cos met at Alliston to hear Nationalism in Toronto during the iiiot iornisl exchange at programs between North America and Europe the rti TV technicians Ed mes tell and tiny lotgren watch the monitor screens In the 130s master contro room ARCHITECTURE Geoti Davies oi the tirm oi Nesblti and Davies gave an in tormative talk on his protession oi Architecture toteiiew meni tiers oi Kiwanis Club at Barrie last evening at ltob itay liest aurant itsgular dinner meeting was chaired by Jack Slessnr The speaker was introduced by lGrtiltti and thanked by oyd Robertson PALLHEARERG Pnllbearers at the iuneral at William Swllser were Alex Patterson and Willrod Jarrett both at Jarrntt Stanley ille Lean 0rlllio Jsck Johnson Mlnestng William Edgerton and Roy Partridge both of Crown Hill Honorary pallbearers were William Kirkpatrick Ear ric Dr Rynord Gordon Smith Robert lngram Wal ter Bngley and Ed Richardson all at Orliila TWILIGHT MEETING Nearly 700 Holstein breeders and tricnds assembled at Glen silosrl Fgligms ddlilï¬imo lclien gs is nEgrlcuiture tor Agatarlo and in enact the top breeding herd Mr Higgs spoke oiJniik mark etingaad how uniiied approachcould give more stab ility to the industry roman cnowaits Potato growers oi South Slm talks by Dr John Brown at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable rowers Association and Doug as Williams of the Markets Branch Tlieytvnted to have their directors bringtn con ï¬rsts programalmedat estab shing centrol selling desk or potatoes in the area Kiwnivis ounsss Baden Grittlnsan at Chuck Griffin and BillEdmunds son of Art Edmonde were dinner guests of their others at Kiw anis Club yesterday at Bob Ray ltestdurant Barrie Plaza EARLY POTATOES Early potatoes were being dug hi South Simone last week They were lound at good quality and tr Grand Masonic lodge oi Ont ario met iar Its 107th annual communication 1n Gllray was named Dis trict Deputy Grand Master tor es the three Barrie lodges Corinthian Kerr and Kempen ieit DDGM Earltlllroy resides in Allislon but is member of Manitoba lodge AF and AM Cookstotvn Moore wellknown old time movie actor tot retired laundry operator mano 75 one oi the early ioundcrs oi thsMontrsai tym phoay Orchestra die so Beeverton Ont writer and riding tigtoe Fleische Schwengcr 70 appointed ooeernan royal commission in toss to investigate reports of re jigs discrimination in Dresden l1 tsced withruo cases in Magis trates Court yesterday mom ing Oi these 7h were traitic bylaw violations charged in collision cases pleaded guilty Fines ranged costs cairn eorglan District which inelud DEATHS East isllp Nil Victor Montreal Allan Shavery Naples ituly Guillo ito iornntoAlired Everest Bro Ottowg Mater hibert 7a oiiicer oi the aivation Army iv nnnillton Judge Wllliain Washington Senator Henry Magistrate Deals With Lenngcket Magistrate Rennicks was The majority olpersons om $10 to costs to us and ot the speeding cases brought with twoUnlted States not he exchange vis stelltto OP ModeléPlanves Hit Bi Winds High winds gave th boys trom Dorrie litodei Airplane Club nrough time at meet at Downsview Alrportsponsored by Balsa Beavers Ciubot Tor onto Six men irom Drrie went down tor thsevenl lion Nelson vice president at BMAC cracked up his scale model Catalina alter our laps Peter Ruteoburg lost top wing in obstacle course involving balloon busting rt Rickets president at BMAC cracked his plane up In the wind out still held ttith place for time Contestants tram New York and several Ontario centres par tlctpated Thersts to be another big meet lnlha Toronto area in August and several members at the Barrie Club will participate Dwirshali so iltep tdohol tor mer editor and publisher oi the Barley ldaho Bulletin sornld Mrs wi Murphy wile at the iormer Progressive Conservative member at Parlia ment tor Lambton West Montreal Jase de Oliveltn to senior producer ior CEO in tarmatlcn service in Brazilian and Portuguese alialrs for striking the rear end of Vehicle driven by an cuboi town man on Dradtord St on June illr Young pieadednot guilty tothe charge at reckless driv ng Mr Dolson owner of the damaged vehicle said he was travelling south on tord at near King Edward School dill mittseoithewbols to discuss the may baton dealing with the report It neuter Mariam Fou Toronto were each tiaed no eadoostsb Magis trsts ltenniclis teddy charge niawtuliy