Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1962, p. 5

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Vice president Lyndon Johnson gets preview oi page one at Paris newspap er tonight as he watches mnrsruhorss Painswickhlanllles While Family was George lsrrricson ot Paloswick stayed home irom lonlsili Perk ilreworhr When they re endeavourcd to wake him it Mr Jnnrleson had been dcttve rlends did not learn 01 his is extended to the iamily ing by William Ralph who ask balls were not assessed lie was it Saturda to do some odd his home while his urned they iound him in pyjamas and apparently sleep it as rather he was dead Ao sutofisy determined that heart no lie gin chureh attain being the present treasurer at St Paul passing until the notice was read in the Monday papers ASK REBATE Bell Ewart Legion wos repre ed iora rebate in the taxes on their hall as he claimed that told that ihrouyr the Court oi Revision the matter oi rebate ear the band concert and see on tho couch When they it had been the cause InnisilL Many neighbors and The sympathy oi the community seated at the lort Council meet in many municipalities such couid be considered and also tested He claimed that their taxes amounted to about 5300 annually CAR STICKERS Park Superintendent Cilii Car scadden brought up the matter oi car pass stickers ior rate Wpayers and wanted ruling ironr Council an the showing ot additional stickers where sec odd or more car was used in one iamlly lie woi authorized to make charge at it for each additional car which ml also include an employee ratepayer such or permanent hired man RINK PNOPOPOSAL Itllilllll Council will hold peclai meeting this week to ecelve and discuss the petition presented by the Community Hall Board ior permission to not debenturerepayoblc by twomiii levy on an area over which canvasswas made oi all ratepayers in the area covered in the described por tion oi InnisiiL The council will examine the titles and ii the majority ve srgrredthe petition layer log the proposal cerium will be passed on to the Municipal Board to permit the debenture to be placed Mimi ram rnsey he engineer gtnelrargeoiibeiihorehcres subdivision improvements in cluding bridge and roads brought up to standard has suggested to Council that he get bids irom interested no car tanner eELArome 2NDBlG Hi1 ltichsrd Widmsrlr retrain nos canroon catamaran ronrcrlrawennssonv ruinousturner AND THEDEVIIJ television tablehome wondering the live broadcast irom Europe to the United States via the Telstar utel llway tractors including resident at the subdivision Instead oi thir Irgt the regular procedure oi veriiring ior new tenders The first tenders were so much over the estimated costs made by the engineer that he asked Council not to accept any until new prices were obtained lie hopes to have competitive bids readyvlo place bolore the next meeting oi Council DEVEWPMENT ROAD ilrmconiraeiori now worido on the north part oi the levee opmcnt road under construction on the Town Linn between Essa Township and innlstil have err ceedcd the date which they had given ior completion oi thclr portion oi contract Engineer Stuart Keyes told Council they were ready to pincoaod gravel top and euthorhed the partial payment stream on acount Toe southem part which in cludes the cutting oi the big hills between the ltlh line and TI highway is not ready ior tenders Tlrls road which it is anticl pated wllitake much through traiiic on the way to the Georgian Bay beaches by way oi Minerlng irom 21 hlflrwny will have curved type oi ens trance at the jtmction oi 27 in steadoi type GRAD TIRES Faced with the replacement at tires ior ihegradcr or hav ing them reircaded Roadgfiup ervisor asked the sanction of Carmel to save $300 tire by having them mapped as he claimed the tires had no breaks New tires would cost over $400 each TOWNSHIP DIM lite Tire headlinesioli as dcadcod many injured PerieMareellio express train wreclr AP Wireplloloi towning Spoi PpltT ROWAN Ont CH coroners jury visited the scene oi recent drowning oi live Hamilton children in LokeErlc Monday and found seven chll dren swimming at the spot oi the tragedy sign lllilre south Volslng hnrn Township benchon the boundary at long Point Provln clnl Porkwarned thatnu llio guards were on duty No adults were on trend to watch over the swimmers The jury then visited super vised bench quarter mile away within the park and iound no one swimming in the storm tossed water The children who drowned July lo niter being caught in an undertow were Harold Wil llams his sisters Catherine it and Jnyncpil Kenneth Vol ehuk cousin and Robert EL its both Doctor ll BCotoam oper vtslng coroner oi Ontario is as sisting the ilvemnn jury led by Dr DAArcbihald ol Port Rowan gt Ciliiord Williams other at three at tho drowned children was naked by