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ROBINIONOcsald On Sunds July 11 1061 Oarsld Robinson iovsd husband of Iran Frost and at ohn Kim nna atlas at tho Jess flsrrta Bar rys church on Wed ssdsy July at Ian lntsr ut At Marys Clmsisry CARDS OF THANKS Wow la hove mtbï¬opsonxl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 condensed and classilied ddvct sericd at tho tiscrnents are rats at to per word per insertion or one and two times 75¢ per word or three tour or live times and the per word tor or more Inscliions 10addi tionai charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IL 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $100 FOR 7A WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN niANR SERTION Barons on CORRECTIONS Advrrtlsers srs reminded phone insertion ord ar cccptr ed as convoolcnca to on advertiser Thcreiora Iha Advertising De srtrncnt re uircs ii srilsm Io kindly ssqohccis their advanimnrnt unmodlstely alter Ant Insertion in order that as arrorsor omissions mayrba rtpo helm ms in order that mo may bs reclined or in autos days insertion order We wish to hint out that Tho Barri Zxam ner Ia rssponrlhls or only on lncorrcctlyngrinted meat and thcn only to tho extent or portion st ad that involves the mlaprtntï¬ Errors which do not ï¬stseta ma Jagusngitmthc advert tionr laymake goods For Coming Events on per word ssslnlmumcharga $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over inwards5c per word Ml In Memoriam No tines 3150 iiverso used on per word cxtrat amen Lmlrn napalm isslonnatloss rcsardlns advantsors lulu BlindLatter lar lies held fulï¬lliï¬gï¬h rntisi lies to Letter Rona 1110112111011 IO days alter sum of publication cl ed dyeruscments and notices to sispater must he received by pm dry pro ceding publication with the ox dining room Prsnch Curly liloosIusnass Ilhtlila vary attractlvsj colonial split bedroom brie Firsplscoln Lshspcd illvlon kitchen irsrs Classic schools Nili terms Csll Rituacsndrott is hoard mans new brick duplox with largo rooms Livs roni trap while renting the other floor yCom plstcly separate Aluminum atoms and scrccns immacul ato Low down payment asth owner will hold the mart pa Cali ths Scandrctt wmmosonus am moanrs as Moss oonorav WMOX PA oasis mm sono Ps um mansou awntu rs um ILMZR MURRAY mos tsnslsas or run and District snd Ontario Rsal flint Boards HAROLD FORST ER AND COMPANY Realtors Ill RAYFIELD ST PA momma HIGH IiND DRY choice Rosac Street location large living dining kitchen with hand and Ian lacloryohuiit cupboards goodsized bedrooms piece washroom In basement also entrance from basement to backyard Many other extras Asking 100 down to one NllA moricors Dial Norm lieslieih ALLANDALE Large brick home cioso to school and trans poriatlon Four bedrooms ideal tor large lsmliy oil heat ingGarage Asking prlca moot with only $1500 down Call Les true Iamily liza soonit run ltuiii tituliy designed replace separate builtin china cabinais Exclusive PA 35568 LEAST nxPnNsrva tlsooo Hero is Iopnoich value lor this lcasly kept brick bungalow sci equipment 000 nasal AIRS II It MOOREPA Hill ROOERE PA usss SMITH 32 soon or Joan as error Pope SUMMER HEAT See this cool brlck duplex mlnlmumol eltort Will enable you to live with expenses paid by renting Duniop St East $11000 For Inspection by appointment dial Maryann Smith THORNTON Large storey brlck house on Main Street Good condition New well pros surs system $1500 down 500 lull price Balance on one mort gage Call Curly music in spent this good buy 115 unmi sn EAST Grsydon KohlPA 34803 Norman DUNLOP STE First Mortgage 60 oi CALL los Lon ttn PA eons mi cvmu halswall oroms Pli Mule PA SW lad Pops PA 61503 Les Lovctrovs Ansln HE 06111 Itsmhsra or the hurts District ileal Main Board EVENING Daria Nuttyoonsha Maryann Blullh Noras Eoskoth It Nth door to tho lnspsriai Theatrc 145A DUNLOP ST BRICK RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW WITH ATTACHED GARAGE vPrlced lor immediate sale Close to North Collegiate ttittt Terms arranged Call It Carson PA was altcrd pmPA 66631 PA 66481 Mombas oi Rama