mood cnlg two old line partiu do dorstand thatconunu el at Handtton and ntoI attended by among the crowds oi his campaign 3ND chieitaln pro aiormula orde do key on the only my to tenth mmuntsns lCommunisro In an idea llahly disagree with he midliTon cant kill it with witha hotter idea Mn Douglas winding up his Within tor next Mondays choral election with series oi rnilloain Cnnadaamaior dtlos flew iueaduy irom Montreal ï¬rst to the ateelclty oi Hamil GOES nvtcoeren tourinuto appearance he iora an estinmted audience oi 1509 in the east and Delta Col lagioto auditorium followed by mahort helicopter flight across LnkeOntarlm hot the atagoior his mayoraddraaa at iorontol OKeaie Centre gt When he arrived the proceed enlivened by pipers guitarist nutty night clubsized handworede under way An overflow crowd estimated by theatre oiiicialaat 6000 stood and squatt pin the aisles with Ioveral hundred oro milling live on the 0130s English lannuage television network it wasftho iirst time party leader had made aliio iron time election telecast from llilcol rally iodoy Mr ouglas ecco panied by his wife lrma tiles to Vancouver iorhis last pitch vnn the buttons to lieutenant votera heiora polling day The 51 year old former Saskatchewan 00F premier launched his remarks on com nunism at the Hamilton meet lE CLAIMS HOAX Ho accused Prime Minister Dieienhaker of committing cruel hoax on thousanda of New Canadians by holding out vain hope that as result of some action by himself the Iron Curtain satellite countries oitheSoviat Union would is liberated Eile made thercommentln ply to statement in Montreal Monday by Mr Dlefenhaker that he personalivaouid intro duce resolution into the United Nationsdealing with So Viet colonialism Pious declaration will nei ther defeat gcommuniam nor givo freedom to the Soviet satel lite nations and Mr Dleien baker known it lhe only way to wipeoui oornmunism is to wipe out the conditions in which it breeds lrunger misery unemployment and povertyby democratic anned economy Both in Canada andin other parts of the world an economic oiiensive to raise living Stand and abolish hunger will vllestrictions Disastro ATORONTO CF Stuart ssociation Tuesday the pain of ohhta reirtrictionson apan will prove disastrous to the garment industry it they iare continued Speaking attire vention oitha asso Smith urged that low wage Asiatlcexports aho concentrated in triea as they are nowwith emphesiaon textiles and do tng othertypes oi imports hould be taken from Japan Smlth sold ith Rapaey vteepreaident Allen Bradley Canada Limited Gait told the convention he is tired of told thatCnnadinn indue is inefficientrIle called ior ova rn ment department ended by cabinet minister domestic manufacturing moth DEGREES Mount Allison University nt ckvilieNBr ms the hat diversity in Canada tnconier res on women in 1875 take ourgluooflii3d gt themed ch to hit Hsaea SMITH Joan niareuaakea roesmcos Noam roe cANAoA lithe recordoffiheDieienBakerconservative Governmeniis anunparalleledreoordoiPliGMlSESKEET Brllof Rights bribeindividual moreaidilo the Provinces ineielasedpenssions morefmarkeiafor our products hugesunjsfor houstngedueaiion andifor public works newiiolos in secondary industryylailhin agreot and l00l torhune asao ments big actions or high quality ovary depul mont Enlr complete or easy onesh shopping ï¬r everything the home it inmllynhe to all or low in Woolwori prices it you tan bu with templet tunfldcnm an save money the some timr Our policy Sutlsiactln Guaranteed chlneemun or Money Ra funded Mnk Woolworth habit tar dc pendoblo lan ily shopping TODll You shoui mnke notet be on hand youll be in to new kind shopping lad venturcVuitt this paper to opening an nouneemenr Were minim soon