Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1962, p. 4

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Competition in brosdcsstin so byitha public NOQilell iorccd to read only onenews spar oronefrosgs sinsihers are plentyoi choices The United Kingdom has bsanstirredyby recent issue oith Hikingtonreport which hit the price ommcrciai talc vision network herd praised the British Broadcasting Corporation and suggest odthst BBCbs given control oi ths proposed third nettiork itritishnews papers almost unanimously blasted the on art DailylMall headline read Piiking ton tells the ublic to go to hell The grecommendat on was tor reorganized todependsnt TV authorityto take over the planning at rograrns and selling at padvertislngi so cant have TV so agrams ch twothirds preter ou must have whet governmentsppointed Igrougll fireicr themselves thundered he The Daily Hersiddeiended common cisl television if the independent tele vision has done nothing else it has iiv Ani cpate Bi For the two months prior to the ted eral election oiiune to the talk by some politicians widely disseminated by press and air was downright depressing to the general public in Canada And yet recent surve by competent ubiic re lations firm as diapiosed that hree out oi every four companies anticipate big ger sales in the second hall at 1962 and most at the rest expect at least to equal the previous year DOWN nrnoaymng YEARS AGO iN DISTRICT Barrie Northern Advance July 15 1697 Town Council decided that public works program should continue but men would have to wait ior ay until taxes came in but at iiiooiaing tramps hangin around town at late Grand Trunk ailway Muskoka Express made run from Barrie to Orillia at mile min lute TheRomance oi Jesuit Mis sion historical novel by Mary Bourchior Sanford native Barrie highly prais ed when pubiishedin New York Dy ments Brookdale Stables had three win ners at Windsor races Desperategang of burglars operating in Simcoe County Seven toms and villages robbed besides Barrie Detective Alfred Beardsley it nall spotted three strange men loitering at uicsater Street dock com the station Hesummoned Constable McBrideand when they tried to arrest them the trio put up iight Clark and Maioney were subdued but Jack McLean got awa He was later picked up in Toronto and sand tohave record oi murder But when MAIN STREET carnato Foster Russell Publisher at Cohour SentinelStar in The Toronto Telegram gt Main Street Ontario has lived too long with an old physiog and rocking chair complex bright new lace and modern colt ture is not enough howeverLooms shop ers may not return objecting strong the innuendo oi Mai St ts parking ticket Main Street Ontario points out th youthful shopping centre haherdasher has had it too good ior too long withou thinking about the shopper Once the backboneoi the nation with its independcnt philoso by its magn ior business it is part changing cosu mos Main Street0ntario is no lo gar oats W0ltLD The sho per can survivewithout Main Street to ay bypatronizing fringe area piazassndaupor marketer 71 if there were an underlyin lament ior moribund Small Moan sno auditory Holidays serum at mournwamitaausbsr IMAN Indium consul Manigss it Metastases msulnssslsas oils itll aunts sa rs toast omen Earthenware two parties are likely to agree giving something back to Town Dates by Hugh But the tact that there and Wm many ture being every dart sdtodor what Canadians want whatjtbsCBc prodiscers gh be listened to With the fitsso honing oi private bropdceeting has been much more eown toaarth The The it thstpli nsdtanesrs not to listen to but than tshould titanic drama the ballet the opera are line in eople want due proportion but many and sports comedy light mus pain hoedownstoo To give the CBC its lust due it has prevented broadcasting Cane irom being enslaved by commercialism which is where the us estem tails down However the pubc stern needs the com atition at private road casters and its eners need networkto which they can turn to avoid the freq iient inan ties oi commercial broadcast ng Recession talk should be over by now There is am is manta by lea era both manuincturin and merchandising that Canada have algood business year Despitethis the bu ness expansion should iollow its usual pattern short pause ior con solidaton tthereis no concrete ovi dence iosh that we are anywhere near de ression that is unless such should appen in thewhole western world rooi from the state conversion pins totalitarianism NoLChenceOiiiedistribution Belore Neat General Election By ssnMien rsssmcrou ottswa Bureau Barrie iner UiTAWA There is almost no oi edsrsi constituencies beiore the next ensrsl election Diiiicultes lacing parliament in arriving at now sysiernoi rcdtstiibuton raise it almost certain that Canadians will elect their next government on iha basis oi the present ass consti ttlenciesfi This likelihood has increased greatly because oi the minority position oi agoverumsnt which will be living irorn dayto day Barrie jpoiice went to the city to bring him back here ior trial they found he had escaped from Don jail Meanwhile Clark and Maloney were convicted oi burglary in Barrie and sentenced but when Governor ySiasons andTurnkey Caldweli wereb jail from the courthouse they