Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jul 1962, p. 11

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LLHANotonIlldn ood Mona mama Unit lo city used only It pl or conversion how ilakchment and oil um ltunrnilll Auto our Suits tor satol Lamps End Tables and entering ieievilloni chairs dnpet Tele Auosi COMle Ildiiil lid torch oulni with Insula Inlb mleanlmlalic con on nnlum or on Iuvrnlc atom studio Dnmrt Nib an us it no rrr cu it top ireeur Would Ideal tor summer cottage II it rebuilt and repainted Tee PA SM Bl lilDOflHIAIII Terrier in about eight week old Ilse email PiIeonI Ind lonlel tor ihlepbona FA Hm 9m PUPPIES lor lo Mil log months old In cropped he and shots irniIlIa ma Garrick Maple lalsnhona lA Ml AOL lUI Tillie obont three months old This pup has it first vaccination lib Iaie oneFA in or further BIB Mm LI lloUNll approximalsly one old Alan other dogs Part lite months old BOATS MOTORS FOOT EIIBPIISIID mahosan tank ioo hp inboard runabout hoqulpped tidbit or best otterr Afilor try outlTelephnne BA in An Examiner Want Ad mom an attic IEARMERSMARKET DEAD STOCK vtilgiiest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For first scrvicopiione or ask tor ZENITII ballad iNO CHARGEI At noon day can was ARRIE PA 57751 collect NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario Licence 172062 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK EIUII CIilNK Yorkshire Ill or saio Telephone an salvo lo waAhniNo runs or sale YorkLandriire Telephone Cooks townasoal near Arm nonsrsni FEES torsaie hill to bob lbs Telephone simud ZlRlL POLLED HEREFORD Bulls user vireIhlI ge chionshly pricld Telnphon 4mm Cooiutown rsensesn ennui one run sites to per ton Ap DUIFEdfilisDII mu telephone lvy lQIUI POULTRY 8i CHICKS BARRED ROCKS still hard to beat for eggs and meat Over forty years otper sonal selection behind our sins ed flock Registered hatchery Baby chicks started chicks eapnns KENNYS POULTRY FARM RR SHANTY BAY FARM MACHINERY CHARLES jCHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment Toronto aim or tIlophona PA 1959 MOBILE HOME tor Ill DI tarnished Contact owner at phonemeavoweiiemoons Au Motors Limited ilGownn Street HPAWBS msusasr PAblSZl snoop trawling iVolksWagené lExciudtng LleeneoGu PIERCE morons assa no rt asset 10 Down5o Months to Fly ml RENAULT Dauphinr in II reliant condi limo milea White with ther ufbolallly $350 lapbln PA on SI VOLKSWAGKNIVP nil in good relishing near mgler tut Inulfl Is one was evenings PA ism its roan Vl tor aalalllht blue Will sell at very venom hog price Telephone Daumore lite RENAULT Sedan or sale in soon condition to Apply It in TRIUMPH with will whee excellent top and lids cup tslns lo Terms available Telephone Stroild DMI for turther intorm tinn ill NABII custom bier western lo windshield washers to it down take ovar neutral in per month phone PA cross lsae vAlnmALL Wagon super model illvar my and white with rontrntlnr red leather interior Drop tread tires Windshield wash ers CIn be bought for ill down and um month oiephono PA 7083 Its PONTIAC tour door Sodan Iulomsllo transmission custom radio deep tmd tires OnI owner ear in coral and wet Arnew condition us down and aiiurna small man My payments or oso Telephone PA bIbiii 19 METEOR Custom Illllflt Jan in as new eondltlon All navi tires Two tone ipaint deep blue and while Windliiield washers Ind backup llsh custom radio This car can be bought tor the low low Prica oi $915 with 10 down Telephone PA Neill I551 CHEVROLET Edi ALI Con vnrlible luilyeequlppedralltnmltic transmission custom radio white wall tires wheel discs windshield washers This car can be bought no in tor 5115 dawn and assume amail 11th payments Telephone PA IL moans Monies lIFDDT 1960 TRAVEL Trailer with hitch tor sail can be seen It 96 Jonas street Angus Ont in General in excellent condition Three bedroom unit completely Bylilljlhlin Streai Angus Ontario APERSONALS HAIRCUTS CAMERONS BARBER saoe 75c ioMULcASIERsr SIme