Bieck anWllllim public relations ornate no Mallorynugtm ylowo in citlzenshiJnd RNrllfvihie torlul reseth and unmet clients Mrs Wrightrhome wonomler andheallh Mn Founderl Dudlnner iniwu the Girl ot the Award which was presented to pmldmtmu Irena wet on inï¬rm4 Mn Bolero oonduetl the elec on PEOPLE vmPMWS Mn tnuiiiï¬w tiletpresleï¬entï¬ispoko oi the ndnnnnnmmxnm Auden CoilsohPsm aim and ochool emu vs alto sFor Homeme than omeletlnttehlo mnngï¬txlrgegerlt stressed one gram or earn run endudum cooper May vi nnnmnrmm 19lo MM eo Wmaï¬nhwmmï¬ Stool cu barely out oyev om ty eygp on 31 septum Montreal Canadians oi ANN LANDERS Legroom smug tlonalrlloeiresnim MM rymtrs rrmr munrarer WWW tuollv ï¬t her drawn resenrchMmtyBldwellMrl Warnlmellwtggtlï¬ ttttouu women ruderl or route and Mrs lhomesChase work to mkelhersaii is better Lander homo eeonornles new People Problems in pm You help In my Ihd children noblnmdvloma person through Life learning and health Mrs Johnson some wlfltithe MI v3 of Mr and Indï¬rieudshlp Tinshm um bile relations oldie were Mtdildoled who this newl will Mroy piedttolhexslstorolthenotn galleriegrdm mail imam mnnrï¬mlinrï¬ Mnmwili mognélgeammnnxmen 11 en 593 Whtttlmm use us to no save DOLLARS 6W3 Mama Chm Mrs ninhn Favero eiuiid Your nr Ann Lnnderl You dsuglllervlnlsw whale end Mldammmm wemy at of hfldWMWBHVW £0 men we nimunoe clalren yon can tell great deal ma must he cared or ilk an ï¬ght Qmend vrsfl WMR Miss irene Watson greeted nnhaiiiniindlinnhmee oretselrlllt about people from the letters intent We beat on 21 hour nunrnnnwnn Driesche of guests my nnmennnw mu ed the ninteof officers as go they write lm sure this is nursingduly or twotyears WY taunt Streetandlliu Mode sagalmmthe tnnnann wnue Iews president Mn Kelly true Frequently the unsaldhut We lost 20 pounds She doesnt WWMHW line Hargreaves Amelia Street mm 11 in vicerpreddm implied thoughtcomes through even know who am or where Mflmn noun WWW noose or denomination hereuntono Annlumders prinnve learned In my Hm 1mm Howiml Barrie Wurst and Mry lahnuxWinlermeyer someth aboutyouYon dont The proud mother is the tor Kileheoenj Dlnn Msdeline mnkasnosansoandlsayro VBm who gt like old people Mm older mm In no ruerZ loosen and dy are resident students Ann stern tYnu repeatedly suggest that mm chem clty oi Studosephs Morrow Pardon numberhip drive will dds mm of my PM wmnnaue °t thluno notlve and loved Their wisdom on the sisters donated note be shippedollto the old to he and mm or umflmwepflch WINDSQB GUESTS the 53mg Am backed hnxne When children write in mm um Saleem hamper torn needy tnmnynr WPialflBmi Mid the entire familyBut no one Chum 111° and nresen flint NM51W pie because they sure not is ch he or $501011 Ba hum warning make mum wk and Dlulzist Retarded Children elveurv nun in and neiwynnd moo Em in rmmrmvm mm Mholldathttscllvelourlotand mother an apartment pay for DI Wilt ed hutch Miss Carolyn ihorno oi Were can n54 niiniï¬nyeï¬ hahm FlatCigar fléeylilzmflellntdfdm and have beengolng steady 13 we Fm wp ighifkhipiihï¬ehfid her with Don or five years lie is freshments were served by Mrs mmm June bdvelmv Yummy the preterentrsl ten mm was gueston honor at mis held at thehom of EVES BEAUTY Did it ever occur to you that 23 mm guuï¬dmï¬$gggaggzh$ celleneous shower held at the Piano Em sons perentl nonit want to he it home of her aunt Mrs Norman edetails on whether or not mar WWW Donn of Willowdale Snturd we on sumr PA was in an apsrtmentwlth house Immune all mu and world gt keeper orln an institution mm mint onsengnnemeninnn been an MW Mfl We Bli the traditional yenow who v° noun