attacked with stools Only after the turnkey shot ringing them back to when tho 25th parlia laterin September But even with normal tour or live your period ot parlia montaryilio it seems duubliul ii redistribution underany new systcm could baeiiecicd by mpnt opens ament the government introduc ed bill to establish an in dependent commission to handle M310 =1 19198 did the 31 WHY the problem lntho past the get int eirceliiirst ob csubscrip tions received for new arrie hospital Sam Wesley editor oi The Advance caughtll base when Barrie Fishing Club visited Snake Island in Lake Slmcoe Miss Locke leit Grassland ior missionary work in South America fColorado beetles disturbing some farm crops Intense heat for past week 9095 in shade Methodist ministers posted to Barrie by Toronto Conferencetwere liter Pearson Collier Street Rev Hudson Central ltev Thomas Edwards Burton Avenue New tire bell install ed at Boston Ernest Love injured when cartridgeexpiodes Templin hergus editor in The Tely last rweek let it be just criticism ofhis town or anytown wherein business fails to pro mote its community New downtown shoppirt malls modern merchandising free or log bailyhoo and one almost target an ingredient ad vertising will help restore Main Streets trade balance Main Street Dntariopcan rid itself at the vicious penalty of parking mete can brighten the local newspaper with its message and grow with its circulation KEEP rassnomnuve Guelph Mercury Canadians to great extent appear un wpreciatlve oi the freedom we enloy dont hear or readabout Canad one having to hijack ferry boatand use it asa wayeicsca Ystthatiiis exactly what 14 persons in to escapeirom Com munist controlled East Berlin into the freedomLoiWest Berti Entity in I101 halt go the same threat to our security goternments uch aathatwhlch rules Ear iBeriih that would seekto conver tithe state into been bought focus at the only it lobhos been periormed by commitment parliament but this has led to charges oi ger rymandering To take the tricky task out oi politics all parties have agreed in principle thats nonpolitical body should be es tabiishcd But the governments bill received only that reading beiors parliament was dissolv it is expected that the gov crnment will reintroduce its bill in the new parliamentBut an observer close to the pro hiem here thinks there will be great diliiculty in getting agree meal on how the commission should be constituted and what ground ruled it should ioiiow estimation stocks Everybody agrees with the idea oi acommission but no on the details For this reason thsdebsis on the bill es peciaily in such divided Com mans could goon ior months this observer suggests But even it the bill could be pas ssd in the coming session it will takera commission close to twa years to reach conclusions Composition of thecomrois may he one stumbling block it has been suggested that it be on together biiicer Nel arguadthat iudgss endtha elec toral oiiicer should not be ed to become involved in such dynamiteiaden subject with its many political ramifications But the mostscrioua problem iii iiitciyhe decision on what ishnoWn as the margin oi tolerance The ideal ionnulag is to divide Canadas population agree the number Com 1monaj seats excluding the Yukon and Northwest Territor ies This would work out to about 79000 people per consti usnoyhAt present tidings vary sons the largest fliork Scar orough in Tomato with set one no station In the smallest ledeIadeie in Quebs with stance is go Th vidod for talie ssihiliiy oi redistribution en At the close at the last parli rathcrwm iaity substan narrate cannon July 191962 Dear lr iv May we through the columns oi your newspaper make public the appreciation oi the loaders oi the Salvation Anny iorthe excellent support givers by your publication and ior the sonar ous response oi the people indications are that the Ab peal will again be successiul nationally when delayed cam paigns are completed andali returnaare in This gives cause ior gratitude to God The part played by new pm in bringing the Appeal the atteniion oi the people is rules But the donainitteas re port will be open to debstc In the Commons beiors it is ap proved Even ii commission can be appointed and start work in reasonable thnstha iindings at that commission will not be binding its recommendations will have to go to the Corn mona ior approval and this scoldiprecipitate lengthy do so The Canadian constitution calls tor redistribution every 10 years alter the census iigr um havebeen made available The iinniiigures oi the tool census have now been reported and redistribution should not it P°°°° tisi that the ublic he made Kgfiiuwfifmumummng swaraoi the alvationArmys problems oi carrying out the 93 inrpivmer gm by mmndm Mdy Thank you tar generous and oompet assistance Yours iaithluily eunssv ldeutuCoionei National Campaign Director not easy thcrcioro itis creep and with the chance at another eisctiotiany time sitar pnrlia meat convenes present riding boundaries are almost certain to be used ior at least one more icderai vole herons soon use Problematic On Market Posts as aromas noon under armrest Correspondent llsr Tbs Harris Examiner wNDON Amh In another member at Mr mm Brim iieaths otlaiing team iic °° islsir an