Wolfesï¬es angry nintnsrooiir COMPLE SWIMMING attended by groupot ties rte Collegiate studentsQueli ilcatioos tor enrollment were rthe Seniorltcd Cross Award ï¬nd the Bronsa Medallion oi We Royal LileeSaving Society ffjOutiineskl ZOi Rural glihe monthly meeting at menuel Baptist womens Ms tionary Society wosheld in the church sanctuary rlhursday av enlng with wholes resent Mrs lieelluiiie ded frha haunting opeMntd hymn an rayer rs stable rea Psalm sogollowed rrwonst Beers introduced masher Mrs the work with the Rut hitsillisslon Mrs Waters said this mission manhood ihtt an nco re work ILLnisaALteminister the gospel to the people otthe land living inrursi areas in late Miss Moe Broo who later became Mrs We tern became aware oi the need of rural people especially in the timber districts oi Northern Ontario Greet areas iaisly wall pointed were without ch as andsninlsters oi the spel Many of these people it some from Euro and ot ten it was only the ch idren and one hpeople who could speak no The classes were sponsored by to dish hit Hotshpoï¬ost oi the temple students willabe using the knowledge acquired Aet the course this summer when they will be working with the Barrie Recreation Servieu throughout the city is tars gave the narration showf ing many remote placehuwtths out electricity telephone or roads Some inmllles are 50 niiiel treat decipher the mist slonarymust be able to minis terto the physical needs as well as the spiritual Mrs Beers thanked Mr and MmWatcrstor=the=inlormaz live tails and pictures showing thedneede at people in our own who gava her personal testi mony She told of attending lhrento Bible College otter adusting from nurses train gg where she not ngyounfl mantrornishrnnagh Jr Cnmpbeil they so received bachelorot theology degree thegrsduation exercises at thetoronto Bible College last week Gwen and Fred are to be married on May 25 at Park St Bogtiet Church Peterborough en are looking toward to serv iritg with theChine Inland Mie on Miss Jean McDonald stu dent oi rnc closed the meet ing with prayer vrnglwmuemkmanmnnm Waters realised the value concentrated childrens We In 1945 thaRural Lite Min don wee tanned and govem meat charter secured Multi Rtges of people are new receiv the go at of Jesus Christ from missonarles Mr beautiful slides while Mrs wa liiiiillliiDERS The aEEniilyhallï¬sd ated for the bridetobe Mlss Gwen Murphy who was escortI ed tothechsir at home under adaioty pink umbrellawlth streamers Mrs MacGreg or on behalf oi the WMS ladies Eresented her with awblte andhng containing sunset money gt Mise=Mu naked the lad cs iorthe and salted tor continued prayer support heireshmentswetesarvedp GliBfl tahdlyoi live the sons and eidaughter We bought this ebatbro borne in hurry bheausatha rice was rightand it itwasgwelt neat Our danghte years at agerandrshawrn beginning to ï¬end time primplog and pin ng her hair up at night VI will admit she monopolizes the bath room rather thoughtlessly Her tether resenta this Sometimes when shes in the tub her in ther wants to shave its orders heLJanIQck the door which Line augirlher age should be allowed to have prvacy lie snyslm wrong to encourage such prudlshnnss and that my outlook is unhegslthyi When the boys started to grow up It wouldnt dream oi going into heir roomswlthoutikst Eidttlï¬t they look the bathroom door would be unthinkable DearMother iagree with you and earnestly hopeyou can swing your husband to yourway ot thinking unesign your daughter an attic true and Jimmie too for rim inghnlr pnnn and nth ngSeo that she scltato For your anniversarypbirth day or Christmas whichever comes irstl treat yourself to hall bath is is washbaslo col ior hnlrpinr hing shoving Dcnl on it learned amethan this eels Gradua on nouncc nts are right up lngondunap reciativ My Po the pro ing grndu am not backing down one but please allownne twee record straight great many of those who screamed are mistaken the top of their lungs c1earlythey dontknew the dlitcrenca be tween an invitation and an an nouncement strongly favor in vitational am dead opposed to announcements gt It you wish to invite nomeuna tn attend your icommcncement esercises thisis an in tionnotan an nouncement In most cities this means sending tickets as very few auditoriums can accommo dateunlimlted crowds maitwieearwhlnlï¬ orm alter the tactthe recipient that but remember who would like toreplyio the private duty nurse whose experiences tamed her sons oh the hnmnn race pie are inconsiderate years ess on have taitght me that most im generouethoughttuland idn Many tamllles included roe Ih their activities tar more on theflth ill dinner party inhonotother is Bam son Berï¬etiorth Collegiate are back row trom the leit Carol Newton Jean ODrane Are nette Routesand title Lents slus Front row mm the leit John Baxter Darlene end gt Dianne Law twin sisters and they shut Examiner Photos CWL Hosts gt Chapel Guild The St Christophers Council at the Catholic Womens Lea gue eatertelhcdthe Protestant Chapel Guild lilesday evenan at the Soclel Centre RCAF Station Comp Borden short monthlymoeilng was old heioresthe guests arrived with Mrs0 Malenson newly elected president in the chair Father Warren Spiritual Die mzvncnodcthomdnï¬ reciting the League