with oolleetlon of unwanted 0d MW 1113 1019519 nounced of Miss Carolyn Ann mufï¬n Oh the vhfldwï¬ct was used as floral decorations dANAIiWNATbNW nntinnn whn nnvn been nnnr wrappedup that piece at Cam daughter Mr and presded st the ten to to Among the outolcity gue way to die Some or us preter Junk He works at hi lob 811 Mrs Mayland Cmby or sun to stay with our loved ones and dï¬l id 01 the 087111 nillhi ï¬e Brian poem ï¬almgszï¬gs he members of lamily When He you be void $6000 and John 11mm or can well afford to for km 30 WWW nn ifl nmnnnnnmwfï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬nmmmsrrr urethraE we were supposed to set mar 15 ROW rCfï¬lï¬leeol Rldl gt ï¬nd an mond Hgl wirelhosls stinaii you as he laskedhlmwhat he wanted nmrnnsv cnmonsrron any for Christmas instyear and he Mr and Mrs George Jones will hlfgnneh 313k said set of tires He bought were guests of Mrs Jones par Hapffln it me new generntor gianlldrhsnd MrsFrnnlihd gmerA een reading this column for He hasnt taken me to 1996 30 gem you must be aware that movie or even for an ice cream dimer WWBIWWE Mr iM Am Skiing and itis primarily clearinghouse soda in three months It want 95 has been WWW With gm Show With jfortroubie People write to me to see him have to go to his the depmm highway Wm the my when things are bad shop and tnllr to his feet while mi 59395 Wm holidaying mm Pond no common thrond runs he is under that confounded WIN Parent5 for Wu W091i ida my 5mm Mm thronghomostoftherlettersper MiomflVininkherhusbahfirl mg mdgwthï¬hmm training to older people Usually the capitallhe scuttle were also win him Mmmï¬gï¬f its the daughterorithe dauah among the guestsoresentat mm our Joulelaw who writes The old birthday party dinner in éhonor erly parent orpsrenlsl are in ac orMzrwooaoiï¬nrromoner Mg and Mr twain poor health and the medical rry this men 95 WNW ML ï¬nd ME MI Ewell mekmlntfv ï¬lls stestaggeï¬ng The other It he ignores you during court Kath MB and gin Slhelzeem We brothers and sistersreinseto ship what do you thinkllfe will Graham Pugh gm rk help out lie like lnterl Heme ï¬g 61 wgdnesiayï¬gatgf 28yearold guy who Wants movssssu rm tended to reception th to workonbis carpenterygnisht Mrseuohnzuavenderorvnn ddrihatdrin it do flaky Burrie entertained at trend ganthnler Linotype Co on they are invollds Maybe he needs new en senudeaukï¬aturdsy in honor of WINE muw ridden or senile One distraught orator her daughter Elaine Jean is May brideelect1 Presiding nt DEV Wait 311 thenten table wereMrss Main Street mm mam Che9 Ke 0mm 119d ville Hndgln of Caulsun and or mm New at for the squareslioseph Coeh Mrs AlleoleheockmlClowes 0M sigmi Phltamfllv in rune acted as master at care Ten hostesses were Miss Sharon mï¬mghii WWW The munles Helen Reeves read an Lavender and Mrs Alec Me WWW Bmuycahmedlii addressï¬d the couple were D0na1d sisters of thebridev presented with bridgetshle elect mi and Th ny trierids of Mr and nnd chairs nnd an aluminum Linda Menonlldf 1119 Dr Pat Flynn neellernn tray Pat expressed thanks Shnnnonlwmetgat Thornton for the gift and also angoHall Monday evening thanltedtlhornton friends for tohonor thisl happy cons ï¬t they had earlier oeees on their ere Were er is from hm logo in British Columbia friends outside Thornton and chum some time ago The iirstpart Knock communities Adellpious oi the eveninzwasspént piny lunch completed the evening euchre inter modern and Best wishes of their friendsgu dtime dancing wasenloyed with Mr end Mrsr Fly he musiegof Benitysori itheirhorne in BritishrColum nvrza MT 31 38 sfunyhatcnntestnnn PHONEV Themes =ror4rhlr nnnmi