and District Real EaIIWBOIM tifRoSE REALESIATE anom ricswnvssneamsnnrn Emory REAL homunanoualt 232 Titiinsc PA 31881 avarrmos paw Mambar at tho Real mats Board Keith MarShéll nnu ESTATE oaom PA 02502 Id OLAPPERTONST BAttItll NIHE Mamba Harris apdjpistrtgm to Board Homes arms Businesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERTO HODGES REAL ESTATE 131101033 as DUNIAIP ST BARBIE Phone PA 0216 0pposito Ajand Stora toads soon Fan normaltour 900 full price $1000 down $65 monthlyprincipal and lil icrcst Beautiful tour room home overlooking Lake ostmooe Fail basement new olliumsce all modern conveniences Open for inspection at PA 82379 Mamher at tho an Dlitnct health CQRBY annunsudra Broker souls scn MortsassMoney Avallaola ISABEL MARSHALLka 001 OWEN JONESPA £7917 MURIL JEPFBRYPA all CARL WODDWARDCreemors 1013 Will HARRISPA Mm NRA MORTGAGE brick bungalow patio iuily landscaped tullhnosnant laundry laclllt ll Iurnace Priced or quick TclcphnnaPA 177 lava Three bed brick chunlalow classicschools sh pita and has 3m ngï¬ cigars srlc tancskd 11 vanity sic 14 moo You ALLIED MN phonePA Mm AGM mas BEDROOM an mids tschadhousc WON rs our sun hassruentnownavl lJeraL la muralendemic without turdliuro has try arts or with an outside entrants complete this pi no IN nunsr amour 01 MELROSE overrun EVENOIGS CALM REALTOR PAS0241 Howard Norris PA was ea hadrooni It tor ossy upkosp with Its isch bulltlnwlth tho ldcal direct occur back llsllw thoughtiallyplsnacd and 108 MELROSE AVENUE moon this is the classic Lshspcd hon nicely located among hlrhorousllty it dsspl lhls 3bedroom plan tortures attlr Hanovor kitchs gs rtulol room and tin overflow bedroomln tho mont Immucuialsltilrouyhout now vacant Isnmsdlsto possession 75 EUGENIA STREET SOMETHING NEW ANDDIFFERENTI Midway beiweon public and scpara ricedhomo that has cvsrylihing yo dining room stillerlront oi the hour planned kitchen and big bright basement cluro oi rcaljcomlortl slow with hlfll scum beau ed rec bright base moneyl ltc oncowncr spot ln lovon rsnchlcncod around with an extra wido patio at the roar Its Lbcdroom houss with hlgbrighi kitchen rec room down will handlesad its IIIflu bank mori snd alunitnum stormscreen DNA cONNLLLPA com MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRIOT REAL STATE BOARD fro eonIn Ruth as con Smith Campbell PA 37380 Member at Barri1nd District liaal biota Board sill nadirrs com Marlon RutledgePA 85705 Shelswéil REALESTAIE BROKER TAO90613 PA com Funds Avallsnla interest Value mam osox sscir Wllisoa rs Hell Norman 8thch PA sour MOVING Dont iorget to translar your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage ol any kind SEE STEVENSONS Dualop at PA 01001 New tincc bedroom home Largo living room kltch with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage oil heated Colored bathroom istnrus van lty divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 nwvmal Bedroom Buulalow in All tor sain Tl out Lot approxlnsataly co ss lsatApp1Â¥ at no Busiloy Strut Angu or talephuna swoops tinnym sane sures bedroom hours near schoolsrstoraaNuwly decorated lsstcrior Oll iurnsce Wstl mortlals run D11 assooo VGALL any on EVENDIO phone rooster or PA soils mash neonoon Ounrslow tor sale Reduced price Lara living room diningarea hulthtn china cabinet creation room convent cnt kitchen Telephone PA ham or PA 8711 aliortlve PROPERTYWANTED LOT WANTED Woodsd hiatlfllul lot miles or Ian trons Bar nrar school Wa Tslsphons PA Mm nous and small scrasg wanted to buy Must no on near hishwsy with hydro and plenty water Pricsd reasonably or cash No arents Writs Hon Harris Examiner nusJoraoltrwlrlesfl MAJOR OIL COMPAN 9m ssnchlencod lot roamsM solo Miller Real Estate lma runs on arm is mmlapaolt 011 tor Walla lljy ropori have private Indivldsl clients who will loan you money on our rccommendatlonio con solidaio all your outstanding ddssz splitstops $50 TILL PAY srcosrcoucyl 147c can one warns Ask For PayDay Loan PAo0203 Crescent Finance 28 Dunlop St BARRIE gt MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st to 2nd Mostvgage Loans Anywhcr 1TH LOWMONMY