the jury inter whether the clrlidrcn knew how to swim lie replied that they didnt and were airnld oi water ARRIVED 100 LATE Mr Williams sold he left ior tho beach in minutes alter the children leit but he arrived too Clerk Richard Groh read an estimate ircm firm oi munl elpal planners who had made an overall plan at the township to create map brought down to scale oi reasonable slze showing streets roads and other iniorroation on same tor cost of about $400 Council lelt the matter to see it any other pro posals might be received in plant Plead ior No Divorce NEW YORK AP Actress Elizabeth Taylor did not plead by telephone with singer Eddie Fisherjo stop his divorce plans lawyer ior both says The lawyer Louis Nicer said Monday the estranged couple had authorised him todeoy that Miss Taylor begged Fisher to stop his plans to end legal their threeyear marriage Fisher saidjn Las Vegas learneller the story was un inc ls Externhl Arron Minister Green signs treatyoi lode meme and neutrality tor uflul in lynched tolls Weilabdv three days hetero the June is general election we won n1 medleteiyiiowever tttook more than month notlly the Uniledjtoiesgovoromeot get Its approvnlend gergln lorithe lnotion Canada served on ThaiMedicare MD Hive Patient SASKATOON CElvAvpatlent will have low choices undue doctor will have iour ways at getting incomounder the gov crnmcntr doctor agreement signed Monday to end Socket ehewans medical care dispute Lilo may choose doctor whovls enrolled with the govern ments Medical Carelnsuraocs Commission ior direct payment ills doctor will bill the commis son He may enrol with vet untory private health insur ance agency to which he will pay an enrohncntlee and at his option iurlhcr premium to insure ior iurthcr additionnl iringo benoilts The patient may then choose doctor who lateThe inquest was told that no one saw the drownings Glenn Owen graduate stud ent making study oi the we ters oil long Point about 35 miles south oi Brandord sold tourloot waves on the day oi gt the tragedy were strong enough to knock over any chlldie said there Was strong under tow and the current ran to ieet minute parallel to the shore Meanwhile in Toronto in clots oi the lands and intent department announced that coi orcd warning flags have been set upetlhabeach on ante perimenlol basis Red amber and green tings amber warning oi undertow green Indicating guard on duty and red no guard had been planned ior some time spokesman said but the tragedy speedcd up the project cram isrons itiOS PilCT Labs in the Palace oi NetionsLI gtGeueva yesterday With him rls an aide Leonlllayrand Mirrors DAILY pin hwlmmlavttonlooimnIwml Mill mis vcaes his now EXClTEMENT 1m MOTION PICTURE nithhlltllrruilMafifiid rnnous Fltillls THEATRE neurons can and ms to therein balldiln strips moving mob the el iocirs rune wcum re MEBDOM iii Heaviest prosecutor is to ireeiVellan badlcsrne treat the Great Waterways Do veiopmont Association ba eat to Dleienbnkor rare in is Welland peeclr may bepuljlck otlhe goverult largely or entirely outside any voluntary medical care scheme and not be earoled iordlreet talented Choice haseniered into service con tract with the voluntary agency Tho doctor will send the hi theagency He may choose not loco rol with voluntary health in surunee agency and may choose it doctor who is notenralcd with the hiedicab Calo insurance Commission ior diroct pay mentibe doctor will bill him and the potient will be reim bursed up to 35 per cent at the schedule oimlnlmom lees by the commission He will be able to go to doctor who elects to practise entirely for private tees lie willthen pay the iulilieo him tell and will have no claim on the Mcdlcaierare insurance Commission no may electio enrol ior direct payment by theMedlcal Core Insuranoé Commission ills payment will then be ashs agrees with the commission By ieeiorserviea retainer and smollcrfi twice or by ilxed remuneration only ileJnay practlse partly largely or entirely in assocla ties with one or more voluntary health insurance ngeneles For patients who have eorolcd with such agencies he will submit bliislnt the agreed tears at present BS er cent at the sched ule oi ml mum leesh The ag ency will collect mm the Med ical Care Insurance Corrurrls slon reimbursement on the general ltSper cent basis and pay to the doctor the amount oi ihul reimbursement in iullpay ment oirthc doctors hill He may practise portly payment by the Medical Cars insurance Commission liele bill such patients entirely at his own dlscretlonioe only relt quiremcntlwillbe the solsz slon oi his billto his patienhin onlterrrlncd term ilevntsy choose to practise entirely ior grivlle lees pro vided that is patients also agree to make no use at the medical care scheme CAP ULE NEW can Strike ROME AP Doctorsrvho went on strikent Romes state rirn