having liquor to iscegother then residence Ontario Provincial Police oi liner Osllvrold that on iuns as around was onus routine patrol on ghwsgam South undon too he check ed parked our on the road shoulderst icund seven esscs oi beer Owner at the car William Gardiner said he and his com panions were returning from iishlng trip He had one hot tie at beer in cooler at the rear oi tliastaticn wagon and another unopened cau the other three passengers Thomas N0Kecie rick Ken and Laiorttui ell sdndted drloking and each owned beer thnr Otiicer isli said Kennys tree was red Kenny replied thatjthe flush wss sun burn on tour men plead ottlcldl torecarts issued by the weather oiticejet isynops Skies cleared ver night in southern Ontario as the disturbance which brought the rainy weather moved on to the cast sunshine should push aitemoon temperatures into the 70s tor pleasant summer day new disturbance over north western Ontario is moving southeoatward and threatens Wind more showers and thunder storms tor most parts at On tario during the next so hours Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni egara Lake Huron Lake On tario Southern Georgian Bay Hallburton Windsor London Hamlit Toronto Sunny and little warmer today Consider able cloudinesswltb scattered showers and tew thunder stomisWednesday Winds light today southwest is tonight NorthernGeorgian Bey Tlm ngaml Algoma North Bay Sudbury Malniyeloudy Wed nesday Showers or thunder showerslato today and tonight Association will be in tall nonsense if tater Maris Dennisot BestV TiteWash may not be ready to lots the Benny jGoodmsn bsndibut she makes sweet music on her recorder sister Marie Dennis is one at his the University Toronto elomenta mus educeti or Wirepbotal value Carnival Starts ThursddY bargain hunters paradise swaits the people oi Barrie end district this week Value Carnival sporisored by the Downtown Merchants swing Thursday Fridaynnd Eaturdny Prices will be slash ed on virtually all items participating stores in the downtown area and there wlll law scatters nosday Winds sortheriyplm tatu Wednesday White liiver Cochrans Show Olli and scattered thunder storms todn and tonight Wed nesday ma ly cloudy with rtew scattered showers Forecast tompernturcs low overnight illgh Wednesday sor so 30 St Thomas so london oo Kltchener Wingham Hamilton St Cotharines Toronto Petcrboroughi Trenton sagsaagggaggs 75 80 79 Tit 75 75 75 75 65 65 65 65 85 65 65 Ssuit Ste Marlo 5o Prizes will range lrorn tie Mr ODonal said Zliydro be valuable prises boot to attract customers merchandise ccrtii cater to act ual goods to stores Anyone is eligible simply bycuiting out an entry coupon iroma mor chants ed and depositing it Main his store The bargolrisoileredrby the various merchants will be out lined in arspecial dvcrtising section which wllibo published by The Examiner tomorrow Every store participating in the Downtown Value Carnival will display yellow and red value carnival wlndow banne Powmriiiiu sun MYSTIFIES Yesterdays rain was boon to iarrners but it caused troubietor Ontario Hydroh Workers are busy today try ing to locate the cause at many brlet power iallutes Rory mount of the dro Department said it has con located to the extent that we know it is in certain Jaren and we know that it was caused by water seeping in alter the heav rains and grounding thezwlres But we are notsure yet whether it is in the Hydra wires that operate the remote control workers would probably ideals the exact location at the trouble today Ontario Palieofliiim gt An outstanding Elisha irem Nottawsssga Township has beonchosen to represent South Simeoe attire Provincial tHLcndcrshlp Week July 21 tom atthe etc in Guelph Garth Cubitt id Steytiel RR has been active in 4H work since 1955 and will have com pleted ttproiscts by dill ieit Cubitt has been member oi such tellvciubs as tractor torr age grain corn beet and swlnsr and has consistently completed his project ator neartheltop He haslso served the eculive at several olu As mcrhbe all later ciubeompetltion dams notr Cdblitiltlsplaced north the competition that year as member of thetrac tor cluh team he placed as high individual and it stood and truths contest While in Guelph Cubitt will meet and live with other count delegates iron the provlnc They will attend lectures and discussion periods in such sub jectsas Leadership