DONE Ladiee ooitnn dresses blouses skirts alsoth drena apparel Reasonable Tale roaruna rsuninoino you wont yonr iortune told by cards In telephone PA soioo tor appoint merit any time continude to Toronto dIlly Monday through Friday leave Barrie at mid returnirom in URTON Avaas Boo CASHTRADETERMS oBEiTLAMY In stock and ready liloch Bilsellpropelled cw to or 12 ii table Model Jisellpropelled cw 10 it table Model lSseltpropelied cw variable Speed dri ModellssPuli type am or it is truly the ultimate to harvesting equipment tor the family collectedPhoios size tarni sea columns onlyolseiipropa cw 10 it MillySuper so My 12 it table flax rolls etc gt onlySuper 2d cflw 10 it table gilyafiseilpropelled cw ti table iéionlyModel 60 sellpropelled owll it table onlyClipper Combines Plo drive sootyClipper Combine Enginedrivao onlyAllis Chalmers Model 66 PTO drive swiriinRJ nly red Owatonnal 10 it salipropelled eonipiete with all hydraulics andvovcrhsuiedandready to go cCurdyzzsbu seltunloadiilg tanks Grain Angers Elevators ElectriciMotora RAIN TANKS only 1s attractive prices ho in hon Regular twiovalue rt STAYNEII EQUIPMENTILIMITEO NEW COMBINES or in table at in new BALERS no emit with ellattachmenh table hydraulic controls This ugargtabiehin new condition flax rolls et ti and 10 it cuts uses tor mii zerland DINA WAN hit or Mt fiufidhdufihfi onionso Ronnie lemon mated with knew songI at in Applyte auia FEMALE HELP WOMAN WANT lull ti Cool iv nommdfsbfi bouse lrlydloidfitnol Barrier 0mm mitmnlwd we tuli lulu Nations and all NOLMIIIICIII Rm LADY Minn to clean use onebalt day pass ancea required Hoes altar pan axritnisrlcan waltsus required tor dining room AD iv It illit or leephone PA particulars SALES HELP Bi AGENTS nisminuron or new onallino UnquIl opportunity Free Demo Plan wire write or honar can Ion Jet Marina Ltd Main St Hamilton Two View Terrace LADIES gt required lmmodi Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED amour MAN wInta steady oin ioynianl on Inn anrtInrod Telephone PA um MARRIED LADY will two day care to one or two ch ldren in new homo Telephone PA Will YOUNG WOMAN requires evening oeitinn as caablar or me tloniIt ReinIncas can be In pile Wflin Box ll Barrie an liar athleticl inclined monitor CHIP oynient igiophons PA BDOIIKIIPIR Secretary quaili tied in all allch routine core Itruetlon experience Moving to Barrie Available Sotcmber Reierences Telephone score Canada Needs Good Scriptsl ROME tCPiCannda lacks only one thing needed to pro duce tulllength lantern iilme good scripts That is the opinion at Pierro Patric young dy moviemskor spending busy summer inRomc He lsgucst oi Italian producer Gian Vit torlo Baldi now shooting The Emperor ol Rome National ilrn Board em ployee Patri hopes to return to Canada readyto start tea ture ilims provided he can iind good scripts Ho and Raid met at the 1561 Intemationnl Film Festival in Montreal and have lot in com mon They are both shortfilm expertsnnd share may view points in this iield So whenthe Italian Institute oi Short Films directed by Baldl decided to exchange ex perts with the National Film Board to bring about someda ternati prodnctlons Pa trielvas natural choice Hepians to wrile abook on The Emperor oi Rome dealing mostly wltbvthe shooting and other technical observations Patries book says Baldihwill ahiy in Canada The film be presented at the Venice Film Festival in the ieaturettlm beginners it deals with the tni story of young tough guy by the name at Luciano Conta ioni who in suburb at Rome and knamed The Emperor Oddly enough Conialonl and his lamiiy havamgreed to play themselves in the movie iold about the project Patrie wasmost enthusiastic Alter low weeks at observationhe does not speak ltalianho has coine to the conclusion that Italians are born actors They act without realizing it he ionsf Once the shooting isjeo pletedPatriewlli go to SWit slginm and France where hewill make svnhort movie entitlediheficie st in the French Civilization