Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jun 1962, p. 1

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special interest to Carrotions Saturday in the feature Weekiyro bright lively new family Provocative feature ting illustrations plus yours in the big Snturrloy ire Star this Saturday rut homo rieiivory omics iURDAY engagements intro her from lhcgtittering state dining room of sVGnvernr rigoles deck $595 baohok royalvlalls lend two evenings and part afternoon will balm tier engagementeb im mediateiy alter her red tour engine Heron lands at nearby Uplands Airport at 1150 am Following the welcome core moniesshe will be met by GovernorGeneral Georges Vane ler Actingr Prime Minister Howard Green and other offl clotHhe wilt drive to down town Lansdowne Park where thousands not ctty sciroot chil and too the history kerb chandeliers or the Government Honsadlning room or anlotti etal dinnein Along with about sooourctai guests will in for mer governorgeneral Vincent Hat Arctic fish turko Virus2h maple custard When dinner is completed about thorns there wllizbsla Government Hoduso reception tor about an additional aunts iucsday oil to senior oiflcers oi th Ca dianforccs medical service the Queen Mother ilflbiditdihchifl of the Canadinntnrmy Medical Corps 1wlli no lotiovernmcnt House to meet the royal visitorw lose Electronjitace In Peru DenylPian ForiirmyéLed Coup iM ReuteralThe three or presidential candidates were running neck and neck in eariyrelurno today jm Perus oational elections new Though only to some 800000uvotes onst so far on oountedi we iyshared by client Hays de ianorre Fernando tie intrude Terry and Gen Manuel viiniess one of the three obw lalns more than onethird oi the it the election will be thrown to kayaks tricky situation which Peruvian tear for two vice prosldcnt 55 senators and 136 members the or nose of posted soidiérs at on polling stations The military Saturday denied newspaperreportslthat an army wuplwas planned leftist wiil yuphnldthew oi the peo ple tie madefltelearvthnt his pledgecover de la from the roost leftist of the three main andidates for president The 67 year voldvde laplor ls leader of the Allanza Popu iar Revoiueionara Americana APRA its has camnai thapnst lora sweep Amerlcon revolution on in re ceht years hisispolltidal vows have shifted cio totbe centre De in Constant The resrutn tallied fol lowing array of peaceful voting ingthe Veietlfon for new gov ernment to letirisv South American nation OVsrseeili no Sunday in armorbdvehlci jand onfiort 1Iriadbtv Americautdictalqrs Byuntiffiuial estlmater soooooto 750000 cltlzenshdve gone abroad lntha last decade flheiaitertigure would half nth popuv Most migrants gnto Argentinai3uenor Aim MW titties wants sort of mecca The reasons why tboyrgo nnge tom political instability premium the belief that things must he belt elsewherez igranis 1W mm nfafilnwwam mwwfl avgmrrmnryaMW myrrtgrnmnvwdmmrfmtipfiifvfltxnja twaanihd provided atomuiwry nine Barkatehev wanwiderrwzvomtnleI Petitions from almost eve rontor of Saskatchewan Iakinn lhstfaovernmont ay tbovbeains tour in Upper Canado Village at 1115 am and at nurse she begins herpcruiseiron fire seaway from the nearby Cryp ler farm marina aboard the Ca nadian Navy frigate inch Ar ran The cruiserwlil end about 25 miles downrtream at tho lower latte termn near me cott rat 5pm Thursday the Queen Mother will be at ottawa City Hall irom 1215 pm to 130 Wm when she will unveil the citys coatotsrmrnnd two portraits she will also attend luncheon there tier finial forrrrai engagemen is at 430 pant that afternoon when gardenpartylattended by Commonwealth rcpresenlaf ttves bill be rhcidat the rest mlssioner Guadra declared that the army she ienvesbyair at piorw am Friday for Trentonr dence of the Indian high com Tho Congo titan troopr are ballots thisweelr dlan eicctl tromeaéh detach an The flown hympeeiai Mali planeto Pisa ttaly Fri day Another Canadian Comet iet aircraft will fly the ballots to Ottawa for counting dune is the day afterfthe election This is the first time Cana dian voters have cost thelrbal lots from The Congo Canadian alrnairrren are based in seventrey UN centres in The Congof Stanieyvtiie Alhartvilie Bukavu Eilsahethvilieiamina Ktnduand Luiuabourg 0ntfrom where she will drive to Port Hope to visit Mr Mas seyviioreygoan on to Toronto linal stop one he Cheap entrails fears rrent neon latitni forBrittah ryvinlo jurisdiction only theor eat recourse Peat mars morn rut lhoatato of siege to effect with brief isplesgl 12 yenrsflt is renewed 90days by snobth Mutt womenwho liar ruledraloce 1064 says the 1m elections be froebutilhat vibrate ill continual Vthe nation tradln wiiiresult in theloss tronai monwcallh oontInuin print up Bank of Montr braneh tod lathe antes wiltrnaet Thursday in vloronlo with rat abor Min7 to Labor Mr warrend who madevthe announcement aldtha theol ing was arranged in an attempt tolresolve some of the issues Explosion nos aid to preventa lash be iorsnond the govern ment by delayingfimplententa rtlon poithe pogram until both sides could reach agreement narration caisroli the International Broth erhond of Ffeamsters tind went out alter rejecting conci tlon board report that called Mincent wage inc three years five transport were Involved hut severat or them haverince signed sonar atoeontraela with the unionoiv or To Import Whefl TEENS APi Premier Cdnqtanitiie Caraman trying Greek farmers to grow iesswheat because cheaper obtain American surplus stocks Yonder us aid programs nonupnren hotshot ounano or threearmed and mashed bandits on ay in rater 31 ortr dealer ant TORONTO CP Police cleared thousands of peopie from downlowri Queen Street today alter an underground ex plosion hurled manhole covers as high as 10 feet in the air Smoke eurledUup and hung above the nearbyvslmpsons and Eatonl department stores known what caused APitcniera rHANG KiiAY Loos Neutrailst Souvanna Phoumav announced today that Laoav three rivalvprincas have reached agreement ona list ot cabinet membersoi the coali tion government lie is to head Souvanna made theannouneam ment alter meetingol an hour with pro Qommunist Prince Souphanouvong and royaiist PremierPrinceiioun pu lmroerlinteiy litter th nouncement the three good the cahinetiist Sou yanna however the three will meet again The ayrtoaigu rm warmeanransomommmmiweindwwmmnmrtfinmom in formal lion of Souvann stake Prabang nexlittond King Suva Thenue get made and interi had been points bio The royab pressed to would me through is forces but polled said it could have been overloaded un dergroun Isaw flames then the lids it he said

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