Animal Science Soil and Plant Science Working With Peopleitnd Farm and Witter Safety As well the boys wilbe treated to barbecue banquet and picnic at Eiora Gorge Park at oi inph southbound on High way 400 last June at He was tinedtwandeosts Nell vD Harland Totoath who was clocked at speeds bet ter than 79mph going north on Highway it by oiiicer Pop pin lest Junetl was linedth Constable Pappln said he ciock edhim irom 4th to lath Coucesw sions oi Ore distan at about eight Amiies it Marriott clocked by Constable tor aboutieven miles lwo Port dlt teen missing since Sande they started out on lltmie trip in van utbord motor boat were idttnd Monday onvs tiny uncharted land in Georgian Bay DovidSouls to sndDo hy Kench lb weroboihingood condition despite wet unsooson ably cool weather3 They had taken the vldharse power boat to go sboutsevsa miles irom slobtansecruisee Vowned by the boys other to shore at Wheiens Lendingdnr uprovislons On their=way back they ran out of gasoline about dusk and were bown onto the island They were spotted by sn RCAF Albatross trom the Air Forcerescuc coordination cen tre at Trenton Honey Harbor is about so intlc orth oiEsrrl more humerus son surrender sm Pronto at Police as was Fire Department PA 111 Toni victorts Hospttal as seen giving yields at better than zoo bags an acre Keith hlcltuer agricultural representative re ported Wheat harvesting is well nderway at present with some hetore court tines ranged from $5 and coats lotto and costs William Poole ot Vespra Township was bar ged with reckless driving on June 23 when hewas struck in the rear by another vehicle Mr Young said he could not stop his cards time He was driving convertible and had Claims 30 Government Savedc Fromfinancial Disasterit Times an Alberta flu as appointed to the Board at direct combined wheat having moisture level of as low as 12 per cent Harvesting oi spring grain hnsbeen started and al though the crop is standing well MAEONIC ORDER ZGordonrA Smith owner oi radio station CFOR Drillia is not heavy it Grand Stewards when the Bit Ci SCI one nun Mloms Steel Alumlni Dom Tar Gt Lakes Alta Not as art Pow All Horne Pit Home oil End Bis on rind Accept inland lntsi Nickel rtldn Bk or corn ads Ernar 0PM Dds Cement Jockey Club Lshstt Lskeiand Msc Pow liiv Murry mg Nersnds nnrmra Geto Mines Gunnsr Holilngcr Ksrnltddieoa MsritimrsM Iturrsy Min Nomatsl rrvs He collided with 143 Collier St meted atom Damage to the house were not indicated ed 325 and costs alter having been clocked at so mph going east on Blake St last July Young was lined and costs TODAYS STOCK raters Compiled by Flynnttt Dunlap st assris gt VIIIIlls Dom stares Hard Tsrnis sun imp To scco lnterprov Pips house at Damage tohld car was esti Gary PrattBarrle was tin Another Barrie residentGary Nor Ont Nd lié Moors carp 13 Metal Peic Vs Oshawa 71 Pselde Psts lslt W2 16 iiit so 12 mm Pipe Page Hem Hawk Skid Rothnssns no til Simpsons ehswiniasn steel or Cm respect as cam spaces can on Joeohus pom Pal Que Nat ass MM put the jacket under the seat in thaback When he tried in applythe brakes his loot ot caught in theflacket wh cb had moved to under the trout seat and he collided with Mr Dolsons car which had slow started moving Damage to Dnlsons car was not mated at over $490 Magistrate Renaicks toundhim guilty as charged and imposed tilt iinevend court costs SilttYS satires WW insistlisuiilieuptooI iusrsLi Tl VANCOUVER CF The Province says the British Co lumbia government has been rescued from ttnancial disaster on at least three occasions in the testimonth The newspaper says in Tor onto dispatch business to bankers investmenideaiers government otticlols in Toronto Montreal and Ottawa were Lvir tuaily unanimous in interviews that the Social Credit meat is in extreme ii at dit iicuittes The situation is suchvthat to all intents and purposes the governments ï¬nancial aiteirs nowhere outï¬oi Premier Ben netts control it has taken emergency help irons three at Canadas chartered banksoi the order business continuiiity teelathe BC position started train mlscaictdattons and min management that has plunged 30 credit to the lowest level in Canada lt saysthe position results the turning in of millions dollars worthatBC parity bonds by investors to take ad vantage ot increased interest rates on iederal government bonds tieorgattiivies conservation can