ready to return home and look atscripts Pin eCra es WINNIEE Vic George Castle hasan unusual scrap book tilled withoutphoto graphs oi crashed planes The pictures are all 01 First World War vintage and Mr Cos tlebullt up the collectionwlilie lie was riggeriwith the Royal Flying Corps during the First World on planes siter they of course weresobadlydemnl lshed we could do nothing with them Pilots in those days got only $1595 hours training lt takes pilots eight hours today just to look the plane over ntIctuIv he to train aI real estate Iain Chance to earn up to $1000 ilely lobes so Barrie iiana arunarrr technically namlc and promising MontrooL be published in Italy and prob Thenrhaieels he wiil be lined up about 150 Some their commissions after eight MIHIBCI on Taxi We once crowrnencnrry charred bodiesitrom ths vitation the Canadian Paeillo Aln lirltnnnio whichicrashr sy DAUREEN ANDERSON Mr and Mrs Leonard Real and iamilyol Toronto spent the weekend with the iormers mother Mrs Leonard Ross Mrs Dora Ross Panto Anne and Laine visited Saturday in Oriilln with Mr and Mrs Dolls Ross Mr undhlrs Herold Ross and fondly Gormloy visit ted Sunday with the former mother Mrs Leonard Ross Wilson Wrightwlio has been patient lnToronlo General Hospital has returned to his home in town Mrs McMahon Willow dnle visited recently with Mrs Norman Bnkcr Georgcéifiiey Calgary Alta is spending his vacation withihis parents Mr aners Wllirod Flldeyfi Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Sherry Green Down Peg and Dwayne Andorson spent the weekend in Fergus with Mr and Mrs Alton Green Frank Ayresl Murciield spent the wcekcrid with Mrhnnd Mrs Wibur Goodleilow Miss Marjorie Trotter Paul nndBrion MeKiillcan spenilJhe pnst week at Woodland Bench Mr oners Charles vaons and iamily SmithsFntls visit all during the past weeknlth tho farmers parents Mr and Mrs Charles Jevons Oscar Harman Toronto visit ed the postweek with his sis ter and brother Miss Har man andrHerb Harman Mr and Mrs John Haughton and family spent the weekend with Mr rind Mrs Huise Lindsay JockCoutis Toronto spent the weekend withhis parents Mr and Mrs Dick Coulis Mr and Mrs Leonard Jack son Mrs lMcMastor and Miss liens iticMasieriIislted Wednesday in Huntsville with Mr 1Mclllosters daughter and amino Mr and Mrs Jack Finlt 9Y ers Bert Murphy spent Sat urday in Toronto Mr and Mrs lvel lVood Shells and Sandra Barbara Wright and Mrs Bert Vood Egbert spent the weekend camping atLske Beliwood Sandra Woodspent the past week with her senators Don Reid at Concord and Mrs Walter Korcuk and Caroline Toronto Jvisiied on the weekend with the lat teris parents Mr and Mrs Earl can Mr Mrs George Fiidey Mrs Wi red Filday and George visited Friday in Baitviiio with their nephew and niece LAC and Mrs Bob Currie EMMA CAROLINE ELINES On Friday morning July lose Emma Caroline lAikeni Ehnes died suddeniUsrcsult her hom Elinesvvashwn March 27 B89 in Hamilton She was ma ed to William Henry Eilnes in 10 atlseeton MrsElines was member oi Cookstown United Church and LOBA urviving are her husband ivvosoneron aid Douacreso Cookstown and daughters Olive Mrs Walter then of TorontoAlso surviving are ten grandchildren son Jae deceased her Funeral service was lieidirom Hughes interment was ill LORNE ALEXANDER ARNOLD On Monday July Lorneilcxunder Arnold Peel iMcmorinl Hospita Bra ptonas resultol car accidl cnt Ma 29 1932 Mr Arnold Cooks nfson oijthalataM and Mrs Alexalider Arnold Ho arried to ll film will be preceded by the or Cookstow Mrs Herbert oil Newmarket two Balli Richmond Hilland Dnro Funeral Home Sunday July Breton edin wasbon March 16 1689 in 71 persons ltitrtee persons including three stewardesscs endili pane Lpursor rur vlved the crash littool the plsn ilowvuiloveriho ions with tho llrat contingent lroro initials Returning to Cookstown be hodhoen aimacti lnlst irom 1919 to litt Mr Arnold was member cidor and organist lor tsyears in Cookslownflnitcd Church Also amomber oi Manitoba