Prey with the membm Due to hangers1m JP inform and Mrs RPewell by Mr Boucherd as treasurer Plans were made to hold leadership course beginning the third week in May AlterAtherbusiness martin in members ol the Guild Joinedthe OWL members tor asoclnl evening otzwhlst Pri winners were Mrs loved Mre Langevln and Mrs guests and Mrs ti Hilton nodhi Pelet the occasion Imoi rpm dlns molten Mitre presen th it Keonfys brother vln tilten nyo Letitia SiroelD the presenicdfwltit irom relatives wenscnunvrsnona Weekendvisitors at the home of Mrs Elizabeth Godirey oi MIdhurst were ho nkséoi starnee and Mrs Gordon television set Poynts of Toronto surprise visit was made to Mrs God streysmother Mrs Kathleen Kerr who resides with her daughten Elisnbeth and two xmmdehudrw ElisabethWe ldy and Francis lwhenv Mrs Kerrs brotheeinlnw and sis ter Mr and Mrs Poynts ot tbmntoidropped in on thcirenrly return from their winter in Mexico and havevnow return to Canada to reopen their names home at Lake or womens Members oijstl PTA nrerenlinded oi the street he W31 thieaevenintt so no one and elec tion at ticersior the room executive will be held following short bunlneasmcotlug no eshmenio will be served at meeting This Gulidl honorary presld thankedthe thnnarnbers Ianenioynble evening Refreshmonte were served Shirley Murphy and Andre Costello who also looked alter Mrs John Hoggarth than has tees at the meeting of ivy Pres byterian Mission Society this teen members and one visitor were present tton it was decided to make Vnatlon to the Evangal Hall each meeting until Novonber sMrs Fredllialson tookth study booiocha tar Youth so Education bi rltidi Guiana on iiible roigMattha social hour was spent with Mrs Cochrane and Mrs Mel son assistingtbo hostess She also condu in the dining room with them Or when the duty was pasticu Vlarly rigorous theyinsisted thatl get away from the house for meals becausei needed breakJ Oneiamily asks Ling wear only my uniform lhe daughter who gwas any size brought out some at her lovely dresses and insisted that wear the one liked best When get stuck or holi dlnn bagg nit saying had nothing to days try to remember that the patisntis missing holiday tooand itmaybehinlast tions without sham or pre tense Andllt learned from goodand that they 1anandean iintiihm return than tvthoughtw necessary eylnvi metohnva eats on people use will respond lilyprofession has permitted me to seesaw human emo urine evening the catchment5 were on no Guild Hold Work Meet rilmeeting Christ lurch Kltar0nlldrivywns held in the church basement and took the form of world meeting to prepare tor Enster later adioumlng to the rectory wheres short business session was held As this is Christ Church ivy centennial year the team bake saletwfllibe centennial one on wedneedsy event May 30 home to it ocle ill the church haemnent Some staring plants will be no added begun rdsjor the me Mrs it herpes served Ious nnch yore DRILL CP Town collo cil Monday night 3npprovcd bylaw caillngjlor avote is the on Fen STYLISH FUN not no not when to brighten your Swatmar days willbe donein yellow cotton The simple it gsucot 50 on OPIRAIOEI new SUMMERLEAGUES NOW FORMING ATREDUCED SUMMER RATES semiassobNa oossraes Open nnwune Privileges Available Anytime tlha Driftwood Restaurantr business on was hot isrstwith an What in the chair Mrs Norma Mods Recent guest at the hornefoi W01 and Mrs Robertson the executive for the coming term Sgt Mitchell mm president Fn AAreher iirst vicepresldent Mrs second vicepresided tourists tremor Alter the meeting there was trampoline derrronstrstion by the Barker School ettldeots under the supervision el Mr Fraser and various histh brotheoinlaw and Mn 75 School street Camp rdon was Mrs floberteo Mrs Jarnesdiry Que Shading NB where they visited Cpl which com ttnwberrygbiond it ue eyes at at the party were her or brothers Rickie Gr coliitu motherland as Robert and other member of his iansilyyvolsohls sister and and family Mr Len Montreal ere were presented by the sin in millunder the direction oi idolller To install Ofï¬cers ï¬nnedfest the My medtlns oi the bad iasAuxlliary toithe Lions Club at Barnegwasheid at the home of Mrs George Seymour Toront Streetjgrldn rsitomid liorsterrenoited ery succesntnl rummage sale in April and also outlined plans beingmade to cater to the Lions Club car draw May 29 Club Car draw to be held ZB Arhenew executive to be hi stalled at dinner meeting at Aboit social cone uded thd snamn SINKS BODOE Nonvay Allhe Norwsgian sealer Quest was sunk by ice Saturday north oi Bellelale oit the coast of La day urces hére said the Cup screwot 28 was taken egian scale llIlB Likemastmnrriedwomenyou probabith itate total to your husband aboutrhis life insursneeYou dread thinking olexistingwith outMthtmuohesyon hateto thinkofit you probably know onumbcr ofyouog widows whoheve real problem home about lifeinsuraneeand hesitates to bring up the subject todiscuss withyourhhshnndfwhatzhisprcsent life insurance programme would provide in ion cometo raise your further what his case ofemergetioies We suggestyou and shit LISTING POWDER in silkensoil Lil operator THE ill tillT pgndtrhrsdoflo yblnspufdttpo xSPhAYMIBT deltlouchto urarelniiyddesansd 00 rpm to GAlDWE use ouutoesr EAs