PAYMmTl TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY OTo consolidatehis oilasistlssl mortlaau snortsasos cousins dus mo in Moment say no hwhlls causa PAWJdl Mortgage Funding ovor SImpsonsSeass 1N DUNLOP 81 Mcmhar Ontariahiuril Erokorr Association Ibis on slow homes in Darrin arcs Talaphono stroud lint ovrnlnss an rasldoutisl anistiaa mortals xssa Brokers FA 61 LOW COST BPACB ldr rarst clean modern huildlnpn Snitshia tor commarctal or ilah industrial ialnpaonaPA H575 NURSING VHOME5 AM OMEN NURBNO HOMB iluilt tor this work damt and private rooms kind nursinl caro good load TI rooms ststion syn lfln tar outlast TsIsp son atrous OFFICES STORESRENI OFFICE arAcEJor not walllo cared on Colllor 5t Remnants ratcs Telephone PA ilmt ba twacss am inns araca rbss RENT hour nlsrkn aquars laAldsi for realc oiiice orsmali business Foriuii particulars talophona PA osus HOUSES FOR RENT msanau the room cottaaa on Kempenielt Rcirilerator stove and spam tor Hydra ln cludcd Available immediately Telephone FA W5 FIVE ROOM Bungalow tor rout modern allconvcnicncasoil hast cd rim in whim of shanty Day truly shanty Ely Pro or tele phono Ora 1315 TiIilEE BEDROOM Housaltochrsi tally modern in cvsry way Rent 05 per month In the Allsndala distrlci Apply EuaRoad Teta phnns PAT5393 FIVE pnntcoonl Bungsiow closs in North Collcglata Cnildron wci come tiLSpsr month Call Emory mas PA onus TWO BEDROOM Hours or rent run hnsesucnt wlih laundry tubs Nstursl sss heating All modern conveniences Avallahla September Telsphnna PA Hall or Milt DISTRIBU tor plete company support Liberal commi salons paid On the job training Smoothly ah solos and ind hourht last Garlic AVaIlahIo Immediately Talaphb altar 530 pmPA 1170 LARGE TWO nsdroorn unturn Automatic Ill 18W ml1 RtaiapisanaPA Midst sscouarwo lion in Va armat lam boom Iivtss unionssoc arst On II III an is sues nous Post osmium ulicontsinod grim oni Naphono PA 1113 TWDV IIIDIOOM 11 nasal indu last ulcossta nad liars mo Naas Will it alsoppissl Oitlltlas paid Tslaphons PA or applyI arsncss at North ill on iiurio endpoint Contra stmt MINI hound hath Veranda Washsr and drya Tsl Is PA op nns soon or Tans ROOM Apartm usp laned thru I1place oath hardwood floors Rat arstor and haavy du stove aucontalned immr diss pomsion Avit Arm ilsrdwan Id op at UNPIlealllD sna Maroon hassrnlni spar ihroa pisos kltchsn and wood pansllsd livid room Availahls lmmsdlato li alaphons PA Hols Phona PA Matt awo anonoom Ivartmust tor rs men an block PA mss man hoops wa 005 Most aitsrd on UNHIRNIIHED loll contload thrcs rooma srtmont for rent satod Located at tart St Tolephona PA ONBciilDltODil Apartmant or ran iisatcd hydro private sut rs 0n around tloor Private hat ntrally locaisd sss par msnlisTalanhonaPAMOfl TWO BEDROOIII Apartment 11 his room kitshon hails Lots clo space Vary ran and erss also hsatcd GarIa lrnlnedls sssssto or PA crass THERE BEDROOM Apartment lam livinl room dining room small kitchen and hroosn IIIan II rphnssa PA UNFURNIBHID thinroom Iiiait msat amplo cuppassd aca prlv aniranca and sour hath Parkinl militias Tel PA Mil or PA 65701 LARGE ground Ilocr flat htaladi Itirlilsliail halfwltar oIl stsuot parklni Vary csn all Also thrcs room apartment rsady Mondsy Taiuphons PA MIDI altar lipass TWO BEDROOM ilflfttmlahad apartment in new building all mo dern convanlqncss Laundry iso tililas Gloss to schools Avaiishla now Parking lilacs Talsphona PA dltdlld siior 630 pm THREE ROOM Apartments Heat and hydro supplied Quint lacs tion Rani roasonahls Can Isa rantcd tarnished or nniurnishad Apply Cralghurst Ocnsrat Eton telephone PA 30576 NEW MODERN two Ilcdroom apartmsnt contrslly locstcd laundrylllllltios Janitor ssrvl Rifliaratflr electric stove rncdlata possession TaiephonaPA HWL aunrviasrnp largo trinity two room apartment Hydro and heat included Eastend on has souta Ground iioor Nsar shopping an tieCar parking ialcpnnna PA sooso ow AVAILABLE room apartment hcstad ï¬roplacar tr ll Spacious lrounds Saundproot anartmont blilltliill ll Toldithflsio PA IiileL LOVELY twn hadroornapastsnont ovorlookiug tho hay in modern Bptex Siovs