lloll54who is MM Eumm de secretary oi theminle Commoo Market with the agriculture which he notable exception oi theVBeav erbrook press is seen in the izlfiseegmnifngf 99mm spscuiationwhich iai takingf Wmnwho themg place on iha men who wlilba selected as British representa mentioned is 511 Henry Linioti tives onthevarious Common Market Conunisslons These Are important positions They will caiiortoprsnirin msnto take theplunt yobs tell will paysaiariesin the scopes year bracket Thsre ass at east ilva of these ions Jobs to be iiiied ii In Britain total the Common Market This at their are on the European Economic Community Commission the midaitlefi bcchttse he is now adviser to theviorcign oiiicc on European trade questions body which governs thesiiairs oi thaACommon Market itself There will be two placesto Viill la the Europeancosl and Steel Community and one in the European Atomic Energy Commlaaionpoi Epsatorn MEN RUNNING The peculatorsare looking overthciisis oi men who mightba in the ninning ior as posts ste at the rsguirs ments is that the candidate must be Europesnin outloo gtPrsvious experiencswouid also be oi considerable value And it is sneueniisi that the men ciindeii should be able tospnk fluently sndhnderstand rwa some at the languages or to er Comma Market countri in the running ior one oi the iop posts is Piersonltixon Britains a1 carols gsmbasss lie was pref spoiresntsn in sanitation by particle iuily recognizedFund raising is Highonrthe list also is trsaunooigfiteti it phat hardening oi means The broads Mann site better oneéit isnt may matter oi the drieriesxsecomigfi ore rigidraod brittle iaithou In part of the presets Bother webcgto doposliing or on the Walls oi the arteries As those pillatm grow ertici tnsldsd oi the artery naturally fide creases lust as water pipe con tainiagrusi Sheer total thickness oi the artery walls rendcrs them less flexiblein additionto the na tural lossoi ryouthiui elastic in the tissues which carries to oius with age Gradualhnriisoing oi the art lto natural erlesrthereioreis on We all can expect to degree Just as weaspcct our skin to get old outlets to turn gray andour eyes no longer to read line print cues tillage as close to our noscs as was true when we were younger So the important cationis not whether our cries will harden They will The donation rather is whether they become hard enough to interiors with ouractivittes or human gerousciogging in the heart muscle and causing heart at lack clogging or leaking in the brain and causing astroltc or clogging elsewhere sothat ior one example walking becomes diliicuit or painiui All the talk about choicetcroi and poly unsaturated int strikes at this problem The saturated into and cholcstcroi appear to contribute to titli hard oi the Commonwealth Relations Oliicc lie was iormcriy the dev puty sccreiarygenernl it the Organisation ior European Eco nomic Cooperation MAYBE NONvlARTY One oi the subjects tor spec uialion is whetherthcse isobarV tant appointments will be made on anonparty basis That is whatt happened when the Dutch representatives to these Europ can bodies were named it is just possible that the British government will emulate this broadminded gxampie Much is being madco tho fact that the government set an excell cnt precedent inthis direction whenit appointed thcLabor Llie Peer Lord Bobenszas chairman oi the National Cool in tact it bet pointed out that Lord silohcda at and staunch supporter oi closer association with Europe has goodchance oi being in the running ior the iuicicst oi all the plumjoba that oi presi dant oi the High Authority oi the European rConi andStceii Community it some it ior that is Edith sci iha arteries alto can to la indistitu and little ioodl iodine com neo mungwa secrstcl on tbs ibyroidlirutiisssiy gt apolilbe iicile as dsractivg thyrai grandstand he overweight buxom MM Tbyroidcstractorons rcssur grin soilivnlnts relieves the all MelWllV pa ro ri By THE CANADIAN egress In or our seat by idnngbthlsicis oi Fisnce to hunt tor the Northwest Passage erected cross at Gaspe in years ago todayimimciaimg sing the land ids irancs lie kidnapped trio indianaand tools them buckhome where their storicsykoim1ncroi eslthprompted iurtber gauges oi exploration to elven Wor gI igldjr ej excursion teamer Easiland seal in he Chicago River with least oi eiiiivesI i104 The Britlsh and Dutch captured Gibraltar irom Sprs it was later ceded to Britain under the Treaty oi Utrecht Ititenyihanest Editor Position TORONTO CF Appoini meotoi lohn Dal lc so at Toronto as editor the monthly magazine Liberty was assl bounced recently by Publisher Prince He has been managing editor at tit popes ior scvanycars iFranh flashy editor fior the lastseven ycprs leit the mag azine in April and now is tree lance writcr BIBLE THOUGHT For whosoever shall call upon the name at the Lord shall be savcdfioomooa iitxli Foith is taking God His word and acting upon itatherc iorcthe man who prays and asks for salvation will receive nnrinrnnss Era ihusslsh Foreign bits or Gromyiio ie Secretary at State poseiior phetogrs phers ht entrance oi Soviet deiegotionsVilla Rose inGe nev alter mechanisms are in nation AP Wirephoto via rhino irom ones or nevai

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