Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1962, p. 4

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rShouldLook into His orig lnthls dayand agaw reading aboutihe recalled sick situa tion in which our modern aecieiyia ap edto have fallen Having baanl ckthroughjold tilesoi this news paper and other journals of 20 753 yaarssgo wenoted that there as goodlyportion or burglary murder rape warfare drunkenness and lust nas tiness in those days Thors drag to have aglss era is says nu ma docidr that the social sick ness of today can likened to that which receded theiall or the Roman Empire Brugs sex abuse materialism alcoholi ism and smoking statedI all are oint arsto the destniction oi the reaen way oillie Constant anxiety ows up in many ways overactivity ovenlndui genes in work pleasure gambling and alcohol And we find Canadian psychiatrist speaking in Washington who suggests P1 Advice Dr Matthew Bymond Ontario min ister oi health did some plain speaking at the medical meetinginWlnnlpsg He told the doctors assembled there that the reluctance of Canadas medical pro ieaslon to play an active role to prevent Tot Doctors the ive medicine had forced the governments to undertake wider responsibilities for public health particular in such areas as mental illness and retardation and tuberculosis His disturbing hrase was that too many doctors have can more interested in sickness than in health The doctors would dowell to on der Dr Dymnnds words says the ab awa Times Some of them may 25 YEARSAGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner luiy17193l Day light robber entered rivste room of Mrs MargrettaLyne Be owner at Queens Hotel disregarded $5000 innegotiable bonds but took$10 cash President Smith re ortsd Kiwanis Karnival at Post Office quare was best yet in returns Leighton Clarke was general chairman Top rlze won Jack Sples bookkee er with liaro Dickerson cake ma er rysons Bakery ed development asaisti disndss him as avotecatching po tic motorsan DOWN muons LANE Carle dumped 20000little trout into bay Kiwanis Club obtained them from Game andlelsheiies Elmvale retained cu for most points in annual firefighters competition for countybrlg ades Barrie won target com etltlon Graham Christie Bob Bell lare Dutch er and Stan Clute won races Doug las Cannon 12 killed while riding bicycle home at Churchill when struck by car Deanery of Barrie Hol Name Societ held annual rally at Mi and with Rev McGul amArcblblshop oi Toronto giving ad ess He called for Youth Cru aade Department of Highways had picture disde to showpropor hand sig nals by car vars tor turns and stops Slug grain latniiiceraallnstowsgs newest it us re ma on progress part of Clm iteightslrgd on Simona Street Fayette Penetang in renewing subscri tion to BarrieExamim or wrote We nk your beat in stances County Allandale SENSEDFVALUES WindsorStar There is the decision otDou Harvey one of the hockey greats of time not to return to the New York Rangers as coach and player He hasrejecte the job and the 25000 attached to itiplus bonuses he lh mg tgsrn ecause he wantstoatay wings Probablylwmyd Eh Montreal with his iamll sell his it can arstlrudoi so despera dig to cailedxourgNorthAm essentially slckvaodetyfliiiansaek nag tort to aveidsoxiety and mental angusb be claimed iheytravel to get away from their troubieasleep to iorget their bors entertain to erase their sorrows and drink to banish their fears it seems to usthat menvtravel to sale ihebeautiesoitbis world the cina onoinaw placesto see andthlngs to do they sleep as birds sndanl mala restora energy they entertal hecausethay like tabs with interesting people and their islands and relativ sad or tel them drinkier social relax We suggest holiday tor the warn ers and rolessional retormera of this continent they could gpend byread ing history books and 01 There is no com arisen between present rlay society so the Roman Empire 01 pagan days lan but it they do they will be making grave mistake lie is able to look at problem of medical care iromtwo viewpoints that at distinguished pub lief servant and that of physician with extensive experience as familysdoctor Andeeknow him to be asdaeply inter ested in his medical rotessiod as in his dutlssas member the Ontario Legis tutors and of the provincial overnrnent Private and ublic heal insurance plans have come nto being because the were needed Doctors will notstop th deveclapment and expansionsimgly by site thempbut octora can pie ensure atthere is wise andenlighten ngthea ors woman MraChristlna McKenziemis since her marriage tamyears ago isn believed to have been murdered She was married to George Rodgers on newspapers story at varicose veins which rlhave discussed baiore latl Others are poisoning imm mason subscribers cartoons By JOSEPB MOWER Md as Dr Molnerr have vsrlcbsaveins and have worn elasticflsiockings tor years is when anything else can doll and 77 and have little garden and flowers that lovetojspads hadpbiebltls lnmyright leg ilhdut going into the whole armies on unqilnd may ppm in thaussoi eiastio bandages upped tram ankle to knee or above An 29 1035 in First Baptist parsonage 11 mm mm Wm by ev Batty The subject came