rolrigeraio auto matic washor and sinus minlon Stars Ehnpptnl Fla phona PA Mm LARGE unmmlahad hastsd Vapartnrsntk Ltvln klichsn hedrocrn and in achoola church and store Parkinl and laundry lscliitiea Rantm aonshls phone PA snoos FDIIB LARGE Room Apartment modern surnishsd hestod privatabotll laundry ROW unfurnished Jim apsrtrnsnt thm larsd rooms so Doxtl Barrio is Barstar unraosss garaga and dlatn ssa liarrich 0321 an to has its lmrnsdlsls PA OTIII AiN spoon artmasst tom ism rooms comedysalsa containd hsat nowhydro su child lentJV HANS III as tom aims Illinois Apartomi on tour trout and hack an arm is bathroom nod nildtnamsovo nd runs Laundry Il lat ponessl Thls hona PA N111 PA PA pit MOST CO ORTABLI lle in ha Modsrn is hodrooln wutmants available in hr an nulldl locs end class Totphon In Ia afrdhm my ad ar tosspm and pulsila Fashion Rot wstar sup tris and stove or rvlcs ii cash rril or nhnna PA woo or on has PA ornaments Women TWO HIDE Duplaa wantsd to rant sops oi Oussna sarimo Vary achool Rsnuiscd lor soonar Reply to smash anemia snooa Apartmlss bsdnnmuJivin son It ii PROPERTY WANTED IPAEIRIWIRID in or our Barrio Oaru or huuding Ias1 Vonouah to boat Must is also city and hoatinl tact Writs to Box rooms Join WRNIIMID BOOM or rant tral inI on to wsaklyrnr shsr tatapacns PA HEN LARGE Fumtstsod Rouuknapin Room with ranssits and use lrclrllsraicr and BIssdlx phoao PA 850 or PArlrIO coMPLmnv Furnishad noom and Kitchen Reiriaarstor and atovo Included Separate sntrsnra TnlophossnPA Mm 10031 on Roomand Board Cons plats upstairs torrent Largo bad er douhia lied and don with scor phons PA milaite pm Monday room BOARD nouns AND homo Ivanhis All conveniences For nsrtlsor lnion matlon telephons PA Mist ROOM AND BOARD avalla Home cooliad sonata Gent only Lunches ruchedii desired Apply in Brldiord St BUSINESS oak Aboutlrow Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE mow SERVICE aihouc rcrvics 141 DUNLOP ST in 61 142 EXCAVATIN Itllri GRAVEL TOP SOIL some from PllMPED Excavating and Grading Walor Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Backhocior hlro DENNIS MORAN isAnpoSirect rlo 2th FLOOR SERVICE HOLANV plus on re Sn ea or TWO BEDROOM Apartment or rent upparcomplutoiy privatn central location Hot water hesi iiandy to scnn lshallhiin1cd arisuont Recently sodacoratad ndcrss kiighen MODERN has ad two round lloor Itutilnslshasli apart assent in Stcnlid spartrnsn house Available now Usooi swmminl pool No objectionslto pats r170 month atroud so EXOIPITONALLY ism dvsroam apartment Iavalishla immediately in now modsrn bulidlnr Varyclose to public maintenance Sta uonr Pavcrt kiss For iurthor tnlonisstton PA moors PA Wall Floor Servsce OFFICESSTORESgt anonEAmN noous For rates and lrcecstlmaies Is phone PAINTINGAND PAPERHANGINO EDWARD storm AND son PaintincnndrancrHanflnsl Spray Polnlns since 1920 remainschools to in only aid ill district antsInca Vicinity odss ass closes Durham I1 stovos ha life too Al ovum sow PA 660622 Is 275PERWEEK no norm mums rwooowhnohaos 0R STROUD smoon THERAETERS ANTIQUES IIlsa woman or SimonCounty moons tnANTIQUES summons nounsum copious snort OPEN DAILY our BARRIE PA opstot USED Refrigerators Ranges and CFV FULL GUARANTEED Pricedlrom $5900 ideal lorvths cottage EPLEIEIS TV and Appliances 117DUNLO STBARRIE ASPHALT PAVING ls ur USIITESS tree estimates DISHERFARRANDITD amass esootju roar TENDER Movshlazhulldlns or Ialall st ss haavy wlrsd lilo alcctrir hell rocllnad Suii or small oilcs or ruest ho To ho removed irosn rssent prero boldly Auaust alephons PA assoc Ian KY SERVICE DIRECTORY lay path or Your on 82414 PAVING ASPHAL PAVING vsncon anoraans LTD Earrlas oldest manufacturers and suppliers of halt have opened neutp part ment to take care of expandlns hustnesand willbe pleased to photo on any paving lob largo oralnalL In turns Plant and Mitch NORTHBAYFIELD BARRIE PA 63332 ALB4639 EVENINGS PA 33375 PAVING room McFadden EVing PA 82712 ALL wonK UARANTEED son town or on the it sunspot swocoosroua ya on iurHoLerRy MAYFAIR CARPET AND UPHOISTEFYS Cleaning On Location InOur Plant Delivery is Storaga 16125