntan marchcd irons ch downtown area and were tailed tor parading without permit Several hundredï¬had started the much but most dropped out before reaching the area where police had warned demonstrat orsDwouldbaorrested Poltcel Chiel Laurie Pntchett said therawss no violence on our part the oiiioers never took the roll Shortlybefore the march be gan Negroes tiled tederal court action to desegregate all public iactlities and to prevent police interference with antiscgtega tion demonstrations Dr King who had urgedrata mass rally thatthe Negroes niareh said the violence veloped apparently irom rn onlookers who were not part ot ourmovernent We cannot and we will not tolerate violenceon the part oi our people Dr King said Ju the statements upon Charge persons Worse dismiss swtlt oi sudbury was timed subsonic or blag it into It Faizetta ilnedtwo men on chargesaris ing irom disturbance in nearby Cheimstord durin visit June to Nickel Eeit were withhrawnby the ohechso wasadiourmd and two others were remanded ttn Vb tit placard stieitsl Clarence $75 charge got creating turbnnce outside the Cheim iordlunisn hall where the Con rvatlve party rally was held Lawyer Elmer Sopba Liberal member atthpflntario Legisla ture fori Sudbury appeared for the defendan ii of whom caded not guilty Crown At tornoy cute hsction orths Criminal Codsuar oihste York whereho was okcdoneharge of orimim ally recéivihg atolon proper ptia arguedthst tbs der which the defendants were ccused was never intended to fRiithts suggested oh at of guilt held the hat convictions might be appealed tohigher courtss When Mr Eur bldgovexpressedwaneern that vidence in the that cos day MrSopho ssi deuce should be recorded be cases Lbeeause hit idea which Sue MacDonald a0 term secretary oi litineMill in Sud bury testiï¬ed she saw Kuc hit thits twice asra crowd milled around the motorcade carrying himandMr ieienbaker to the rally dune MissMae paid said she saw ard lie eid Jeribed as man who con om anz traeted dispoco ot the Bacheloot aunenderedï¬ ear erio the districtaito oy Wirepho gio didato when he got is stir and she placed herself has tween him and the crowd he licviugthat ywouldnt hlt he said sh wasv middloag man he kept raising otecuons Finally it ch man asked roared downvsnd want any sunrist telling uswhat to ductve to good employer pioyeerelationshe said ill an utotlcourt compromise on stopgap administration of raJuvï¬udburyï¬lkte lawyers had until sta Pnertoitico that Puerto Rteano should vote on therigh ofvseit determination Kennedys views trained in letterthe White House said cepresldent doh son wittd var to Governor ingot Puerto Ricos commonwealth rate in prest Marchlit that believes time has comeitor provement at in ith systemgtie said he in tends to ask the Puarto Kittens legislature to enact form govern Tharlgh ofgov loyee age in coil should replace ions consultation which prevails now Mr Jodoin issued his com merit alter Finance Minister Fleming nnnounccd that that government was deterring can sideratton ot recommended pay increasesiiod 50000 federal civil servants during the present ousterity program The pay boost were recom mended the service and were to apply toclerieol administiatlve ancir semi professional personnoln mrtoday anagement at Local Stilts rai igger issue oi whethe moretha 14000InternationslNtekelCom wit Min anauos nastier eminent Ftttesdaynight parties and candidates indelcree elections promised next year issued our decrees installed and their candidates Eie er to supervise political party Mill Inned other hibalitari etgr courts cre voiiicesreopeoed throughout Sas oi untiorm rnormatjpractice rencyon European markets tookflandther tee rintention Ben to reroported to haveltnkenbvor Constantine in east Algeria and iioyaltst chbi Usuaily wellinformed Nation allot sources in Algiers gave tits report to Reuters newssgehey ntt imtwtlthmh typi in en or ally Mosletn town at about to 000 on thoirlnge otthe Sahara Desert in WestCentral Algeria other report said the Con go this Ben Datiists had kid nappeda toomtiitary man also responsible to provisional gov ernment Premier Ben Youssel pan Khedda Een Bahalpdvcr sary in the current potver ltiilfls TheAiglers sources said the Dan Detlist forces including troopsiormsrly stationed in To Itisia took mmand of Cons tantlttade alter ulghtpi contuslo ers duriugwhich three katchewan today as tho medical profession otiicitniy ended boycott oi the COP govern ments medical care insurance planthe iirst such governmenv programin Norut America The Saskatchewan College ot 1Physicians and Surgeons said most doctors who boycottcdvtbep prepaid medical insurance planv since it went into effect duty will be back at work by the end of the week Some have already reopened their oiilc ut ior thesake the college said it advised doctors toveud their boycott today and begin charging for services During the ihreewcek boycott of the plan about 200p doctors provided free emergency med ical treatment at trotthe prov inces 154 hospitalsMany or these doctors will takeia tew daysrest before returning to Dr Santbanda coordinator the emergen ernnedya ficlstartrans yvaiue he iinitedlstates lar has ngthened white gold sh 9y slight is all St cluding Europeo grBen Kh do who favors been long standing on the DddEd they had won victories mittedpledge to maintain the lihe mooted soloists to at is was ide lads Minister at State dar lien than gt Bentzeiio declared cioserlles with France than Boo Balls wants yielded to the po litical bureauin face at threats otrevolt by Ben Bellas army backcd lettist action Ben Bella is expected named chairman oi the icai bureau and possiblï¬ take on the premiership as we Ben Eelias imminent take over oi powerraised the pros peat oi strlto in the newly inde pendent nation with reports of mounting restlessness mong Berber tribesmen Rivalry between Algerl abs ondvihe Berber minori hes tribesmen Della in Paris French govern ment spokesman said Franco inlerven to prote poiticularly hats Ben lshed by the college and the nadinn Medical Association std about halt thecoileges 625 private practitioners would be at work by Thursday it was expected to take week to to daylsc to return services to nor ma WIN KEY POlNTS While doctors tsaid they had to gtva way on lteyprinciplo acteptanee ot universal coma pulsory medical care they on otherkey points These lnciuderllih right to practise outside the set and the operation at yoluntary private health in agencies within the framework of the legislation Lord Taylor instrumental in bringing about the settlement said the amended act might serve as model ior public health plans throughout North America Dr Watson presrdont oi the BC division oitha CMlAt Orsnnior av eating with the sevenman bursauand motor lawn members oithsdimpo taut revolutionary council gcclns unoilitjiat partlame aihe council is the supreme organoi the revolutionandis the nearest thing the coun will have to rliamenttun Aug ttgeieetions Ben the hopes to onaareoltsa irons Den Bella and his entou go of some shears including as ior oiiicarsbi army were greeted conquering heroes Ben Bolts was reported plan hint to go no further east than Orleansvllie midway bat Oransand the Algiers oi the provisional government oi Ben YousseiADcn Kheddawtth whom Bent Bella is ieud It wasa foregone co union that lien Belts planned support for tho burea iro councilmen one of thacLoboi psrty group that drew up the union rhcaimpian Lordtaylor was called earlier this months an adviser to APremier Woodrow Lloyd provincialgovernment Dr Watson said in Voncouve its very goodagreement and wittwork very wellihe general principles wefve been talking about in the medical profession in Canada seem outlined in the plan Both tthe college governmen have agr basic principles and wh sit down andwork itout in detail theyll have good ethere wouldnt be just one gt monopolyff The amendments tovthe iegt iation will be adopted at special session otltha provincial legislature Np date ha been these liberation Kingdom nation at