to light after months of investigation by QPP RCMP and Western Canadapolice when George Fritz Roediger alias itods era was caught in Winn eg and son encedtonine years inpr son for big my and robbery He is reported to have advertised on many occasions throughout Canada for wivesrand money to invest Winnifieg Police Cbiei George Smith said he heueved Roedlgerhsd gone throth at least 10 marrla es4lbe chief an We are firmly of opinion that Mrs obliterated by intentions which McKenaiehaa been murdered No body could bellocatedand Roentgen insisted she had lefthim some monthsbefore he was arrestedin Manitoba Allandale peo ple remembered Rod era as short quiet wellgroomedan seemingly afflu ent man of about 60 who was supposed to have ood position in Toronto CNR of clals tried out iCanedasfirst roadrailcaranautorallerv on branch lines in Quebec it had double set oi wheels ioruse on tracks or highways Kiper is the an impairment or normal and natural somethingiretreshing about Aufigie Ferguson Barrie boxer drew wit Barney Wichmann in featurevhout at Alliston Arena Stanley St John and Orchestra from Toronto played ior opening dance at new BingsyPoint golf ubhopse family life But it takes moralrcourage to turn down material advanta form oi $25000 We think Mr Harvey is right There are some things mone cannot buy such as lovegand lamli dbacause°bels intelligentandwthaproper sense of um ially in or out of hock periods isharrriiiul7lt cratrlnps OTHER EDITORS VIEWS thermometers With the help oi counselor rose by aw ling irom the pres sure within am so these alss tla supports are logical tar nouns teract the condition All sorts oi selves and home remedies have been tried by thousands oi patients without so liei There lapno reason to pact anyso dont waste time on things that cant help in greatmany cases the fisdentfightl tamesamund to aving the overswollen veins is setlsiectory method or having the VBllllyllfllled or tied which tI anteoulvalsntf method or havingthem re moved surgically called strip ping The vein is removed endwise so only small incl also is required Whether st 71 should have one at these latter pro ccduresrcauldlbe decided only by thedoctor caringior her However she can still help herseli by understanding the cause at varicose veinsprev surelnaide veins which are not strongly supported by the flesh She shouldnet stand inr long periods when oniher ieet walk cingrand moving about promotes circulation and is helpiul dittlngin one position for long She should continue working in her garden pNottoo longat time oi courseblit the mod aerate exercise is good When sitting it will he most the helpiui iorher to prop her cat on chairor icotstoollndeed the inelegant habit oi putting onas leeton the desk is very social one in relieving on varicose ei Freedom use the blood thenruns down through the veins instead of requiring thepressureto iorce it up in theory standing on ones head raveraitlmes day would be ex llent practlcaggetting than Icedty higher 93 thirdrastt oi the spa aqua an eipiul indeedii rdl To your coon roams Bandit ilefiéoseiveinsv small wounds more slowa because the in paired circulation Dear Dr Molner What is being donstowards helping er euringaplaatlc anemia the radiatlon alcknssa My daugh ter dledoi ltMr Wll lhedlsesae existed long be are we had either atomic rsdt sites or xrsys so It isnt the radiation sicknesp even though radiatl is now one cause chemicals such as benzene ar senic and certain drugs Treatment depends primarily enrial remole thacause ib transiuslons Butlts serious diiiicuit disease TODllYltl HISTORY The act olUnlon by which Upper and LowergCanada were reunited under sin is government was passed the British loerliunent in years ngotdaytn Isle The act was made necea snry by the collapse oi civil overnment Theilrst par ament under the new pro vlslena met in Kingston in June 1w OgrMobllmiliel Nn lb sea power is ypt ing King Farouks abdl tion three days later ms Marshal Petals oi France went on trialin Perla accusedoi collabma tion with the Nazis during the Second WorldWsr lie was sentenced to lite and died six years later to the day his trial began sixtiesresting Uses Ojdd Devices FARNBOEOUGH Eng land iliauterslA rainmaking machinegand gunthat tires chickens are some at the exotic contraptions usedior testing at the Royal Aircrait Ertabllsh menl ncar here gt British aviation scientistssre in the midst oi new research program which may yield tar reaching results ior both civil and military aviation First they are tackling the problem oi ken lng alrcrsit Windshields tree flying bodies whichcanblind the pilot or break the glass The mostcommon hazard is rain With the high speeds oi modern let aircrait rainwater on an alrcrsit windshield con term ilim which distorts vislunsnd imperiis Va pilots depth perception Existing windshield wipers operated by compressed air cannntiunction properly at speeds beyond 250 miles an hour nor can they co with heavy downpour ba ow this making machine British scien tists think they now havesolved the problem Their solution auormann or Govern meat procurementioiiicials in New Zeslsndblinked when they received amorder or one am oi desiccated