Lodge AF and AM No 236Eostom Star and Canadian Legion all ot Cookslown Surviving are his wile one son John at Toronto MruAml old illiti this brother tier mon oi VictorinuB Aivin killed in First World War and Oitohwho died August ital in Ottawa Funeral service was held Wednesday July in Cookstowu United Church one service was conducted thede evening July Members at Boy Scouts and legionatlendod in body and Last Post was sounded on leaving iilB church Masonic service was held at the graveside interment was ih Alliston Union Cemetery iiiSSON GRAHAM The marriage at Miss Kath the Viola Gruhanjfidaugblet at use one emergench slant bulldozer is viii ie at filhiIlidtiillh orIt indie AP mercao Iek lantzlen up bring he in manifolds on 1th hoisted from atom at theworldI animaldlaeases by in mflioIm boat trip owed time tor diseaseto mule contaminated or auteur atarrn Atrlcaiandiho home with his own herd the urnsom Roth iiildliiillli and the tori discs in bill country in our on as oi devote meat VWmptonu mi mdiiyllapnrantu We moat have knowledge gtqyearold natlv Brutus who was ti eon list tor so yeani alter gradu ng Graham Cookslown to George Robert Hlason ion at Mr and Mrs Ernest Switzernitliiston tools fiiaee in Burns United Ch rc so at 390 am The brides gown was oi white nylon And lace over tallato tier linger tip veil bold npiace with ltlofliiluiidifill whlte rosin andrsiie wore oorsage oi red roses ller attendant Mrs Watson Crawtord Aliioton wore pale blue embossed nylon overtatieta with blue leather hat and coreago ol pink roses Watson Crawtord was grooms monh At the reception hold in Cooksiown the brides mother received wearin yollow lloral organza over in tin with white accessories Mrs Ernest Swit Vzer nssisted wearing powder blue embroidered organza overt toilets and white oceiiories Thocouple ieit tor althoney in Northbrn Ontario Guests attending were lrom Coohslown Ottawa Eradlord lAittcitSidl Meadowvili and Al on Marksman no first For Canada Team OTTAWA CB Canadas top rifle awards will be the tar get tarMo marksman at the Dominion of Canada RllieAsso ciations annual matches open ing Saturday Augi at the armys Connaught rllia ranges 20 mliaswest of Ottawa Up tor grabs will be positions tho 19M Bisley tem thefi Governor urination the Queens Medal Tile eightday DCRA compe Ontaiin Rlile Associations tour day meet which opens Monday July so and the national pistol agd smallboro ritlo meet Aug The 18 Cnnadians with the highest aggregate scores in DCRA matches tired withtho doscalibre rilie will be invited to make on Canadas team tor the National Ritle Associati matches nextyea in Billsy England Most prized award oi the DCRA competition isiho Gov ernor Generals Medal it is liredat 200 300600 and 900 yard ranges lvlth 3303 No Canadian has won the medal since 1959 when Mai Shepherd at Ottawa ruptured Mutt RR Wakefield of We ington N1 tnnkthe prize in instyear The British rtiia team is ex pected to provide the toughest opposition for the Canadian hopes of bringing the medal book to Canada Most colortut match of the week he theQutehens Medal comps gillvli He gian iNrriilaLWIi clfihaa been adopted tor use bytha Canoe dim and ohter NATO armed torces The Queens is tired un der battlelield conditions in four stages Competitors run 100 yards between shots and lire twice witiii 45 seconds at each distance They move irom the lanyard range to the 100 and fire from prone sitting knegl ing and standingposltions Setting up living accommoda tions for DCRA competitors and stall is the lab at St Louis ltobliiardoi Ottawa As our7 terminator lorthe 1500 acre camp he issues $2000000 worth of equipmentdrom the armys regional ordnance depot at hskevlew near Toronto Eight days beiore thapcompe tltlon begins Sgt Robillard and his stall at 27 set up Still circu larteiits tor sleeping and to larger tents tor cooking The hospital gal comphas its ow idol and Geoffrey knock huge service and post attics Allistonsaturdny June British school