hospitals warefibscls at work today but sspokesmnn ior the seven public hospitals siiected here sold Monday the doctors can decide to oult worlrogalnr About 1500 doctorson the governmsnt payroll deiied un iooorders andwailre outlast Thursday Another doctors at public hospitals in other parts oi itelyviolnerl them be iore the strike ended Wheat Poisonous L0 lndis Reuters Usdonated wheat ilour con taining poisonous chemical was the cause oian outbreak of paralysis last month among Assam State school children Choudhurl director at Assoms health services said Monday laboratory tests here and at Calcutta revealed the presence of the chemical Iri ortho cresyl phosphate in the llourgiven through the Amer ican Friendship Society semi Sobrides Talent as Viyphoonv Kate loslils punch Monday aitcr leaving more than 30000 persons homeless in Formosa and the Philippines Thirty per sons were reported missing in boat collision oii Mindoro in the Phillppines Atiast report Monday Kale had weakened to tropical storrrr sndwas heading toward mainland China alter glvlngv eardrumt VIM Bteeisbl Reloflotis hie to cards are ss lo the or lilies the used in toldngthees cords ntnrrr caters This was arcierence to ller hearings etwhich Robert son end Dovigl saidthey sc ccpted strangers signaturemn application card without check ing their ideolityTlro board ex nmined 17 cardsissued byRob ertson nod Dovlgl which born the names oigmen who icstltlod that they never signed cards tor the nltod Steelworkers at America tCLCl fit is impllcltvlu the boards practice that witness war ranls identity raid Golden Robertson and Dovigi encour aged at the very icostiho kind oi things we have iound here Golden also said that it jroight be wise to segregate ailcards eounterslgned by John Beaudry another proiessronal Steel organizer Chairman William Reed told Golden the board was not pre pared to entertain his motion at thlstime He indicated that ilstol cards issued by Beaudry has already been prepared NiNE TESHFY At Mondays sitting the board hcord evidence ireor nine men whose names appeared on Steel cards but who said they had never signed All cards were witnessed byiieaudry who was not present at the hearing thin witness ghvo evidence regarding card issued in the name ol his son Robert dos Raymond at in up tether George Joseph Raymond oi Onapinglald hlsson was critically ill with obtain horror and had not worked since last September lia sold his son was home Morel the date the card was lssuedbutdid notrecelve any visitors The board called iour wit nesses who said they had not signed the steel cards rub milled to the board Theywere Arthur Piles of Sudbury Aurelo Plion oist Charles and John Gordon and William George Gordon both of Onaplng Up to the present the bean buck logs have produced no evidence Formosa egiaocing blow No casualties were reported on Forrrrosa hutthe bustling port oi Kaohsiung suliered heavy flooding Nothing Done TORONTO lCP Ontario brewers did not meet with Brewery Workers Union CLC rnegotiat sMonday alter labor Sundayg ightgaveits executive the green light or strike action to speed up negotiation on wages and new contract lhr Strikedeadiine wasaet by the Lotlttmemher orooto local oi the international Union at United Brewery Flour Cereal former Canadian ambassador to Italy AP Wirephotol jscuuC Soil Drinkand Distillery Work ers of America who could dry up the provincevinrhoursli they strike routs irreverence KEMPEN 11 hoolttmill Hull roNreHrcNLv lMlElllAl kl Nlillll nth at dine on cards Minn St uneconole The board has heard ev hlch eerry wh state the the Vail six menv did not sign Shirley Hamernow eahrrod on CBCWs Friday night pro gram Sumner Night began proieseionsl singing at il Brittle dance band at as own region BINGO eyelid weoncsoav JACKPOT $50 Muss converts WEEK rs nsouurn neurons SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE lEGlON HALL or coitus srj Sol one Now Shrinks IPiiesWrtlront or Discomfort Andhdrar nrrhlhnmm Toronto Onl5pcéidl3For the first than science has ioubd new healing substance with the ability to shrink hemorrhoids nod to relieve sin and itching Thousands ve been relieved with tins ve substance right in thcp worry of their own borne without any discomiert or Invenlarrlrzo noose or ensew relieving pain act redlfillig Wits With Most parents oi allresults weresotlroroug that meters made comments like Piles have ceased to he problem The eecretisenaw heelingsob mmmlfibyneldlaooveryoin ismoussdentrticrnstitutc Nowtbisnowhmlingeuhsinnes lsolieredinou ioryorolntnmrt iormcollcd repalebbn Ask tor it at all mammoney narrated URONIAJ DRIVEIN WEDNESDAY snconn mm AROUND rum ronerrrn eraser New SHOWING fem WhihilcllilthsmesonbhflliliKOHliiillRICHARD flitlliElltllDiJGTlflll ck Either STAiRE

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