ilreiiytails First thoughts was that the mended at ag however request wasvsvlioaxmrtlist The last wordeot cautlonr Avoid bumping the legs es pccially the distended veln ates againsttchsirs iurniture is and double 1th HOUGHVTi the haze islet ba dh shall the or when this have rail some witch in government serv ice was brewing spell But thslrequesl came mm the irult division therdapartment oi clentiila gands idustrlal re iscturers apparent oi ethics The American costs £25 butouto curiosity the division was asked whatsdeai Bteleski the scien at who ntlnthe order plained at Aha talls wara needed ion sensitive and barrel Dried Firefly rail Aiornlre the raindrops bole they reach the windsh eld Jets or hot alrirom the at mm sompressor about one loot in irontol the windshield split therein into droplets which are then do flactedand evalfiorsled second jet imrr atelan rent oi the glass The device was tested in Malaya during last years Mon soons lighter alrcrsitopsrat ingfrom Singapore ilsw ior hours through some oi the worlds heaviest rain it worked One oi the most dangerous hazards is birds iourrpeund bird hitting the windshield at an alrcrsit flying at 700 miles an item has the same impact as so oneion truck hitting lta 30 miles an hour gun with Winona gerated by compressed air bar can built to tire birds at speed oi 600 miles an hour at ditterent types oi win shields our courses cat in Central Ehsrops iounded in rare in the tails titre il es and glowworms Deslccsted tlretiy tain anensyme system which Roi co emitsriight when It is brought into contact with adanoslne triphosphate By measuring the amount oilight produced it Is possible to measurstha arrwnnt ot the chemical in various sub stances even when present only in very smalquuantlties Deslccatcd iircllytall Van have cod irem which Dr Bielsski sug posted his gram be purchased has givenmn assurance that fno expense is spared to gushy antes the most potent roduct uncontaminated with end or dying hugsldvery individual 1arnr bugsbas been indivld slly processedno mlxingoi th good with tha=bnd xsslou resortwin verandaglsnd pr legs oi combattoothdecay an aiiiiiate oi the Univer ties And the disput couldgrow vary hitters Mamas noon iondoa England Correspondent For The Barrie ml LONDON The and medical prol siona are on now taking steps to in use what has been cons mnn practica lnCanadlanl towns andlollies ior several yearn the addition or ii to public water pp tal and Medical standingx sory Committees are new ac ommendlng that ah be done Their advice has been dorsed by the Ccntral Health sport year study oi the aitscta oi fluoridation on children teeth in three chosen areas These three areas were the town oi Wallerd in southern En and artoi Anglescrin as an Kilmarnocir in Soot land There the lluoride con tent ol the water supply was increased by one part per mil lion The report onyths results oi the study states that there young childrenliving in these three areas mansssrvs racss The iindlngs ahow earl states the report that maximum improvement in dan tal condition has taken place in children who havehsd tluorida all their lives There has been smallan improvea ment in older children whodid not have it in it years in the three areas combined the average number oi decayg ed missing and illlfed teeth was as per cent las than be iore fluoridationl was 51 per cent less at University at Prague Czechoslovakia one of the old2 MONTREAL iCPlWlint do kids like inmovlesr Short documentaries rather than cartoons and black and white iiim in preierenee to color rsays Rack Demers miners spent three years in Europe and Asia studying the childrens illm industry on scholarship from Le Centre de Psychologie etde Feds ogie alty oi Montrea He said inaninterviewCan sdalags even behind some so called underdeveloped nations in production of childrens illrns an lts laid ll worth is Emindlagrsam and hlslob to help you to Admand are usually than May Rama ilianaaa we no is ii rs Or as Colberns subsidy eatNla an old age at three has risen iro as copperused years iromia par csnttoj 42 per cent and st ilve years from sl par cant tosl per cent SAME IN CANADA Concluding that fluoridation hsslbrought about substan tial improvement in dental con dltlen the re rt saytthat the resIIlts ior ldrsn oi tour and live yearsJare in line with iindlngs In Canada and the United StatenyThls age group is the only one which can be compared with these two coun tries where fluoridation hns regress ior up to ear it believes at th anger term cliects in Britain Will be sim to those on other side Atlantis BAD EFFECTS also discussed Enoch Powell saith to take as me is the general adoptlonrci iluorldatinn as soon sa possible the Standing Dan tai AdvisoryvComm to says that no othsrmethod oi pre vention has yet beas eiie tve The committee for Scotland considers it would be major en shown to beneiit to thé dental health or children In in country Moreove Canadachad ideal outdoor scenery ior such movies 18ka industry The soviet nion Crechoslo cable France and Britainw TabrltoverwlthaNlagars an AdvisorJta or leglrl loans are made up swirled in less orbs be

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