teacher won it lrom the OnlltlgVbidiilldiy College gt can our one The result hIIbeen theret ieetion oldiseaso producing rontagious diseases wil waits similar to wrier diving Plummet Iii million disgu Iocbi mouth tlieinaln laboratory lid Iiillldtlitld0llfl blockoi the contracted by belimlle ton nei lathe oltlee building it will have at least hishpressuro ti duallaboratories will have jmwle comma junior vo co be requiredsnd wristwatches and rlnuyont bealiowed ersons workingrwlthf highly wear outtltsywithuisirowne Ubipedin byéhos lond nonlndividuel labor lories will ave their own air ounply Nothing viiileavel build tng excepthumansoll iclulned and Iorubbed Wants will be burned and air be purll agents It spocloliaborntories in 1m neighboring HullQn¢ and LisAx CPI and theoofi have loinedlorces at the varsity at Kings College here olldowtrihy the Angii can oiliilcil is conducting an investigation into human men tal resources in an attemptto determine whether there is any basis in the claims tor telepa thy nutokinensis clairvoyanca andother norms olhoropsyehoi ogy or ESPsextrasensory per oration The study is being canted out on three year trial basis Kings has accepted njoini in vitation from Duke University in NorthCarolina and thoPas rapsychological Foundation at New York lovaccommodate research unit the invitation was accompanied by an otter oi aigrant Canon Puxley president oi Kings saysthe experiments will be conducted along strictly scientific lines to avoid any un due wandering in necromancy and moonshine There is possibilit oi es tablishing connection etween parapsyeiinlogicaiiaws and the laws God tor the health at mans body and soul iFor thisreason Canon Pox leysays he tools the presentof school ol divinity at Kings makes ittlttlng that the univer sity should bethegiirst in Can ada to plan tor such studio Iire in Silo Hurts 20 Men sumo Ariz Ari An explosion in Titan missile silo near this small southeastern Arizona community Sunday sat oil attire and lniured 20 men authoritiessaid Olliclals said the explosion occurred in switch box eated on thethlrd level so set beneath ground level They said the trouble apparently started when switch gear started tossv series oi electrical tire humed briefly hut was quickly extinguished they said log ho sulphdrlcj acid plant From subyitrctlcn The men em loyeosotltead Brothers For or Company Willi hclp suvt tiieircoin any like cool old new plant by our haying about 4tl0limlieo to Port Radium on the shores of Great BearLske in the Northwest Territories We were shopping allover vthegountry tor used acid plont How out Read said Most ottbam were way above our price range Then we heard about this plant in Port Radium We apg preached the government nus fgeeteda deal and lound nun selvesvbwaers oi an acid plant lt we could get it dis mantled The government will ship the planttrorn Port Radium across Great Bear Lake to Fort Franti iiii will be portaged trom there it miles to the Mackenzie River Government barges will take it on an submits lourney up the nortiiwardllowing Mackenzie to Ray Rtyeron Great Slave Lake At Hay River the piantlwlli be loaded onto six trucks for the rest oi th onion to Sulphuricacid no oltlio main ingredient lertllizer The Read company he decided to make its own tastes bu is None HOME owNers BEAVER LUMBER offers complete remodelng ser vice including all sub trad es Guaranteed workmanship Easy monthly payments now is THE TIME FOR RESIDING witbmointenanoo tree sill mom or asbestos no yearly painting REvROOFlNG new colorlui protection With asphalt shingles nsw KITCIIENS completely replanned and re modelled by kitchen specialist RECREATION AND FAMILY nooMsT extra living space in your basement GARAGES single ortwooar design to pro teat your car and give you ditional storagespaco ALUMJ NUIIUJOURS andJVlNDOWS topiiuality iorcontroiled yenl listion and up ib pdding an addition all thosl or at the rear

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